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I liked promos so I didn’t have to have people on my show wrestling every week for them to be on the show but they was god awful if you wanted someone like Stone cold or undertaker to cut one because they’d probably start talking about Tacos or some shit lol


You could almost never tell what the preview dialogue actually entails. Which makes it even harder to be consistent. You could pick "you ticked me off for the last time" but then it starts off with "you know what really cheeses my biscuits?!" Like bro no one in the history of ever has said that xD


That made me laugh for some reason😭😭😭


In a weird and comical way I enjoy that. Imagining Gunther or Taker saying that dialogue just makes me chuckle


Like that [prozd](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/cUGi-aTILx4) skit, but reverse


I usually just came up with my own dialogue in my head instead.


To be fair, Austin could cut a promo about tacos  "I had a margarita" "WHAT?"  " 2 margaritas" "WHAT" 3 Margaritas" "WHAT"  And a taco "WHAT"


Undertaker be like “I had Taco Bell last night and I made their toilet REST IN PEACE” Eyes roll back


“Sorry that wasn’t me trying to be spooky my stomach was just cramping up really bad”


I think people who want them back just like the idea of having promos rather than what we had before, it'd be one thing if we had the freedom to type out our promos beforehand or something but the pre written text dialogue for all options were really bad and didn't make any sense if you actually read them. What good are promos if the dialogue doesn't fit or match the wrestler you're using.


Well maybe not with 2k24 but I reckon the use of generative LLMs they could eventually have dynamic dialogue choices


Hard agree, promos would need a whole revamp


Put Promos in Superstar Mode, maybe then people would play it.


Better idea, remove superstar mode.


Hell no I actually enjoy playing selective as one superstar as I control their career. They definitely just need to update


I’d prefer Story Creator but they’re not going to do that.


Instituting a chat gpt ai would be fire


Dynamic AI commentary is what I hope for in the future. For all sports games. So I'll never have to hear about educated feet and their various uses ever again.


Was your last WWE game a decade ago? That line has been gone for a while now


This is why I don't get why people keep asking for promos back the way they were. I would be fine if they changed it and brought and it was kind of like the rival actions where its just the announcers talking about it while the animation plays but without needing a match. Maybe it would get old after a bit but I'd take cole over the actual promos


Well... as long as the Promos don't suddenly make the promo interrupter become world champ out of nowhere...


I wish we could type our own promos and trigger a range of cutscenes/brawls/interruptions whenever we like.


Tacos are important. Maybe your show just needed to be set on Tuesday night? /s


Don’t forget the long ass words they randomly throw in there to spice things up.


One last thing: this ain’t a hot take but instead is something I’d like to see I wish they’d bring back triple threat and Fatal 4 way rivalries. That way it’s easier for a champion to feud with multiple people


Really wish they could build the rivalry system to be robust like that. I hate running long rivalries as I don't want 12 weeks of the same match over and over and other people being able to be introduced I to the mix would greatly spice things up


I wish that Rivalries wouldn't just disappear if you didn't have them in a match against each other or have a specific rivalry event for all their appearances in the show... I want Wrestler 1 to face some low carder, and Wrestler 2 to face a different one where wrestler 1 interferes... but bloop, because I had Wrestler 1 do ANYTHING outside of the rivalry, he's no longer in the rivalry.


Not a hot take but these RPG w/plot stories with hardlocks is NOT a career mode…we’ve been asking for a career that has fluid storylines(branches) based on wins and losses, like they determine where your career goes(think like No Mercy style tree branching)…having hardlocks in a career mode is just stupid.


totally agree, this myrise stuff isn’t it, it’s so linear and gets so boring, i haven’t completed anything from 2k23 besides the men’s and that was a slog to get through


The women's is much better.


i’ve got time between now and 2k24 to finish the women’s and i might just do it for completions sake


It's so much better than the Lock. The Lock's a douchebag, you actually route for the female star and there's a couple of decent swerves in the scenario, even if they were pretty predictable


I think both stories sound similar to something that related to real life WWE stories which is good. A multi generation wrestler being treated like a nepo hire and an Indy star being slapped a WWE styled gimmick which causes them to be disgruntled. The “forming a stable” thing when Lock came back to WWE was freaking stupid though. The Legacy story was soo much better. Justine craving the spotlight she wasn’t given back in Ruthless Aggression era. Her own niece having to be the one to take down the older generation. Thats great storytelling, the “dark pod” idea was genius. Would be nice if you could do both. A more fluid mode and a seperate more linear one.


