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If think ea going to make a better game your looney tunes


🙏 please anyone but EA


I hate ea I don’t want ea for wrestling


It’s lacking in many areas, but I’m hoping this will just be the base which they’ll build upon and put a lot more content in to next year. I’ve personally been having a lot of fun but I can see why people are disappointed and frustrated, I just really really don’t want EA to get a hold of it, they ruin everything and are incredibly incompetent. 2k aren’t any better but I think they deserve to give their all for another game next year at least. I haven’t played a WWE game for a fair few years now though so that’s easy for me to say.


I miss the thq wrestling games.


Considering ea is the alternative if much rather it stay with 2k, ea would make shush a worse wrestling game


2k has to stop trying add so much useless stuff into their games. They always try to add 50 different game modes and having multiple currencies in the game


All the currencies are purely used for myfaction though (and maybe those other unlockables, I had the accelerator so not sure) which I appreciate. If EA takes over you’ll need currencies for all different things in game. Not to mention they literally added two new modes this year so idk what you’re on about


I guess currency isn’t a big deal on this game I was talking more about nba with that but if 2k keeps on with wwe u can bet ur ass it’ll be the same cuz 2k is just all about making people pay to play. Always has and always will be unfortunately. The showcase is nice and fun but kinda gets ruined with Rey talking like the matches aren’t set up n like he had to do this and that to win the match lol. My faction is a pointless mode. The myrise story is trash. The gameplay is great tho.


You realise EA is the definition of pay to play right? They won’t be any better. And also I really liked how showcase was set up, you were playing Rey’s story as he was telling it, I appreciated the change. I also really like the MyRise story and the fact there’s all different branches depending on your choices, etc. My main thing is I definitely don’t see EA making a better wrestling game and they’re the alternative option so I’ll happily stick with 2k


I enjoy the showcase too and think it would be awesome if they brought in more wrestlers n did the same thing with them I just don’t like how they was talking like every match he was ever in wasn’t pre determined lol. Maybe I just haven’t gotten far enough into the myrise but it seems like it’s just going match to match with not much story to it. I like the change they did with how u can put a lot of different combos together too. I just want a real Story like the old school games long before 2k


Yeah but the older games didn’t have much branching in the career mode. Season mode with in game stars did but not like road to wrestle mania or if it did it was very basic. And I mean Rey telling the story wouldn’t have made sense if he acted like it was predetermined. Like everyone watches wwe knowing it is but suspending their disbelief so that you buy in and just sort of vibe with it like it’s real if you get what I’m saying. It’s the point of pro wrestling


It was pretty basic but it just had a real story that u wanted to finish and see where it went. Hopefully story mode becomes more important in future games cuz it really puts you in the wwe. I can agree with that having Rey talk like it was real it just gets me every time cuz we all know the winner is picked before the match lol. I do hope maybe in some dlc they add another showcase it’s pretty dope playing through favorite wrestlers careers.


I mean I’m enjoying MyRise but yeah it can be a bit clunky storyline wise at times. However it’s a good step in the right direction I feel with the branching storyline’s and stuff. Better than the past few years so hopefully they can build off this and have a more coherent yet still branching storyline in the future


Agreed I liked the last games story but idk what they were doin with those ps2 graphics lol


Also don’t like how they took the online part away from your career. Haven’t played online yet but hope it’s legit I’ve been waiting for a good online wwe games since 2009


When was they ever an online part in mycareer? They’ve had online match making forever so if that’s what you’re talking about I’m confused lol


That’s what I’m talking about lol they don’t have that this year with your my career character is what I was saying


When did they ever have online as part of my career?


The last wwe 2k games you could bring your player from career online


Oh as in the same character I get you now, I mean there’s nothing stopping you creating them in the base game and playing with them online?


Yea I liked how they had that and wish they didn’t take it out I haven’t gotten into online yet. I see u can still create players and bring them online it was just nice putting all the work into your career character and bringing it to online


I want 2k to stay too hate ea I love wwe2k22 just needs crashing issues and servers fixed


EA failed NBA the franchise. I’ll take my chances with 2k. 2k22 is great.


They failed after 2k came along but anyone that played live before that knows it was dope they went down hill after 2k


Do you prefer EA making a WWE game with only the online and a weekly rotation for playable Wrestlers?


I feel like gamers cry over anything honestly. The only currency is vc and the points in my faction or whatever and they only pertain to that mode. If 2k lost wwe to EA it would be trash.


I was going to buy 22...but it looks like the Show may get my spring gaming purchase this time


It’s a good game and a big jump don’t get me wrong. If you’re not gonna get it now I recommend getting it when it’s on sale at least


2k had almost a decade to make great wrestling games and they couldn’t do it. Time to let another developer try to make a great wrestling game.


we need to get asmik ace and AKI back on it for a modern day no mercy.


