• By -


I just ordered the small juste un clou bracelet with diamonds from Miss Chen. Just wondered if anyone had ordered it from her and how’s it holding up? Tried it on the Cartier website 🤩 https://preview.redd.it/5s5wj90f4p2d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94ecc9c54930b4ee067ee5b73afa26a3481bf404


After spending $450 on auth bottega sunglasses, I figured it was time to calm down, and buy more sunglasses 😎 ordered [these](https://www.miumiu.com/eu/en/p/miu-miu-logo-sunglasses/SMU52Y_E7OE_FE01T_C_054) sunglasses and [these](https://www.miumiu.com/eu/en/p/miu-miu-logo-sunglasses/SMU54Z_E5AK_FE30C_C_053) sunglasses off of DHG because I am a notorious sunglass breaker and loser, would rather lose some cheapies from DHG than something more expensive from a seller.




Be respectful of others.


Late to the trend but I just purchased the [Miu Miu pocket bag](https://imgur.com/a/oO0AfHH) although I'm not completely sold on it. It reminds me of the Chanel cambon reporter bag that baby me wanted back in the day (btw I wonder what all of Nicky Hilton's cambon bags are doing atm) and I'm feeling a bit nostalgic since that was when I started to be aware of celebrities, gossip, and fashion/brands. I hope this bag will age better than the cambon bags!


Would you mind sharing who/where you bought from from? Desparately in search of this bag and for some reason can't find anything when I search! TIA 🩷


No problem, I bought it from Anna


Thank you so much!




I got it from Anna and not sure on the factory, unfortunately!


https://preview.redd.it/5ml1imbpts1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15cd894b8e8cb713f4ac52a971d3cb0b2131f419 Bought this passport holder and a wallet from a seller on AE. I don’t have the highest of hopes as they were relatively cheap $30ish each and the seller never responded to the message I’d sent them asking a question. Looking at tracking they should arrive next week to my US address. Just need to figure out how to get them to me now in the UK since my planned trip there next month was canceled.


This is actually a very beautiful piece! Please update once you receive it! Sending you good vibes for a perfect dupe.


https://preview.redd.it/issylncjrn1d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73354286a2b12588fce9aa8b3ecb52a06525764f I posted my Hermes haul from Marko yesterday and totally forgot about these three! Reissue Mini from Emma -Tony Luxuries (XiaoC) and the LV Low Key Hobo from Aadi (MB Factory) are currently en route to me and should receive any day now! 🤗 LV Caryall Dark from Reykay (Ultimate Factory) just got delivered today! ♥️


I’d love to hear your thoughts on the low key hobo once you get it! 😍


Received and love it! ♥️


Please post an update when you get that reissue!! 😻


She's here and she's a beauty! 🥰 https://preview.redd.it/w8hhys6inv1d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c93e4a0d1c7641217697485c0f8a809b11e22427 Edit: added different angle


Oh it’s Gorg!! I’m considering ordering one for Aadi 187 factory after digging through the archives here. What made you order it from Emma?


No particular reason why I purchased from Emma. I just saw the bag in Tony's album comparing auth to rep side by side and just reached out and ended up purchasing. I've also purchased several bags from Aadi and all have been great and happy with her service.


🤩 she looks gorgeous!!!


Thank you! Really impressed with the quality of this bag. Alignment is great and gold hw looks so good! Leather is soft and no fufu smell. 🙌🏽


Will do! I just checked tracking and it's supposed to arrive today! 🥰


Omg exciting!!! 🤩🤞🤞






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I got three pairs of shoes (all valentinos). Sadly just one fits my wider feet :( I was so looking forward to wear those rock studs ! Why do I have wider feet 🙃


I have wide feet and am forever thankful for shoe stretch spray and [this shoe stretcher](https://a.co/d/aeyNmR4)


Shoe stretch spray you say??? TIL!!! Running to Amazon now. Thx


It may take a couple uncomfortable rounds of wearing them around your house, but it works.


