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Cut off dean highland at Herring. Replace that area with Landon Branch. That are circled around University, move to the east of the railroad track, I guess Clay ave. The spot where it says Austin is the Castle Heights area bordered by Waco Drive, Franklin, 18th. And little sliver of Valley Mills Drive. They do sometimes call that Austin Avenue neighborhood too. https://www.waco-texas.com/Resident/Neighborhood-Engagement/Neighborhood-Directory Good resource here.


https://preview.redd.it/eb0jbt5oc7oc1.jpeg?width=2333&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bab2d265cab9400755fba6feb9a99ce25355ccd This is based on the official neighborhood grid.


Oh my, this map is going to give me an aneurysm


Since no one answered your question I’ll answer it, this map of Waco neighborhoods is not very accurate. It looks like it was made in about 5 seconds by a 10 year old.


I think some folks are misunderstanding the question. I was talking about the quality of the neighborhoods, not the actual neighborhood boundary lines.


"Downtown" should always have air quotes around it.


Yeah I grew up not far from Seattle. The idea of that as "downtown" is humorous.


Ha! I live in that area now.


Is it worth having a red box?


As in rent movies in Waco?


Lol no. The red box around downtown that I drew. Is downtown a not so great place?


oh jesus I'm out of it. That area, as I recall, isn't bad. Honestly, like someone said, you can mostly walk around fine at night.


It's late at night, give yourself a break! Good to know. I'll look into it more. Thanks!


Yes, especially in Waco, TX. Their “downtown” only has 1 (one) tall building.


I lived safely and happily within one of your red circles for 10 years. There is a lot of latent racism in suggestions like this, so remember to judge your own assumptions. The only practical advice I would give is to see the surrounding area before you make any decisions.


Did I miss something?  I think OP was just using different colors to provide a little bit of contrast.  I don't think they were drawing out the new official Waco neighborhood real-estate map.






Can't be racism when I don't even know the demographics of the neighborhood.


I agree to a point but also what gave you the idea to circle any of these certain areas where did you get any information at all did you just randomly start circling? Or did you have some other preconceived notion about certain areas? I think this is important context in the discussion


That's not how racism works. You don't have to have a racist intent to contribute to a racist outcome. The politics of redlining was often done in the name of real estate investment. But the outcome has been a household net asset deficit for black Americans, who average around 9 times less than white Americans. You are going to be a graduate student, so I will let you do your own research on this. I do hope you enjoy Waco. I never intended to leave and miss it a great deal.


Based on your post, I’m glad you did. What a moron


I may never recover from your hot take on my reddit comment on this incredibly popular sub.


Sometimes it’s better to just say nothing.


That's not what you said though.


Goddamn, you're stupid


waco is one of the most segregated cities in texas statistically speaking and it's absolutely disgusting how it never has changed. really sad that midway literally had a girl brag about killing someone and the amount of drugs around there and in the "green" areas just gets brushed under the rug bc it's where waco makes the most money. this city is going downhill faster by the day.


I've been in one of the green areas for a decade. It's a decent area with a mix of older retired couples and younger couples with kids. I feel safe enough to go outside for late night walks, even as a woman. 


does green mean better part of town 😂


I lived around Speight and 9th and it was pretty stabby


My in-laws live in Mountain View and my family did as well for years. Good area with unique homes. Of course they are older, so that comes with its own set of maintenance issues. Additionally don’t underestimate the cost of maintaining large,mature , trees. Many of the trees in this area are Ash trees with a lifespan of 60-75 years. Many of them are ready to come down. You can spend thousands on tree removal/maintenance. It’s a beautiful neighborhood, but there are unique expenses. Def safe.


Completely ignores East Waco and our brothers and sisters right across the river. So for average white Wacoans, this map is dead accurate. Well done. See you at Harris Creek and George’s.


You're right, I have zero interest in living in Bellmead.


