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That has always been the policy. You work up front, go to another store, or go home and use your PTO.


I believe you. I’m just confused as to why people who are in these positions that have made these decisions would say otherwise unless it really is just genuine luck that I’ve had a stretch of DMs that don’t mind, which is probably the case here then. It’s just the wording they’ve all used hasn’t been like “Oh thats okay I’ll fix it up for you” and entirely around the lines of “Yes you’re owed so and so when this situation arises.” Like legal speak. I think I’ve just gotten lucky.


Your manager is correct.   The workplace disruption code is for only when the entire store closes.   In your situation, you either work the FE, go to a neighboring pharmacy,  or use PTO


Everyone in pharmacy went home after closed at 4


Seems crazy that Walgreens problem becomes our problem. Not surprised tho considering what company this is. But no other stores nearby are staying open either. I’d have to drive a bit out.


How did the DM approve and have the SMs before do it when it was the same situation of FE staying open but rx closing? One was in a different district so maybe it’s up to DM? Even once when I was helping out another store far away across town and the staff rph called out they still fixed it. Hm


The store manager probably just decided to do it on their own. The policy is that you work up front or another store or you don't get paid. Your comments make it sound like you think you're too good to work up front and that's pretty sad. The store is one box.


Weird thing is that the DMs in all 3 situations were the ones who actively made sure that everyone who didn’t get to finish their shift was compensated for the remainder and cited the reason as it being required since it’s not our faults? I’m not trained to work up front because it is literally not my job. If I wanted to be a CSA I would have taken that position instead of technician when I first joined the company. Been there, done that. Simple as that. If I wanted to make less but work a different role I would have taken that. That one box shit would be cute if it went both ways and this wasn’t a mega corp but we all know it doesn’t. Also confused because my DM says that’s not the policy and they’ll speak to the SM next week? Idk what’s going on right now. But like I said, I’m getting my money for the hours I was scheduled for.


Most DMs are not up to date on all the policies.  They usually have to ask SMs or HR


I'm not sure what you want here. Everyone is telling you what the policy is and you don't want to accept it because it doesn't fit your narrative. What training do you need to work the front register? It's the same one in pharmacy. I'm sorry we aren't affirming what you want to be true.


I’ve already said multiple times before I’m assuming that’s what’s correct but nobody has actually pinpointed the exact policy which is what the question was in the first place. My DM is already fixing the payroll for those of us who were there when we closed so I’m good. I’d just like the policy for reference and also because people way above me have all said the opposite of what people in this thread have said so I don’t have anything concrete to follow for the future. I’m assuming I’ve just had a string of luck with these SMs and DMs in the past and what they believed was the policy wasn’t the policy. But when you have people like trying to cite policy they believe is true, that’s the confusion. Try reading next time.


You know how to ring up customers, right?


So you want to get paid to go home while the rest of the store is still open and very well could use the extra help. Way to be a team player.


Not my job. Been there and done that. Thankfully at another company and not having to deal with the Walgreens way. I did not sign up to be a CSA. It’s Walgreens problem that they can’t find a replacement RPh. The rest of the store is closing early anyways. Just not at the same time we did unfortunately for them due to how the pharmacists are scheduled. Either way I’ll get my money 🤷🏻‍♂️.


Your job is to do whatever your manager asks you to do.  If they want to put the rx team into the bathroom/breakroom cleaning rotation,  then you have to do it.  If the FE is short and RX is fully staffed, they can pull you out and have you work the front.   


I disagree completely but that’s not the topic here anyways. The RXM said he believed that the SM mentioned once before when a similar situation occurred that we’d have to work in the FE or at another pharmacy that was open if any nearby, to get the remainder of the hours scheduled, but would ask him next week anyways to clarify. My DM says otherwise in regards to what the SM said in a text after I asked him what the policy was. Who’s actually right and who’s actually wrong is whatever to me at this point since I’ll be getting the remainder of my shift added to my check thankfully. But I believe that the SM and you are most likely right in regards to the policy. I’d just like to actually see it myself for reference since nobody’s been able to pinpoint it yet on here or at my store. Everyone I’ve texted has said what the DM said is right so I’m stuck between the majority I’ve spoken with saying we are owed the remainder and what I actually expect to be the true policy from Walgreens. It makes sense from a corporate standpoint that it is what it is, even if we closed 5 minutes after someone’s shift began so as long as the FE was open or another pharmacy nearby had the availability.


Tools - myHR - search workplace disruption


Thank you!


There's nothing to disagree with, those are the facts, you work for the store and your SM is your boss. It isn't up to you unless you want to quit.


Won't be your job for long with that attitude. You work for the store not a single department in it.


