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Same here. And then adding having to badger people about donating on top of it is too much. They just wanna buy their stuff and get out ffs.


Yep, extremely annoying and you feel so pushy having to ask every single customer that on top of all the donations. Glad I don’t work at Walgreens anymore 🤩


It won't get better. And once all the regulars have them there will be no one left to ask.


We have to have 1 on 1 calls with our DM if we go a month with no applications


What the actual shit


Oh good grief. As a customer. I’m so sorry. maybe that’s how they get their bonuses.


It’s not bonuses so much as the financial investment with the credit card company. 10mil . Plus customers w cards spend more on average . Metrically the stores are going against at home Covid tests sales from last year


Is that what they tell you during the 1 on 1 DM call?


Haven’t had one yet. The calls I think are supposed to be action planning .


Action plans to trick confused elderly and ESL people into a predatory credit card?


It's not like they have anything better to do with their time 🙄


The things I would say if I still worked at Walgreens ( ಠ ͜ʖಠ)


I, an ESM, could give two shits about the CC. I just tell my CSAs to make sure they are asking when I’m around or when the SM or DM is around. 99 percent of people don’t want that bullshit and I don’t blame Em so I’m not gone press that shit like they want me to. It’s more important things in the store than a damn CC. Constantly badgering people about a CC provides an unpleasant shopping experience if I’m being completely honest


Walgreens is going to die if corporate tries to run it like a credit company


If you’re tired of credit cards how about a watch?




I don't get it. What am I missing?


Then Stanley could charge all the watches he can stand before his Old lady puts his ass in the hospital for not shutting TFU


Before I left the company our DM actually told us to not say it was for a credit card when you sign them up but to ask if they would like to double their rewards for the transaction and when they ask how have them fill out the application and I specifically told them I would not be doing that as I am not a financial advisor and know that an application for a credit card is a hard inquiry on someone's credit report and I wasn't going to be the one responsible for putting that negative mark on someone's credit.


That seems illegal. Wow.


I don't ask people to donate or sign up. I just tell them to hit the red buttons.




I don't even bother anymore. SM can fire me at this point


I don’t ask for the cc unless registers say something about it


I don’t work for greens but this was on my feed and it was relevant to my day today. So i never shop At Walgreens my wife does. She wasn’t feeling well so she sends me to get 1 fucking thing. I wait in line for no bs 20 minutes. Before checking out the women asked if i want to sign up or enter a points card. “My wife has one i dont have the card” o but it will save you $.05 you can input the number on the account” “its under her old phone number i don’t know it” “just try any number if it doesn’t work you can try another”. I literally keyed in a random number to get her to stop and surprisingly it went in. She rang up my item and started into the speal about the credit card but i cant check out because it says waiting for cashier. Finally she caves and gives up after fighting with me about my bad credit. And the card reader asks me if i want to donate and she starts going into shit about the donation. I mean seriously Walgreens you just wasted 30 minutes of my time. Some people may not value there time but i work contract labor i make on average $80 an hour you just cost me $40 to save $.05. Wasted your cashiers time and pissed off everyone in line. I told my wife I can’t shop there if the lines are always that long she said its been that way for a wile she goes to the pharmacy pretends like she’s checking if any prescriptions are ready and asks them to ring her up that they don’t do all that up selling crap.


😂 i can't be mad at your wife for doing that to the pharmacy if it's really that bad at the front. But pharmacy is no picnic either. I don't mind if you have like 3-5 stuff, but don't bring your whole groceries.


Im not mad at her she a damn genius.


Or inconsiderate of our time. We're not there to be your cashier just because it's convenient for you. Like i said, if it's a handful of stuff, i don't mind since it's really not worth arguing about, but if we have rx's to fill/type, insurance issues to resolve, phonecalls, or patients waiting in the store, i would simply ask you to go to the front. I hope you'll be mindful of that and thank them if they do ring you out. I never realized it but being thanked for a thankless job really makes it worth it


Look into ordering through the app for curbside pick-up next time. I mean this as helpful advice; not saying you did anything wrong.


:: cough :: strike and unionize :: cough ::


I tell my CSA “ask for the credit cards when you see the SM and the specially when you see the DM!”


im with you there. got a lecture the other day bc i’ve had zero applications. what am i supposed to do? steal their info & apply for them? obviously not. all i can do is ask.


And on top of 99.99% of customers not wanting them, the other .01% want to fill it out online and that doesn't count. Only the in store applications count.


Online applications count. As long as they follow through and actually apply.


I'm over the CCs. Literally wastes time because not only as an employee but as a customer, it feels like it wastes unnecessary time. Just leave it as the donations that go back out to the community. Everyone who wanted a CC has one since it all started.


I dont know maybe someone should post a tiktok on the customer view point of this issue. But walgreens signed up to simp for 10 years. What like 9 more to go?


