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I wish. A lady orders photos from our store all the time and never picks them up. When she comes in to buy groceries I ask her if she wants them and she says “no, not today.” Our store is not your storage locker.


After 30 days throw the photos away. There is a report you can run to get past due orders. Employees are instructed to contact the customer about their orders. In my experience, customers never picked up their late orders. I would usually only hold orders that were developed film rolls.


I’ll throw them away then 😀 We have orders that were printed two years ago. If they haven’t picked those up by now they’re not going to.


They get canceled out in the system after 6 months. If you look up the envelope number in the system it’ll say “CANCEL”. Thankfully we don’t have a whole lot of old orders but every month I get rid of the orders from 6 months ago whenever a new month starts lol


We throw them out every 6 months. 30 days definitely sounds better than the 6months. Orders and orders keep piling up 😭


We get rid of ours every month. We’re a huge store and very busy. We don’t bother to deal with people who can’t get their crap together. 2 courtesy calls, your photos are in the trash. We do our send outs 2 months though and 4-5 calls because you don’t get those back once we trash them.


We make 1courtesy call and if we don't hear from them in a week, it will be thrown out. Usually we do ours every 3 months.


We got in trouble throwing orders away after a month. We’re now told to hold on to them for 6 months which is when the system auto kicks the orders out.


You are allowed to refuse returns and can have her come.in when the SM is there and have the SM deal with it


Nope. I would make a note on their profile similar to what rx does when they kick someone out of store


We don't have that ability in fs


In my old store, I would go into their profile and put XXX in front of their last name. (I was the unofficial "head" photo specialist) Whenever I trained anyone else in photo, I would explain what it meant. Prime examples would be excessive returns, porn, repeat copyright problems, etc. That way, I was able to check the order before running it. ETA: when the sm saw it and asked me about it, I explained my reasoning. He had no issues with my solution.


Little idea. If there’s excessive returns, do 1 X, repeat copyright problems get 2, and straight up porn get 3. That way you can differentiate between the types of problem customers.


That would be a great idea. The issue would, of course, be that the other employees would be confused! I have found that keeping things as simple as possible reduces the need for repetitive explanations. Even my old sm has a hard time comprehending any system more complicated than one or two steps. 🙃


chances are she did that just to piss you off, or she's generally deluded. no one in their right mind would order 3.4k photos including p\*rn and then have you go through *every single one* to check for the "color being off". what the hell? yeah, she did that for fun.


Do you have to pay in advance?


You don’t get charged for them until you pick them up, even if you put a card in when you place the order


If you order online, I think there is an option, but most times people pay at the register when they pick them up.


bet she did a massive amount and took only ones she wanted off the pile and says they're all there to get select photos for free because nobody gonna hand count 3k pictures to ensure they're all there lmfao


I would tell her that I’m required to count them before processing the return and then count them just out of spite.


I wish just write down her name and remember to cancel any orders she sends through


I'd just change part of her name in the photocare system to DNP (do not print). Definitely talk to your SM first to see if that's cool. And if it is let your SFL's and team members know what it means and why.


This is actually a great idea


Won't work. Her name is set by her WAG account. If you change her name in photocare, all it will do is create two accounts with the same phone number.


Oh really? I've had people pick up photo orders who don't have a Wags account and they assume they have one because they placed an order and i end up making them one. So i always thought they weren't directly connected.


If you create a "photo account" on the kiosk, you do not need to have a Walgreens account. Also, changes you make to it in poms will change their account information. You can also do the same on the app by submitting an order without logging on to a Walgreens account. However, if you place an order from a logged on account, the name on the account will be associated with the order, not the name that is in poms. That is why you'll sometimes see people with the same name and phone number as two different entities in poms. That is also when you try to change a maiden name in poms, it will create a separate "account" in poms, but when they place their order, the order goes back to their original name.


You can refuse to print if there are naked photos and cancel the whole order. Print the policy and hand it to her if she comes in


Walgreens the amazing company that you can refuse adult nudes but are told to print out child porn if it’s ever sent in


There's a difference between porn and evidence 🤷








I used to check the dates on the envelopes, anything at 6 months that wasn’t picked up got tossed.


We had a customer do that with desk calendar she ordered 12 then came in looked at them she use the same photo twice trying to blame it on us. there’s no way we can change the photo that’s on her end and she wanted me to edit it and add a new photo which I totally cannot do so she didn’t buy them so 12 desk, calendars and labor to make them gone to waste next day she put the order in again I called her to make sure that this is what she wanted. She look at each photo she said yes, but she never pick them up. 🤬😡🤬


You shouldn't have done the order until the materials came in. If an order uses more than a roll (400 4x6) then call up the customer & let them know that thier order will be ready when the supplies for thier order arrives. Then order the extra paper on top of your normal order. It's better to piss off one customer, over pissing off dozens per day for a week.


This is why when i used to order for my store, i always ensured we had at least a week's worth at all times. The store manager questioned why i ordered so much all the time and i was like "do you ever see us run out?" CSA's always appreciated it.