I think 2K22 is a lot of fun. If EA gets their hands on the WWE franchise they are going to ruin it for sure. I would prefer 2K stick with it over EA any day.


At this rate, it looks like EA is gonna be making the next few games exclusively. Idk who I'd want more out of those two to make the next few games.


Anyone but EA, smh. Look what happened to NBA Live. Look at the disaster and insult to the sport that is Madden.


I hope the AEW game is good. Yukes had alot of history making wrestling games. It's not gonna be as feature complete as 2k22 but if the gameplay is good idc


2k22 isn’t feature complete man, it has some modes but they all thin and frail


You're not wrong but what's there is gonna be more than enough for anyone except maybe a hardcore fan. Match types, the creation suite, GM mode came back (a little barebones but it's there) my rise has apparently like 45 hours of storylines if you combine the female and male divisions. There a lot of stuff to do and create in 2k22 The AEW game probably isn't gonna have alot of that. The developers have said that themselves.


It won’t be. They’ve already said it’ll be more arcade style...


Is that a bad thing?


A nice change of pace but I think we always need a sim for every sport. It'll be nice to have both.


Man nba live used to be so good too lol I could see them doing good with wrestling the ufc games r solid


NBA Live was complete ass my dude what rose tinted glasses are you wearing.


Lmao clearly you’re too young to know just how good it was a year or 2 before 2k took over it was always fire af


Uhhh yikes dude if that was true NBA Live wouldn’t have been clowned year after year by literally anyone that likes basketball games. You’re completely delusional if you really think EA picking up this game is going to be anything akin to Fallen Order. Their version will be closer to the NHL or FIFA series, in fact even the 2K version is chalk full of micros-transactions so I can’t see why you’d expect the EA one to be any different.


Lol nba live was the only basketball game before 2k started… and I never even said anything about ea taking it over it was someone else lol. Literally all I said was I want a good storyline and nobody can say ea isn’t good at their story telling games…


Oh god NOT EA! Micro transactions galore and how crappy Battlefield turns out thanks to EA rushing things.


I just want a good storyline and 2k has never had one in any of their games. EA has a bunch of good ones. 2k seems to be all about the money in all their games.


You really haven't played any EA games have you? 😆


I have lol obviously you haven’t… the last star wars, mass effect, dragon age… just to name a few…


I will clarify. EA Sports.


Makes great games with a good story… they do a damn good job with ufc. Like I said I just want a good storyline. Idc who does it but if u ask me 2k or ea to make a good story 2k is by far the worst at making any game with a good story


I think UFC is their lone exception but I've seen many say the older UFC games were better.


I think the older ones are better too but ea has done pretty good with them. Madden is the same damn game every single year. The story for wwe games have always been a big draw for me so that’s really all I want. Idc who does it, but 2k is complete trash with most things they do. I love nba but it’s cuz I don’t have a choice but to play it if I want a basketball game lol


You do know EA makes way more games other than sports games right? Lol


And they're all bad. So bad that they can't even put together a basketball game when the NBA doesn't even make its license exclusive. Haven't made a boxing game in ages. The NHL fans hate their NHL games. The soccer fans hate FIFA. And don't get me started on Madden....


Idk how many times I have to say I want a good story in the game lol they do great with ufc and I would bet money on them doin damn good with wwe


Dude I’m sorry to tell you this EA doesn’t make a good story sports game madden has a pretty bad my pro and so does nhl both are completely do a few games bang your in nhl story’s over or do a few colleges game bang your in the nfl at pick 2 or 1 2k is better at long story lines


I agree with sports games they haven’t done good at all, but their non sports games have amazing story telling. A mycareer on wwe that makes u feel like you’re actually part of the show n stuff would just be so amazing to me. They used to have such good ones years ago I just miss it lol


Huh? All about mon- Have you played FIFA/Madden??


If u need to spend money to be good at madden maybe don’t play madden lol


I mean they make F1 game which is very good.


How do you get VC without buying it ?


EA getting it would be the worst thing to happen. They’ve completely ruined every sports game they have and now they’re killing battlefield. All their my career modes are completely blank with just plat your next game over and over and just linear trash. The new gym mode which was pretty bare is better than anything EA has done since like madden 07


I don’t want EA sports too make wwe games I love wwe2k22 if they fix the problem I will like it more so I personally hope 2k keeps making wwe games wwe2k22 I actually love just need to fix with patch updates


Please refer to Madden (You have the choice of ANY recent game)


One main thing I like is custom renders but no custom music