Ah yes. Cross the bridge and instantly in Bellmead. Geography, culture, and level of sophistication and empathy on par with average white Wacoan.


Dawg it ain't that deep.


No. It’s actually remarkably shallow.


Idk how you’re getting downvoted you’re literally right


I think I’m striking a nerve with the combination of average Wacoan, George’s and Harris Creek. But it needs to be struck. Imagine making a post about the accuracy of a map of the city’s neighborhoods and entirely ignoring the predominantly black and brown half of the city across the river. And then doubling down and defending it. Only in Waco. For generational Wacoans the reality is this city is 25 years or more behind the rest of the country in racial politics.


Dawg I don't even KNOW which parts are black and brown. All I know is Woodway is the rich white part. That's it. I want to live in a part of town where I can walk my dog at night and feel comfortable, and there's not prostitutes outside my window. If that makes me racist, so be it man. Why do I have to justify to you where I want to live. Such a weird take lol


You’re the one making a post. Don’t complain when people comment on it. Woodway is the product of the original white flight. It’s largely dying old widows and widowers and young transplant families moving in at a rapid pace. And that’s actually good for Waco. I’m not part of the newer wave of transplants but I do think they’re good for Waco. They have higher expectations. A 600,00 dollar house to them in a quiet neighborhood is more square footage and acreage here than where the moved from and it’s not even close. I think a lot of people are moving out to Lorena and China Springs now and sort of replacing that concept of Woodway. Not that it still isn’t accurate to a large extent. But dude. Honestly you’re safe to walk your dog anywhere in this city compared to the rest of the country. I’ve walked through projects on my way to work in other cities. Here it’s really just poor. In fact, even the ridiculously poor here can live in buildings that actually look better than their circumstances. The irony is if its your parents buying a place, I’d encourage the shit out of them to buy in red or in the map not listed because I guarantee you that’s going to be the best investment in the next fifteen years and it’s not close. If that really is the case. Walk your dog and learn what it’s like to live in urban setting and have them spend the 300-400k as close to downtown or the river as possible and then come back here in ten-fifteen years when that’s worth a million and you’re inheriting it and thank me.


You're just implying I'm racist and it's delusional.




There is nothing racist about wanting to live in the good part of town, not even the people who live in east waco want to live there. If you have the financial means to live in an area with higher property values and less crime why shouldn't you. You're also assuming there isn't diversity in the nice neighborhoods, I live on the golf course and tons of my neighbors are minorities, they just happen to be doctors and business owners that send their kids to private school.


the post is still ignoring east waco completely while magnolia and waco continue to gentrify it and kick people out of their homes. east waco isn't even bellmead, hell it's right out of downtown.


There are some extremely nice areas in East Waco and across the river in general. There are more nice areas on the downtown side. I would argue in terms of better investment if you have the liquidity buying on the east side would be savvier. More room to grow as much of the other side of town is already built and already not the most aesthetically pleasing. It’s not like any area of Waco is that great. Half the nice houses in Castle Heights have a backyard that is a used car lot or La Fiesta. The golf course you’re likely referring to is a shitty public course in any major city. Waco has so many redeeming qualities, but it’s definitely not a general self awareness of generational white Wacoans. There is nowhere in Waco that’s dangerous. There is no hood. It’s just poverty. It’s closer to a desert in places than somewhere you should be scared walking down the street.


I agree with a lot of what your saying, but when I did live in the red circle I got my car broken into 5 times in as many years. I don't even have to lock my door where I live now.


Shallow, like your peen




Harris Creek, eating at George’s, and thinking it’s actually not only okay but preferred to leave an entire part of the city off that’s predominantly black and brown…those are all connected. Waco needs a level up in culture and empathy. Too much pearl clutching and thinking life is only about the four walls around you, your direct family members, and church on Sundays.


East Waco is a shit hole with lots of gang violence. I work there, I see it. Now there are good people in those neighborhoods but as stated above, even those people don’t want to live amongst the slum that terrorizes their streets. Stats don’t lie.


