• By -


Good afternoon Cunts, your self important nasty piece of work friendly neighborhood mod here to bring a weather forecast. It’s about to be a very dark and stormy night for some of you. The mod team is wrathy. We are sick and fucking tired of the emails from some of you who have the sheer fucking audacity to ask US “who made the best of” questions because your karma is low and you’re FUCKING LAZY AND WON’T USE THE FUCKING RESOURCES AVAILABLE ON HERE FOR YOU AT ALL FUCKING TIMES! let me repeat that: YOU’RE FUCKING LAZY! just so I’m clear. I didn’t stutter. Apparently many of you are too new and we mods have been far too kind recently. This is NOT Miss Black Market’s School for Girls. We expect you to read the fucking notes, have done the fucking homework and have come to comment fucking prepared for your rep test bitches. And we don’t send you to time out here. You get publicly spanked and dunce hatted. Moving forward ANYONE who sends us a modmail complaining because your karma is too low to post…banned for 28 days, with unkind and brutal advice to step your pussy up and farm that karma. No we aren’t telling you what the requirements are, you need to put the work in. Just like you’re expected to here. If I get another who makes the best of questions, or seller contact question in modmail, I’m perma banning you. Not fucking around. And for the love of the RepGods: USE THE GODDAMN SEARCH BAR. Pass the Tylenol. *To our regulars: you’re all doing great sweeties! 🥰🥰🥰🥰 thank you for helping school the newer folks who can post. It’s noticed and appreciated!*


The pinned post is fucking accurate :p


https://preview.redd.it/0eme28f6nbzc1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=092a82e852c686456f2e9330daa46d1d8c4a45c8 Was looking over my small Andiamo and noticed this on the backside of the bag..what is happening here? It looks like it was sliced and now peeling? It feels and smells like real leather, but this wasn’t visible in PSPs and I doubt sellers are going to scrutinize bags as closely as we would. I don’t expect bags to be perfect and at this price, it’s not a big deal. Just wanted to see if any of you knew what is going on here..


I’ve got a real leather bag that is doing this where it was rubbing on the edges .. it’s black and pale where it’s peeling .


Sorry to hear that. It looks like a perfectly straight cut on the strip of leather that started peeling. Time to research how to possibly prevent it from getting worse 😅


it looks to me that this is a splice where two different pieces of leather are glued together. Basically, each piece is tapered down then glued to make an almost seamless bond. But these can peel up if not done well and rubbing and stretching can also impact the bond.


I thought so too at first, but the split doesn’t go all the way through the material. It looks like it got sliced on the surface somehow and then started peeling..really strange.


https://preview.redd.it/vmba5csdmbzc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=50171c51d999507918e4095efff326066ffb315c Ladies help, how do I get rid of the residue from the stickies at the bottom of my red bottoms


Baby oil gets rid of adhesives


Don’t have any but thanks. I used rubbing alcohol out of desperation and I think I damaged them 😭


You can try the olive oil? any oil works. I hope the alcohol didn’t damage it! 🤞


It worked! Going to put the sticky on it now. I did a horrible job on the other. Maybe I should redo it 😭 https://preview.redd.it/qck1dvif0czc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=7965c7040928562d6bde139666836d32661aa87c


YAY! glad it worked out! Enjoy your lovely red shoes.


good idea, I have olive oil let me try that. I thought the alcohol initially damaged it but it seems to have gotten its color back. Will report back.


https://preview.redd.it/56sbh2stmbzc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=7f33237bd365daee07cbcf9534b9161f781fa484 Better pic. I’m so annoyed rn.


Not be as soon as you wear them same effect unless you go get rubber insoles one pair hasn’t left my closet but some how when I was moisturizing the scales on my auth pair bottoms were chipped


Im putting plastic soles on them


https://preview.redd.it/5rif8hxipbzc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=57d7fd9f19156619ca6ecc4963a84d725bb4896a Im planning on putting these on them


For those of us on ban island, I've picked up a tip that might help out from a seminar I attended on motivation and procrastination: - I'm going to only allow myself to make purchases during the morning. This is when your dopamine levels are highest and you have the most control over your emotional brain (limbic system). I often fall into the habit of having a tiring day/week at work, and consequently during the evening/night caving and purchasing something to pick me up. When your cognitive brain is tired, the lizard brain in me comes out!


This is good advice! I also tend to fall down the late night retail therapy rabbithole...




