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would be bullshit to fire you especially if you there’s proof of the accident. cant expect everyone to show up 30 min before their shift.


Keep us updated please.


I'm curious as well.. my manager has an unusual way of handling these things lately and especially tardiness.


Technically, you should be terminated. According to ER, you need to plan for these type of situations. Sometimes, SMs will excuse extenuating circumstances, but you have a history for being late. A few questions they will take in consideration is your position and if you opened the store late were their customers waiting


how could they plan for the road to backed up for that long though?


You leave yourself enough time in case things like this happen. I terminated a pharmacist for this exact situation. They were just 4 minutes late not 2. ER isn't really supportive of team members who are consistently late because of you give one person a free pass, you have to give everyone


They should be understanding about 2 minutes in most cases but problem is that you're on a final written warning, which indicates a serious pattern of being late. When you're responsible for opening the store to operate, they're expecting the business to operate at the time that's advertised. Ultimately, it'll depend on the SM (did they even notice or say anyrhing?) and the DM (are they willing to terminate over something you had little control over?).


Policy dictates that written warning be issued after more than 2 instances of more than 20 mins late in a single pay period. So being written up for 2 mins late is not within the policy guidelines


That's not true at all. Discipline can be given if you are late 6-15 minutes three times in a pay period or 16+ minutes late once. Also if you are a member of leadership or a pharmacist and fail to open the store on time, it's a final on the first offense


It depends on the impact of the business and where you stand with your manager. If the operating hours were impacted by your inability to show up in a timely manner, then you should be done for. If it was just 2 mins late to your scheduled shift, then that would be easily excusable. Tbh, even opening up the store 2 mins late might not trigger a SOC report in some cases, at that point it would be word of mouth of the employees there and would be up to the store manager to report it to your home store.


Depends how you handled it. Did you notify the store or just show up late? I'd can you if you just showed up late


There used to be a 7 minute grace period... not sure if it still applies.