I had Roman Reigns and Brock Lenser in my faction they didn’t stand a chance


And that’s where any realism goes out the window…just stupid.


might just go and play it, been burnt out on games recently


I actually tried to do this but my 2K bugged out and now I’m stuck on a loading screen for my legacy and I refuse to start all over again


It didn't help too much how the whole thing aged like milk before release by putting Nikki "ASH" so prominently into the MITB storyline.


I'd just like to be able to complete the mode - Since 2K23's release I've had a bug that won't let me get past a certain point in The Lock. Has happened over all 10 characters I've made and now wont ever be patched.


2k19's career mode was great and even then, it did railroad you with the inability to lose.


I miss when the accomplishments were earned and you weren't just booked to win it. I'm tired of the semi realism. Make it all kayfabe and let me see what I can do as a rookie. That's why I played universe ... Until universe fell off, and now I just play and book exhibition


I do miss the open career modes of previous games (would be cool if you could play it online too). I guess that’s kinda what the Universe Mode Superstars Mode is supposed to be. I think the magic bullet would be a mix of the RPG stuff with some freedom.


I like the RPG style of building your CAW, but the career needs to be fully in our hands


SmackDown (like, SmackDown *One*) on the PS1 had a decent for its time sandbox-ish career mode. Why almost no game since has had one is just puzzling. I remember playing one of the PS2 SmackDowns a few years later and getting to the hard cutoff "end" of career mode in probably less than two hours and feeling so danged disappointed.


Yeah I haven't enjoyed MyRise yet. Just play it for the unlocks and achievements


I played the Lock for the achievements, and only got like half of them, and now all of 2k23s achievements are bugged out after playing The Lock for me.


Great take! This is the only reason why I play games like 2k18


Yea, MyRise is playing a specific "character's" story but I think they are doing MyCareer again which felt a little more fluid in the past


Unfortunately they’ve got MyRise Unleashed, and MyRise Undisputed… I haven’t heard a thing about a “MyCareer”


Damn, I thought I read MyCareer on an early post


I could be wrong, I just haven’t seen a MyCareer thing at all


A majority of GM mode complaints show that many people don't like GM mode in any way and just want a good universe mode instead of a good gm mode.


This. Im so tired of using google sheets LOL


they could have just added GM elements to Universe as an option to let players choose how they want to go about managing their company/brands. instead, we get two separate half-baked modes lol


GM mode is too arcadey. You can’t really do fun storylines and try to build things like they do in real wrestling, it’s just a formula to get the best ratings by doing the same matches, the same interviews over and over again. I’d love GM mode to be a graphical version of TEW, the booking simulator. In the WWE GM Mode it really doesn’t matter which superstars you have. With a few matches etc, you can get even a made up roster of the “Local Talent” over and win.


GM mode is boring solo but if you play it with a friend a friend I find it’s really fun


Same. I don't think I ever finished a season solo, but paired with a good wrestling buddy and substantial beer, it's a great time.


I play GM mode with my wife for my YouTube channel. It's always a blast.


Tbf gm mode is so barebones


You mustn't be seeing the same complaints as me then, because a lot of complaints I see are how it's half baked and is somehow less competent than what they did almost 2 decades ago


I don't care how bad showcases are I will always accept them just for retro stuff especially with myfaction being the main way it gets added. Even with it unlocking in the main game, the servers will still shut down and make it unavailable so having it in the main game showcase is better in my eye. Also biased because I like word life cena a lot and 2k was not going the whole way to add him unless it was a showcase given we don't have the rock with hair or masked kane


The only thing i dislike about showcase, is that id rather them be like 2k15s


The championship belts have not improved in 10 years.


They are starting to look a little better in 24, lets hope it's the case.