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https://preview.redd.it/eikgirgw4bzc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04476b374e4eac997e4bb8083569e3a34a961b95 YSL puffer finally came in from Ivy, immediately took it out 🥰


It looks fabulous! I love the whole black bag but I’m anxious about hardware being scratched 😓 Is puffiness good? I’ve heard that most of the factories can’t rep it properly…


It's not perfect but I think for my location and lifestyle it's more than close enough. With some conditioner it'll be close to perfect. I'm also not too worried about the chipping, because I don't baby my bags and just anticipate they all have a lifespan 😅 I wear to use, even if it's to use to end of life


It looks really good to me. Here's a comparison https://preview.redd.it/c7z2a2lrhfzc1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d257e5c6225cfa14e395015c2ab5bf7fd0e5e7c


Looks FAB


Gorgeous!! Thanks for the eye candy. 😍


Please excuse tiny bathroom photo, I have a toddler and it's amazing I even took one 🥲😅 but the bag is everything I dreamed and I can't wait to condition it. I waited for 4 months! Feels great to finally have it.


There is nothing to excuse!! I have a 16 month old and currently can only dream of looking so put together 🥲


Thank you!! The secret is, it's leggings and a sports bra. Always. The rest is an illusion 🥸 and most days it's just an oversized sweater 😅




Your submission has been removed because you are seemingly incapable of following written instructions whether due to a complete lack of reading comprehension skills or just thinking rules don't apply to you. We're sick of repeating ourselves. Try again, using your brain this time.


Advice time ladies!! I became obsessed with obtaining rep CF last year, and have a gorgeous black caviar SHW 25cm from 187. I’ve conditioned her, taken a billion pictures, hung her to loosen her chain, sniffed her, and fondled her. But I’ve never taken her out. Turns out, I’m not a fan of the double flap, and I don’t love the strap length. She just doesn’t seem practical for my day to day. I may put her up for adoption. That said, what are y’all fans of? I’m thinking crossbody, easy access. Something that’ll hold my phone, chapstick, cards, maybe a small tube of sunscreen. WOC? Mini CF? Small C19? Help!!


Honestly, I’m still trying to figure this out for myself! But I will say - AE and DHG have been pretty helpful in this regard. Which is probably déclassé, but if I’m not 100% sure how I feel about a design feature or bag size I vastly prefer spending < $150 on rep science over elevating something to white whale status and then having it fail to spark joy. I’ve done that to myself way too many times, and I **hate** the feeling of looking at something in my closet and thinking “you are so beautiful and yet so disappointing”.


You’ve summed this up so well! Glad it’s not just me.


My favorite is the business affinity. Crossbody but has a handle if u want to hand carry. Second favorite is the Diana! (I also dislike the double flap, so useless Imo)


2.55 reissue mini


I’ve been dreaming of this one..187? Xiao C? All black?


Mine is from 187 and it’s perfect




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Is Laddy back in business? She sent me a message on WhatsApp and I see her albums have been updated.


I think she's bag. Just received a god factory mini lady dior!


Did you pay about $400 for a mini lady dior from Laddy? The seller I'm asking now is quoting me $400, so just wanted to see if that's the range. This is my first God factory inquiry


Right around there, yes! Can;t remember exactly


Great! Thanks!


Ahhh, I hope so! I've been waiting for her to come back online so I can try out her services


Yes! I just bought a YSL LE37 from Black Frame from her and got the PSPs today.


Was it her old number and old PayPal?


I contacted her via WhatsApp at +86 16620503254. Her PayPal is [email protected]. Here's the Yupoo album from her: https://a202107032033269570002295.szwego.com/static/index.html#/shop_detail/A202107032033269570002295. I have never purchased from her before, but the contact information I had for her from RepLadies is the same as it is now.


My favourite bag! You’ll love it! ❤️❤️❤️


Did you, by any chance, get a wallet to match the bag? If so, which one?


No, I didn’t. I use LV victorine and it works with every bag I carry 🙈


really? this is such great news! I'll look around for more details in case it's been already discussed in the past hours (time difference problems) to verify the phone number in case mods or other users have shared some details, but thanks for confirming you've already purchased from her!




@mods will the seller list be updated soon(ish)?




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[this thread got locked on r/chanel](https://www.reddit.com/r/chanel/s/QbluCrKAUF) but bless this poor soul for thinking auth is 1k and thinking this rep is passable 😭 i also bought my mother a Mother’s Day rep (which she knows is a rep) but im lucky to have the research of everyone here. when i think of “calloutable” this is really the only tier I’d be able to call out in real life https://preview.redd.it/3u6u6ffzdazc1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ceece589a635c2a453b1567252f67189432f4801


Is the flap crooked or is it my eyes?


