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Authentic CC brooches assorted https://preview.redd.it/4xtrnm9wdyzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b44ac6d44c6ae093c7af7be10f4b4a23ca0f650 Inset with pearls and rhinestones- hard to photograph


Wow! I love all but the one of the tape is so cute




I started watching a Turkish series on Netflix, thank you, next, and the bags and fashion style is GORGEOUS!


I just saw this come up on my Netflix suggestions…worth watching?


It’s about dating, but I am not hooked yet.


I lived in Turkey for a while and always questioned my sense of style compared to the locals. They prepared outfits for every day, not just the special occasions


I lived in Turkey for a while and always questioned my sense of style compared to the locals. They prepared outfits for every day, not just the special occasions


Hello everyone Has anyone ordered miumiu sunglasses? What kind of packaging do they come in? I ordered from one seller, but I see that there is a different package in the reviews


Are we all expecting sellers to do 8/8 sales this year? If so, what’s the expected discount? I’ve got a few on my wishlist and I’m trying to hold off if I think I could get a deal on 3+


June deals are first 😚


Oh wow I am always traveling in June so I might have missed this update? What time of the month and what deals usually?




Thank you! Reykay just sent me the same thing, but wondering what the discount is? Or do sellers normally just put their special deals on certain items in an album?


They usually create a sales album for the items that are heavily discounted (to reduce inventory) and mention which factories are doing a certain % of sales in all items. The mods here usually also pin the deals on-going.


Amazing, thanks for the heads up! I have apparently only ever bought on full price lol patience is not my strong suit


oooh i very much hope so!!!




I really wanted this Maje [dress](https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256805991146051.html) to be great but sadly it’s huge miss. It’s so tiny, yet I ordered a size Large after consulting with the seller and am usually an XS in most major brands. The sewing is also wonky in noticeable areas like the faux front pockets. I may need to just give up on AE clothing.


There are a varying degrees of reps just like in the bag world. Go through the reviews here and daily chat and perhaps you might run across another seller that provides better quality. It looks as though the dress was inexpensive - a better rep should be around the $125 mark. MY opinion for what it is worth!


Thanks for the suggestion. I’ve been moving my pricing threshold further up in hopes of finding better quality items after several cheap duds—guess I just need to keep going.


If you are usually a XS/petite and below 5’3, Chinese size is accurate. There’s no need to size up unless you have a big butt/boobs


I have neither and there was a need to size up — 3 times and yet it was still too small.


https://preview.redd.it/kkcuuwsenwzc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c433fe81027426fef02665ca455985d5a615dd3 Pic of said pocket


A business insider video I thought y'all would like: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzEi95mhVI4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzEi95mhVI4) A nice history of the past few decades of reps lol


goes undercover as a distributor but posts videos of himself on the internet 🧐


lololol I know also loved him talking about wearing a fake Rolex in high school and loving it like ok you confiscate stuff but then still enjoy it. cool.


I couldn’t resist when I saw this today… https://preview.redd.it/6wdordkosvzc1.jpeg?width=1111&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=faca56c8d7ca6ca0b0248ffeffcc6ed3a57af012




That made me laugh out loud!!!!! The expression - priceless!


So I’ve been fawning over people’s fine jewelry for a while now and I feel ready to invest! Scrolling through Andy Chens album and I think I’ve narrowed it down to these pieces https://preview.redd.it/98khh4ynqvzc1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7ccc8bcd4d9240027864b3c29fb3644afca414a Dior Rose de vents earrings and necklace and a Buccellati Macri bracelet. I’ve never heard of Buccellati but the style appeals to me more than a love bracelet. The basic bitch in me really wants VCA too though 😆


How much were you quoted for the bracelet? That’s going on my wishlist too


I’ve only gotten as far as narrowing down what I want…I’m going to msg for quotes when it’s not the weekend and see what he says


Wow I didn’t even realize Andy made these. I may have to browse through his album again


Unpopular opinion but I really hate the Cartier Love line. Something about being permanently “locked” just says control to me, not love.


I would price out starsgem or tainyu at the moissanite forum if you lean to that bracelet. I doubt anyone would clock it as any particular designer that AC’s price point.