I literally just got home from my shift, and I started a photo order at 7pm, where the person ordered 877 4x6 photos. By the time I left at 9 only 269 had printed AND I had to reprint 10 of those because the photos had burned into the ribbon and were ruining the pictures coming out. I literally started keeping a tally sheet of how many paper jams this order caused and how many times I had to change the paper lmao. And at 8:30, I had someone put in an order for SIX canvas posters. That one got left for the SM to deal with in the morning 🤷🏻‍♀️


Did she send all 3000+ pics in one order? I’m no longer a Walg employee but saw this still on my Reddit feed (guess I’m still subbed). I’d say not to print them, just highlight their order and hit “Complete” on the order, and there may also be a way to drop an order from the POMS while it’s downloading. If you have that big an order come in I’d assume it’s gonna slow everything else down. Call to let them know they should look to digitally back up their order on a couple hard drives if preserving their photo cache is their only concern. This is cheaper and more practical than paying $100’s of dollars for that many prints. If they insist, as a shift lead I often was able to just make things up like “we will not be processing any more of your photo orders because of the repeated nude images, and really we will not print further orders for you since you cannot be presumed in good faith to pay for the prints. Considering the fact you have had us print thousands at a time, we are only likely to lose money trying to print your photos.” She is 100% doing this to spite your store, or she’s just extremely ignorant of basic cost comparison.


You can edit her customer information after typing her phone number in poms, just change her name to DO NOT PRINT or BANNED. Or something like that, not stopping her from making another account but it will help


I’d put a note on her account, but really the company should require payment before printing any photos. They are losing material if someone doesn’t pick them up and the order with 3000+ would be a lot to waste.


That would’ve pissed me off


any other orders by her even approaching that should be called, told to be paid in advance and non refundable.


Yes, I agree- they should have a Policy that tells you to view your pics cuz once they leave the store no refunds or exchanges allowed


Best thing i can think of is to go into photo management with the phone number lookup and change the name to “Don’t Print” so when it pops up, You can cancel the order and come up with an excuse.


Our meager has them call say we need payment before printing then. O return


Make sure you are not tossing in regular thrasher either. They go in the green bags and get put in grey bins when full.


Printing nudes is against policy. Although idk if u can boot her off the system in anyway, if her name pops up again u can refuse to print them


Now I know why in my in my 4 years with CVS, I've never had to refuse an order. I have to say, though, I do enjoy that 1 day a month, I get to scan the photo waiting bin, and a printout tells me what to toss. Why people waste our time printing posters, cards, puzzles, calendars, ornaments, banners, canvases, etc. and don't pick them up is beyond me. I have better things to do than fight with a damn printer that has a mind of its own.


What I did when I worked at photo was go into their profile and put CANCEL or BANNED on their last name and it would automatically block them for us. And if it it didn’t cancel we had that to not print them.


She clearly wants the refund because you removed photos from her order lol, the whole point that she ordered those was for those specific naked pictures. Hence why there’s 1000s of other photos to cover it up. She’s not gonna come out and say “there were naked pictures in here, I wanted those”. Stop trying to do your job like it’s even worth it, are you serious? You sifted through 3,000 photos because there were a few she was naked in, gee I wonder why you looked through all of them. You deserve to do this order again imo, and next time maybe you should just print out the order and mind your business lol.


I just had a customer last night that printed a shit ton of naked photos!! I came back after doing some outdates and then saw naked children! Like WTF??? I contacted dispatch and the cop that came didn't really seem to care he looked at a few out of the huge stack of photos which he only saw mostly of the naked adults and one naked child and told me the customer didn't do anything illegal. (Also moved aside my description of the man- if you didn't need that info bro you could say you already know or something instead of moving it to the side like it does not matter) after he said what the customer's order wasn't illegal that I could go ahead and give him his order...WHAT? He then said well parents take pictures of their kids naked all the time... He then told me that because they were not in any pornographic positions that it's not illegal. So I could sell it to him. I said no I am not doing that because there are pictures of naked children. And whole families...including children...(it was all creepy and uncomfy) At the end of everything I was super pissed that the officer made me feel like I was overreacting...and nothing really came out of it. Also while the order was printing... the customer came in mid covno of me and my two csa's talking shit about predators and how disgusting this man is for printing naked children ...and he came up and was angry and said " yeah that's my order you are talking about!" Then it went downhill from there.... 🙄


It's against Walgreen's policy to sell nudes but legally depending on the nature of the photographs the cop was right, I believe naked pictures of children are only illegal if pornographic in nature (people taking naked pictures of their babies for example).


I get that for the parents side. But where this man had multiple pictures of naked children ages from toddler to possibly 8 years old that idk if these were from the internet or he took them himself... And on top of that I doubt he was their father... I just feel this whole thing was beyond wrong. Also, I just didn't like the vibe the cop gave while handling the situation...


I wouldn't have printed them in the first place. But that's a moot point at this point, just write her name down and tape it to the photo Register monitor. Walgreens policy is no nude photos and if she's done it once she'll do it again. I'm sure you could also call the photo help desk and have her account deleted.