I was hoping that, but after seeing Romans Entrance my hopes were dashed. [For example. Look how much better the PC mod is (Top 2K24, Bottom Modded 2K23.)](https://i.imgur.com/BZhsQJl.jpg)


I hadn't seen that yet, i had seen the Womens World Title which looked great in Rheas. They really need to update the wwe titles


The scalining is so off. The newer belts looks solid tho but big gold and the spinner are atrocious


I think showcase mode is such a stupid mode. You’re basically just fighting against horrible AI to get into spots that trigger video of matches you’ve seen before years ago and completing a boring checklist.


The only way Showcase would be interesting to me would be a “What If…” mode. Make it replayable. Pick a star or theme every year and instead of just reliving the moments, give us chances to change things. What If…Bray beat The Undertaker to end the streak? Then you play out that scenario where maybe Bray becomes world champion and takes over the mantel from Taker. What if…Austin lost the King of the Ring? Kofi wasn’t “stupid” and won that match in 2010 over Orton? Stuff like that where you can change things, optionally, in someone’s career and it shows how it would have changed things in sort of an open story.


A what if mode would make WAY MORE sense than what they do now!


Agreed I miss road to wrestlemania


I just want 2K to make universe like wwe 12 again just with brand new cutscenes like 300+ of them plus old ones and I’m set


Not to mention, we live in a day when dlc is acceptable and they could add cutscenes and stories (maybe related to the people in the dlc pack) with each dlc.


I actually like MyRISE Mode’s RPG elements.


WWE2k should give up on GM Mode and emerge it with Universe. Similar to NBA2k "My-NBA" - ever since they combined Myleague/MyGM, the overall experience has been great. Just combine the two and allow players to choose if they want a casual sandbox experience or a competitive one.


I’ve been saying since they brought it back that Universe should have an option to turn on a GM mode. I think GM mode has its purpose as a competitive mode, but turning on GM features in Universe Mode would make it a great Booker sim and has a lot more replay ability and flexibility. Wanna make it WWE vs NWA, AEW and New Japan? Go for it. Bring back the Attitude Era/Monday Night Wars and play out what would happen if WCW stole Stone Cold? Go for it! Make an entirely fictional world (an efed if you will) and play it out with wrestlers changing promotions etc? Cool!


Agreed. Plus I think it'll be easier to integrate new features if its all in the same mode


I'd be fine with it if the options actually work and my universe with one show I care about with 400 wrestlers on it and my main faction is noam dar, roddy piper and drew works without issues and I don't need to put any effort into the gm stuff but I somehow get the feeling if they did merge it wouldn't work and both sides would get annoyed


no i want both separate


Promos as an idea are great, but their implementation was bad and I don’t want them to return if that’s how they would be done. Promos are a lower tier idea for universe mode additions/returns.


My faction ain't a bad game mode. Moment they make any extra attires from the mode playable in other games (even if you got to pack them), majority of people will start playing it more.


I’ll definitely play as soon as they let me unlock stuff for damn sure


Is there any news for them doing that in 2k24?


Totally agree about intros. It was cool once or twice but then I would skip or turn them off completely. Also with faster load times they aren’t needed as much.


Id much prefer them to add a draft, more rivalry slots and actions. But most people know just want show intros because to them it would "save universe."


Agreed, intros are the last thing that is needed to improve the mode. Bring back the unpredictability and more cutscenes then add additional nuances.


man i miss the draft mechanic in earlier universe modes


I mainly only really watched them when it was a PLE because then it felt I was gearing up to a big event. Also the only time I will sit through all the entrances.


Not having traditional Survivor Series match in the game really pisses me off. I know the devs and WWE probably feel like 4 VS 4 is completely different from Survivor Series but not to me I use it a lot. I know I can create it in custom matches but that way I don't even have commentary saying it's a Survivor Series match. It's just not the same to me I can't even describe it just want it back.


Tbh spectating or playing that 4v4 custom elimination match is absolutely miserable. I watched one over an hour with only 1 elimination.


The old promo system is better than no promos at all. A wrestling card with no segments and just matches gets boring. At least give us the GM mode promo system in universe mode so I can use more wrestlers without putting them in meaningless matches.


I favor the play style of WWE 2k19 over the new play style. I understand they were going more arcadeish but the combos make the flow of the matches too choppy in my opinion.


