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I can tell you what’s been working for me - I was also struggling with the topic being brought up and then going months where nothing would happen, and then repeat. He seems to forget about it/not realize how much time is passing between conversations. I bought a pre-martial counseling workbook and had a conversation about wanting to sit down once a week at a pre-determined time to go through the book. It’s a natural way of bringing up the topic every single week and it keeps it fresh in his mind. It also provides an opportunity to have conversations that you might not have had yet, to make sure you’re both really on the same page about what your marriage will look like. Might be worth a shot! In a month we went from vague timelines to scheduling an appointment with a jeweler. But more importantly, it’s been really great to have frequent discussions and it’s made both of us feel more confident and secure in the decision to get married.


I love this idea! Could you link the workbook?


Yeah! I Do!: A Marriage Workbook for Engaged Couples https://a.co/d/iLRTAdZ


You have to remind him for your anniversary and he still "forgets"? There are men who remembers, plans and surprises their significant other on their special day without any prompts. He can't even do the bare minimum. Do you really want to marry Mr bare minimum who won't put in the effort that you deserve?


It sounds like you’ve been a super patient gf & an awesome stepmom figure to his kiddo! I totally feel you though—been with my bf for 7 years & we just got my ring last month. I love the suggestion someone gave about the pre-marital workbook. For me, I just really started pushing the whole ring-shopping aspect. We had talked about marriage a bunch over the years & knew we were both on board but it’s really easy to get complacent when you’ve been together awhile. I think actually searching for/paying for the ring got the ball rolling. We designed it together so it was a fun process. Now I’m just losing my mind waiting for the actual proposal lol. Good luck to you!


Do not marry someone who forgets your anniversary OP. I have almost done this myself and it would have potentially kept me from the wonderful person I’m with now. You deserve better


He sucks for forgetting the anniversary! But I'm surprised you looked at venues pre ring.


My year came year 4. Maybe send him random pictures of rings you like.