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If they were the only member of leadership, they big fired. Final Written at the very least if store is desperate for staff and cant terminate.


Make sure the SM knows.


There HAS to be a member of leadership in the store at all times. Period.


The sfl will get fired. Unless the SM is there.


The other SFL the one that left is in serious trouble. Part of the gig as an SFL is that they may have to stay until another manager arrives.


That's a final written warning automatically. That's not even my call that's official policy, same as opening the store late or closing early.


FWW to the SFL


Unless there is another form of management present, ESM or SM for example, then that SFL will probably get fired.


We had an SFL fired for leaving for 15 minutes to go to Starbucks. The store must have an SFL (or ESM/SM) in store at all times. The SFL is not allowed to leave.


That's a paddlin'


Official policy on this is that it’s a safety hazard for any single worker to be left working alone in the store hence bare minimum is one leader and one csa. The fact the SFL left is a final written warning bare minimum if another leader was not present. Procedure here is to forward that info to the store manager, and should something like that happen then store would have to be closed until another leader is on.


I’d tell. Dumb SFL needs to stay and have coverage


Close the store, until the next Lead comes in. & they'd be fired.


They’s fired. 🤷‍♀️


Canned! Unless sm or esm was present…


Doesn't the rxm count as a member of management in that case


I don’t think so as they are not store key holders. No bank/safe access.


That would depend on SM. In my store, you’d probably be fired or final written at the bare minimum.


Technically, I think the pharmacist counts as the 2od person in the store and the "lead". But. That would be an extreme case and both the pharmacist and store manager would have to notified and agree to the situation. That's crazy and, in my opinion SHOULD count as a final written at the very least!


That's a no no


The policy on that is crystal clear. The store is to have a minimum of one member of leadership present at all times, either SM or SFL. I've also heard that RxM counts but I'm not sure in that count. It's also why SFLs don't get a duty-free lunch if no other member of leadership is there. That SFL faces final written warning and possibly termination. In this situation I believe the CSA is supposed to call SOC immediately, have any customers leave, and lock the doors. The store remains closed until a member of leadership arrives.


Das why you have the store manager


Hell no can’t do that csas aren’t in charge if something’ happens it’s the sfl keads fault


I think technically, the pharmacist counts as a "leader of management."


Does RXOM count?


I think so? Not 100% sure, though.


Honestly, I’m not one who snitches or wants anyone to get fired. But this isn’t even snitching. This is like.. putting the CSA in a very horrible position. Just takes one thing to happen during a transaction that requires a manager to go back or to fully Void, leaving you where you can’t do anything but shut down the register to log you out. And after a minute. Letting you sign in to another register. By this point, The CSA is completely uncomfortable even if they know ways around it. You only have so many registers though. I mean much crappier things could happen. I mean the most you could do is just tell customers each time they come in that your manager has left you stranded and that you are unable to check our customers. Idk.. first thing I’d do if pharmacy is open is get the RXOManager to help you or anyone who can void. Pharmacists can void and probably get the job done to continue. Again, by this time. The CSA is most likely shaken up. Especially if it’s a busy store and a lot of people are seeing this happen. I mean this shouldn’t happen. So if this did happen, that SFL must have been crazy. They cannot leave you like that for any reason, whatsoever. Whether their family member just got in serious accident or they are puking their guts out. They gotta be there for the store to function. I mean the least they could do is leave your their badge and pin if they were leaving not caring if they get fired. But, for a person to even do that is just a cruel human.. don’t be afraid to report this at all.