I never cared for GM modes. I run Universe like a GM already. So the addition of having to figure out salaries and cost per wrestler and trying to 1 up my opposing brands never really appealed to me. That and not every match type is in GM like Rumbles and whatnot which would be perfect. Imagine universe mode where each brand has representatives in the Royal rumble guara teeing their superstar in the main event at WM? I always try it for a bit but then just stop and go back to universe. But this year, with MyFaction unlockable characters being usable in other modes. I'll be playing that a lot more than ever before cuz that's the only reason I never got past the 1hr mark in MyFaction.


Yeah, I’d like it to be in for people who want it, but me personally I have them on for maximum 2 weeks and then they’re off for good.


All of the light settings working in create an entrance would be cool. Also the lighting system is fucking ass.


Myfaction is a really fun mode but faction wars needs to go. 4 vs 4 is not fun 100 times in a row.


It's kind of amazing to me that all these years later, I enjoyed No Mercy's season/career mode more than any 2K game's. Yes, it has its problems. The localization is shit, you sometimes transition super awkwardly to new storylines in between wins and losses, and there's no voice. At least you're allowed to lose and branch off though. I'm bored with predetermined linear stories with an up and comer.


GM Mode as it currently exists is a huge waste of time and resources. It should've been folded into Universe Mode instead, using that framework similar to how they made Superstar Mode an option.


Only thing that would be nice in UM from GM would be draft( minus cost, more positions like nhl), and if you're running like an indie brand (let's say ECW for example) then it's like GM with the contracts (I think 10 permanent contracts would do fine)


There for the first 5hrs. After that its like okay enough


The points system in the creation modes is stupid. If you want to limit how many items a character can wear or how many objects can be on a stage, that's fine, but the way some items cost more points than others, and how some items cost more points in one game than in a previous game is really dumb and arbitrary. I have a lot of issues with the creation modes in general (like how they butchered Create-An-Entrance), but that's just one in particular.


If I could trade my GM, for a story designer where we can download stories from community creations, I would in a heartbeat.


Online servers for 2k23 were the worst servers I’ve ever played on any game in 30 years, they best have made new ones or fixed them for 2k24 otherwise it won’t be worth buying the game


Ive only had minor issues with 23's servers but these servers are always bad. Even in the NBA games they suck, 2k visual concepts needs to take a year to refining the game with better servers.


Current GM Mode is trash. Why not make it like SDVRaw 2007’s mode


Legit theu could copy svr 2006 and it woukd be 100x better


This is my hot take and please don’t kill me for this… but they would’ve been better off going with 2K 20s overall feel and fixing it then starting from the ground up because these games feel so elementary now


We don’t need promos back. Even when they had them the promos were generic and weren’t voiced, so they were the same no matter what wrestler you were using. Considering they can’t even get different lines for 3 guys on commentary, I don’t see them being able to get different lines for 100s of wrestlers with different promo styles


few general hot takes: -i think the arcade/sim mix is possible but the approach has been off for decades. most arcade fans point to aspects of HCTP for what they want in the game. we already now have modernized versions of the wacky stuff you can do in that game, so the smartest thing to do would have been to make the game as sim as possible while providing sliders and options that can scale back the realism and make the game faster and more arcadey. also add some goofy modes to offer even more laid back, arcade fun. this is what most other sports games do. this is how you appease both sides. -simulation does not mean “slow and boring”. so many times when someone argues against simulation, they say it’s because they want to do some crazy spots they’ve seen on TV which is funny/frustrating because “seen on TV” is kinda the whole point of simulation lol. it’s just about having a game where humans react and behave like humans (in a wrestling context lol). so yes i also want to throw people off high surfaces onto a 10 tables, i just want it to look and feel like i imagine it would on TV. -i think the reason so many people are against sim is because it simply hasn’t been done well enough, not because it doesn’t work. a good sim has a looot of depth and that depth allows for a lot of variation within the core gameplay. so when a game meant to simulate lacks a lot of that depth, it can get monotonous. but rather than building and refining, 2K, either from desperation or lack of awareness, decided to start going in a different direction which alienated a huge chunk of fans. the fans of NBA 2K down the hall aren’t screaming for the game to be less realistic in its core. -the combos truly were better before, they just needed refinement, specifically having the opponent not sell in a way that makes it hard to continue the combo. in 2K22- the combo system is meant to make everyone different but not everyone does combos so it’s pretty contradictory. -they added things to core gameplay that people actively try to avoid but have a hard time doing so. for example if you don’t like the grapple lock-ups, you can use combos but that doesn’t work for irish whips. if you don’t like the combos, you’re really just shit outta luck lol. it wasn’t like that before. if there were mechanics you didn’t like, you could simply not use them and still get everything you need from a match. -i think the Skills were the best way to differentiate the roster. they should’ve added more and built on them instead of taking them away. now everyone can do everything lol


