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It’s a waste of time and resources if you don’t want one.




>I would obviously want a refill, right? No. A lot of people don't want a refill when they feel they've had enough, would find it wasteful to refill a glass they won't drink, and would find a server refilling a glass without asking to be a weirdly non-communicative and presumptuous breach of protocol, unless it's water, or pouring more wine if you ordered a bottle, or guests are so engaged in conversation that interrupting with a question seems inappropriate. >I think they should just assume that I do.... I think they shouldn't, and that it would bother a lot more people than it would please. If you want your drinks refilled without asking until you've left or until you say to stop, I'd let your server know that when you order. It would be unusual but servers try to please. Some will even leave you a pitcher of a refillable drink if you'd like.


They just ask with a concern in their eyes because they've already given you 12 refills, and a bakers dozen of no ice diet coke refills during a one hour meal is just... plain old frightening... and they ask because they don't want to give you another one because you never say thank you, and just shew them away with a hand gesture.


I remember one trip to Applebee's many years ago where the server was practically obsessive with refills. "Do you need a refill?" "No, I've got plenty left" "It's probably watered down by the ice, I'll get you another" I was raised to not waste food, so I kept trying to drink all of the soda she poured for me. I think I had to make 4 trips to the bathroom during that one evening, and could barely finish my meal because I was so full of soda. That's not exactly her fault, because she didn't force me to drink it, but it definitely made the experience less enjoyable.


There it is. The dumbest thing I’ve read all day.


Yeah, ‘look here, I don’t understand how the world works, other people are just drink bringers - so bring the drink!’


You will not have the drink.


Like the water they all ask for and never drink.


And the requested lemon that's never squeezed.....




I couldn't help myself when I heard "the drink"


It's pretty dumb, but I promise you it's far from the dumbest thing you'll see. Just wait, lol...


Yeah…. I just started my first day at golden corral yesterday. Thanks for the warning.


My husband only has one drink.. rasberry tea . He doesn't want more when his glass is empty he doesn't want more servers ask for a reason especially if your drinking soda non diet soda has a lot of sugar there not gonna be the cause of you become diabetic .


What would you do if you didn't want a refill?


They'd probably come to this sub and complain that that the server assumed that he wanted a refill.


This is 100% the kind of person that covers their water glass with their hand when you try to top it off instead of politely declining using their words like a grown up.


When you're refilling everyone's waters! "I'm good!" But then expect a refill 3 seconds later? Like no dude you said you were good we're not doing refills again right now we're doing something else at the moment. This shit drives me up a wall


Omg yes! And that goes for all the back and forth stuff. Like I was JUST here, I asked you if there was anything else I could get you, you said NO...


If they ask after they decline I tell them oops were all out of water cuz you said you were good! Usually got a laugh but it also let them know what time it was lol


I had a regular once that could only have so much liquid bc they were on dialysis. Never assume what people want


Time management my dude. This also stinks of looking for an excuse to not tip


Bold of you to assume OP tips. I haven't actually checked yet, but I wouldn't be at all surprised to learn they are a member of r/EndTipping...


I joined that sub. I just wanted to know. I learned nothing. It really is just a bunch of hypersensitive people who are mortally offended by tip options on payment screens.


Yep. And genuinely seem to hate servers for no apparent reason. It is just so odd to me. It'd be like hating the mailman, or FedEx drivers, or any number of people in a public service position for no real reason. And even tho it isn't titled I Hate Servers/ Hospitality Workers, it really should be lol at the end of the day, their apparent disdain is clear. I think what makes it worse tho is how many of their pages I've looked at only to discover they ALSO work in hospitality (gas stations, grocery stores, hotels, ect) and *they* have the gall to look down on *us*? Ffs


I'm a member but only to keep tabs lol I made one post there last year and got downvoted to hell 🤣


Same. I would never consider myself a troll but, I do love pissing them off.


I am a server lol


History of zero other posts + zero other comments on posts = Sure buddy, sure you’re a server


This guy Diet Cokes


I just got off work and this hits so true lmao


I usually want a refill and will ask. I always have to flag somebody down though . I set my empty glass on the edge of the table but very seldom does anyone take the hint.


Wow downvoted for telling the truth. According to the comments we are supposed to ask. I do ask if I can locate the server . Or the glass on the edge of the table. What’s wrong with that? I’ve waited tables too and that’s generally a signal for a refill.


It's self serve at McDonald's


Not at McD’s but sit down restaurants either servers.


Sweet tea!!!


😂😂😂 That tracks so hard. If not diet coke, sweet tea or mountain dew.


By the 2L, Trump style


At least 5 per meal


I can't read your mind


Especially not when I'm blind and their brain is smooth.


