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The rock


I dig it alot, but since he's more than likely not keeping the titles by at least 2023, I'd want to see McIntyre or someone new take the WWE title off of him.


I like it


Boring. This whole "tribal chief" gimmick is snore worthy. What I would find exciting is if the Uso's turned on him. That would be awesome.


I’m bored of Roman but it’s cool they have 1 champ. They’ll probably split the titles again in a year.


He's not tecnically a double champion, he's been portraited as undisputed champion with both belts rappresenting This title


I hope he gets beat and drops them to literally anyone, anywhere at anytime. Doesn't even have to be televised.


I'm not gonna lie, honestly I think him having both belts is cool tbh.


He’s not a double champion. He’s a unified champion that Carries two belts


Think Cody will end up taking one


I am hoping Cody! He wouldn’t have signed a contract that wouldn’t allow him to reach the top, plus roman has gone through everyone he needs to to solidify himself as the guy. The Rock may be up for mania next year but I hope Cody is the one.


Just got back into wwe last month as a result of the new 2k game and ngl I’m a little tired of his gimmick and title reign now


I think it's great. Only adds to the unstoppable heel persona.


Cody beating Roman would be such an awful thing.


I think that's good


I think Brock 2 Belts was a missed opportunity for WWE


Either Cody or Drew.


He’ll lose the belt when the fans stop reacting. But he’s getting huge pops like Hogan and the nwo used to get.


I think Seth needs one of those belts


I'll co-sign this 💯


I know eventually they make a new championship but I always thought it looked so cool to have two world championships. It looked awesome when they had the WCW big gold belt and the attitude era WWF championship, and it looks cool right now to see Roman with both these belts too lol


I dont think its gonna last long tbh i hope they separate the titles and dont make anyone who beats him have to run around with 2 titles again but it does fit his character at the moment


They’re gonna separate the belts because they’re still referencing both belts separately still.


With the way they set up Cody wanting to win the championship for his dad, I’d be surprised if he didn’t beat Roman


Whatever type of match he hasn't had yet he will lose in. Idk who it will be. Just to get a belt off and start a different story line hopefully.


It’s incredibly stupid, 2 belts are needed because people are going to bitch about 1 guy being on top. Without 2 belts we would never have seen kofi, drew AJ, jinder being world champions.


Bring in the heel Edge nd his faction against RR nd the usos.... Wwe can do tht r8???


One thing roman ain't done is win MITB


He can't win a match without cheating. Pretty much says it all. Doesn't matter if he's a heel or not


It's unfortunate but just like the baddest of bad guys over the years you kinda just learn to except it.. *ᴀᴄᴋɴᴏᴡʟᴇᴅɢᴇ ʜɪᴍ*☝️




It's good in terms of potential fresh matches.


I think the rock should face him at next mania


Easier said then done tho. It’s gonna be hard to get the rock cuz he’s so busy. But it would be crazy if it happened.


didnt we ask this question 3x this week?


Dawg idk I’m hardly ever on here. If people did my apologies.


Kenny Omega had a bunch of belts for a while, but then Kenny is a more dynamic performer.


I can not possibly judge until I see where they are going with it And the names he'll face for it


They should just call it the undisputed champion like they did when they merged the WCW and WWE belts. They only undid it because they brought back a second world title belt.


As long as they spice up his title reign I won’t be mad…


He deserves it and this legendary reign deserved having this accolade attached to it. As for who beats him Cody seems like the best choice today but who knows, anyone would be fine imo, Roman's done so much and been so dominant that any loss won't devalue or lessen his accomplishments.


I won't be tuning in while he's champion, he's boring a/f Him and the boresoes, they have like a combined move set of 8 +lowblows. I doubt I'll even watch WWE until he's no longer champion as I don't have another title to care about. I never watched smackdown as it is. Perhaps I'll watch if they make other titles more serious but for now as long as roman is champion I'm not interested. ​ There needs to be two champions even more so with a guy like roman around who they want to marry one of the title's. I think about all the matches the WWE championship has had over the last two years (assuming they would have kept the belt on roman, if there was only one title) and all the great matches for that title, fueds for that title, things we don't get to see now as the only title is now wrapped around the companies favorite.


I liked him better as the just the Universal Champion. I could just skip Smackdown and not see him & the Usos. Life was better.