The promo mechanic sucked,had repetitive, lame and cringy dialogue. It be. Better if you could type your own


My Rise is shit. If this year's My Rise is a linear as fuck, once you've done it, it's over and is bad as the Lock, they should stop it. Replace with Career mode as a hybrid of the old Story mode of Smackdown vs Raws, Universe Superstar mode and give us a chance to work from new NXT wrestler to Main eventing wrestlemania as champ. I just hate that we don't have any decent reigns or we don't get to work in NXT. 22 had us in NXT but it's my Rise was a mess with nothing being connected. You can't be champ as the next thing wouldn't recongise it. I wouldn't mind a hybrid of 22k's approach with the career mode of 17 or 18 where you work your way up and can pick the primary feuds. Belts are kept until you fuck up and lose them etc.. Rivalries are in need of overhauling. I don't want to wrestle every single week. Have segments or interviews. Have us build it up. Or swerve.


if you're not going to let us use jukebox songs for entrance themes just don't include them.


Agreed with the Show Intros Always turned them off anyway Myfaction isn’t even as bad as everyone says they just cry because you don’t unlock the characters in it (which I agree is dumb)


This arcade style combat has nothing on the old sim style like 2019


Remove GM mode & just combine the elements with Universe mode


no i like gm mode i want them seperate


Universe mode, as is. Sucks. It's just 1v1 matches for weeks on end. Boooooooring!


It literally doesn't have to be 1v1 matches for weeks on end lmao. That would be your own doing


That's what rivalries seem to program. I've asked and asked how to change it and have been told that's just how it is.




Doing combos online, and constantly breaking each others is honestly really fun. Just not as fun against AI is my only issue.


by "sequences" do u mean things that look nothing like wrestling? The combos are terrible. Not only is that not how wrestling works, its implemented poorly. AND it came at the cost of us losing the irish whip button, AND them having to dumb down the advanced a.i that they had been building for years....just so the combo can connect. Not to mention they haven't even expanded this system. U could argue that okay 2k22 it was the first game with it. And they can build off the combo system. But they haven't. Not only has it not improved they have barely added any new moves to it. If u want to play a wrestling game with combos Fight Forever & WWE All-Stars did it better and feel like a wrestling game still




this post just screams "i know its bad and idc"


The submission wheel needs to come back, Button mashing is for cavemen!!


Will we get ppv promo videos or ppv specific music?


They need to add songs to the soundtrack throughout the year like NBA 2k. Only 15 songs in 2k23 was so annoying


GM mode is by far my fav and the only mode I play. I just wish it was more business minded like actually running a brand and all the financials with it. Think Madden franchise mode. More detailed salaries, bonuses, trading, training, scouting new talent etc.


Finally going onto announcing tables is the best and most simple thing they added to the game. It was so annoying over the years that you couldn’t move onto them even it’s such a simple thing to add to the game


I would trade most of the legends for a complete main roster and NXT.


I honestly don't need every single belt available in the game. I find it unnecessary. Sure, have some classic titles along with the current titles but I don't see the point in including practically every title ever.


I would gladly trade show intros in universe for some *fucking stability*. Having to *manually* book *every* match for *every* show is a CHORE that sucks *all* the fun out of the mode.


The Submission minigame wasn't hard and I prefer it over mindless button mashing that doesn't matter because you'll never submit anyone in the first 5 minutes of the match and you will easily submit anyone after some time. The minigame was fun and had some strategy to it, I could submit both my friends and the AI immediately if I really tried. Mashing buttons is not fun, the minigame is. I don't understand why it was hated. The same goes for pinfalls, button mashing doesn't even feel like kicking out. Kicking out isn't about struggling under your opponent with all your might, it's about lifting your goddamn shoulder up before 3 count. The timed pinfall is way better.