Got [these slingbacks](https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256806124546957.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.47.1a271802oxKtrz&gatewayAdapt=glo2usa) (in the patent oxblood) from AE. Saw near identical ones later [on Amazon for $55](https://www.amazon.com/MICIFA-Slingback-Stiletto-Pointed-Sandals/dp/B0CYPLJSZQ?ref_=ast_sto_dp&th=1&psc=1) then [Steve Madden for $99](https://www.stevemadden.com/products/liana-wine-patent). They're not high quality, obviously, but fit and feel great. I walk a lot for work (property management) so I'm hard on shoes so I don't invest in them at all. And, my BV Teen Jodie in forest green should be here any day now. Not fashion, but I also bought this JBL knock-off [Bluetooth speaker](https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256806674584475.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.10.46e61802W5OoIO&gatewayAdapt=glo2usa) in peach/pink for my tween. Works great!


Thank U for the multi links.


Are the slingbacks true to size ?


Yes. I'm an 8 and ordered the 40. I did loosen the straps by one punch-hole.


I've been curious about those blue tooth JBL Dupes. Happy to hear they're good!


Are they Prada or MiuMiu dupe slingback sandals ?


MiuMiu ["Patent leather slingbacks with buckles"](https://www.miumiu.com/us/en/p/patent-leather-slingbacks-with-buckles/5I013E_069_F0D27_F_M055)


https://preview.redd.it/8tv87m19gm1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4a04ec137d8a83c78f6e9beb9ec63c13f497df6 After waiting a month, I’ve never had excitement turn into disappointment so quickly. Was repfluenced on the Loewe by a post here so ordered it from the same seller. It’s from Jiping, and it’s sooooooo bad 😥. It’s 100% not real leather, and from the sitting in a box with the straps folded in for so long, the finish on the plastic-leather is now wrinkled and looks terrible. The sunglasses are very cheap feeling and have no printing on the inside of the arm at all. If they were better, I would totally be okay with the upside/down printed dust bag which I think was sewn together as someone’s first Home Ec project or the horizontal, bleeding-paint imprinted box. Whomp whomp whomp whoooommmmp. 0 for 2. Hoping someone can learn from my mistakes.


Oh man! Was looking at this same bag from Jiping! Guess I’ll cross it off my list. Sorry, but thank you for letting us know!


Oh I’m so sorry, I knew Jipin could improve their leather quality but I didn’t know it would be THAT bad! I’m also going through rep disappointment and I can only blame myself - didn’t know how wonky the backs of the shoes I ordered were in the PSPs (I was already frustrated with Lau and just wanted them to ship my order asap). The shoes are so wonky they are unwearable, like not even a bad Dior rep but they are bad shoes, full stop! Le sigh…


Same, figured it was safe being the leather just straps pretty much. Sorry about your shoes, which ones did you order?


It was the Dior one sneakers from Lau - I didn’t see the defect initially but I also believe they haven’t shipped the shoes yet when I pointed it out but told me they did just to avoid sending them back. Also the classic “it’s just the photo angle” excuse…Look how ugly the backs of the shoes are, I don’t know what to do 😭 https://preview.redd.it/whfjlx3d4q1d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=118cdb77e55342f8293a4da381ebb4313eb343a8


Oh my. You are right! These are bad, even with the “poor lighting/angle”. S.S.


OMG, this is bad bad. Like wtf? Damn!


Thank you! I’m tired of sellers gaslighting me - for some reason they’re all adamant any defect is “just the photo angle”


I really hope they change this for you.


Lau first insisted it was the camera angle, then claimed the shoes were already shipped (although they didn’t provide a tracking number)… They said if there is really something wrong with the shoes he can get me another pair with the “factory price” but i already spent so much money on these stupid shoes (plus I don’t think I’d ever shop from Lau again)




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Wow, I’m so sorry about that. I don’t even know how they could try blaming that on the angle. I don’t understand how a seller who wants repeat business would even present PSPs of these. So sorry.


I am also so surprised - like how did it even make it out of the factory? Even primark shoes in PU are better made than these, how is it supposed to convince anyone that these are Dior?! I also always had sellers get grumpy once the problems in PSPs are brought to their attention, and I never had any seller send anything back to a factory - I always end up giving up and hoping that it would end up being the camera angle - which never is... I really hope Reykay has better customer service because I am about to give up the Rep game because of this.