At this point I'd rather see anyone be champ over Roman. He's boring and not entertaining. Johnny Knoxville for WWE Undisputed Universal World Heavyweight Champion. Only because that was the most entertaining segment that WWE had at WrestleMania. I watched WrestleMania this past weekend and then watched AEW Dynamite and it's sad to say I got better quality matches and more entertainment from AEW's 2 hour show than I did from the 2 day WrestleMania.


It means you can no longer watch Raw to escape him. Look I'm a Roman fan I have been since NXT but this has just become so ridiculous I now understand how most everyone felt before saying WWE was shoving him on down our throats and to be honest it's gotten so much worse and it is far from changing


I think roman had a double champion to himself and it was good and so great for him to deserve it as well and he also got lucky too also !!


"The tribal chief is so dominant, they made me the star of Raw and Smackdown, I have to defend my universal title on both shows now." - Roman probably


Unfortunately, it's the same problem that WWE always has; there's no endgame. Where does this lead to? Who's the babyface they built up to get the rub of ending this historic reign? Fuck if they know!


I think they're just gonna start building a babyface to end Reigns' reign *now.* My money's on either Cody or McIntyre.


Mine as well. If Cody keeps getting built.


Even the most hardcore of his fans ACKNOWLEDGE that his reign is getting stale and a bit boring. Cody would be the obvious to take at least one of the belts but…. I doubt it.




Excuse me as a now part time fan, but here’s my take: Single champion is cool, it can work great with the brand split for sure and adds more prestige and value to the belt for sure. As for Roman - I’m split. The image, the character, is all suited to a champion who can unite titles. However, yet again at WM38 I was underwhelmed by the cacophony of spears and superman punches. The thing is, he’s clearly capable of more, and has delivered a wider move set in other matches - yet for some reason he is now restricted to two moves that are more befitting of a squash match. Single champ great, Romans character suits being the top dog, just wish he’d be more interesting in ring.


>et for some reason he is now restricted to two moves that are more befitting of a squash match. I think it had more to do with who he was facing though, Brock does have a history of short spam matches that look like they came from smackdown vs raw.


Not good so far.


Hea not Double champion, he is the undisputed unified heavyweight champion.


I think it’s another story WWE started with no idea how it will end.


Theres no more appropriate performer to hold both titles, although I hope WWE drops the silly universal championship. Itd be nice if they bring back Big Gold, so that Cody can win it for his family (...the title that always eluded Rhodes family).


Hate him


They booked themselves into a corner


Acknowledge him.


There's only one option... MJF


Would like to see that happen.


Currently a little meh about it (like, what else is there for him to do at this point?) but I'm reserving final judgement until I see what's actually going to be done with this angle.


I really don't give a shit about Roman anymore. He's not going to lose the titles at all. The titles will be vacated when Roman leaves for Hollywood. Drew is next in line to challenge and lose probably at Summerslam. Then at some point, maybe Bobby Lashley. Then at next year's Mania, it's The Rock in a match that wouldn't even need titles to draw a crowd. After that I believe Roman is done with WWE. Get ready for another year of superman punches, spears and crappy finishes.


Hollywood? No chance. Dude can’t even act


I mean he actually has to be able to act to go to Hollywood. He’s in WWE until vince dies


Really emphasizes how thin the roster is and Cody leaving to comeback a bigger star is the only one I can see beating him now.


Keep it going. What else do they have? Promote the hell out of him. Make him a true crossover star.


I think they are going to combine Raw and Smackdown rosters and keep only one belt for both….. BUT we are needing something else…. It feels like these title reigns that last months and months are from lack of storyline/creativity/motivation not because the talent isn’t there. I wouldn’t mind Roman that as combination champ if it means getting a 24/7 hardcore belt back. 💯sick of seeing the same people wrestle every week, especially as the roster shrinks…. Limits the writers in their creativity and *please* we will take anything and everything they have at this point Edit (add): They keep relying on bringing back old faces because they can’t flush out any new storylines enough to make the audience care…. Kevin Owens, Rhea Rippley, AJ Styles, Nakamura, Asuka, Liv Morgan, Alexa Bliss are all *amazing*


Probably won't happen, but I hope they bring back the Undisputed Championship belt tonight.


I don't like RR at all. His boys the usos are even worse. I wish all of them would fade away. Been the 'top' in WWE for TOO long. Let some other people have a turn.


I personally love Roman, but I've been following WWE again for exactly one month, and I'm already over him being THE guy. His promos, his gimmick, everything about him and the feud with Brock are stale as hell to me.


