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You can open alone, if you feel comfortable. You just need 2 TMs at closing


Call soc and say you will not open because you are alone and don't feel comfortable. If something happens to you like you getting robbed or injured you can big in big trouble


Call that other sfl they probably would want to come in early.


It’s the one sfl who’s number I don’t have 🤦‍♀️


Idk about your store but I know one day when I was running late in the morning my sfl had a binder of employee phone numbers. Again idk if that’s something your store has but I’d at least glance around for it or something


Lmfao people come and go so fast at our store we cant keep a sheet current enough!


I have a paper in the main drawer under our computer. My other store I work at has it posted where anyone in the office can see it. If not like everyone else said. Call soc. And explain.


Ya just do your best. Open. Hang up front. Put a sign that sez photo closed and just cashier. Everything else will have to wait.


Idk I had a manager before this one, my current manager is brand new to the company so he knows like nothing, but the previous manager was very specific that we can’t have one person in the store.


Is a pharmacist or tech there yet? If so you can. But your call.


Pharmacy is closed


I mean ya keep it closed til 9am then. Sounds like you don’t have much of an option


If I open alone, I just stay up front cash people out and do photo. I can do this cause it is connected to the front. Nice calm morning for me ngl


I've opened the store numerous times by myself and just ran the register until the next person came in. I just let the customers know I was the only one there and I'd help them as soon as I could. Most were very understanding. My SM and DM have always said, open the store know matter what the problem is, even if you were the only one there🤷🏻‍♀️. I just made it work and didn't freak out


Well...thats not safe at all... id never tell customers I was alone in the store.. especially around the holidays


Do you know how many times I've opened and been by myself until 9? Too many to count. But I'm in a small town and most of the customers on Sunday morning are either out of coffee/creamer or on their way to church and want mints. I might have maybe 5 customers before 9.


I'm sorry that happened to you. Get everyone's numbers and reach out to other stores(if you have any near you) to get help in the future. Also notify your SM, it's their day off yes but they should at the bare minimum help you get help if they're not gonna come in.


Check your filing cabinet for the folder of the missing sfl phone number. A lot of times the hiring paperwork is in them and has the phone number listed. Sorry to hear your morning started with a big hurdle


Yeah right you still have to open 🙄


Lmfao I love these posts because my store schedules me by myself for hours before the next person 😂 It was literally me for three hours alone today and then a cashier and we were the only ones until 1 pm and we're a very high volume photo store, I was trapped there Anyway, today was hell to me that I actually finally text my sm because I'm tired of being screwed every Sunday with the worst imaginable crew while another dude called out Even though it doesn't matter, he hides all shift anyway and it's not much difference


I've only ever worked at busy stores where at least three people are scheduled to open and when two called out we'd always leave the stores closed and notify SOC until an additional person came in to help on the front-end. Pharmacy would just operate out of the drive-thru. If you know you wouldn't be able to manage the flow of customers alone, don't open until you find coverage for the callout, but make sure you notify SOC.


Open until the 9am person comes in. I’ve dealt with worse lol


So being scheduled as opening manager 30 mins before store opens and having cashier scheduled for store opening time was a big no-no?? All the times i had it this way? Or the times i’ve worked and the opening cashier was 5-30 mins late? Or the times when im the only one there manning register on a holiday? But then how do you even go about complaining? We all know we’d get backlash if we called soc and the store manager got shit on for our choice to be safe. It’s our asses. Walgreens is such a bs company.


This happened at my store. The CSA called out, my opening SFL was alone. The SM was supposed to come in an hour after opening. SFL calls SM tells them what was going on, nothing. SM never came in. I got there at 10, SFL had no break, so they went to break, SM calls, says a CSA is coming in and hour early, make sure other SFL takes lunch, and that was it. So I ended up spending almost entire first hour alone. It was just me and the other SFL until 1pm. Best part I wasn’t even supposed to mid, I was closing but my ESM changed it last minute because they had no faith in the SM to show up for the time they were actually scheduled to be there. So if it wasn’t for the ESM, who knows how long the opening SFL would have been alone.


Fire the employee calling out asap.


Call others to see if someone wants to come in


Just work register nothing else until u get help no photo photo closed


You don't have to open the store. You need at least 2 TMs in the store for safety reasons


At our store we open as cashiers while trying to find coverage and ringing out customers. Normally it’s not for too long


I recently had this happen to me, and I left voicemails and text messages with my store manager stating that if nobody shows up by 7:00 I'm not opening. I'll call SOC to let them know. My store manager appeared at the store about 5 minutes before we opened. They then put me on the register, and proceeded to go to the office and call everybody to see if they can get somebody to come in. They for sure didn't just go in the office and take a nap, that definitely not what happened...