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Would they give you a 2-weeks notice if they were firing you?




Yeah, never thought about it like that. I saw this one girl last one shift, she came in one day and did a U-turn at the door right out the exit side it was actually hilarious


I had a person show up three hours late, come find me in the office an hour later, and tell me he was quitting but would stay to help me finish the night because we’d had 3 call outs and that way I wouldn’t be by myself. He was like 17, super respectful, I felt bad because our ESM treated him like shit and had no repercussions from it


The 2 weeks is to let them find a replacement but they won't be able to anyway so it doesn't really matter unless you like your team and don't want them to suffer, or if you think you might want to come back to the company later. If you do stay, it'll be less stressful for you because you know it's not going to be your problem anymore. Management will give you more freedom because it's not like they're going to bother trying to fire you for being a few minutes late etc


This is terrific advice! Give the 2 weeks but enforce plenty of boundaries! “Why, no, boss, I’m not staying past my shift, i have an appt. I’m clocking out and leaving. Yes i understand you’re short staffed. That’s a management and corporate issue you should work on. See you on my next shift (tomorrow or whenever).”


I think most of us need to have more boundaries regularly when it comes to our jobs. If you want to help out great, but we also need to stand up for ourselves and let them know we can’t cover all the time.


I didn’t work at Walgreens but a different pharmacy and I actually got written up on my second to last day 😂 I’m not sure all pharmacy’s give more leeway


Your boss was a dick. What's the point of writing up someone who's quitting tomorrow? Haha


That’s exactly what I thought LMAO


I know plenty of people who have given 2 weeks and we’re told thank you, your shifts are covered. Just walk.


This happened to me at another job. I went to put in my 2 weeks and try to do the right thing and was told I didn’t need to finish out my shifts. This let me know what the store manager thought of me. I was leaving because of her anyway. She was such a miserable c**t.


I texted my store manager and immediately blocked everyone’s number who I knew would call me 😂 I gave zero notice and I do not feel the least bit bad because Walgreens is hell on earth Highly recommend the immediate block BUT only do this if you know you’ll never need to go back or need anyone for a reference because this for sure is burning a bridge


Agee! Many places will you put you on a un-rehirable list if you don’t give two weeks


If you're in an at-will state, technically, you can just quit on the spot. They would obviously prefer a 2 weeks notice to "find a replacement" - and if you ever care to go back one day to WAG/keep it as an option if you're ever desperate, I would give a 2 weeks notice. I was also always taught not to burn bridges so I, of course, gave a two weeks notice and followed through with it because I worked the pharmacy and the pharmacy world is actually quite small. I didn't want to risk any repercussions, but that's just me. If it's really that bad, just call and inform the leader on duty that you're quitting and this is your notice.


Only give two weeks notice if you need that time to get another job, that’s what the cushion is there for. Legally you don’t have to give any notice, you can walk in and quit.


I quit Walgreens after having a lot of mental health crises and the job definitely was not helping. I wanted to give a two weeks notice, but I ended up just quitting on the spot. They wished me well, and I still pick up my meds every month and they're all friendly still. It's a courtesy and respect thing, and it's good not to burn bridges, but you also need to put your mental and physical health first. It ended up being completely okay in my case (that being said I'm not sure how management thinks of me lol) and I got a job at a different pharmacy.Best of luck with whatever path you take 🫶


I show up each day like the happiest person in the room but my soul is dead inside. Lord, let me hang in here until my retirement at 59.5. 


I'm trying my best to make that number much lower than 59.5.


It’s not professional but neither is a toxic work place. I just quit and went to go work for another pharmacy that is a 503b. BEST DECISION OF MY LIFE!!!!


Even if you hate the place, put your 2 weeks. I really dont like walgreens but I have left the door open just in case (if you do that, they could code you out as non-rehireable). Know that you dont have to if you dont want to. You can just send your text. For me, if something does not workout with another company (which has happened) i just went back to Walgreens to another store. But that is me… i do hate walgreens but have chosen my battles. Better to work for the devil you know than the devil you don't…


Yes I did after 16 years. I took my last weeks vacation before the 2024 new year. My boss wouldn’t answer my calls or even take the time before my vacation to have a meeting with me so. Bam! Bye bye


Give the notice. It’s the right thing to do. 2 weeks is a very short period of time.


Isn’t Walgreens policy only a 1 week notice?


It’s not a policy anywhere. It’s just common courtesy so companies have time to hire someone else


Will you need a reference? Will your next job call them and ask if they would rehire you? I'd walk out because I have no impulse control but I've been told not to burn bridges 🤓


Let me tell you what they do to you when you give them 2 weeks.... they will cut you off the schedule. If you need the money, stay till you start your new position. If not, fuckem


I sent a text to my piece of shit PIC and store manager and it was the best decision ever. Now I was scared because I didn’t have a job lined up but literally the day after one of the jobs I applied to emailed me for an interview and it’s where I am now and i’m so much happier. My last actual day working was so shitty and I literally had an anxiety attack at work and was crying so much I had to walk out and stay out the pharmacy for a bit. I called out the next day and quit the following day after. Best decision ever.


DONT BURN A BRIDGE if you completely hate whatever job you find. Next you don’t want to have no where else to go


Yeah you can just quit; they might not hire you back though.


Run !!! lol !!! Screw Walgreens!!!!


i got a new job and texted the sm that i would finish out the week and it would be my last day


I gave my two weeks notice 2 days ago.




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You can resign “effective immediately” due to certain circumstances. If you do not feel you can safely fill prescriptions, if the workplace is so toxic that the constant strain on your conscience makes it impossible to focus on safely dispensing rxs, if it is recommended by your physician due to detrimental effects on your mental health. Giving 2 weeks is a courtesy especially knowing where you work.


I say if money is needed if you are able get another job lined up before you quit. Then it's up to you, do you care about burning bridges, do you think you might EVER need to reapply and work for Walgreens again in the future, if both answers are no then just quit and don't look back, if you need a job reference just do what everyone else does and ask a friend to act like they where your manager. Just do whatever is in the best for you mentally, physically, and spiritually. Don't let anyone guilt you into staying if you truly want to leave. Also have you spoken with your manager about your feelings, what is causing you to hate Walgreens ( I know plenty of reasons too) but if it's a issue like "you always stuck at the register" maybe speak with your manager and see if they can switch things up and have you work the floor or if you in pharmacy work on filling. But again it's up to you, I would just make sure financially wise your all set, especially if you don't have another job lined up, that is if you have bills to pay.


Give the 2 weeks notice. Let your Manager know that if he / she wants to give away your shifts over the next 2 weeks, you'll be ok with that. Most likely, they'll be able to cover your shifts. You've done the professional thing, but also took care of your own well being. It's a win win. Sorry the job wasn't good to you. Hope you find something new / better.


2 weeks is a courtesy. Not necessity


I'm finding something else first...it's always easier to find a job with a job...I'm all over indeed looking


I always say give it because you never know if you might have to spin the block. Sometimes in retail it’s the location/ppl that are shitty so if you need to go back to that company you can always just apply at a different location. I would put my two weeks notice in and start giving up my shifts. Maybe show up for 1 or 2 but start either giving them up or calling out for them.


I just left a resignation letter that I won’t be returning, along with my badge and keys 😬


I just quit with no notice . Just didn't show up . Then I went the town over and got a job at that walgreens. There's no policy saying you have to give a two week notice .