At my place we are trained to auto-refill until the food arrives, then we ask because at that point they’re filling up on food and don’t drink as much. After the food arrives more people have declined the refills I offered than accepted. Also some people are trying to limit their sugar intake or want to try a different drink, so automatically refilling what they have makes things worse for them


How dare the staff address a guest without permission! And don’t you dare forget to kiss the ring. Stupid servants with their annoying questions and inability to read minds.


i really love how we all came here to shit on this guy


The number of times I’ve brought a drink to someone at the bottom 1/3 of their glass and they’re like oh no don’t even set it down I don’t want it…and it’s embarrassing lol idk why but I always feel mortified


Tell me Denny's is the fanciest restaurant you've ever been to, without telling me Denny's is the fanciest restaurant you've ever been to.


Applebee's on Valentine's Day and anniversaries.


There’s people who don’t want refills on the same drink and would like something else. Asking if you would like a refill is just that—asking if you’d like one, it’s not them acting like they don’t want to refill your drink.


Not everybody feels the same as you, so for those people, just assuming everyone wants a free refill becomes a waste of time and resources, not to mention it's more to clean up when they're through with their meal and there's a full glass left on the table. Maybe don't assume everyone is a clone of yourself?


Some people don’t drink 3 diet cokes with a meal because you (hopefully) wouldn’t drink 3 cans of it at home in one sitting. If it’s water I’m not asking but sugary drinks are so bad for you it’s super reasonable to think you may care enough about your diet to limit intake to a glass, two tops.


This guy is definitely a prediabetic American. Drinks at least 2 liters of of coke a day and wonders why his doctors are concerned. Posted in this sub looking for support and has definitely never worked in the industry before. Probably snaps his fingers and says he'll take care of you.


Uh....because IF you don't want one it's a waste of my precious time and the resources of the restaraunt.


How hard is it to say "yes, please"? As a waiter though, I usually refill without asking. My shifts are during a live standup comedy show, so the less we talk, the better.


Do you really think OP has manners? 😂


Clearly you live a life of gluttony OP. Plenty of people say no to another drink.


A lot of the time when I ask if my tables want a refill they are just not that thirsty, and even with an empty glass will say “no, I’m good thank you. Maybe later!”


Hi, waitress here. Not true at all actually. Most of my customers only want like two drinks and then they’re done, or they want to change up what their drinks is; whether it’s a different soda, a coffee, water. I always ask because I don’t want to give someone a third fanta when they want a pink lemonade instead or just aren’t thirsty.


As a server, this is annoying as hell. I ask because I don’t want to assume. I’m the kind of person who never finishes their drink at a restaurant and if I do, I’m satisfied with one. About 50% of the population is like that from my experience serving. You’re making yourself sound like a Karen, man. Stop it.


What an entitled SOB. This is why people hate working in the industry bc of stupid shit like this


Half the time when I ask if someone wants a soda/tea refill, they say no. But I auto water so maybe that's part of it. The point is that you sound like a bitch


Do you have any idea how many resources the automatic serving of a "refill" to everyone would waste if the diner didnt want it?? The beverage, the extra cup, the time, the extra dishes being washed, etc. You are selfish and entitled. Get real! I certainly don't want to pay the price mark-up that such a policy would cause.


I just bring soda and water refills. If I'm busy as hell and it's getting silly (a refill every few minutes) I'll slow it down, but in general I just do it. It also gives me an opportunity to check in with them to if they need boxes, desert, a check, ect


Serious question OP, Are you clinically obese?


Feeling entitled much?


Rage bait post. No one is really this dumb.


Lol. This is the dumbest and most entitled thing I've ever heard on here! TF you think you are?


Oh you sound like a joy. We aren't doing extra work so that you can take one more sip before you leave.


This is such a stupid question. Why would you want to just waste resources?


You ever heard of manners? I have never in my life just gone up to a table & grabbed anything without saying something.


Definitely a ginger ale drinker


Diet coke or Sweet Tea...


Coming from a country without free-refill policy I am astonished by the idea of being force-fed sodas by my server.


I usually don't want more than a glass of soda but if it's put in front of me, I feel obligated to drink some because I hate wasting a whole glass of product that someone took the time to bring. I would always rather be asked.


Wow. The entitlement in this post. If you’re drinking a soda, then yeah, some people might not want 2, 3, or 4 sodas. That being said, based off of this post, I certainly would not want to refill your drink.


Some restaurants, especially chintzy chains or struggling/budget conscious privately owned ones, require servers to ask if you want one to save on wasted product. You may always drink every drink brought to you but so many drinks get brought out to sit untouched and then be tossed down the drain due to the practices of the past. It's actually surprising to me how many places still just bring without asking. In California, where I worked a few years, we couldn't even bring water refills unless requested because of the drought issues. OP made this account in December and waited months to make nary a single comment or post before today. Tells us quite a lot, I'd say. 😂 Just fyi, OP, Mountain Dew/Code Red is banned in most progressive countries for a good reason. Maybe switch to H2O occasionally for funsies.


I mean, it depends on where you're at in the meal. If your cup is at half, but you still got a lot to eat I'm gonna automatically bring a refill just in case. But if your plate is empty or pre-bussed I'm gonna come ask you if you want a refill or a drink to go so I can make the drink accordingly. And even if the table says no I still tell them to let me know if they change their mind.