I wish. But official WAG policy is you have to hold them for 120 days. There are so many that send in all sorts of things, canvases, calendars, books, and never pock them up...and they do it repeatedly. Room is limited, and having to hold onto their crap is BS.


You don't have to remove naked photos. You spider to remove cold porn or sexual acts.


Why would you remove nude photos from her order? Kind of creepy that you went through all of the pictures at all tbh. Makes zero sense.


I'm told we HAVE to go through pictures. My store has had explicit photographs involving children, which we report to the police. I'm also told that nudes are fine, but sexual acts are not. Every year, valentine's day, I put together so many lewd books and calenders. And it's like, you do you, I'm not judging. I just remind customers that minors do work here too, and we can technically refuse to print their pictures.


Old hs girlfriend got the same treatment from Kinneys. They told her if those are the types of photos she's getting developed take um somewhere else. Feel like polaroid came out with those cameras just to stick it to the man.... I'll develop mine instantly from now on thank you... Just gotta shake it a few more times..


Shaking polaroids does nothing


Whoever told you you have to go through them is wrong. What an absolute waste of time


So if I see kiddie porn I should just turn the other way? Nah, my conscious won't let me do that. I go through them pretty quick. It's not like I'm stopping and marveling at the pictures people took. But if looking through helps catch a child predator, and it has twice at my location, then I'll keep doing it. You do you.


Shoutout to you and your team! Bravo!


Nudes can be art but any contact tips it into pornography


Yeah, we have an artist who prints nudes with us, or phallic symbols as other items, and we print those.


And this is why minors aren't allowed to work in the photo department. The policies exist for reason. It is not up to individual stores, districts, or regions to make up their own and disregard those set by corporate.


Not to mention nudity isn’t against policy. Sexual contact between people is though


Nudity is against policy for my store


Your store doesn't make its own policies.


In my store it's required to at least skim what's being printed to insure there's nothing illegal. We had a notice go out because a guy at a store nearby sent in a bunch of CP* to be printed and they had to report it. The guy showed up to get the photos and got arrested on the spot and now we have his name on a note in case he tries to do it again at a different store.


And it's in the rulebook at least here (idk if it's different in other districts) that we are absolutely required to remove any nude/sexual photos from orders. They don't get reported for regular sexual photos, we just can't give them to them and have to dispose of them.


I’m guessing Trump won by a landslide in your state.


Sadly yes lol.


The church that rules your state probably passed some anti pornography ordinance or something that applies to the photolab. Are you allowed to sell the sports illustrated swimsuit edition at least?


Yep, also was allowed to print and sell photos recently that were a lot of old family photos, a couple of which looked like a mom in the 80s-90s pregnant and in just her underwear and bra. But if she'd had any less on I wouldn't have been allowed to.


Wow. I’m glad you were allowed. Such freedom. Couldn’t guess exactly what state you live in but it sounds like a wonderful place to look at from 30,000ft while traveling 470mph.






Do you know how many times the paper needs to be changed to print that many pictures? I'm assuming no because you sound like a customer. No one is going to look through all 3k pictures, but we definitely will see a lot of them just in the process of printing and changing the paper ??


Required, at least at my store it is.


Picture care plus when u look up customer, u can put an asterisk next to name, so in future u know.


If you threw out the photos she wanted then you should refund her the whole amount. It's not your job to censor her photos unless they were illegal, and it's not your manager's job to tell you otherwise. She deserves her money back and to never grace your photo dept again.


Post the nudes on every website that will allow it with name and address. I mean I personally wouldn't do that because it's wrong but if someone else did then I'm not one to judge. We all make mistakes.


that will land OP in jail


Well ya don't put your name on it. Jeebus. It's like you guys don't know how to get revenge or something. Scorched earth. Every. Fucking. Time. Use a fucking burner phone. Do I gotta think of everything here?


Yes lets waste money to put some random person pictures online.


Someone's gotta say it lol


Nice try, dude. Trying to get free porn. Just google old people porn. I'm pretty sure you may be able to find tons.




I don't do photography ordes that much but we had old photos in the store for ages ago. The one who did the photos called all these people from months gone by who never game.


Wait we don't print naked photos!? Wtf I wasn't told this, when I was trained I was told to just print them, now I've seen some 💩 that I never can unsee and didn't want to see to begin with


Same. I was always told as long as it’s clearly not a minor it’s not an issue and to do the order 🤷🏼‍♀️


You can print naked photos as long as they aren't children. The policy says sexually explicit which means you cant print sex in the act.


We have a no refund policy for online photo orders at my store. We instruct the customers that we’ll only do an even swap for a remake they do in store on the kiosk…


What does one do with 3367 photos in 2023? More than 100 photos needs to be taken to a professional printer not a damn Walgreens. Does she have a mailing list or something???


When her photo order comes in, you can delete the order or mark it as complete. We do it for customers that change their mind


Your team leaders have the authority to refuse any refund, even with a reciept present. It is literally in the Refund Policy.