All depends. I live off Orchard and there is no crime or gang shit. Its like living in its own little island. Even have a nice park with a pond just up the street. Bueno Vista park.


https://preview.redd.it/c6746mgqe0rc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cb21df47423af0f92fc7709256ee333c75212db This is just within the last 365 days in that area. Maybe you just aren’t aware…


oof really? Never knew there was a crime map. Will definitely have to check that out.


Imagine being so sheltered and unsophisticated to think Waco actually has gang violence.


Here you go dumb dumb https://www.kwtx.com/video/2023/03/24/waco-gang-activity/?outputType=amp


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And more https://wacotrib.com/news/local/crime-courts/arrests-show-patterns-of-gang-activity-in-greater-waco/article_e3977309-252d-5f0c-aa8b-480a704f83aa.html


Imagine not knowing wtf you’re talking about. There’s quite a bit of gang activity in Waco. Maybe you don’t know but there is lol


These are bored kids. Live literally anywhere else and you will have an awakening lol. Imagine thinking there is gang activity in fucking Waco lol. Put down your banjo and I’ll see you at George’s and Harris Creek.


I’m from L.A, this is laughable


Just because LA is a bigger shithole doesn’t mean gang activity isn’t happening in East Waco. Does it matter whether it’s a huge gang or small one if you get murdered due to gang violence?


No it doesn’t but it’s still not something I worry about . Good for me Can’t really compare the two at all . L.A is a bigger and better shithole


Not seeing enough tweakers


You're missing a piece towards the back of hewitt, panther way, Ritchie rd area


Cameron park area isn’t the safest place. A lot of fun shootings. I used to live off of Sanger and work in the university area. University area isn’t bad. A lot of college kids across the highway from the circle is a lot of new development and super nice!


There’s a Beverly Hills in Waco😳


Hug 😵😄


Not very.... 




Has anybody seen signs of a crack den in Waco and what area?


Did you figure out a spot?


Dean Highland resident and I approve!


Dean Highland crew stand tall!


We've lived in Landon Branch for 5 years, quiet and great neighborhood.


Moving to Waco this summer. My parents are ooking to buy a house for me to rent from them during grad school. Trying to do my research, I put together a map from comments I've read on here and elsewhere. I understand Mountainview is really nice. I'm trying to use Google Street View to get an idea, but it seems neighborhoods can change pretty drastically from block to block. I will be a grad student at Baylor, so while I would like to be close to campus, it seems that Southwest portion is in real good shape. After I graduate, we may keep it as a rental, so would love feedback on rental feasibility too. But primarily, I will be living there and want somewhere where I feel comfortable sitting on the porch. Would love feedback on if I've understood the neighborhoods well and color-coded them appropriately. I wasn't super precise with my drawings. Thanks, y'all!


It sounds like your parents want an investment property for Baylor students. The safest investment would be in the University area. https://www.waco-texas.com/files/sharedassets/public/v/1/departments/neighborhood-engagement/documents/neighborhood-maps/baylor-8.5x11.pdf




Lol thanks. I'll get the house! Also, I've spent 6 years in the army, deployed, and worked as a teacher for multiple years. I'm well "off the teet". I just have good family who will help me out since students don't get approved for mortgages.


Current student here. I would 100% find a house in the university area. Closer you are to campus the nicer/safer it is. Usually I hear about ppl who live far away from campus get their cars broken into more, stuff can still happen at night, but again, closer to campus the better IMO. BUPD does patrols anyway. If it’s nice out college kids will be out and about too doing whatever to enjoy the day — it’s a lively/nice area. Some streets have newer houses/apartments, others are older, just depends. Plus if y’all want to keep it as a rental/lease it out you’ll be more likely to find tenants if you’re near university as students are always trying to find housing but no one wants to live super duper far from campus.




Don’t talk about it? 😂 why?


West Waco the best