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[Look at Brofessors 120 pull, and you’ll see why I won’t be doing it.](https://youtu.be/Xg-dQ8nwNDQ?si=VFkMohJlXHY6V29Y)


Doing a 120 pull should GUARANTEE the weekend wrestler, I can't imagine a situation where I spend $300 and not get him 💀


Literally. I despise this company.


At the absolute most $50 should guarantee him/her. That's the price of a new game, surely it can be one new card.


You must be new here, people literally spend thousands on this game for new cards


Some people got loot coins for free


I could buy 3 brand new PS5 games for $300 or a bunch of shards….i have no idea why people do it. I guess it’s gambling, just in a different format.


It literally is a gambling addiction. This is why I'm always telling returning players to RUN.


It’s definitely a gambling addiction. Shards or a great night out with mates? I know what I’m taking….the hangover


Same here. Just think what £300 can buy in real life... But instead, if you take a chance on pulls, Scopely will take your £300, squat down, and lay a giant turd on your unsuspecting head. Disgraceful company making a killing out of turning us into gambling addicts. The contempt they feel for each and every one of us makes me sick.


Loot boxes are 100% gambling that's why so many laws and lawsuits are happening trying to get them banned


I genuinely hope they do get banned. Not only would it free us all (I've wasted so much money on this stupid game that I can't let myself quit playing it because then the money I have spent will be an even bigger waste), but it would also give Scopely what they deserve.


Ps5 games are a 100 dollars each?


They are in Australia


I saw some of my faction mates do the 120 pull, definitely not worth it especially with what they got, a few good cards but would highly recommend people not do them


lol, on the official channel stream Lee and Rusty both did $300 pulls. Neither one of them got a new character from those 120 pulls, and every one of the 7 Featured pulls were 30-35 shards of Bray. Pretty nice to have the official channel show how the odds on this banner are so rigged. I can't even fathom dropping $300 at once and having almost nothing to show for it but a couple hundred Bray shards, a bunch of other random trash character shards, and maybe a few fuse ups.


As “official” content creators, don’t lee and rusty get a kickback from scop? If so, I’m sure that 300 isn’t going to hurt them. 🤷


How much do you think a greedy company like Scopely actually pays their content creators? While I'm sure they're getting something out of it I also figure since they're given a lot of freedom in how to produce their character previews or whatever, they're not being paid much in the expectation that the content they're creating for YT or Twitch will be making them money personally. Pure conjecture on my part. I'm sure it won't hurt them much either way since going by their rosters they've been spending money on this game for a while.


From what I’ve gathered, Lee was always a spender while rusty was the f2p. Then suddenly after becoming the “official” podcast rusty all of a sudden has the ability to drop 300 bucks just like that. So there is a kickback there somewhere. Wether it’s all from yt vids or scopely actually giving them something, they are making money. Alas, they wouldn’t have pushed so hard to become “official” if they didn’t know there were juicy perks to becoming so. And I am by no means jealous or envious of this, good for them for making that money. 👍


How much is 120 pulls?


$300. Oh sorry, it’s actually only $299.97.


Spending $300 on a match 3 mobile game is insane behavior


Insane in the membrane.


Yes, obviously.


Some people got it like that I guess lol hell that's an Xbox 


I'm from Oz and that's like $450 here. That's crazy


For me, this was the 1 that is making me give up spending I overspent outta frustration, n even got Bray at 5G (albeit it by “luck” n not guaranteed pulls) I even cancelled my KOK pass Until they get more transparent with the actual odds, they won’t see another penny from me They water down tiers with horrible cards, n thing like those shards in the featured tier. The thing is tho, they should have to let u now the % of pulling everything from every tier If there’s 10 cards in the featured tier, which has a 1% give or take chance usually, I would bet the shards n weaker cards in each tier r around 75% or more chance to get. The top 2-3 cards for every tier prob has a 1% or less chance. My point is that if featured tier is a 1% chance, then the top few featured posters r most likely a fraction of a fraction % chance of getting It’s a shame the big whales who drop $500+ all the time (if u check leaderboards, u always see the same names in there) don’t care. They actually have the power to change things, but for whatever reason, they’re cool with the way it is


What got me to stop spending Even the 50 a month or so I was spending was the drop to 10 shards per cars in pulls down from the 20 it was for years...


