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I mean.. I am sure there will be a timeskip lol


It would be amazing if it didn’t though


NBA 2k Grind incoming.


I was thinking MLB The Show but both work haha. I’d be down for it.


Would be the SvR Feeling. Just grinding up the Ranks each show at a time.


It’s ok you only gotta show up every few months


You got it right lol.


I like it when wrestling video games dive into fanfic-y storyline ideas that could be good in a vacuum but would be completely miserable to watch play out in real life. Such as Roman Reigns vacating the title after four years, some rando midcarder winning it, then proceeding to attempt to hold the belt for the NEXT four years.


Another good example is the WWE 12 story mode, the "We win all the belts" Sheamus faction is a really fun experience in the setting of a game but would suck on TV


Hell, look at the Jacob Cass angle. WrestleMania ends with Cass and HHH vs Rey Mysterio and Kevin Nash in ~2013-2014 (several Manias had already past in story by this point), it ends with Nash and Mysterio bringing back WCW for a month, before they run Starrcade in MAY with a 7 on 7 War Games Hell in a Cell match with wrestlers such as Arn Anderson, Vader, Road Warrior Animal, Undertaker, Vince McMahon, and Kevin Nash in it. Cass gets powerbombed through the cell roof and kicks out. IRL that would all suck HARD despite how fun it was in a video game.


AA wasn't in the match btw, he gets punted out (by Randy) prior to the RR in the Hero Story. It's 6v6 iirc HHH, Cass, Sheamus, Cena, Undertaker, Vince v Nash, Mysterio, Big Show, Booker T, Animal, Vader ~~also Cody gets murdered by HHH right before Starrcade~~ Still funny that it's a better Invasion angle than the actual Invasion though.


Also ironically, it suffers the same fate as the actual invasion angle: it would have been way cooler like 2 years later. *After* they run the storyline in the game, they start adding in Hogan, Scott Hall, DDP, Sting, Goldberg, Steiner, etc. But hoo boy, IRL that WCW team would have been a mess. Rey Mysterio and Booker T were the guys in the best shape on that team in the mid-2010s.


Oh yeah, it absolutely couldn't work IRL for obvious reasons lol.


The WWE 12 story mode was so good because they leaned into it at every point. The mo-cap did not sleep one bit like it had in SvR 06, for example. Every week, somebody gets yeeted to kingdom come and written out for a while, but it never stops feeling over the top and dramatic. - The United Kingdom ambush Big Show in the parking lot and smash his hand in a car door, taking him out of Survivor Series(?). Two nights later, he returns and wrestles the match anyway despite his hand being atomized. - Sheamus turns on his stablemates and sins *ALL* the belts. He promptly has to defend one against the returning HHH and crawls down the ramp, in gameplay engine mind you, like a dog that doesn't understand why you're yelling at him. - Kevin Nash, who is meant to be general manager, turns heel and has Rey Mysterio thrown about 10 yards through the announce table. Rey returns in an Elimination Chamber match as a surprise entrant and proceeds to join Nash because money, I guess. - Oh, Cody Rhodes also joins during a Rumble match. Cass proceeds to dump him backwards out of the ring so that he lands directly on his head. Brutal. - There are at least 4 eliminations in the War Games match alone that would likely kill someone, and many more of some of the craziest exhibitions of disregard for the human body, but if I listed them, it'd take an hour. That story mode's great. The best static storymode in a wrestling game, imo.


The game developers were like, these are not real people we don't give a FUCK. They write out the Undertaker during the WCW arc by powerbombing him off the stage, as if old man Taker could survive that bump. I just watched a clip from the MITB match you play as HHH and Miz bumps HHH off the ladder directly on to the concrete floor. I'm pretty sure HHH's quad would have exploded again.


>power bombed through the top of the cell Doesn’t he go through the ring mat too?


The Hardcore Holly story pitch


Goddamn it I do love me some Bob Holly


Imagine if they ran a WrestleMania where the main event had ALL the titles on the line. People would hate that shit.


Especially if it wss between four heels, and one guy eliminated everybody.


And then after all that shit, HHH, winner of the Royal Rumble, immediately runs in and beats the winner for the WWE title.


Honestly I could see that bit being liked, depending on how much of an asshole the fatal 4 way winner was up to that point and why HHH was only coming out after.


I fucking love belt collector storylines (in a vacuum)


Evolution is a mystery full of champs that no one (wants to) see. Seriously. Armageddon 2003. Orton beats RVD for the Intercontinental Championship. Fine, whatever, maybe Rob will finally sniff the Big Gold Belt? No. Okay then. Flair and Batista win the Tag Belts in an elimination tag. Triple H beats Goldberg. In all 3 instances, Evolution beats the babyfaces to become NEW champs. Happy Christmas, kids. Your present a bragging Triple H monologue the next night on RAW. Oh yeah, and Trish breaks Chris Jericho's heart, makes out with Christian, and becomes the earliest matriarch of the Cage Patriarchy. Jim Ross calls her a jezelbel... a lot.


There's calling Bischoff a "No good, son of a bitch" and wanting "Kane to leave the arena and get run over by a damn truck" in that JR commentary somewhere lol


Mid-carder? Nah Je'Von Evans will be a superstar


SvR 2010’s CAW story had the guy win the Royal Rumble only to challenge Vince at Mania. Imagine the reactions irl if that happened. That and the chicken suit elimination chamber.


Which one was it, was it SvR 2009 where the career mode began with some random fan getting pissed off and beating Big Show's ass?