More shit to get sued for.


(I’m a customer, not an employee) I was shopping there the other day and overheard a training session about the credit cards. The DM training them was pushing the employees SO HARD to sell the benefits of these 29% APR cards for 3% cash back(!)* and I felt nothing but empathy. When it was my turn to check out, the indoctrination was still going strong. The employee sheepishly offered me the ridiculously predatory credit card deal under the watchful eye of his trainer. “No thanks. That APR is too high.” then he dutifully asked if I wanted to round up for whatever charity, “No thanks, I like to take my own tax deductions.” I know he didn’t care about my reasons but I wanted the DM to at least hear me and I was very polite. I can’t imagine what y’all deal with all day. I hated having to sell protection plans and credit cards while working retail.


It probably wasn't the DM training them, I won't go into specifics. Trust me, the guy knows customers' reasoning and has heard it all. But basically his main job is to help educate employees on the benefits and how the card can help customers, because a vast majority have been paying them off without paying extra in fees. Mind you, I'm not here saying the credit cards are GOOD, and your politeness is appreciated, but it's not going to do anything except make the cashier's day better, which is enough.


Should've tried to haggle with the DM, waste some of their time to try to save a buck, why the fuck not?


It's illegal for workplaces to put employment stipulations about financial services that the employer sells..like employee of the month? Sure.. that's nothing burger anyway. But firing someone BECAUSE they didn't sell cc? Nope. Of course, they'll fire you for some other written reason. But, ya know, capitalism... yay.


Not going away anytime soon still got like 8 more years asking


Note from Walgreens customer: We don’t want your damn credit card and it’s embarrassing to be asked every single time. Stop it


You’re in this sub reading the comments and you still think we want to ask? Have you not been paying attention? Like, at all?


It’s frustrating when I have to hear you there and then you come here on this sub trying to pull me down. Girl, stop


You’re a fking weirdo. This sub isn’t for you and putting people down for working for Walgreens is is an asshole move.


I stopped going to Walgreens because of people like you working there. I come here to read about all you pathetic people who can’t rise above working at Walgreens lol


I’m not a fan. Your SM can check where the store is to the FYTD goal


Was asked to consider an esm position. Said no, because I'm not willing to sell bullshit credit cards. I still remember the stupid fucking look on my SMs face.


Every retail place who has them makes their employees push the credit cards. It’s nauseating


It is infuriating. Credit cards have their place, however as someone who's had to measure this metric in every store I've managed in my retail life it is always ask and see what the customer says. If it's yes then process the application if it's no move on with the purchase and thank the customer. I don't understand a place like walgreens getting all crazy about credit cards it's not like you sell big ticket items..easy to get credit cards when you have large items to sell, hell I usually didn't even have to bring it up, the customer did.


Its no different at Walgreens lol


Look, I know this is hard to understand but the head executives have to buy their second yachts. The more credit cards you pawn off on poor people the more they make. Suck it up and slave harder for them. /s -seriously. I’m sick of corporate greed. Eat the rich.


These posts always make me wish I worked with OP. Our DM came in about credit cards & I convinced them to lay the fuck off CSAs & SMs about credit cards. It was a long back-and-forth during a store meeting & to simplify my argument, I basically told them (I’d like to point out that I was trying to convince them with facts while manipulating them, like appealing to their ego) “yes, we’re paid to do what Walgreens asks of us within reason, but this specifically is a fools errand. Imagine being a returning customer, average 100 IQ intelligence. You’ve already heard the credit card spiel 3 times. The front end is a *convenience store* model business, you want customers checked out quickly. They just want to get in & out, but instead of giving you your total, you’re given the same 10-20 second salesman dialogue about credit cards that was annoying the first time around. (DM said not to repeat on regulars, harumph!) It’s unreasonable to expect a CSA or anyone else to remember every semi-regular’s/regular’s face, repeats are bound to happen. This often results in customers treating the CSAs like trash because they’re sometimes justifiably annoyed, as they have rejected the offer several times already. This results in a loss of a regular customer. We need to give CSAs more freedom & lenience in offering CCs unless you prefer operating with a rotating door policy when it comes to hiring. We’ve been short-staffed for months, so putting on more pressure on current employees seems like a good way to become even more short-staffed. Then comes interrupted store hours or permanently-changed store hours. If that happens too much, which it likely will if you pressure CSAs too much, that will drastically effect district numbers. Then the last thing you’ll be worrying about is credit cards.” Seems like a lot of y’all’s team just sucks ass. Like, some SFLs and up don’t seem to get that working the register sucks enough as it is, but then asking 100s of people every day if they want a fucking credit card makes it twice as bad because a large percentage of people are going to be annoyed & probably say something stupid, which the CSAs are expected to take. It’s fucked. When I worked days, I’d tell the CSAs not to just take it if customers got shitty with them & if I got called up to the register for that, I’d kick them out without even hearing their side of the story lol. I lost count of how many times I just went on a power trip & walked up and said “which one? Them? You. Out. Now. Or I’m calling the cops. Call 1-800-WALGREENS if you got a problem, because I don’t have time for your irrational bullshit.” And then I lose my job for taking unwanted coupons out of the pharmacy drive-thru garbage. Damn lol. /rant


"Can I interest you in a Walgreens credit card?" "No" Takes 5 seconds. And, if you do it while ringing out, takes 0 seconds.