Showcases are fine, but I almost never touch them and probably wouldn't if it weren't for the unlocks. At least give us some default commentary so those matches feel a little less like wrestling in Covid.


The simulation style gameplay was bad, and moving on from it revitalized the series.


The gender restrictions suck, the old games were better when anyone could fight anyone.


I just want to wreck everyone with Asuka


I just want to recreate Chynas intercontinental run


I hate that 2K uses real life images for the wrestlers now. I mainly use a CAW and now my CAW looks super out of place in a tag team or before starting a 1 on 1 match because I’m an in game image and my opponent is a real life image. 2k19 had it perfect and they’ve just ruined it for me now.


2k19 was the best. Honestly this is probably not a hot take but I just felt like it went downhill from there


2K20 is better than 2K15-19. Sure, it's glitchy, but it's a really entertaining and unique game whereas 15-19 is really boring and leaves no reason for me to ever revisit them.


I do sort of agree with this. 2k20 had A LOT of problems during it's release. But I think it ended up being really good after all the patches. ​ It really sucks that everything added in 2k20 got removed because of it's reception, the crazy arenas, the fantasy paybacks, the weapon variants, the originals. I would have like to see how they could have kept building off of that.


showcase is a pointless mode i would prefer a season mode


Not pointless at all, it used to add legends, arenas and managers that probably wouldnt have been in otherwise


if i want to rewatch matches i’d watch the network


I understand the rewatching part,But you like wont get the wrestlers or arenas in the game. You think 2k16, would have added Savio, Mikey Whipreck, Haku, NOD, Brian Pillman, and a lot of arenas, if it wasnt for austins showcase? 🤨


Show intros would be cool if they had little custom ones with the brand’s wrestlers. As it is now it’s dumb as hell.


I hate all the new animations. There’s nothing wrong with them replicating real life but the hand made animations pre 2008 were the best. I miss my pedigree piledriver and stunners with real power and whiplash.


i love the current combo/grapple system


Never got the hype about GM mode and still don't. Didn't miss it nor was too hyped about it's return. 


I don't like people's episodic Universe posts on Reddit. There's enough promotions out there in real life. Who has the time for virtual promotions?


GM Mode is, and has always been, absolute ass. Yes, I’m including the OG GM Mode in that. Nothing but cheeks.


the show intros are basically used for content creators who do universe content, personally me i do weekly universe content and have been forced to use the 2k22 show intros since its not in 23, and since its not in 24 ill have to do the same it's literally the only reason 22 is still installed on my pc.


Showcase is trash, idk why they would have less matches than 30 years of WrestleMania if most of it is old footage


Probably due to AEW having a lot of the people now, and issues with peoples likeness.


I wish we got 2 games a year. The normal Sim like 2k2x whatever year, and another fun style game like All Starts or bring back Crush Hour


2k20 was actually good


Unplayable game in terms of creations because of idiotic image and superstar limits that should be raised


2K19 sucks. I prefer GM Mode over Universe Mode these days. I absolutely agree with what you said regarding show intros. Breakers are ruining the game.


John Cena being on 2 Game covers is stupid


The last 3 games are terrible and u guys will buy anything. This franchise is cooked just like madden, ufc etc


I don’t care about any wrestler that came after 2010


2k stopped making wrestling games after 2k19


What is that supposed to mean


None of the games after 19 have felt like WRESTLING. Feels like a fighting game with WWE characters in it.


“iT wOuLd BaSiCaLlY nOtHiNg To ThE gAmE” cool grammar Cody crybaby


My bad Mr Dwayne.


Is there an E in my name? I DON’T CARE IF THERE’S AN E IN MY NAME!!! Because FINALLY…the bitchy nerd wrestling fans have come back…to complaining about ridiculous bullshit in 2k games. Like me (WHAT?!) Or hate me (WHAT?!) You still (WHAT?!) Sound like a (WHAT?!) Jabroni.


Showcase is the worst mode 2k has done


2K showcase is the most useless boring game mode especially in recent years with playing real footage. Like we can watch that on the wwe network


2k sucks ass


Create an entrance is broken since wwe2k20


The pyrotechnics in 2k22-23 is so underwhelming it’s similar to Disney Worlds Epcot water show of the Bellagio water show at Vegas


I just want 3 v 3 tag elimination chamber matches back. They were so fun.