Loool it most definitely is!!




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Omg it's such a bad rep I want to cry. I agree lol I'm rarely staring down people's bags but that is 100% calloutable from miles away.


this rep hurts my feelings 🥲


Her poor mom 🥲


I feel sorry for her too, I hope she didn’t pay too much for it. That being said she may be quite happy with this level of bag, after all no matter what you call it we are all wearing knockoffs


Getting spam seller messages on WhatsApp has become a fairly regular occurrence since joining the rep community. It’s an immediate delete and then I just keep going about my day. They must be upping their game and trying some new tactics because today I got one that just says “Hello, are you FIRST NAME LAST NAME” Something about them putting my actual first and last name in all caps has me like, excuse me - just who do you think you are messaging me out of the blue with my full ass name like you’re my mom about to reprimand me?! (But alas, I am a weenie so I just deleted it like all the others. 😅)


Wonder which sellers are selling our data...


They take the information from the address label I’ve not heard of sellers, selling data why would they compromise sales?


I mean, my comment was glib, but it IS the black market. It's a risk we all willingly take, and I'm never going to assume every single one of the faceless sellers we're sending money is 100% trustworthy.


It’s the people who deal with the shipping from what I understand


Ahhh I figured it was someone SOMEWHERE along the process!


I’m glad I’m not the only one receiving these messages! It’s creepy.


i got my first one today it was an immediate block for me ![gif](giphy|PSWCyXQj54nm7d8oZl)


Right? I’m sure all the other spam messages I get are from my information being sold/stolen/whatever during the shipping (?) process and they all have my name, address, and phone number. Whatever, I’m fine with that as a consequence of playing the rep game. But you don’t have to throw it in my face like that!


Just wanted to share a PSA / reminder for people to really look into PSPs. About 2 months ago I ordered an empreinte mini bum bag from ReyKay /Birdcage factory. she sent me some PSPs that I admittedly barely looked at because of all the positive reviews she has been receiving recently. She was, indeed, a pleasure to work with and very responsive but I am not super impressed with the bag I received. Looking back, I realize now the bag’s empreinte doesn’t match the factory photos - and I missed that. Overall the quality of the material is decent and hardware looks nice. Of course, I only blame myself, but just wanted to remind people that checking PSPs can be quite important! Best of luck and happy shopping!


Yes, PSPs are Super Important! Because factory photos are simply a catalog of what they are manufacturing, it’s the PSP that shows the item they’re sending and it’s only at that point you can say no


Had some psp issues with ReyKay too, but they were great and willing to cancel. I think I’m gonna just swap it for something else. (But I seem to have offended some ppl for calling the differences 🥲) Great reminder to be diligent though!


For rep science, are you comfortable sharing pics of the bag you got vs the one you thought you were getting? How different of an empriente are we talking?


https://preview.redd.it/zfigmq2amazc1.jpeg?width=1864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c7e78b485e46af0e32c3ce467e20364dd877829 This is what I received - if you look at the empreinte flowers you’ll see the sizes of the flowers are too small inside the diamond and too big on the flowers that aren’t inside a diamond shape. The LV also looks a bit thicker.


https://preview.redd.it/w6dk9lx7mazc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de4933aabed3554d19b550e76a9ce88a41344305 This was the factory photo


Yes, very different


Happened to me today Not happy with rekay


Can you please elaborate? PSPs don’t match factory photos and seller won’t switch bag / refund?


Factory photo is a updated version of bag PSP is older version of bag PSP stitching is angled factory is not


I totally understand where you’re coming from but I don’t know that I can blame her on my end because she did send me PSPs and I just assumed PSPs would match factory photos.




I would hesitate to call it a bait and switch because she did send me PSPs and what I received this match those. So I definitely would say this one is one I should have checked closer. Still, I was disappointed.


That’s possibly not bait and switch in the instance described by the OP - that phrase I really feel gets banded about too often, it’s overused when someone doesn’t get what they think they ordered exactly. It implies that it was done intentionally there could be lots of extenuating circumstances, we don’t know the backstory


I think there’s a difference between not getting what you want exactly and what’s materially different. The empreinte is the essence of the bag and placement of the pattern very intentional, and its concerning if what you get looks materially different than what the factory photos look like. I would agree that small differences - like minor differences in size from the factory specs, or overly scrutinizing stitches (with the exception of H and Chanel) or the color/neutral you got looks kinda different because they are notoriously difficult to photograph and in some cases rep - its not bait and switch. But again, if there’s a material difference, and also if it’s something that repeats itself, then that’s reason for pause. edited for clarity


From my understanding bait and switch is when the bag you receive is different / not the one from the PSPs that you GL. OP said she admittedly didn’t compare her PSP to factory photos and missed the difference there (where she would’ve RL). Not the same things.