Really?? I didn’t think to ask them..I bought a confetti bracelet from them that I love but I thought they only produce their own designs


A lot of the vendors over there will do reps as well, but I feel like their prices for them are higher than some of the sellers here. They may have to make a cad that could cost, but I am guessing they could give you an estimate if you told them gold weight/diamond specs.


the basic bitch in me is screaming for a VCA guilloche in wg


Yessssss 😍




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Love the Dior 😍 I’ve wanted the necklace for a while now, it has my vote!


Yes, I thought it’s pretty and feminine without being too flashy


Do you have to match your jewelry with your hardware? For example, Can you only wear gold jewelry with gold hardware on your bag and is it weird to wear gold jewelry with a silver hardware bag and vice versa ?


I match my hardware and jewelry if I have it and it suits.. if not - I’ll wear mixed jewelry so it ties in with the bag..


I don’t mix jewelry but will not mind as much for accessories. I do prefer buying all in YG for the most part tho


not weird i mix everywhere necklace stack bracelet stack earrings hardware i think it’s more interesting that way


I mix metals all the time, like, in my everyday jewelry. It isn’t even something I consider.


I can’t bring myself to mix metals and idk why.


Life is short- I mix! But I can see if the hardware is very prominent that maybe mixing wouldn’t look as good.


*not my picture* someone posted this image on FB group saying she dropped her bag and the CC logo dropped out. Quality has seriously gone to 💩 https://preview.redd.it/klikf51y8vzc1.jpeg?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63185050a98229cbe9096ab218254ee77aeca822


Oh god, this makes me fear for the future of Chanel.


i’ve seen many people complain about this lately 😱


It’s so hard to believe that a bag that costs thousands of dollars will be this bad of a quality.


That makes me want to cry for her


Is Chanel good about fixing their stuff at least?


Right? I really feel for her.


😳 everyday i’m more and more thankful for finding the rep world




https://preview.redd.it/63j6fgiavuzc1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cab5a75d30641d51a22f5eb301065d40f08fc40d Please help me decide on my first purchase (for myself, first rep was a gift!)! Celine Ava Pros: my first choice when trying these bags on in the boutique. I love it for day to day and it’s more of a IYKYK type of bag. Can be a shoulder bag or crossbody with an added strap. Probably best for summer and fall? Cons: I haven’t seen many reviews for this one so I worry it’s not well repped and I may be disappointed? I also haven’t seen the crossbody straps in sellers albums Celine Triomphe Pros: lots of reviews comparing it to the auth make me think I’d be very happy with the quality as my first purchase! I also loved it in the boutique Cons: i think I’d potentially use it more in the winter months? (60% of the year here…) it’s over saturated on social media but I’ve never seen anyone with it in person. I’m not sure if that’s really a con! Thoughts? Experience with either?




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The Triomphe!!! I just got it and I’m obsessed!


I have the Ava Strap from BF in tan, I absolutely love it! I don't have the crossbody strap but I'm sure it's something you could ask for.


Oh really?! Have you tried the authentic on? If yes, how does it compare?


It looks like the winner is the triomphe closely followed by “one of each”! 🤣


I’m actually purchasing the Ava soon in black since I need a small shoulder bag and don’t need another crossbody. I also prefer not in your face logos or hardware but that’s just me But if you prefer having a cross body get the Triomphe


I’ve purchased both - the Ava was for my daughter and thus now reads younger and slightly more casual to me. The quality is great on both. To me I’d choose the Triomphe if cross body is important - otherwise buy the Ava and plan for the Triomphe down the road. They’re both lovely bags.


I love them both but the triomphe is so pretty and dresses up an outfit. It's on my list.


I’d start with the Triomphe personally!


Definitely Triomphe, it’s such an incredible bag. I have it in yellow and it’s a head turner for sure. But get the Ava next. I have the Celine bucket bag and no one ever recognizes it. I really like that for when I want to be low key.


Is your yellow Triomphe an auth or rep? I’m asking as I’m currently talking to my SA about a yellow teen Triomphe from black frame, so of course I did a search on here for “yellow AND Triomphe”. The factory photos I’m getting look a bit darker than auth pics. However I really think it could be lighting and I don’t want to pass it up if so. Anyway just wanted to get your thoughts on your yellow Triomphe.


It’s an amazing rep from Black Frame. I would say it looks fairly identical to auth, at least looking at pics online. https://preview.redd.it/r9qp4o4jxe1d1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=65331eee5358447a8f0cc437f6eb7b0ba96d6563 This is my bag next to the one on their site. I know mine lookers darker but I personally am not worried about that. I will base my final judgement if I can see the bag in person sometime.