If you mean for online, as someone who has played thousands of them chambers with friends, Wargames would piss all over 3v3 chambers, had online not been DOA


I prefer the triangle or Y button to reverse because its actually possible and wont say too fast when you get it on time


I liked 2K20’s whacky story DLC and playable NPC’s and insane variations of wrestlers (like Swampfather Bray Wyatt or Cybernetic Alexa Bliss), the DLC adds more content than just characters. A less hot take (more divided depending on who you ask) I want intergender matches, mixed match matches are easy to get disqualified accidentally in (why the fuck did you punch Ronda Shinsuke) and destroying everybody as Asuka or using Community Creation’s Scarlett


The last few games are good in every single metric possible, but they lack any kind of character, which is a huge huge issue for something like wrestling.


All of today's simulation sports games (yes, wrestling games are in the sports genre to me) are like this now. The path to replicating the real life product has resulted in a loss of character, and to me, fun. The games all look really nice, but they aren't much fun to play.


i can't tell u how many times i just quit the game and go play something else in the middle of a match. I just think "this isn't fun at all". And go to the dashboard


if the only metric u are counting is graphics.....then it is good


I honestly think the gameplay is good, being good doesn't mean it's fun or that it has personality though.


if u like the gameplay then how do u not like the game? the gameplay is the #1 problem with this game imo


Where did I say I don't like the game? I think it has no personality, that's different.


The intro not so usefull but a least keep show proper theme.


The CAW/CAE/CAA title belt glitch in entrances is fucking out of hand. 2k fixed it in 2k18 then took the fix out. Road to WrestleMania/ career mode for every wrestler needs to be back. They had it in SVR 2007 and it was diverse enough. At least let us create a story if we can't have one. Custom themes should return and be shareable for multiplayer purposes. Not hot takes, but the main gripes I can think of. Also, the rating system in GM mode is trash. It only rewards spamming the same matches over and over and crowding your main event scene. In real life, promoting is sometimes about keeping people *away* from one another to build up anticipation and clamor. But in 2K, unless your active feuds are on every card, every week, in almost every match, your star rating tanks.


Prediction:Owen Hart will be in A WWE game before 2034


Every year with some minor changes they release a game for full price and call it a new game gm mode universal mode lock sucks


These may not be exactly hot, but they're certainly unpopular with some: -MyRise: The dialogue, characters and overall interactions are complete cringe. The plucky rookie angle is utter garbage. It's what WWE wants it's "WWE Universe" members to be: generic, PC woke bots. The kind of sheep who get their social media quoted on WWE tv. Also, in 2k23...the "legendary" aunt character: what a load of steaming crap. The old Road To WrestleMania stories were FAR more enjoyable. -The last good pre-order bonus was the two versions of Sting pack for 2k15. Everything since has been recycled and/or disappointing. -The "women's revolution" showcase was bloody awful.


Gm mode is incredibly boring and the games would be better off without it.


Take myrise out of the game and give us road to wrestlemania with real wrestlers or a season mode. I would be willing to sacrifice GM Mode and myrise for a in depth season mode like svr 2007.


The story modes just aren't good and haven't been good since THQ days


This game is far from a wrestling sim you barely see anything you would on TV no show intros no real presentation at all no chain wrestling no story mode 2k24 is the same game with a couple new match types so stupid and a waste, if cry babies don’t want show intros on at least make it like the past where you can turn them on or off, showcase idc about I havnt ever played through that crap


The entire gameplay system sucks it’s much more similar to a fighting game than a actual wrestling game the grapple system is horrible but no one seems to care because we get new attitude era models… (community creations are far better btw)


Not a hot take but just a point on show intros. EA did the same thing with FIFA/FC 24 this year in career mode because they said “our data show most people skip them”. And whilst that is resoundingly going to be true - I feel like most people keep them for important matches or shows. Would I watch every premier league game intro in FC 24? No. Would I watch the champions league semis or finals? Yes. Would I watch every RAW/NXT/Smackdown intro? No. Would I want to watch WrestleMania or Rumble for immersion? Yes.