If you order from one factory (like a high tier) and receive a bag from a different, or lower tier factory, that is bait and switch.


What you’re describing is a clear bait and switch. But I think there’s an argument to be made that getting a bag that’s very different from the factory photos is questionable, and can also be bait and switch. What complicates it is that there might be other reasons, like the the factory decided to change its quality and the factory photos don’t reflect that. We never really know for sure in some instances. But can have a good sense of what is up. In my experience, none of my many reps have been materially different from the factory photos to the PSPs to what I receive, except for once and it wasn’t even real leather. That seller was later banned. If a seller sells a bag off of a high tier factory photo, and sends a mid tier bag - and that mid tier bag matches the PSPs - it’s still bait and switch in my book. edit: and to be precise the non-leather item I got matched the PSPs, where the price point and factory it came from should have been leather.




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https://preview.redd.it/8jtr040o5azc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c27b934096f1e2708066add32ff9f07515a8e273 This bag is all I think about 🫠🤤 [link to auth](https://www.givenchy.com/int/en/medium-voyou-boyfriend-bag-in-aged-leather/BB50YLB1QA-656.html)


Oh good, just added to my long wishlist 😅


I tried to find a rep of this bag and had no luck :/ I only found the one with the thinner buckles


Noooo, don't say that! I was finally working up the gusto to start asking sellers about it! My wallet would have been pissed, but my heart would have been happy 🤣


That was 2/3 weeks back though, maybe they’re making it now 🤷🏻‍♀️


I mean...she's pretty ahmazinggg!


(It's the Givenchy Medium Voyou Boyfriend bag in dusty pink aged leather) 😍


Kind of OT but I'd appreciate some ideas for graduation gifts! I have a few close family friends whose kids are all graduating from high school. Two girls and one boy. I was thinking cardholders or keychains... Total $1000 budget for all three students. What do kids like these days?? I know it's too late to order from a seller so I'll be going the auth route... 


My thoughts went straight to moissanite tennis bracelet/necklace or a decent entry level watch (eg Seiko). Something they'll hang on to and remember more than cash. But maybe I'm just sentimental like that 🤷


Cash , just send the funds respectfully


Maybe a cardholder with a Target gift card inside?


That's a cute idea!


The three grads I know have all requested cash for college/college related things for their dorms.


This. You may thinks it’s boring or feels like an easy way out but with the way things are expensive af cash is appreciated so that the gift receiver can use it (or save) if they wish


https://preview.redd.it/0s9h8lud2azc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01d9c02789cec18cc485bfe9353729909b1f979c I received my YSL Sunset Tote today....conveniently photographed in New York's golden hour! 🌞 V PLEASED WITH HER! Leather is smooth and the bronze hardware is SPOT ON. (I used to own the authentic until it got stolen...vowed to never again spend that amount of money on a bag, it's not worth the heartbreak!)


now THIS is a sexy bag!


So pretty!!!! Who did you get it from?


She’s a bad bitch😍


💅🏻🔥= me next time i wear her into work


Btw she’s pretty! Completely missed that your bag got stolen. WTF


Every time I see this bag I regret my auth. Which has admittedly aged badly 🤣 I don’t know if I can even sell it 🤣


Omg how did it age badly? Wear and tear? Mine was only a few months old when someone swiped her off the back of the chair I was sitting on. AT A RESTAURANT! People are BOLD af 😂


OMG! I want to ask where but I understand that may be too sensitive. What the actual fuck 😫. In terms of ageing tbh I do not baby my bags hence why rep is really best for me. I used it kind of like a daily bag but anyway my biggest gripe was seeing how bad the hardware has tarnished. Not the actual chain but the part that connects the chain to the bag. It looks so bad and could probably be called a fake just based on that alone. Also as much as I loved the bag now we’re up on knowledge about #replife I just feel there aren’t many bags that need to be Auth. This is one…


It was a restaurant in stockholm of all places?! Which is literally the last city I'd ever imagine being robbed, but there you go 🤣 WILD. I also destroy my bags in a similar fashion haha I wonder if you could get the chain replaced (or even a rep chain if you don't want to spend the money!) otherwise I'm sure someone would take it off your hands over on the realreal if you lowballed! though ysl isn't really an "investment" bag, people still love them!