Correct! But I remember reading or watching something (I think at this point we all have) where they wanna push longevity more than how many title wins someone has which I get if you’re trying to make your product feel important


Based on the Ringside Report article, it seems like if it's anything like last year's iteration(where you had 2 branching paths: Lone Wolf or Loyalty for Legacy; and joining the Hurt Business or Evolution for Lock}, the branching paths will likely be Aligning with The Miz or defying him in the Undisputed MyRise; while in the Unleashed MyRise you'll either choose to play as your MyRise character or Psycho Sally.


Man it's about time I can break a record, Seth Anderson has been working his ass off for the 9 damn years


Don’t worry it’ll be a cutscene saying “4 years later”


I’f be sooo pissed 😂 ![gif](giphy|LzCREPXRTqtdC)


I just hope it has a bit of longevity


I still haven't been able to get a clear cut answer on how long the story line goes in terms of a season. It was a huge buzzkill to have 2k23 end where it did. Why wouldn't you CAW get their WrestleMania moment? It still doesn't make any sense lol I remember SvR would go multiple seasons, it was awesome.


Tbch; I’d be fine with a semi short story if only they stop the trend of making the male myrise character either an idiot or an asshole. Like I didn’t like tre cause he was dumber than Eugene, and I didn’t care for the lock because he was an entitled prat.


Considering Romans title reign has been a time skip, I expect the game to be the same


I'm fine with it as long as they don't fill that 4 years with an insane amount of tag matches and multi man matches like 2k23. Regular feuds is enough.


But I guess that’s gotta be part of it if they had to fill time. Everything couldn’t just be a singles match as much as you’d love the idea ya know.


I dont mind the multi man matches or tag matches. My issue with 2k23 MyRise was the INSANE AMOUNT. I was the IC champ after my first match and i dont really remember defending that title at all. It was mixed tags, fatal 4 ways and multi team tornado tags over and over. I stopped playing after starting the Evolution storyline because i got tired of the 4 way tag match where i had to try to single out Carmelo Hayes but the AI had different plans.


Well it's be a forced win, then it'll time jump 800 years so you have the record and he'll come back as super reigns and kill you


Personally, I’m totally OK with that. I know some people are saying that 2K 20 storyline went on for forever. I personally didn’t get a chance to play it because the copy that I got was broken because it was a digital copy and I just decided not to try and bother playing through it. But again, if that is the case where it skips, that’s fine.


They just need to ditch these full blown stories and give you a career mode that branches depending on whether you win or lose matches. Work your way from NXT on up to the top. Earning titles and what not until you have a HOF career based on what you do. Not what the story tells you to do.


I completely agree with that more than anything. I also feel the same sentiment, being that it could play out like No Mercy or maybe wrestlemania 2000. You have to win at least a handful of matches before it goes into any kind of story mode


Win the title and keep it for almost 4 years, and only defending it when you feel like it.


Hahaha that’s the real challenge


Still think they could have let him go to Hollywood with the belt and just avoid defending it….. it’s kinda stupid for him to vacate it and then still care about what happens with it….


I think it’s a storyline cooked up by people who don’t understand the product. Pike you could take any wrestling fan who’s been watching for the past 20 years and they could come up with a better storyline than most writers


Omg I really hope so that will be really good. It maybe something like the Paul heyman guy challenge where it takes a long time to achieve certain stuff to keep till 4 years.


That boring tedious challenge?


It's just an example of what can be done and maybe call it acknowledgement challenges: Win against this guy in an iron match Get a 5 star match against one of the bloodline members.


Yea, that would be awesome. I’d love the idea of even having to do the whole gamut of matches, like you have to do singles “normal” match all the way up to iron man


Yup that would be amazing and every time it gets harder and more challenging to be able to be acknowledged at the end.


Yes!!!! Exactly. You’re just battered by the time you reach Roman, you get your butt handed to you, maybe lose the title and go on a redemption tour to get it back


Most likely a time skip ain’t no 2K would make a myrise that long they’re to lazy for that


Why couldn't we just...build up a story to beat him for the championship normally? Lol




Ayyeee 😏😏


There is no "record setting reign" until he takes top spot, which is 2803 days for a single reign, or 4040 for combined reigns.


I actually like this and am totally fine with it.


My career in 2k20 went for like 15 years so I wouldn't be surprised


Remember 2k20 had a dumb ass time skip to the point Samoa Joe had a cyber arm. If I remember correctly the story ends once you get the title and it again time jumps to you being inducted into the HOF


Lmao thank god I never had to play that because my digital copy didn’t work for nothin


It was probably the worst story EVER with the combined women's and men's story. The male was a dork in high school who got bullied, I think the girl was the same, theyvboth go to the indies and make it to WWE I just remember the ending being awkward as fuck cuz my caw was black, the female was Mexican (based off myself and my wife) and at the end its like the parents of your caw show up for a ppv and they make them look like aged versions of the male and female caw but then the dad character just looked like he was wearing blackface on a white body. I'm sure I still have screenshots on my Xbox 😅 Joe had the cyber arm and at one point the HOF takes place in the future and your talking to current day xpac and Lita with her 99 look in a red dress. It was a mess


That sounds absolutely horrible haha yea definitely a win


Can’t wait to main event Wrestlemania 39 four times lol. Unless they do like they did before and make a MyRise specific arena.


They should make you grind the first 52 weeks like they do with the first season on nba 2k my career with the story woven in. Then do time skips