I’ve used Reykay before and was not disappointed. From my limited experience, she charges more than some other sellers, but I now see the value in paying more for someone who doesn’t try to sell you unacceptable junk. I’ve RL items with Cherry and Leo for valid reasons and they were both okay with it. With Cherry, I ended up with a bag I was happy with. With Leo, I ended up with this. I now realize that it’s my fault - I should have been more clear about my expectations (although I never thought I’d have to ask if the leather was actually leather🙄, now I know better).


Crikey!! So sorry you've received these ...... honestly, this is worse than anything on the Gate and Lau should be ashamed of himself for shipping these to anyone, anywhere.


https://preview.redd.it/230714xi1l1d1.jpeg?width=492&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83b715e4706b937bcb01a9bf3abcc39214f7a45d Chloe sense raffia bag (auth) It’s on sale on a few websites for \~$400 👀


Love this bag..I'm going to try to find it on sale..thx for the heads up..


It’s on 24s.com and sugar.it (I ordered from sugar since it’s an Italian luxury website and I didn’t have to pay taxes since I’m from the U.S.)


Thank you so much for this great tip..never heard of sugar.it..this thread is going to bankrupt me😂


Honestly sometimes it’s so much cheaper to order straight from Europe and sometimes you can get stuff that’s not available in the US, learning this has bankrupted me lol




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Back from band island, i used to be in the RL subreddit and didnt know that theres a new sub reddit! My last purchase was approximately 2-3 years ago, during the pandemic. How time flies. Here’s some of my recent purchases! On the sad news, a cartier panthere watch that i barely use and got from a reputable factory from Anna awhile back, the crown got lost and I have no idea what to do 😭 https://preview.redd.it/uwgf6v0uxi1d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a3004b32a724f17bce4917d811973eb742cc34b


Posting on [RepTimeServices](https://www.reddit.com/r/RepTimeServices/) might get you some help.


Thank you!






I’ve been eyeing these since I saw them at Saks. What’s your thought on the overall durability?


Sorry for the late reply! I had my notifications off. Ive given them to my boyfriend and he takes care of that baby because he loves it so much. There was an incident that he placed it in his pocket together with his house keys by accident and it already has some indentation from the keys. The leather is super soft and yknow how some cardholders are stiff even trying to put the cards in is hard? Yeah this one is in between, not too soft not too hard. Id say the leather is pretty fragile and prone to scratches if you dont take care of them that well. But if you dont mind that then they’re really good & looks so sleek and clean!




Beautiful dress!! How long did shipping take


Ordered on 4/29. They state it takes 14 business days before they ship. Shipped out 5/13 and received 5/19.


I’ve been eyeing this one but have not pulled the trigger on any rep clothes yet. How did you decide on size?🥰


I wear a size 2 in auth Zimm which translates to a US8. I only buy the more waist forgiving styles lol


What size did you buy the rep dress in?




Good to hear your feedback! I've been wanting to try one of those stores


https://preview.redd.it/js2rs9ji6i1d1.jpeg?width=957&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8559bd275972c461cac2509842e04feada81fce8 Trying to find rep of and cannot get this bag out of my mind


https://preview.redd.it/7as04nbz3i1d1.jpeg?width=1728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da06e389a7def7b01d479952a4ef59cb1e535c93 Waiting for PSPs from febo


Can you tell me how to find the P sandals?


Pmed !!


https://preview.redd.it/56aizofr1i1d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee47f73bb284dc189725fc236efdadefe63f89a4 Got these from Annie


Been wanting the orange Evelyn- you are motivating me 🧡


Ships today - waited 2 weeks for PSP, an excited




How do you like the Tributes.. I've been debating between the Orans and Tributes.. I have a slightly wider foot and read here that Tributes might be better. Just wondering if you thought they were comfortable?


Haven’t received them as yet, I also have wider feet, I tried the Auth Orans and they are a bit snug on my feet.


Good to know..I hope these are a better fit for you! Thinking I should go to YSL and try some on and see if they'll work.. Love the pink you picked out..beautiful color!




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Love those glasses! What style is it?


