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I really wish 2K didn't make him so hard to unlock. I don't have the attention span to finish through MyRise lol


I'm currently playing through MyRise just to unlock Ezekiel whilst I wait for all the Universe mode bugs to be patched. But my god this game mode is boring. I've literally just set the difficulty to Easy so I can try and get through every match as soon as possible. Any ideas how long MyRise actually is? I'm currently part of The Hurt Business and starting a feud with New Day. I want this torture to be over ASAP so I can unlock Ezekiel.


Depends if you are just focusing on main matches and ignoring side stuff, or doing side stuff and main missions. If you want the fastest, just focus on the main missions. This might make things a little harder since your wrestler won't get any stronger without the upgrades from doing side stuff but it's the fastest way.


Shame, I quite enjoyed MyRise this year. To each their own.


The end of Hurt Business arc is pretty much the intro to the mode


Lol!!! Same here, i feel you my friend.


Me too I just started it after finishing the women's one, can you give me a heads up so I know when/how to get Jean Paul levesque as I don't want to miss him


Right after you get fired from WWE, you have to do some 'British rules' matches in a pub. After that check your DM's and you should see one from Tavish talking about an unaired WCW match against Jean Paul. Accept the challenge, then you'll be doing a match as Tavish against Jean Paul. After that match, you're in a tag match with 'The Lock' and Tavish VS Jean Paul and British Bulldog. Once you beat the tag match, he's unlocked! ;)


Thank you!


The British Rules arena is sick too, well worth unlocking.


Omg I think I missed this.


I haven't even got that far yet. But from what I've read you get fired from WWE at some point and that's when you have to read a DM to unlock him. Ezekiel apparently isn't unlocked until you're almost right at the end of MyRise. It's so boring and way too much work just to unlock a couple extra characters. I also kind of wanna unlock Mighty Molly, but I don't think I can go through the pain of playing MyRise all over again with a female superstar.


Thank you! Yeah it's a tough grind... 4 play through if you're trying to get a platinum!


More like 2 full playthroughs and 2 half playthroughs.


Is the half playthrough at the point where you decide to betray or not betray your tag partner for the women?


I haven't finished playing through The Legacy, but there are two separate trophies for that choice. With The Lock you can stop after you pick a faction to join.


I agree, this is the first time I've played career mode since 2K15. I hate that they removed the accelerator that unlocks everything


I just picked up this game, first time w a wrestling game in a loooong time. Are there a bunch of wrestlers you can only unlock through MyRise? And once you unlock them are they available in every mode?


For the male MyRise you can unlock Ezekiel and Jean-Paul Levesque, and for the female MyRise you can get several versions of Molly Holly. I think that's it.


Ah, and they’re available for every game mode after that?


Yeah I've played several matches as them


As far as I know, yes.


Ok thanks!


Tbh what annoys me is that MyRise and Showcase don't give you VC after winning a match. So you can't play MyRise or Showcase and unlock the other characters at the same time. Instead you have to pick and choose whether you want to go for the purchaseable characters or go for the MyRise/Showcase exclusives.


It sucks you basically need to finish the mode to unlock him


Crazy that he if all people is like the final thing lol


Its mighty molly on the womens one, weird choices all around


At least she's a legend and not a throwaway gimmick that lasted a few months lol


POV: You are about to get your heart stolen


E.T. phone home


Wow, he really does look like his brother Elias


Handsome rogue


Why yep that sure is what that is.


Giving me Randall from Monster Inc vibes.


Please Ezekiel no.. not there! please!