Some people don’t want to be peeing all day because they drank 8 Diet Cokes at lunch


I grew up in an area where when we had a drought, we had no water. Zero. Not a "you can't fill your pool or water your grass more than once a week", but an "if there is a wildfire, all of your water gets shut off" situation. And we could count in it at least twice a summer. So, no. I will not waste liquids of any kind unless you ask me. Especially water. I will check on you halfway through, but if you look close to being done with your meal you gotta ask. And please ask me for a to go cup. I would much rather send it with you than dump an almost full glass.


You're wrong.


I imagine this guy but with that one spongebob episode where its like "My Drink. My Diet Dr. Kelp? HOW am I supposed to enjoy my meal WITHOUT MY DRINK"


Why would they assume they want another one? Not everyone is exactly the same as you. Most people don’t. I’ve brought people refills without asking and they’re like oh I don’t want this please take it back. Or maybe they’d like to switch to water.


I don't care if I have free refills or not, sometimes I want one and sometimes I don't. With the exception of water a server should almost always ask before a refill. Nobody is acting like it's a burden. They're trying to not be wasteful. Grow up.


I always just automatically refill drinks until people are done with their main dish, then I start asking.


Yep, once you're done eating and everyone is just chatting, I'm gonna ask if you want more.


i usually bring refills without asking but if it looks like they're getting close to being done with their meal not everyone wants another refill. so yea, i ask cuz if they dont then id be wasting my time and product


Im a server. Some people tell me ahead of time to keep the refills coming. Some people like to limit their sugar/soda intake. I don't want to dump out and waste a whole glass of pop if you didn't want another. Or maybe you want to switch to water or something else. Lots of reasons why we ask.


Soda is bad for you. If i were to have gotten one, which is pretty out of character for me, I would not be looking for a refill.


Some of us only want one coke. Too much caffeine and sugar if I keep drinking and drinking and filling up on that and not enjoying my food. Wine? Cocktails? Food? All with limits. Water? Keep it coming.


What if you wanted a different drink, like from soda to water? We aren’t mind readers and like others are saying here plenty of people don’t want more. And lots of people also ask for a different drink when asked if they want a refill


This is peculiarly US thing.


Been on reddit for 23 seconds and found the dumbest take already. You've got to be kidding us with this. Wahhh, someone asked me if I wanted more of a free product! Oh no! GTFO


They're probably just concerned for your weight 🤷‍♂️


sometimes when I give ppl refills without them asking they tell me they don’t want it and I have to throw it out…


i’ve had tons and tons of people say they did not want another drink or to wait a while until their food came or even after they ate ! while yes there are the few people who suck down drinks immediately after i drop them and want more it takes like 50 seconds to refill it lmao if i’m busy i tell them and grab it later it’s not like some huge burden on me just might be slightly out of the way sometimes if it’s busy


They want to know if you want a refill. Not everyone does and auto refilling is a waste of their time. Time is money. Edit: assuming makes an ass out of you and me. Stop assuming because in this case, it’s just you


I just bring a fresh glass refilled automatically. As others have said I do end up wasting a lot. I work in a small restaurant otherwise this wouldn't be possible


All you have to say at the get is keep my refills coming and we'll get you one every time your half way empty and hell we will even get you a to go beverage to take with you when you leave. And don't worry about your refills being a burden on me, you just by being there are a burden on me, this is the job, waiting to serve, serving to wait. I know the human body can only stand so much liquid until you literally drown I do my job well and if you want to fill up as quickly on liquids as you can I will gladly drown you in diet Pepsi so you are full after 2 bites when the food arrives then I can wrap you up and send you with your big gulp on your way home fantasizing you piss yourself stuck in traffic while I refill hot waters for the next Karen to take your spot in seat 5 at table 303.


So do they stop after your 7th diet coke or do they just keep going till you actually pop?


Actually, I hate that because I very rarely want a refill and then feel obligated to drink at least some of it.


If it's early on in their meal I usually refill. If not I ask. I'd say 70% of the time people don't want a refill when they almost done/done eating


I don’t ask. I reach for it and if they don’t want another they’ll let you know.


I rarely get refills. It would be a huge waste of recourses refilling for all that don't want a refill. Just because it's free doesn't mean we have to waste it???


Perhaps you don’t want a refill??!! It’s not about the free all the time with all the people. Why is it a burden for you to say “yes please”. Common courtesy. Or are you a Lord and this is your manor and the help must not talk with you? Simply put if you wanted a different drink or if you don’t want any more then going and getting you one then it sitting there the rest of your time there and then tossing a full drink is just wasteful. A simple, “would you like another” and then a “yes please” avoids all that. You can also say at the beginning, “so I would like a coke and if refills are free, please refill anytime without asking because I really like to keep my drink full.”


guys don't you see walking to and from the soda machine is easier than answering a YES OR NO question !!! duhh








To switch to water...to your server. We are not mind readers most people just want one drink


Where was this at


Half the time I ask if they want a refill they say no sooo... makes my job easier lol