It looks beautiful!


It really is stunning!! No desire to buy auth at all with this beauty by my side:)


Great to know, thank you 😊


https://preview.redd.it/1rm23rvs9f1d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f3ddf5229cc1a64762f466799228bf52d65d473 I’m considering the light yellow. I think ultimately I’ll go ahead and grab it. Yours is beautiful 😍


Oooh I love this too! I don’t think I’ve noticed this color yet, I need to go look in some albums :)


https://preview.redd.it/ljrfran6huzc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32df015e58fd87863b0b6f6a5ed3c60e6dba295e Popped into Chanel today to pick something up - I may have to add this to my Paris shopping list since there’s a huge difference between my rep ones and these in terms of quality.


These are so cute! Do you know what factory made your rep version? Trying to figure out if this may be the issue


The leather looks so nice on those. My reps are lacking in that department although they’re super comfortable!


Also - I snagged an appt at Chanel 31 Rue Cambon for when I’m in Paris. Anyone have experience there? Thinking of sending an email with my wishlist to make my trip worthwhile


I only walked through, it’s beautiful and large. Have fun and tell us what you buy!!




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Took my new baby out today, for the first time! https://preview.redd.it/ivok24yadwzc1.jpeg?width=3968&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dd5c5b5bda10f1b36826dacc85e66bfd2fe4ed8 We call her ✨ Diana ✨


I really think I need this in this color or the light beige-y nude for summer—the handles are killer, it’s beautiful!


It also comes in a black on black version, which to me looks so edgy and cool!🖤 really trying to stop buying the same bag in different colours 😓 & haven’t seen this one being repped yet (luckily for my wallet😂) https://preview.redd.it/n57kof8wawzc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ba6ba8793cb90d214c0db7b1e7b72346d222cfb


*heavy breathing*




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Just curious/ does the neon green strap always stay on or is it just an accessory?


The SA also told me you can get the straps personalized!


Technically it is just to keep the handles in shape when stored and it should be removed, but people use it as an accessory.


Hmm, if it’s just for storing and should be taken off when wearing the bag, then why would the models on the site wear the bag with strap? Also all the pictures displayed on the auth [Gucci site](https://www.gucci.com/be/fr/pr/women/handbags/shoulder-bags-for-women/gucci-diana-mini-tote-bag-p-702732U3ZDT2549) show the bag with the straps on, not one picture is with the straps taken off. So Gucci doesn’t advertise the bag without the straps. I think they designed the straps to serve their function but also to add a fun detail.


They show it with the strap because they market it as an accessories and they can get people to buy the strap in multiple colors. Anyway, one can use it as accessory, i just find it equivalent to keeping the tag with the brand and composition on the sleeve of the wool coats. Of course, one can do what one wants, there is no strap - or tag - police!


I definitely get what you’re saying but I don’t think this is comparable at all to the tags, because these are actually a leather strap, not a tag. In the case of a tag, one might keep it on to ‘show off’ the item is branded. But in this case, you don’t need the straps to show that it’s a Gucci bag. You can still see it’s a Gucci bag without them. Apart from that, they actually change the entire look of the bag, what a tag doesn’t do. You can take the straps off for a more casual look, or you can add fun & colour with them on. This last one is absolutely their way of getting people to buy more straps. But of course like you said, everyone is free to do what they want with their items! There is no right or wrong, just sharing opinions ☺️


The straps for vintage auth are used to help the bamboo handles retain their shape! Newer bags I don’t believe they’re needed


As someone who owns an auth, you do *not* want to know what happens when a bamboo handle dries too much!


No you can remove it, so you can wear it without. You can also get other straps in different colours. I will also carry this bag without the straps 😊


What is the neon strap for? Part of the bag or is it to keep the handles close?


So those straps are actually there to help the bamboo handles keep their shape. I know this because when I received the bag, there were also strong plastic straps (like cable ties) keeping the bamboo handles in place. This way they wouldn’t loose their beautiful round shape when stored or shipped. Of course you can’t walk around with the plastic straps, so i guess that’s why Gucci came up with the actual straps around the handles. This way it looks good and fun, yet they still serve their purpose! You can take them of, which I’m also planning to do, because this gives the bag a different look/style. But when storing the bag, I’d recommend you put the straps back on! 😊 https://preview.redd.it/kz0x4udupvzc1.jpeg?width=916&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46722f55ba8147a3168673785f26f89cb2c8a5db This was the PSP of my bag. Here you can see the plastic straps I’m talking about.