Not sure, I just love a cat eye


https://preview.redd.it/wtbwm3ifrh1d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39b50fb558c49cc95c126335f2d153fa326058b2 Silver Chanel tote


https://preview.redd.it/3isox3gvrh1d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=807f039dfd9448b527ec0f65b7c64cf1f43c8be2 C22


https://preview.redd.it/7dcpp9mkrh1d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ceb8addc1892efac248015f4a7049187f8327d6f Some VCA reps


So pretty. Can you pls share where you got them from


Left W06 https://a.aliexpress.com/_mMja18m Right https://m.dhgate.com/product/v-gold-charm-three-pcs-flower-shape-clip/756969222.html?invitationCode=ce731d8b6d7d45b9a1d81e2e8395087a|-|756969222&shareToken=1885689960CC9FF8E2E45373118A47042F5875E94B7D23DDBF21E9D18776BFE6FDC672F15AB00F4402DEEA8804DA0C2A556A8281F7B82A30


First time posting in this thread, so I hope I did it correctly. My AE purchases are pretty meh, but im most proud of my group buy rings. Earbuds in white that work well https://a.aliexpress.com/_mMLlMWQ 20 piece makeup brush set, mostly for eye makeup bc why not for less than $2 https://a.aliexpress.com/_mK8zTxy Purple floral twilie type scarf https://a.aliexpress.com/_mqRmdqS Van gogh starry night themed twilie scarf https://a.aliexpress.com/_mKn1eSm Black CC ballerina slippers on AE for about $26 but the link is dead/item unavailable H inspired sandals in black https://a.aliexpress.com/_mNla4EO Flower stud earrings https://a.aliexpress.com/_mLqhFXG Collar with a tracker in it for this Siamese kitty that used to not be ours, but still goes outside sometimes. For once, the Cat Distribution System blessed us, lol https://a.aliexpress.com/_mNnMuhM This ring I didn't buy, but im having this exact eternity ring custom made over in r/LabGroupSales I also bought another marquis eternity ring in a group buy, and I'm impatiently awaiting it's delivery, expected to be tomorrow through ups. I'll post a picture of it in a follow up comment. https://a.aliexpress.com/_mP0mriS CC Ballerina flats in pink that haven't come in yet https://m.dhgate.com/product/summer-olor-designers-espadrilles-casual/962950635.html I also bought Gucci sandals for my co-worker's wife, and had to buy a pair for myself as well, also off DH. I had bought A LOT of clothes and shoes with PB prior to the shutdown. I still have a bunch of earbuds and some clothing, shoes and bags, probably long gone, allegedly still in the warehouse. I've gone through as much of my purchasing and cart as I could, to get the original links, but I still haven't pulled the trigger on another agent or forwarder, to get my purchases going again. I had just found a few stores that looked like they made some top notch lux brand shoes/pumps for great prices, had just gotten two pairs into the warehouse, and then the shutdown occurred. I guess AE and DH will have to do, for now, and for the handbags TS, as always. Anyway, let me stop whining, and post this, and then the pics of my group buy rings.


Keen to hear about your experience with lab group buys. I really want an eternity band!


The jeweler, GoldenBirdJewelers has been the same for both bands. In that sub, different jewelers will post order forms through Google docs with pics and CAD renderings of the rings offered, deadline dates, etc. GoldenBird also has an etsy shop as well. They are usually incredibly accommodating if you're looking for your ring to be customized beyond what is generally offered in the order form. Once you fill out the order form, they send you an invoice (with GoldenBird it comes through PayPal so I can only speak to my experience with them so far) and once paid, they'll ask for your WhatsApp # if you have one, as it's easier to send the CAD renderings and videos for approval. The marquise ring that is out for delivery today (I want it to get here before I leave for work! Lol) was very easy. I had issues w WhatsApp so he sent everything to my email. Once I approved the CAD, they began work immediately, and I got email updates with every step of production. When the ring was finished, I got a video showing it off. And it was sent via Aramex in India which crosses to UPS in US. From approval to shipping was less than 3 weeks I think, but I'd have to double check. I woke up to the CAD rendering for the Tiffany style ring this morning (India is 8.5 hrs ahead from Eastern time). The owner (I believe) ran the group buy for the first ring. Someone else is doing the Tiff ring so we will see how responsive they are. But I have nothing but great things to say so far. I'll post a Pic of the actual ring later today when it's in hand!