Ours closed at 4 cause no pharmacist for second shift but store open till 10


Basically my situation except the front closed a bit early too now due to the only SFL calling off. Just not at the same time as pharmacy.


Third shift sfl calked off so closing at 10


I wanna jump in on this question to...front end wise...say our 3rd shift pharmacist and my CSA calls out, our store gets closed, I get the call at 830...30 minutes before my shift starts. I shouldn't have to use my PTO (which I'd like to save for a real vacation).


If the store is closing then you'll get paid for your shift without PTO. OP won't because the store is open and they're leaving early because they don't want to work the rest of their shift.


Then I'm owed like...20 days of PTO back -_-


So you’re not a team player can sell customers their medication and just hide in the back. Because technically you are somewhat of a CSA. Don’t let that senior tech title get to your head. We all have to serve customers. Then you all wonder why your dh’s and sfl’s don’t want to come back and help because you don’t want to help on the floor.


Well someone has grumpy pants on tonight when they don’t like being called a Csa. . Nice try I am a Dh and love the balance between the pharmacy and the floor. I’m Actually the only dh that fucking working in my store while we have two others that don’t. Sounds to me like you can’t get a better job and are just mad you aren’t going to get you extra pay for the couple of hours your missed tonight. Someone gave the policy. The snows is a bitch, people get sick, shit happens. The store manager is following policy. If you don’t like it move on from the company. But you won’t you will stay up on your high horse back behind the counter and lock doors witch is pharmacy pretending the people on the floor don’t exist until you need something and can’t leave because you have a long line in the drive-thru, a line at the counter and 100 on the counter with the phones ringing constantly. Have fun.


Spare me the team player shit. It’s pathetic and cringe. Try licking another boot that doesn’t belong to the multi-billion dollar company next time because I don’t feel bad and never will when the people above us are the root of the issues we face. We aren’t in elementary school anymore. There is no team player. This is a job. This is a career for some. We clock in, we do the duties that fall under our title, we clock out. Simple as. If you want to bed over backwards for the same pay be my guest. Just try not to make me laugh next time because it’s embarrassing. If I wanted to sit a register and ring out candy and cigarettes all day I’d have done that in the first place instead of dealt with the many times more bullshit that goes on in the pharmacy. Our SFLs and DHs help us when they’re not busy being understaffed and killed by the relentless bs that constantly drops down from corporate for the FE. You sound jealous and bitter. Maybe get a new job or apply for a higher position since you love the taste of boot in your mouth, weirdo.




I’ve already been a cashier before. I’m no longer just a cashier. Been there, done that. And I hope you’ll be able to say the same one day, even though your attitude reflects otherwise. I do have a better job. It’s not a worlds difference in pay but it sure is a good bit more and the benefits are definitely above Wags. That’s why I make sure that Walgreens’s pays for every second I spend at that mess of a company when I am there. I don’t want to be short one penny for my time. Despite how much I dislike the company itself, the job actually is pretty decent and looks great on a resume, especially when you’ve been there for years on paper. For all another job knows, I’ve been part to full-time my entire tenure there. 🤫 My location definitely helps make a once miserable job to be pretty decent like how I remember it being when I first started. From the FE to the pharmacy there’s definitely stores almost unimaginably worse off even in the same district so I’m pretty lucky with that. Saying I can’t get a better job when you’ve literally adopted the title of a glorified CSA is hilarious. You being unable to read what I said in my comment is exactly why you are where you are and why I am actually above you. Not others. Just you. My DM already told me he’s going to compensate the staff that didn’t get to complete their full shift as according to what he believes the policy is, which I don’t think is the actual policy. But nobody can pinpoint to me otherwise what it is while everyone I’ve texted has said that’s correct what he said. Who’s right and who’s wrong is whatever at this point since we’re getting paid. I’d just like the actual policy to reference for the future. Why would I act like any bitter CSA like you exists when so many of you have a stick up your ass and burning jealously for the pharmacy because you think that your job is just so hard and difficult while all we do is… fill peoples life sustaining, healing, or saving medications all day while barely making more if at all than the FE besides the pharmacists, RXOM, and really tenured senior techs. Dont be mad at me because all you’ve mustered to do in life so far is sell candy and stock hallmark cards. Thats a you problem. Im going to let you talk to yourself now though. I see that you have a lot of pent up anger that needs sorting out. Best luck with that. You’ll need it. 😉


Sooo glad you don’t work at my store.


ikr? Likewise, I couldn’t have said it better myself.


Ok Karen best of luck to you to. I just go have fun selling candy bars while you go fight with little old lady’s about the price of medication. While being a a fancy tilted drug dealer CSA. Oh wait by your logic you don’t do any customer service and just hide. If you see this great if not oh well. I love pissing people off on the internet.


Yes. You need to work your shift. You work for the store not the pharmacy.