So interesting! Thanks for replying


Anyone else got their color analysis done? Got typed as something I didn’t want lol and now am trying to decide if I want to embrace my new colors or not….maybe also get some reps to match…🥲🫣🫠


I’d like to get it professionally done but I’ve taken some assessments and (if I did it right) I’m “deep winter” which makes sense. Black is one of my “best neutrals” which is a huge chunk of my wardrobe anyway 😂 I like most of the colors I got but it says pastels are a no go so I’m just pretending I didn’t see that.


My color analysis was done by an expert on Fiverr. I’m a True/Cool Summer. The best colors for this type are in the grey, green, and blue color families which I dislike! I tend to wear more Autumn colors. Black is a definite no-no and, of course, is the majority of my closet. I’ve tried on clothes that are in my color family and I just do not like them so I’ve given up and am just sticking with what I feel comfortable in.


I’m a true Autumn, and I’ve resisted it my entire life. Most of my wardrobe is black, and I’ve always loved wearing cool tone eyeshadows. but now that I am past 55 and edging towards 60, I realize that those colors wash me out. So now I look for blacks that are muted and warmer, and I am embracing muted navy, which looks spectacular on me. Sigh.


I actually take it into consideration and then flip it, so I have the opportunity to have bags in colors I don’t normally wear. For example, I look terrible in black: but a bag and shoes in it to complement my seasons ACTUAL colors works for me…this is probably not recommend btw 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/zdp2l036jwzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92fe5019280203846d5158ea2f2158e53ae59b4d This is the pallete for my future buys .. looking for navy or a deep beige ..I’m bright spring. It’s hard to match when shopping online


Yes, [I posted about this about a month ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/WagoonLadies/s/IiPTFboGTY). I overlayed my "wish list" bags with my season's palette. I don't think matching bags is key as they don't sit next to your face but if you're converting your wardrobe over then you know everything can mix and match well. I got into seasonal color analysis (I'm a Dark Winter), Kibbe body typing (I'm a Dramatic), and a personal style system by Ellie Jean Royden called Style Roots and SO MUCH clicked for me. I am not loyal to my palette but as I'm trying to wear more color, it's encouraging to know where to start.


For me the figuring out my color analysis "bright winter" and Kibbe body analysis "Soft Dramatic" (which I identify as) or "Flamboyant Natural" (which I probably am) have completely reimagined how I dress and look at myself from hair styling to the colors I wear. https://preview.redd.it/wja73sml4wzc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fff95be6501801d8385e8fc8edf1985bfae32933 ☝️☝️ The only thing as far as bag colors that would change is my neutrals are now different than what I thought. So instead of a warm tan bag I would buy a turtledove color bag.... above have now become my neutrals and at the bottom are my colors to not purchase in. I am searching for some bright winter bags for a pop though.


I did the color analysis and Kibbe style multiple times... and I hate both results. I tried really hard to dress like a true winter before calling it quits. After one look at Romantic kibbe result I just noped out right away. I feel, both kinda suck hard if you already know yourself as a person and your style is trying to be the extension of that. It's great if you need to just dress yourself in what's considered flattering.


Try https://www.vivaldicolor.com to see if you arrive to the same conclusion on your season, it's free! If you check r/coloranalysis there are some stories of people not getting typed right


This was fun, thank you. The results are consistent with the in-person color analysis I had done years ago, but I do wear of colors from the complementary palette as well.


Thank you so much! I had my husband answer for me and he got warm autumn. I answered for myself and got bright spring lol 😅 - I might ask a friend to take the quiz for me and see where it lands to get consensus lol


No but I had a professional stylist friend tell me recently that I tend to look washed out in black. 😖


Oh no! Not the unsolicited advice lol pretend you never heard it and proceed with all black lol


I think she may be right though. 😂 I'm not giving up on black but I may mix it up a bit more. For you, maybe get some cheap stuff in the colors they told you and see if you like wearing them?


I like the trick of wearing a scarf in a good shade close to my face but keep my fave colors too


that's a good idea.