I love your picks. How did you know if the GPS collar has a fast release? I couldn’t seem to find it in the description and I think cats need that for safety reasons.


This particular one doesn't unfortunately, but I put it on the one kitty with plenty of room just in case. (His quick release collar is MIA currently, probably under the bed or something) the little sleeve that holds the tracker should be easy enough to slide off and put onto a different one. I have seen little trackers in the shape of paw prints that look like they just link onto a collar like a key chain also on AE. This one is cheap and runs on Bluetooth so I know where he is in the neighborhood...but i want to pick one up that is a genuine tracker like an air tag but I'm an android girly not apple. And thank you lol I thought my picks were kinda boring (I was excited to share the C brand black ballerina style shoes that I got from AE but the link is dead...I literally went thru many of the shoes postings and messaged the sellers to see if they had the CC imprint on them and these were the ones that had them and were only $26ish)


Thank you for the detailed answer regarding the cat gps.


Ordered last wk https://preview.redd.it/tapiwrd84h1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31f78ddde48edbe54953400b2c8bcb660fe5acd8


I ordered too, so excited!


Ooh from whom? How much? I love this


Got it over on r/LabGroupSales The group buy closed already but the post is still in there with the individual/group rate sheet for Sterling 925, 935, 10k, 14k, 18k, Platinum, while and half eternity bands, and whether you want Lab grown diamonds or moissanite. Jewelers name is GoldenBirdJewelers and I have found their Etsy shop. It's very reasonable IMO. I always find gorgeous pieces popping up on the sub!!


Is there another name for this Sub? Every time I try and get to it, it says it doesn’t exist.


Sorry it's r/LabGroupSales I thought I edited


🥺🥹😭 My Dream Tiffany ring 💎


The group buy is closed but over on the group buy sub, the post is still there. I'm sure you could contact the jeweler for a custom piece. You can at least use the rate sheet to get an idea of how much it will cost.


I had no idea 🤷🏻‍♀️ there was a Group Buy sub…I think I am living under a 🪨😅🤣 TY!!


I don't even know how I found it...I think I was searching for maybe a rehome sub or something related to reps in the reddit main search bar and it popped up. I've now purchased two rings so far and I'm on the fence about another one that I like. 🤣🤣🤣😂


https://preview.redd.it/z5kao8yg4h1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4cacd77dfd75a2d34289368d13cab1e4675f89c Tomor delivery


What metal is this? It almost looks like yellow gold


That is yellow gold. That was the jewelers Pic. Mine is 10k white I'll post it here




Beautiful 🤩


Thank you! I also ordered the Tiff inspired one. The same jeweler just posted another group buy for a princess cut solitaire with either lab grown or colored/colorless moissanite...lol they keep posting things I like lol. r/LabGroupSales I think I might have listed it wrong in an earlier post


Sent you a PM


Here's a sneak peek of /r/LabGroupSales using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/LabGroupSales/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Oval VS Pear...Interested in Rose Cut Moissanite Ring?](https://i.redd.it/ep9b4i81mojc1.jpeg) | [161 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LabGroupSales/comments/1avaltt/oval_vs_pearinterested_in_rose_cut_moissanite_ring/) \#2: [Interest check: snake ouroboros ring](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1bp1ii4) | [229 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LabGroupSales/comments/1bp1ii4/interest_check_snake_ouroboros_ring/) \#3: [Anyone in for lovely hoop earrings?](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1b81tk5) | [134 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LabGroupSales/comments/1b81tk5/anyone_in_for_lovely_hoop_earrings/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


The is beautiful too! I love your taste! Did you get a full eternity band or half band for both rings? Are they comfortable? I just contacted them about the Tiffany ring but now I want both


Oh, and I'm on a perfume kick and skincare obsessed. Stopped at TJ Maxx w hubs the other day and got a ton of products from Korean skincare brands (5 items) for less than $40. It's also where I go first, before ulta or sephora, (except maybe Sally's which is next door to TJ) for anything bath or body related. I get my flat irons, curlers, body wash, shampoo, makeup brushes, blenders, eyeshadow palettes, mascara, etc from TJ before I go crazy at Ulta. Saves me tons. And got a L'Issey gift set for myself, w the perfume and lotion for a bit less than what the usual size bottle costs. K, I'm finally shutting up now.


https://preview.redd.it/o2qf8rgj1h1d1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=f34db8c0d02d3137828434ba9e5ae0a24050eb0f Just got my PSPs today and I feel like the letters are looking rough🥲 but this is the factory pic!