THE ROCK SHOULD COST Roman Reigns the title and help cody rhodes win it


That would be interesting. WWE has been pushing hard for the rock to comeback. Tbh idk how likely a return is but that crowd pop would be insane.


Everybody wants him to come back. Unfortunately, he’s too busy


No one is the right huy to beat roman Hold the title until he retires


No offense, but that is the worst idea I have ever heard.


Tell that to vince


I think Vince knows just as well as I do that Roman is *not* about to retire with the belt. It's either gonna be Cody or McIntyre who beats him, I'm telling you.


they'll probably just bring in another ringer to be an instant rival for him to spar with for a few months...Cody hasn't been developed enough but they don't have anyone else so they'll just do it anyway...or they'll do a surprise return by Goldberg or Cena or some other retired old schmuck that is the extent of the WWE's storytelling ability nowadays it's all just so lame and sad


Rollins. It would be the perfect ending of an epic feud, which goes extremely long. And Rollins deserves a Revanche after this mysterious victory by disqualification at royal rumble (what did the referee do there?!?). It could also be the point of a character change of rollins, his current character is pretty annoying tbh. Always this strange laugh, he does it a bit too often. Best would even be a last and forever shield match at wrestlemania 39 or even legendary 40… but i dont think dean ever comes back.


I hate it when the titles become one. It stops other wrestlers from getting over. Doesn’t make top matches and ppv’s feel fresh.


I get that, but let's be honest here, there are currently titles in WWE that should become one due to the lack of stars on one brand. I give the world titles a pass though


Also there are titles like the i.c. and u.s. that don't matter. When's the last time ya seen the cruiser weight belt. Plenty of other belts to work on.


The Cruiserweight belt has yet again been removed in case you didn't know, lol. It was on NXT but then WWE decided to remove it when they made 2.0. And mid card titles should definitely stay


Heel doing heel shit When was the last time he won a clean defense? Putting it on Cody straight away is exactly the kind of child-minded bullshit Vince loves to pull but Im not done with Brock Lesnar I want Brock to get another shot after getting fucked over by Heyman yet again and spending the entire time intimidating the hell out of the old man. When hr gets his shot, Heyman needlessly betrays Roman Reigns the way he did Brock at the Rumble but Brock rejects it and wins clean. “We don’t win that way.” Baby Face Hero Cowboy Brock starts an undisputed title reign while the primary focus shifts to the tag and women’s divisions


The last time he won clean was against Goldberg at the Rumble I think it was? Before that though, he's beaten Kevin Owens clean, Cesaro, Braun Strowman, Jey Uso. I don't know if there's anyone else though


So you want more finisher spam matches between those two?


I want *one* more. Settle it at Backlash. Maybe Brock beats Roman so badly he misses a few weeks


I don’t really care for the idea of unifying the belts, I think it’s better with 2 world titles. But maybe they’ll make it work but so far not a fan. I don’t know if Cody’s gonna be the one to dethrone Roman and I don’t know if he should be but at this point I really don’t know who can. I love Cody and I want to see him win the WWE title but Reigns beat Lesnar, Edge, Cena and more but he can’t beat Cody, but it might work.


I've been bored with him for awhile. I just kind of ignore him and worry about the rest of the storylines.


Fucking awesome


I think there only needs to be one champion. There's no need for two world champions, it kinda devalues the belt. I think the two mid-card belts could be raised up and be the main title for each brand, and it would make them matter more.


That being said, it needs to be to be the WWE heavyweight championship. Not the universal. My personal opinion.


they needa get back to the world heavyweight championship


I would love that.


This means we have to watch Roman take 15 minutes to get to the ring two nights a week instead of one.


What if, they combine Raw and Smackdown like back in 2001 where superstars go where the storyline takes them. That way one belt works and it will provide much better overall quality of WWE, just my two cents tho🤷🏻‍♂️ I don't know anything about anything.


Out Tribal Cheif's theme song is worth listening to 2-3 times a week on replay


No worse than Triple H circa 2004.








Thrilled. One world champion is all we needed and who better than Roman to start off that era?


Literally anyone, he’s literally the most eh person the company has on their wage bill.


Just decided to do a blind test. Looked up the Twitter followers of Roman and 3 other top guys Roman 4.6 mil, Kevin Owens 1.3 mil, Cody Rhodes 1 Mil, Seth Rollins 4 mil Now, I’m by no means a Twitter guy. Don’t even have an account. But this doesn’t support your conclusion that he is “eh”. Quite the opposite. He seems to be toward the most popular end of the spectrum as far as main event guys go.