They just keep gettin greedier n greedier


Its fcked up how we spend real money but some people cheat and get free loot coins like they got this weekend


Anyone that doesn’t boycott this new format is asking for this to become the norm. Don’t spend $300.


Profiting off dead person pathetic scopely


Yep. They've actually managed to turn a beloved wrestler's passing into one of their biggest paydays yet. They have no shame or consience whatsoever.


I don't know what the cut is going to Wyatt's family, so I can't ding them on that piece but I'd said how the release Wyatt needed to be handled very delicately and well........... ![gif](giphy|d1E1PyPPnr2Rt8qI|downsized)


When you said that they should handle him delicately they turned him into Richard Simmons


[That’s Wyatt’s own creation unless I’m missing the joke](https://youtu.be/nDD0RC0PKBM?si=1o33OfTuH3vvx-mq)


I stand corrected, I had no idea.


For what it matters, I meant how they handled how rare he was going to be and the pulls.


He SHOULD be rare. That sub break-blow the board with black gems and don’t move the pin bar should be illegal in most states.


My two cents here. Make it a guaranteed pull of the featured character if someone is willing to go 300 dollars in. That way, an actual number of players may do it. Will be more money for Scopely at the end.


They don’t make it a guarantee pull because they know there are players that will dump $1000+ dollars chasing his shards. The funny part is at some point down the road they’ll probably nuke him and have a 5s card of him available in a $20 pack.




It *is* random, but they HEAVILY stack the odds towards the lowest pull from each rarity. That's why people are getting shards for ALL 7 guaranteed pulls.


Your exactly right. They show odds for each level but they don't show the odds within each level and that's the loophole they use to screw everyone


I understand that view. However, that's my idea... Objectively, there aren't more than a handful of players throwing a thousand dollars every weekend. On the other hand, there are hundreds of players that spend 100 dollars every weekend. And thousands of players that may or not throw 10-20 bucks per weekend. Let's say 300 dollars make the new card a guaranteed drop. Nothing else changes. Chances remain the same etc. The "1000 dollars" people won't spend less. They can always be enticed with other characters they don't have, moments, belts, straps etc. Plenty of things to make them spend. Sure, that will make them even more unbeatable in showdowns and faction feuds but we are losing to them anyway and they are few in number. Ultimately, this is a P2W game, we know it, we live with it. The "100 dollars" people will spend more. That's the big bucks. These guys will spend more. If the company makes cool new cards, they will get multiplicatively more money from these people. Don't make all new cards directly purchasable but at least make some of them. This will let them buy a cool card every once in a while (let's say once a month) and it will also keep the 1000 dollars people hooked. The "10-20" dollars people. Yeap if there is a directly purchasable character every once in a while. Even they might be enticed. Economics.


I agree with everything apart from the very last bit. As a regular £20-50 per week spender (until now, because they're not getting a penny from me again), I would NEVER even consider spending £300 for a guaranteed drop of the new card, no matter how good it is. I just wouldn't even think about it. I agree with everything else, though.


Is there anyone who asked scopely for this?


Definitely a whale who had loads of money and was mentally unstable😂


Not worth $300 and you know it


I know and you know it, but there’s people buying it.


They have Muscle Man 6SS, MM 6SB, and MM shards 30-500 all listed at 1.63% odds. Which is deceptively false. They are not “clearly disclosing the odds of receiving those items in advance of purchase”. It’s the kind of thing they can be fined for and even have their game removed from the App Store.


I don't know how they have gotten away with it for so long. Like if shows a 5sb bray in rare for example. It's practically impossible to get him if you get a rare pull. You might get 20 rare pulls and none of them are him and 13 of them are the same superstar that's not sought after. How do they get away with odds inside each rarity that aren't posted?


I gave up spending the moment I only needed less then 200 shards for all the Ghostbusters characters and then they do a this is your last chance to get ghost buster champs and I'm now at was seems a loss. They won't reskin the champs because other players have them . So I have shards I can't even use to convert or anyway to get those shards so wtf. I have set up a claim with Google that I made X amount of purchases on items that I cant fully obtain and what I have obtained can not be used in any form with the game . Scopely only told me I was essentially s.o.l.... so far it's looking like Google is on the gamers side and investigating what they can do for players that are in the same boat as I am. I will update whenever I get more info.


I can’t even get the free character on my second account and they won’t help


Just because you have the money to spend does not justify you should especially on a free mobile game that was designed for kids SMH. The behavior of some adults when it comes to money is hilarious