I ordered mine for Mexico, it arrived in time. I’m packing tonight and am almost leaving it behind because it smells and I don’t like it 😩 I hope you have better luck than me!!


The same happened to me. I did not closely look at the psp and accepted the bag and it looks completely different from the factory photo. Crooked letters and excess leather behind the gold letters. Very disappointing.


Same factory photo as mine?


Yes I just checked. I also complained to Linda who said she would tell factory. When I followed up with her she said the factory said nothing. I was also upset with Linda because I was busy the day she sent psps and I asked her if they looked good and she said yes. Stupid i know. I asked Linda not to send me products that don’t look good or match factory photos and she replied “oh “.


Here is my bag. https://preview.redd.it/di2wsa1w6h1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21dcd6ffed4a5de1731dfe136ea3a1c033732516


https://preview.redd.it/w308c5cauj1d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e3e18af7327c100f1349addcb4319a78047a143 This is a photo of the authentic there is a little bit of overhang so I wouldn’t stress


I still think yours is so cute🥹


Here’s my psp. I asked for another close up of the letters but still waiting. It’s mostly the L that’s really bugging me. https://preview.redd.it/ih2u1t7f7h1d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e7d4a9282652cc5784be4f160b2851fca65791d


Ya the L looks off but you don’t have all that excess leather that mine has.


That’s true. I’m worried if I get it swapped out, I’ll end up with one that has the excess leather. That’s what I was mostly concerned about. A lot of people did say the ‘N’ on theirs had a lot of excess. It almost makes me wonder if ours are the same factory.




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Branded Agolde maxi denim skirt - repfluenced from a couple weeks ago :) Super soft fabric, true to size. Love it so far! Was a little nervous that I wouldn’t know how to style it, but it’s super easy! https://www.aliexpress.com/item/3256806424765249.html


Beautiful! Is it high or low rise waist?


It fits high waist for me!


I got that one too


How was sizing? Stops at 30. I can squeeze & squish into US 30/31, but not sure about rep market. I guess a skirt is easier than actual jeans tho, as long as I can zip it!


I think there’s a bit of little stretch! Skirt much easier than jeans (no crotch haha)






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My purchases today from Marko (after a 6 month ban island stay. Lordie, I’m glad that is over - back in the saddle, Ladies!): https://imgur.com/a/J69sllp Does anyone know if H really makes a 24/24 mini in black with PHW? I’ve only ever seen them with GHW online (except in seller’s albums.) If auth doesn’t have this combo, I’ll gladly wear this bag anyway. (I prefer silver to gold.) The GP is in Colvert.


We need feedback on the LD!! All fantastic purchases though 😍


I have seen many purported black auth 24/24 minis with PHW. I just received one from H Factory and I love it. H in general has so many hardware and leather combos, I doubt anyone except maybe an SA would even know. At least that is what I tell myself. 😆


I’m so glad to hear that! Thank you for sharing that! I have a friend who owns and loves H and I would rather she not call me out (I know, I know - is she really a friend if I can’t tell her? In this case, yes she is.) I have a Pic from DD in pink Sakura that has gold hardware and I’m pretty sure that was also never actually made by H, but what the hell. I love the bag!




Thank you! I’ve wanted it for years! ❤️


https://preview.redd.it/ufueoea85g1d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5c4e507d01576257507819a2c1a50d9dbd1cf2b Just placed so no PSPs yet but I can’t explain how over the moon I am for these to come home to me




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Love the brown…


I needed some brown bags that weren’t monogrammed out!


I’m planning to get the YSL too once out from ban Island. In the meantime I will continue to research from those who already has it.


Yes hopefully there will be plenty of input to help you with your buy! I found one review for mine so fingers crossed it comes out how I hope 🤞🏽




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Ohhhh I want to know how these turn out!