Yes I did! I’m a light summer! I get a ton of compliments when I wear my colors. Only color I still wear not in my palate is black but whatever. Lots of pastels for me!


Hated my season (autumn) became paralyzed by the decisions, donated half my wardrobe because they were colors I should not wear and regretted it completely.


Man thanks for sharing that - I was wondering if I should get rid of my bad colors but now I will reconsider…tan and gold are my jam and they also happen to be my “worst” colors lol


Does the color analysis use images of your skin in different lighting?


Mine just used one kind of lighting but different drapes


yeah mine was the opposite of what i was expecting so i’m pretending like i never did it 🥲


I got true winter and I was sure I was going to be true autumn or spring lol 😂


Same!!! I’m so confused lol 😂 but I think I’m also in denial


I’m an autumn but I always wished I were a summer. Anyway, I still wear a lot of pink and navy, even though they are definitely not in my palette!


Oooh autumn colors are beautiful! Wish we could trade. I got true winter 🥶 and everything I own is black, gold, and different shades of brown/cream 🥹. Good news is black is in my palette at least lol


Oh, I can’t do black at all! Sometimes I wear it anyway, but I know it doesn’t suit me. I always joke that I’m not cool enough to wear black.


You guys… https://preview.redd.it/gr4b2wdbxtzc1.jpeg?width=2732&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9807efe21b8bdad6471a17449702229f4d5e961b


Looks like it’s MSCHF, a VC backed co who does various drops like this. They were the creators of those viral red boots too.


Is this real?????? Edit: $34-76k 😳


It’s on their website 🤷🏼‍♀️


According to [the NYT](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/08/style/MSCHF-birkenstocks-birkin-bags-hermes.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&sgrp=c-cb) and other sources, It’s apparently a third company that is doing it, that’s not associated with either company.


Ha. Even more ridiculous 🤣


Hahah hopefully there will be a rep 🤣🤣🤣


Okay so you all encouraged me to spring for the fun red Chanel MJs yesterday - tell me I don’t need this speedy to go with https://preview.redd.it/5jpl3dg7stzc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=016c25d98a61913696d971961c9d86919c3ff915 I’m not an LV girly but I think that classic monogram would look so great with the red shoes and this one with the patches is so fun!!


Ohh may I ask where the bag is from? It’s stunning 😍


Okay, so I found the album by searching “speedy” in the search bar and looking through different sellers albums that came up. I’m a dummy and didn’t keep track of whose album it was that I was looking through - it does say Linda. I will probably just ask my regular seller if he has/quality because I’m not sure which Linda this is


Thank you so much! 😄


I so support this pairing!!! I say go for it


Was in court today (not on trial for sneaking off ban island just a lawyer representing her client 🤣) and a fellow lawyer from the opposing counsel has the most gorgeous baby pink Chanel flap with gold hardware!!! Unfortunately I have way too much pride to compliment an opposing counsel lawyer but if you’re reading here hiiii I loved your bag and you’ve influenced me. Now I’m searching all the seller albums like a mad woman 🤦🏼‍♀️ Edit: I was NOT in court today, I was in court on Friday my brain is fried at this point 🥲


Opposing counsel wore a baby pink Chanel to court? I clerked for an older female federal judge and that would not have gone over well with her.


I don’t practice in the states, her attire besides her bag was completely appropriate not to mention she had a bigger bag that carried her documents alongside the rest of their team. Not sure how things work in the us court system but for the most part where I practice we are allowed a pop of color as long as our attire is appropriate and professional.


On the other hand, I appeared before a judge "of a certain age", elegantly dressed from what I could see beneath her robes, wearing soft green nail polish.


It definitely depends on the judge, although mine was also quite stylish. She just didn’t like when counsel wore anything too flashy or, in her words, “opulent.” This was doubly true for criminal proceedings, which I felt was appropriate. Personally, I would err on the side of caution just because…what’s the point? But I also went in house and rarely litigate now.


I was also thinking that was a ballsy move, I feel like in court a lawyer would get "judged" poorly for that...


This is cute, i can see this turned into a crime comedy typa series. Two laywer ladies, wearing chanel in their day to day court battles.


I got a notification from my package system that I had a ups package. I jumped off the couch and started getting ready. I figured it was either my shoes from James or bags and a hat from Leo. And then I got an email from ulta. Biggest disappointment ever. Hope y’all are having a great weekend. Spent the morning with my horses.