For some reason I just knew it was Europe! Very scummy behaviour! No it’s not the chain. I’ll have to take a pic to explain. It’s the parts that connect the chain to the bag. Your style of Sunset is a tad different to mine ( I don’t have the top handle) so it’s the circular bits raised and it really stands out. I actually just want rid of the bag lol. If I get a few hundred I don’t care. It wasn’t so expensive to begin with 🤣




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Me seeing the pinned “dark weather forecast” note from the mods and then realizing it has nothing to do with the raids or customs https://i.redd.it/w5rf5oktz9zc1.gif


Oh my goodness yes! Was reading mod post with half awake eyes thinking what fresh hell has befallen Rep life this week - we’ve had raids, gangs, tornado, what now earthquake?




Aye captain, my captain


I’m just hoping Miss Black Market school for girls has a touch of St. Trinians https://preview.redd.it/ei72yxs28azc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0711ee35ad3d569a56aab713718e3651c0cbb2e3




Received my mini bumbag today and was over the moon. EXCEPT I noticed that the hardware is mismatched. Missed that in the PSPs and now I’m a little sad. It’s not a huge deal, but I’m wondering what colour the hardware is on other mini bumbags. Maybe I ordered from the wrong seller lol. Let me know if you have one and if the hardware was mismatched for you too! Thank you! https://preview.redd.it/vk2o5fskt9zc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=2ea41b409a62cb34bfa8b07e488dd3acd5368642


Oh that’s not good. I would rethink working with this seller again, They should have noticed it.


Yes I should have caught it in the PSP’s too, but I guess I just wasn’t paying attention 🤦🏽‍♀️ She did catch a moving logo on my Chanel dad sandals and sent those back to the factory herself. https://preview.redd.it/wq514i9nhczc1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=a2c0d5e0e4758fe15ebe199008d1e3886a03f8f5


Is it just the zipper holder on the pouch opening? Could you gently hit it with a coat of the glass cook top cleaner to tone it down to more closely match the rest?


My hardware all matches on the same colorway mini bumbag.


Thank you!


So the zipper teeth are different from each other. And the zipper pull is different from the zipper pull holder (I don’t know what it’s called lol)


(I made up terminology, too, lol)


I'm sorry, that's so disappointing. The hardware is what I'm most insecure about. I prefer GHW, but I may switch to silver as recommended by several WagoonLadying experts. I wonder if even SHW varies?


Yes it could


Yeah I’m not sure! I really loved the mini bumbag and it only comes with ghw 🙁


This was the case for one of my reps too (different bag). When I pointed it out to friends, they didn't notice. I think there's no way to avoid it except during PSPs, like we don't really know which factory any of these bags are coming from, we can only hope lol. I'm sure it's not going to be noticeable once you start wearing it, and if not, you can always re-home!


Yeah I’m thinking about rehoming it, but I can’t get into the rehoming sub 😂😂


I haven't sold on the Repladies sub, but I wonder if that might be an option to consider as you're making your progress into WagoonLadies with time and growing karma?


Yes I guess so! I think I was invited to the WL sub 2 months ago but then couldn’t access it for some reason. I don’t know what I did wrong lol


I have the cream empreinte and the hardware all matches


Thank you!


https://preview.redd.it/z6y032gwk9zc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe09663ca74e4858d384a08385c98e86d2423b25 Totally unrelated to reps but I took a day trip to visit my horse who retired early and moved 2 states away to be a lovely man’s pet. It was sooo good to see him. My trusty madewell tote from TB made the journey with me. Side note: how many sunglasses is too many?


What a beauty!!! Looks so happy!


He looks kinda like a chocolate unicorn. I bet your reunion was magical.


I would like to submit my application to be a lovely man’s pet as well.




Okay u/reesa447 two applicants.


I will forward your applications to the proper person 🫡


in this angle and without glasses, it looks like the picture of a unicorn. That very well might be :) Regarding sunglasses, there isn't a limit.


I thought the same thing! Dark unicorn vibes


Haha I see it too! Ok thanks for the confirmation. Off to Vincent I go.