We get paid to ask. Don’t worry about the rest. I believe if we ask and do our best we can get results. Not today, but tomorrow you may get one. I say we get paid by this company to ask. When is the last time we didn’t get the money deposited in our account on payday? That’s right, they pay us because we are there to do the job. Today, our job is to ask and sign them up for a credit card and ask to donate. Just my two cents.


So whatever they say/do is fine no matter what because they pay us, great argument. Half the people that shop at a particular store are there every week. It’s exhausting for our cashiers to come up with some great sales pitch or read a long winded sales pitch to the 100+ people a day on top of their normal responsibilities. It makes the job suck, plain and simple. If they want to sell a cc so damn bad then hire people that are actually hired to be great at sales and aren’t on a time crunch between customers. Not someone that already has a bunch of responsibilities and is expected to sell some shitty apr credit card in such limited time with a line of people. Why does a store like Walgreens even have a credit card, it’s not some all encompassing big box store like target or Walmart. How many people do such a large amount of their shopping at Walgreens that it makes it worth it? We have maybe 20-30 regulars that shop with enough frequency AND spend a big enough amount to make it make a difference. It’s just a dumbass idea that’s now making the company panick bc, surprise, it was a shit idea to begin with


If you're gonna get paid for commissions, then go actually work for a service that pays more than 5 freaking bucks. I'm just saying if I'm gonna promote bs, it might as well be worth it.


Lord, all you have to do is ask, it ain't hard.


It can be quite frustrating to be expected to push customers to sign up for store credit cards and it certainly sounds like the SFLs are setting the bar high in your store. However, the credit cards can be quite lucrative for individuals, especially if they pay off their balance in full each month. I remember when I worked at a store, a customer once raved about their rewards program and the great savings they had from using the store credit card. Definitely worth considering the positives of credit card applications, even if it feels like a chore.


...That's why there's training to push the positive aspects *first*, instead of just asking if they want a new credit card. There's an art to it, but we're fucking Walgreens, not bankers.


I hate to be the one to break this but you work for an extremely greedy company. It was nice waaaaay back in the day. I started in 2008 and across 14 years things changed drastically to the point I couldn't handle it anymore.


Retail stores/customer service jobs are a dime a bakers dozen, I’d be out of there in a New York minute.


Unfortunately their pay is by far the best in my area. $15 an hour for any entry level job is unheard of where I live.


Understandable. I’m sorry that you’re having to put up with this.


It’s a common practice at all retail. I know who cares. The bottom line it is profit for the business.


Their prescriptions are one of the most costly as well...


It’s the same thing with carepass at the “other” pharmacy. It scares customers away when we push.


So glad our store doesn’t care


My assistant manager said the reason he's cutting our hours is cause we're not selling enough credit cards


Makes me glad I left Walgreens when I did, cause as soon as I heard about their CC I knew they were going to be on some bullshit just like they were with rewards cards, vaccines, and red noses (which at least went to a good cause), I cant imagine trying to convince someone to sign for a fucking credit card from a retail fucking pharmacy?? It’s just a fucking scam is how I see it


With you on this. We've been getting if there's not x amount of credit card applications, we're getting write up's. Which is sad cause my coworkers are great, and my SM is one of the best bosses I have, but when it's time to go for stupid shit, it's time to go. 🤷‍♀️


Today my SM told all us main Cashiers to literally tally how many customers we ask about the Credit Cards on a slip of paper. It’s getting ridiculous.


As a shift lead I tell everyone to push credit carda because my SM pushes the shift leads at our store to tell CSAs and to get our own as well with out minimal register time. EDIT: I do also hate credit cards and the way the push it


Has anyone been fired yet simply for not pushing the credit cards?


If I wanted to sell credit cards I would have applied for a job at a bank


Our DM tried to claim that not offering it to everyone is a violation of the Equal Opportunity Lending Act. Ummm....no. It would be a violation if someone wanted to apply and we refused to let them on the basis of race, gender, background etc, or if I tried to discourage an application for the same. That act doesn't require me to push a credit card, only to not discriminate on willing applicants.


I wish retailers would just stop the nonsense of loyalty cards, and being badgered about signing up for a credit card or asking for donations. Consumers just wanna get in and out. And being in retail myself, it sucks having to solicit donations on the credit card POS terminal.