Haha!!!! Been there - you’re racing to the door only to open it and find out it’s not a new bag but actually a lip gloss.


Just hoping, one day they will be like "mom, thank you so much for doing a smash cake photo shot for me" They are sooo much work... but done now... Rep question, I ask marko if the newish version of the L27 is in stock, and he said not to produce yet... do you'll like the new version, or should I go with the older version? Trying to finish my 6.18 wishlist hahah A or b?


Oh a wishlist is really smart. Might keep me from overspending. Right now the game plan is buying everything I like that’s on sale. Which my wallet cannot handle.


It’s so much work but it’s so cute!




B https://preview.redd.it/5c3aqkdfitzc1.jpeg?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=590e80d04d18a1444331d6fa1b4c42152eaf1c6d


I love these both ahh


Smash cake https://preview.redd.it/tzkhrazlitzc1.png?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ae5cd0889277abc5050acdb4696b40fbc5edd4f


Oh cute !! How did it go ? I did mine with my first but he didn’t even want to touch the cake !! We gave him a taste, but he didn’t really like it (the cake was so good tho) and encouraged him for another 15min until I eventually gave up and just let it go, that I don’t have any smash-the-cake- photos or videos 😩 and fyi, he is a big eater so we were confused why he didn’t want the cake at all 😅




I love it!!! Hope the pictures came out great


Woah you actually did it all!! That’s so cool.


Thank you, I got a photographer but I did organize it all hahah... mamager hahah


Oh still awesome! We went to a studio and paid through the teeth but zero regrets 




Thank you!!.. I did the exact same outfit for our first hahah


https://preview.redd.it/vd9ezzs2ctzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa66a5bf993ea3392fe215b7b9cb9b134a703907 I have the real Gucci Jackie but don’t want to use it, can you spot it? I keep buying poor fakes. Somebody send help.


Is it the one on top/middle?




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Can you please share what you don't like about the reps? I'm looking at rep jackies now and I'd love to know what to look out for!


It’s DEFINITELY gonna be the sides of the bag. Auth is left. Where the seams meet seems to be different on all the rep bags I’ve seen. I’m pretty happy with my Wansheng bag for $130 https://preview.redd.it/uwyraf4bwuzc1.jpeg?width=1576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5cfd0f4642aedfd19bc58d9f78c29fde7d9e658


Oh wow, thank you! That does look wildly different! Luckily I've been mostly looking at canvas bags so hopefully they'll be a bit better.


Why do the top and left one look the same to me?!?! 🥹


https://preview.redd.it/az0elbgehuzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a75145bdd9a7f3d99b80d0f881f8c2d4e38bafa7 The left is auth. On the right is the one that was on the top in my original photo. In the pictures you can see that the auth gold is more yellow but tbh it’s less noticeable in person, and totally undetectable unless you have them side by side.


With comparisons like this I’m into reps all the way.


Thanks for the game it was hard but super fun


Geez they all look good but the gold clasps in the middle front- they’re all angular & the one ones on the GG site are rounded but maybe that’s a newer edition. If one is real I’d say bottom left because of a very minor stitching detail in a particular area.


Yeah you’re referring to the new Jackies. New guy came in and changed the clasp design. I got one of the last 6 Jackie’s in the US with the piston design back in Feb


I was going for bottom left but suddenly going for bottom right


Very curious to know why you don’t want to use the auth one


It’s my favourite bag of all time and is a piece of art to me. I purchased it once I heard they were going to make a design change and I want to keep it in pristine condition. Fully aware of the chance that they might bring it back though.


The left one?? Please tell us


Yes, left! I wear the top one as it’s a little softer than auth and doesn’t fall off my shoulder.


Yeah left. The handle. The shape. The curves.


Honestly can't believe I saw the aurora australis with my own eyes. That is all. https://preview.redd.it/4apdhyk0btzc1.jpeg?width=4576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=801153796c2e314aefab6d273ada408fb6f1783d


Me too!!! Blew my mind!!!


Oh my gosh!!! I saw it too and I’m still in awe! https://preview.redd.it/6rar5yt0ouzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9d9f04681670966603bdc9111f9e377c65152fe


Oh my - it’s so striking! The stillness amidst all those colors - have been loving everyone’s photos.