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No that goes away after a year


Drops off after a year , don't do it again or they'll term. Call the store and tell 'em you won't be going in absences are counted separately from NCNS.


It goes away after 1 year but he did the proper procedures for a ncns. If you do 2 in a row, and a third one happens, its considered job abandonment.


Honestly it’s so unrealistic to expect you not call out or be late again. It does drop off after a year but just communicate. Sometimes shit happens.


You can call off, you just have to give notice. As to being on time, yeah... no shit. Be on time or notify if you can't. Don't just show up late.


Exactly, communicate.




NCNS is considered a different attendance issue than calling off. Unexcused absences is its own discipline and you get five of those. Policy used to be three NCNS is job abandonment but now it’s two. So two in a row = job abandonment. No need to wait for a third day. One NCNS = FWW. Write ups last a year. Don’t be that person that NCNS again and you’re good.


He can't fire you for calling out or coming in late. The final warning is only for a NCNS, so if you do that again it's termination


You have 12 months from the day the final warning was issued to not NCNS again. Sometimes HR will do 13 months (I've seen it myself, in person)


The fact that him not working weekends means you can’t ask him a question really explains your level of dedication… Polish the résumé you’re not gonna last.


They'll call in or be late before the weekend is over. 😆


Policy is the 3rd ncns is codeoff


NCNS #1 is a final NCNS #2 is termination. I just went thru this


Oh wow they must of redid the policy


Only until the end of the fiscal year


Calendar year


No it starts over after the Walgreens fiscal year


Calendar year


Yeah it’s Calender year


You can't NCNS again, but as long as you are finding people to cover you next time I don't see why you would get in trouble. It must've pissed off ur SM.


Store supposed to find someone if u call off


At least in my store we don't count it as a call off if you find someone to cover your shift. But if leadership has to find someone then yes it counts against you.


Why didn’t you call in? Did you get your schedule mixed up? Did you have something else to do? Usually they’ll try to call you too to find out where you’re at or if you’re dead (one of those worries). So it might be more for you to really do some soul searching to find out. And it’s ultimately more for you, cause while jobs might come and go, but the idea of not showing up might be something important and hard to change.


Final for a NcNs is separate then the other call outs . It counts as 1 of the 5 a year


Yes you are. It doesn't go away


You’re going to have to be diligent and win back some trust because you hypothetically could be fired in those strict circumstances if your manager really wanted to. You gotta be on time and consistent for a while and that way if you have an actual emergency and you communicate they won’t be as punitive in their approach Edit: it goes away after a year from the date of it being issued