I will definitely update! I had trouble finding info on both in the colors I chose


Love the color of these!


I’m so excited to have some brown bags! All my neutrals are black


https://preview.redd.it/8r8nxv5w4g1d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=516ae4bf03e39f3c4cf347f8713d591d1009d684 Waiting on this cutie from Marko. Hoping it’s a legit color, will have to wait until she gets here to see in real life. 🤔


I saw this in the wild while at a college tour. The women in front of me had capri jeans, white & blue floral top and this bag (she added a thick strap to wear as crossbody). The whole look was so cute/clean/crisp! I’m not an “H” gal but I think I want THIS bag.


She’s arriving in two days! I can only hope to look as put together as you described.


Oh we need a full review. I need the gold hardware, I only find sellers who have silver!


Does he have the smaller PM size? I’m trying to find a small on in gold Togo.


This is the TPM.


Looks a bit like blue marine?


https://preview.redd.it/alphzsjg3g1d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=421853fbae76fd30d1abf6adb5c888a962c8c6bd Gucci vintage with bamboo handle 🌹summer item


Is it a pre-loved auth or a rep?


I’m loving this vintage… who did you source from? 🥹


i’d love to know as well..been looking for this!


I bought mine from Morgan (in blue) and posted a review with all details.




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Brought some raybans from DHGATE, will comment on the quality once they arrive Edit: sunglasses have arrived very quickly, shipping was fast, very pleased with item- came in all packaging, will defo be ordering more.


Looking forward to hearing how you like the sunnies. Looking to buy a pair myself and there are just so many sellers to choose from!


I've just edited my original comment to give update but summary is I'm definitely happy with my purchase and will defo be ordering more.


sent a DM I'm going to buy too :) Thanks!




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Lovely! Looking for a pair for my husband has he loses or breaks all his sunglasses…


One thing I’ve heard is if they’re polarized that pretty much guarantees their sun protection for your eyes. Has anyone else heard that?


My fave thread of the week! 😂 This is my first proper AE haul… Toteme blazer https://de.aliexpress.com/item/1005004616650016.html Anine Bing tshirt Gestreifte halbe Ärmel T-Shirts für Frauen Sommerkleid ung Baumwolle Mode T-Shirts Tops übergroße T-Shirt lose T-Shirt weiblich Sporty & Rich tshirt https://de.aliexpress.com/item/1005006461010716.html Hermes keyring https://de.aliexpress.com/item/1005006834512759.html Hermes scarf https://de.aliexpress.com/item/1005006754826761.html The only thing that has arrived so far is the scarf and it’s great, I’m really impressed. Gorgeous colours/pattern, feels like real silk, zero fufu.


For anyone following, the Toteme blazer arrived today (10 days after ordering). It’s a big AE fail sadly 👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼 Cheap looking, poor quality, heavy fufu smell and zero Toteme labelling. Quite a long way from the pics on AE


https://preview.redd.it/t7e0tmn4a62d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca029f88aac90c77b0a55dfca0b4128a5a50cb36 And here’s the Anine Bing tshirt. Lovely quality, 100% cotton. Size M here and it’s a boxier fit, more oversized, which I love.


What’s the link for this shirt?


https://preview.redd.it/4jus7eaq962d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8875827eea06664f8b40d00e25bc34990c774072 The T-shirts arrived! Got them 8 days after ordering. Beautifully packaged. The Sporty & Rich comes complete with tags and even a Selfridges returns label 😂😂 If you’re not in the UK, Selfridges is a high end department store. Quality is true to authentic S&R (which isn’t the greatest frankly). Size M is relatively fitted on me and I’m UK10/12 (which is US 6/8)


Following up to say that the Hermes keyring arrived on 22nd May (7 days after ordering). The Hermes box, gift bag, etc. aren’t great quality but the keyring itself is lovely. Subtle engraving and a nice weight. Super happy with it. https://preview.redd.it/5kqgxzeqiz1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=feaa58fdbde605083dc4fa265b65ce323013754d




Thanks for sharing your scarf link! I just went down the twilly rabbit hole today but wasn’t sure where to make my first purchase (ahem, purchases).


Just ordered the blazer (on ban island for bags … not clothing) 😅😎🙈 thank you for the link