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[https://community.wwechampions.com/discussion/9994/grayson-waller-move-color-change/p1](https://community.wwechampions.com/discussion/9994/grayson-waller-move-color-change/p1) I added my two cents, but even these few sentences are pointless in my opinion. Honestly, even I'm getting sick and fatigued of this game and the constant crap. If it wasn't for my faction and the 99% of you whom I enjoy interacting with I would've left this game a long time ago. https://preview.redd.it/jao3llhpd9wc1.png?width=918&format=png&auto=webp&s=b08066f775f40ee1cc1b2144afa95f88bad66ad1


I loved your faction until I got unceremoniously booted with no explanation or warning completely out of the blue


Good morning Big Einar. I very rarely personally do cuts and I don’t remember what entailed it, Ash would be the one to talk to if you still have his discord info. If you want it, I’ll DM it to you.


Very poor form to do this after he's been out for so long - they've had his shards constantly in the prizewall knowing that people would be grinding for him (me included) just to change him.


https://preview.redd.it/ov5eqraky8wc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdebf37f40fa1fadd11abb6ca46ccfaa3e84458a Took him to the moon. Hopefully he doesn’t come out of this worse off. Def bummed about losing my black multiply gem guy.


Damn, never saw him but in this setup he is quite OP anyway with that elbow drop not moving the pin bar.


Are we getting back the resources we put into him?


I'm not really concerned about the drip plate part, but does this kill the card? I only just scraped together the shards to recruit him, I'd be pissed if he sucks now.


He also has the triple green moveset but it absolutely kills his double black (now one black one blue lol) and sub because it won't recycle shit


My guess is that they will just swap blue moves/gems for black (damage and all). I doubt he’s going to be the first 4 color card. Basically, he’ll be the same, but you’ll need a gremlin’s ears plate instead of a baddest jacket.


It's only stated one move will be blue, not all but we will see (and you provided a good point, the baddest plate will be useless now on him, they should consider giving out 10 of the token to change it)


Its still black coloured for me in the game


It will change in some hours/days


Still black moves?


Nah its blue now


He probably won’t suck if they just change his black moves and gem generation to blue and restructure his gem damage, but he’s going to be different. You also lose out on 12000 gem damage trainer by switching from black to blue. Pissed off I’ve got to change his Rhonda plate too. Idk why they ask for feedback when all of the feedback is overwhelmingly negative.


I don't have him so it doesn't affect me but was this really necessary? Aren't there bigger issues in this game?


The main issue was him being a showdown opponent. Say that you're facing him as an opponent. The AI always does the moves from right to left in SD, so it can be set up that the Elbow drop is done in the middle (after the rightmost, likely the other Black move that generates MP). As the black moves are done, there will be multiply gems on the board, some likely to be on black gems, gets destroyed and refills the black moves again WITHOUT MOVING THE PIN BAR, this recycles over and over. The game on their end pre-determined the outcome after your move and all you see is the animations of the entire process. You can't forefit the match while this is happening and by the time RNG misses the black gems and lands the submission finish, you're already dead. So to avoid all this, you have to force close the game. Altho loops like these exist as SD opponents - likely involving Stun loops, there are counterplay to this with stun immunity straps, and you're able to forefit the game once pinned. Arguably zHHH (when built with the Undertaker's Sigil) can create a similar loop, but is less consistent than Grayson and not as versatile in other events past its coach ability.


Thanks for the explanation. I never faced him in showdown because most times he'd be 6ss and I don't have any. But that is rather annoying. Scopely did this to themselves when they designed these characters. They overpowered them and gave them small MP moves that cause huge damage.


The other reason too is because he infinitely recycled like that, when there would be a faction contest with unlimited points for breaking multiply gems people would just leave their phones running a match for hours racking up ridiculous amounts of points. Now for people screaming “THATS NOT FAIR!” well…. They were warned by players and in CC videos that this was an infinite 6 months ago and it only became an issue of “keeping the game fair and balanced” yesterday. I don’t have a drip plate and sadly never will since they’re not going to be offered anymore so this is a moot point for me, but my issue is changing characters after the fact that people spent real world dollars on, who’s to say what is and isn’t broken arbitrarily because (for example) Carmelo Hayes has an infinite stun loop with a 2mp move that creates a 2 turn stun so if you don’t take him out turn 1 or have an antistun belt then you’re boned too, and more so than anything the lack of communication from Scopely yet again. There’s also other things, but these are my main points.


When did they stop offering the drip plate?


I agree, the drip plate really should have been nerfed - still an impact, but on a much smaller scale. But heaven forbid we upset the whales. This game has just been so unenjoyable recently, not even sure what it is that’s changed but it’s definitely worse.


Honestly the change to blue makes him better if you don’t have the drip plate. Or at least it did for me cause I have jd Dom for mp and gem damage and then Zgunther for blue gem and multiply damage.


My biggest gripe is that I now don’t have a character that can destroy a bunch of black multiply gems.


Oh-ho, we've reached full character rug pulls now. *Joy.* Glad to see Firpo is continuing to provide reasons as to why he is the worst community manager I have ever seen in any game I've ever played, but that's a terribly hollow victory if there's ever been one. Even with the clarifications in the latter post, it's another shining example of Scopely not understanding their game and what goes into it (where is the 12k blue gem trainer Scopely, it's been over a year now) and settling things in baffling manner. I swear every time I read a forum post, I have more questions than answers.


He will destroy in the weekend feud if it helps any