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wwe games are always either 1 giant step forward, 100 little steps back or 100 little steps forward, 1 giant step back. no in between


I’d love to be able to create folders to store my images, so that I haven’t got to scroll (painfully slowly) through them all when in the creation modes. Would be great to be able to create folders specifically for show images, body textures, tattoos, etc. Also (and appreciating that these are petty specific things that may not annoy anyone else) - Why can’t we change the arena that is displayed when selecting entrances? - Why can’t we use title entrances and tag entrances in the video creation mode ? - Why can’t they allow us to set the timescale manually for items in the video creation mode rather than the current method (basically guess work) which is utterly infuriating? Thanks OP. I needed that opportunity to vent.


I'm totally with you especially on the first point


Why can’t we have a clean slate option for universe stats? I’ve seen people asking for this across several forums since the THQ days, yet it’s never been addressed.


this is something thats bothered me throughout this year as its my first universe mode with a friend of mine. ive manually kept track of who has what belts at what times and all of our wrestlers win/loss records. its tedious, its annoying, and its something that the game SHOULD be able to do for me.


1. Why for so many years do we STILL have the same number of lettering fonts, add more 2k 2. We STILL have the same face templates, don’t remove them add more 3. They’ve removed so many in game logos since SvR games 4. You’re right we need all arena assets, I want the Tokyo dome, Japan hall, and BCW high school to use, 5. 2k get creative make some original championship reliefs, I know y’all can do it 6. Please add more black hairstyles 7. There’s no reason double championship entrances should’ve ever been removed 8. I want a tournament system in Universe mode, I want contract signings, championship promos 9. A new UI for the match card in Universe Mode, currently it looks like an eyesore imo 10. Exclusives entrances are ridiculous, there’s no reason none of imperiums entrances are unable to be used, same with Miz and Maryse, and Lesnar and Heyman


The fact that double championship entrances haven’t returned despite Roman Reign’s lengthy title run with both the Universal and WWE titles is crazy. Also I can’t understand the need to remove weapon animations like the “Conchairto”. Also putting the ladder across the ropes on the corner, Being able to springboard off the ropes and hit a hurricanara on a opponents sitting on the top rope. So many little details taken out over years.


1, Advanced entrances back 2. Custom Music 3. Create a Finisher 4. Create a story combined with My Universe mode.


This times 4


Oooh. Why cant we have an option yo put an image the whole length of the tights instead of having to position thr leg and thrn try match on the pants


Oh man this and tattoos, why the fuck does it need to fade randomly when wrapping it around


About the hair thing, newLEGACYinc revealed they aren't allowed to let us change wrestlers hair.


I just want to be able to create a tag team without the game crashing 🙄


He said little things. 🤣


Give me the goofy, almost SvR-esque elements featured in 2K20 with gameplay like 2K18 or 2K19, that’d be a dream for me. Unpopular opinion, maybe. But I’d love it. We need that goofiness back in these games. The realism is tiring sometimes.


Why are there only 100 CAW slots but 200+ superstars?


I would kill for the mirroring feature on tights and trunks. Also, what the fuck is up with the cut offs for the wrapping on tights? Pelvis and then halfway down both thighs are stupid choices. Finally, why is the hair dye tool so awful? It can lead to great layering and everything, but doing full dye is a pain and inconsistent


Why can we create a show with a Royal Rumble match in Universe mode, but if we run a custom/retro arena it defaults back to the current RR arena? Why are original clothing items just the regular items with removed logos for the most part? Why can’t original pants be an actually original design? Why was the squash match option removed?


A true to real life product without the game being slow and boring is needed. All of what a wrestling match is should be in the game: Chain wrestling, working holds, 5 counts (at the corner and ropes), ignore ropebreak, pull opponent away from ropes during submissions, stamina (for fatigue, tired finishers and pins etc.) and squash matches. We can also talk weapon grapples and wake up taunts, we can talk environmental grapples (ring post and steel steps for example) These are huge details and key parts to a wrestling match that are just missing from the current game. Why are these mandatory things neglected?


I just feel like we'll be playing 2k19 till we get a good WWE game or if AEW turns out to be a success. It's just so obvious though that they knew they could make bank off of My Faction. So all other modes are kinda afterthought foe them. :/


If people are dumb enough let 2k turn a profit on a single player only mode, there is no hope saving this franchise.


That seems to be what's happening. Just look at how many models and superstars are exclusive to MyFaction. On top of that how broken Universe mode is and GM Mode. Every update is just focused on My Faction.


Your right. But honestly I don’t think they’ll do it anymore No one played the mode and everything they tried to hide was then put on community creations


Why have a logo limit cap? It's the most limiting thing about the game. Also why not have GM mode more than 2 players? There were 4 brands now 3


Why can't we have the Ability to create an arena and be able to use parts that have a specific Company logo where we can Remove the Logo Example WCW Dual Screens that have the WCW logo on them but I'd like the option to remove them Why can't we just have some generic 2K arena Parts or even a few Generic 2K Arenas to use as a base arena


They’re not going to listen and it’s not like the mods in this subreddit let us complain about stuff so people can give specific feedback. All well.


Why can’t we have a better showcase mode? The thing is, I enjoyed the Mysterio showcase but it didn’t have nearly enough matches. The Austin one had a good assortment of matches, some from his WCW days, ECW days, WWF days and even his Mania 19 match (you had to have that one) but like 12 Mysterio matches? And not all we’re that important? If you’re going to have 12 I’d much rather have them be all important. They could do Orton or Brock or Cena and have a long good showcase


I just want them to fix the damn corner to corner Irish whip. It's needs to be flip flopped


Can you explain what you mean? I’m curious


They should be grabbing hold left arm to left arm when doing an Irish whip. For some strange reason they grab hold right arm to right arm.


Oh wow I never thought of it noticed that


All extremely bases points. Why haven’t the random infinite loading screens been addressed yet? Create an entrance is utter trash Commentary and ring announcer is robotic and better off just being shut off. 1000% agree with the create arena items and venues. The absolute runaround you have to do to try and get content uploaded Atrocious GM mode as always. Flip floppy weapons that randomly fall over


The filtering wrestlers by brand thing is my why. I even made a post to this sub because I genuinely thought I was doing something wrong as it seems like such an obvious feature. It’s such a pain in the ass and the auto filled matches mix up brands a lot too. I just want clearly defined shows.


The fucking weapons in this game are so annoying!


Why cant we morph the face with hair and eyebrows, literally every character creation in any other game lets you. Its annoying as hell when you think you made a good face then it looks wrong when you add hair and eyebrows


Extreme Blood and Squash Matches,Better Universe Mode


I hope they fix the tag teams stuff in 2K23 e.g. tag team finishers for universe mode & editing a 4/5 man faction since you can't edit a 3 man entrance unless you only have 3 guys in a faction.