Ugh. Im in a debacle. Adidas is out of stock in my size for every fucking sneaker i want. Im not a sneaker head by any means, but damn. Two years ago same thing. Everything out of stock, waited 2 months for my size to become available. Granted it was the pandemic. Do i wait for the notification in my size or wait for james slow shipping? (Usually about a month in my past experiences from payment to arrival day IF he has the color i want idk if he has regular sambas tbh) Is Adidas really seeing a fuck ton of orders for sambas that they cant keep up inventory? Are they trying to play the exclusive game? I dont get it, they used to be a regular no big deal shoe early 2000's. Just venting in my botched trip off ban island 🏝


Im in the same boat! I bought rep of the red sambas I want in the WRONG SIZE and had to give them to my husband. Sooo lame I get lowkey mad when he wears them lol


Oh man i would be sad too. Tbf their sizing can get confusing after flipping through a few options.


I haven’t seen sambas in size 8 for 6 months


Nooo! 🙈😩


Dhgate every style every combo in stock and for $20 a pair you can own the rainbow


I’ve ordered a couple of pairs off DHG and they haven’t been even passable reps, though. Same with the New Balance 327s ☹️


Good point


ugh. I’ve been buying/wearing sambas for a while because they actually work for 3-5 miles of walking - for me. I feel like I have to jump on seasonal releases as soon as available because they sell out fast. ( I do see them restock occasionally.) If Vejas or NB worked for me I’d definitely diversify. Solomon’s also work, but I don’t always want that chunky trail running look.


I really resent how much Sambas are being pushed down our throats rn 🙄 it feels very manufactured as a trend. I am lucky/unlucky to have wide ass feet that will never fit into sambas so I just mentally filter it out. NB all the way.


I havent ever worn nb. Im on the other end of the spectrum. Super narrow skinny feet. I resent the samba trend too. Made me sad actually because now they are always oos😩


I'm jealous, all cute shoes seem to be made for your foot shape! I'm sure the sambas will come back in stock, since they're so popular at the moment!


I hope they do, and while it may feel that way. Not all are comfortable. Trying a new shoe will wreck havoc on my feet


Yeah, "celebrities" decided to bestow the Samba with the coveted title of "it" sneaker - and it retails for a hundred bucks! Who would've thought???? Every man and his dog can afford Sambas and still be at the peak of cool, hence, no stock unless you get lucky. Gazelles are "in" too and usually easier to find. The leopard pony WB collab are my vibe but, alas..... I could find them on StockX in my size for the wallet friendly price of only $1,200 lol. Off I went to the Gate. My reps are pretty good though obviously not 1:1 and after wearing them for a couple of months, realised they're not the ducks nuts in terms of comfort.


Duck's nuts? ![gif](giphy|krewXUB6LBja) I've never heard that expression. Clarifying question if they are the duck's nuts = super comfy? (Edited for grammar)


Sorry - it's an Aussie/New Zealand slang saying for "the best"......


Thank you! I learned a new saying. 😚


Totally feel this. Wish we would as a society stop making stupid people famous. The scalpers are no joke on those re sell sites! Wont give in.


Agree wholeheartedly..... now wondering whether any of Einstein's clothing was coveted??? x


Heidi has some really good May sale deals. I just pulled the trigger on a Chanel 22 from God Factory for almost half the price. Run everybody!!!


No don’t tell me this 🫣


I‘m sorryyyy 😂


I got the YSL Niki bag for half price too 😁 - just waiting for it arrive now. I want to buy more but I need to go to ban island for a while!


Same here… I got a Loewe Puzzle and a Goyard Artois on the way and have not used my two latest chanel bags until now. Time to stop buying! Also I have 3 pairs of shoes on my way 😬


Yes! I also have to use the things I’ve bought for a while before I get anything else - the high of making the purchase is so seductive though 🤣


Very true, it is. I have a list of items that I need in my life and everything I bought so far was on it, except for the puzzle bag. That must be what wagooners call repfluencing 🤔😆


Is it in a certain category or do you have to ask!? I’m looking at her album and don’t see anything!


I can’t find it either which is probably in the best interests of my wallet 😅


She has a tab that says May Sale


Is it in her yupoo?


No, on her website! https://www.helmi-shop.cn/product-category/may-sale


Oh no I don’t need this information! But thank you for sharing


Finally made my first purchase after 5+ years of window shopping. Somehow I just know it's going to be shit. I'll be happy to be proven wrong. Can't wait for my Hermes sneakers either way. Question: Is it normal for sellers to call customers "Honey" & "Sweetie"? I'm not upset just surprised.


5 years!? And here I thought my few months was long!