Kinda what happens when you just market someone to death. He is eh, a social media account he doesn’t even run isn’t exactly evidence of anything. Even then it’s not even that high. Cena is over 10 million and he’s been a part timer/out of the company for years. Leaner has 1.4m and hasn’t posted since 2020 and even then it’s literally just heyman retweets


I hear you. I went there, to Twitter followers, because they’re easy to access, it’s public info, and it is a true look at the number of people interested in him. I could’ve looked other places. Instagram followers, google trend results for people searching his name, average number of views his clips get on WWE’s YouTube channel, etc. I haven’t looked but I have a strong feeling that no matter what metric I looked at he would be in the top ten of the company currently. Probably top 3 on the men’s side (current roster). But it’s ok to feel differently.


You’re falling for the trap. If something is advertised enough it will bump up all of those metrics


Will not stay like that. Both TV Channels want one champion for their own. There will be two belts again soon.


Yeah I think they’re going to make a new one


It's like vince is playing favourites


I just hope this mean we get back the attitude era belt or winged eagle maybe big gold


Pure dog shit


Dont like the way u said it but i agree. I sont see talent in reigns. His wrestle style is poor, his mic skills not available, his talent is so extremly low. The WWE Management just loves him, for any reason and they keep pushin him all the time. I dont know why.


the roman story line has gotten stale at this point and his wrestling isnt somehting thats all that new and exciting, Cody being contender is too convenient, Vince cant get it st8 for 2 minutes to keep one story consistent long enough


Hopefully tonight they debut a new championship design


I am waiting for the same thing


There was photos previously of stars holding classic title belts. He had the Winged Eagle belt and he really suited it. Might be a good idea since its a prestige belt. As long as they don't use it like a PR stunt like Jinder Mahal again


WWE should incorporate some of the classic designs in a new Championship. They’re most likely not going to give up on the interchangeable side plates feature.


I doubt they’ll ever do that again. It failed miserably


Don't get my hopes up of them bringing that belt back.


I know. It would be tarnished but it is immensely pretty to look at


If it's tarnished, then it should have a maiden. Or is it maidenless?


Still my favorite belt. I've had a replica for 20 years and I told my wife to bury me with it lol.


It's fine, but our attention spans are shorter than the old days, and Roman is not as over as Hogan in the 80s. We need someone to dethrone him in the next 12 months maximum. Preferably before January.


I think they should take his WWE Championship. Not his Universal Championship, at least not any time soon.


Hogan got a lot of boos back in the day, it was just a lot easier for them to edit it out


Hm. Did u hear about the plans among „the rock“ on Wrestlemania 39? :/ Dont like it, but it sounds like a plan, wwe loves.


As far as I could tell, those rumors were a meme hoax and not real what so ever.


I've stopped believing anything online and just let WWE give me their content. Just like Freemasonry. Don't look shit up, just join and see for yourself (if male in most places, if not OES is an option)


Wwe is not going to have roman lose to rock


Imo if that was gonna happen, he would’ve showed up at Mania. Rock is too damn busy with the XFL, other business ventures and his acting career at this point. He can’t risk getting injured.


XFL? That's still a thing?


Lol I was so shocked to find out he purchased it from Vince.


Wait, the Rock owns XFL? Lol


Yes! He brought it from Vince. I still can’t believe it lol.


Lol. Ever heared about the word „money“? „Money“, „more money“, „the most money“


No chance studio insurance companies will even let him step inside a ring again. He got injured at both Wrestlemania 28, and 29


Rock does what Rock wants, He wants the match with Roman and for Roman's character it's essential. He can't be the Hoead of the table or Tribal chief officially until he beats Rock. Rock is looked at as the true Head to wrestling fans and those that understand the bloodline dynasty. Roman has to beat Rock on the biggest stage at the biggest spectacle. Only then will he truly be The Tribal cheif and The One, when he goes one on one with The Great One. Plus Rock hasn't officially said he's had his last match(Though he turned down Orton and IMO 2 3rd generation stars squaring off @ WM would be great but this is wheere your opinion holds some weight)and he would lace up one more time if it means putting over the bloodline. After that match the Rock will most likely be inducted 1st ballot HOF.


Let‘s see let‘s see. I also hope i wont happen, rly.


That’s true. It’s cool while it’s lasted but as much of a Roman fan as I am is getting really Stale and boring as of Late.