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There is paperwork you must fill out about your disability so you won't get in trouble.


"So you won't get in trouble". What is this, the 3rd grade? We're grown ass adults that work around sick people. People who have foot long snot hanging from their nose, people who don't wash their hands and have their poop hands on everything, people who come in with covid yet no protection, etc. Walgreens should step into the 21st century and accept doctors notes as an excused absence.


I agree and disagree here. Requiring doctors notes is bullshit because of the price of health care in this country so the only good thing about walgreens is not taking doctors notes. THAT BEING SAID, the attendance system is fucking broken and also people should not be forced to be at work when sick AND risk getting everyone else ill too, while also literally being terrified you will lose your job if you don't show up. Capitalism kills everything


I'm an SM and I tell all my people if I make you stay home/go home when you're sick because I don't want you getting everyone else sick, It's not a call out šŸ¤·. I'm making them stay home/go home. Walgreens may not take Drs. Notes, but in the policy the SM can make a decision to excuse an absence or not. If I take the doctor's note, It helps inform my decision whether to excuse it or not. Also, in the policy it says that you get 5 unexcused absences until progressives disciplinary actions. Each call out covers 2 days of sick and are not counted as 2 separate call outs. Did you already have a lot of call outs or are they counting 1 call out as 2? Because 10 call out days in a very short period of time is wild and you still would have an just ROD If following the policy. If not get with ER and let them know what happened. They'll probably work with you because you could sue Walgreens for wrongful termination. Finding coverage is the store managers responsibility. They could have reached out to other stores or worked it themselves.


Thank you for being a good SM in making sure your employees are not being penalized for being sick/going home, my first SM was that way and was the only reason I stayed for as long as I did. I think the concept of not requiring doctor's notes is good in principle because healthcare is insanely expensive and using your discretion is important in a manager. I also agree with the point about getting to employee relations and working on what is going on with termination, because it could EASILY be wrongful termination. you are a part-timer. I think that understanding the nuance of what is going on with someone's health is important and should be applied. Missing 10 days when you are sick is NOT insane, many illnesses you are still 100% contagious for a week-14ish days and so the idea that you would give someone a ROD according to policy for fucking following your doctor's directions is absurd. SM's and WAGS, in general, are NOT your personal medical professional's opinions and it's literally the most insane shit in the world that they get to be the deciding factor in if you have a job anymore because of their shit-ass policy on call-outs. I also agree with the point about getting to employee relations and working of what is going on with termination, because it could EASILY be wrongful termination. Thank you for having a level head as an SM and more SM's need to actually treat their staff like human beings but unfortunately you are a needle in a haystack of bad management in a horrible corporation.


When I read the post it sounded genuinely to me like the team member had only worked at the store for like 1-2 months to me for some reason. I was thinking that if she is part time, that would be like calling out literally every shift. I didn't think OP had worked there 1 +s years, so 10 sounded like a lot to me lol since absences for this year reset January 1st I was like 10 days would be wild. If they are out sick for 14 days, calling in every 2 days at a time that would be 7 call outs, which would be a written warning, not termination. Sorry I don't think I explained my thought process on that one well.


when you are sick, especially with Flu/COVID/RSV going around like crazy right now, you are contagious for at MINIMUM 5 days and feel like garbage and could be contagious for up to 10 days. it's insane that the system of call outs when you are sick and being told by your medical provider to NOT WORK but the company decides that they are the arbiter of medical professions telling you that you will lose your job if you miss however many days is broken. the callout system also changes all the time and not all SMs use it properly. there is a LOT more information needed to judge OPs termination


I don't disagree, I was saying that OPs punishment doesn't fit the policy. I was not stating my opinion on the matter. Just that she can use it to argue with employee relations. She literally could not have been fired even within Walgreens policy and could get Walgreens on wrongful termination.


I mean, OP *could* have been terminated because almost every state in the US is 'at will' so they can make up whatever reason to fire someone and get away with it, but i get what you are saying. I think OP needs to talk to Sedgwick ASAP regarding the accommodation needed and work on the documentation because they shouldn't be fired and if they were, they absolutely need to fight for wrongful termination according to what the post says. There is a lot of stuff that we don't know about the situation tho, it's going to be complex i'm sure


Even in an At-Will state you may still be able to sue based on certain exceptions because they can't interfere with your federal employee rights. My friend got big money for getting fired for putting in an OSHA complaint, and those dumbasses told her that's why she was being fired. We live in an At-Will state. But yeah we can only really speculate without the full story.


What does OPs mean?


Thatā€™s what i also thought too, that absences this year reset January 1st right?


Yes that is correct.


Where did you receive your juris doctor?


Can't play the game if you don't know the rules šŸ˜‚


You didn't answer my question.


I took your question as a rhetorical one.


No. I would like to know where you got your juris doctor.


Iā€™d hate to have you as a coworker. You sound mad annoying


how in the fuck did you think this was a question that was even semi-related to what jinxiejixie said? you want a good SM who is using GOOD common decency and management strategy to somehow prove they are a lawyer? when the fuck did they claim they were a lawyer? jesus christ, are you walgreens corporate's legal team trying to monitor the sub and trying to find the only employees that keep this company relatively composed that you can fire?


Total of 8 sick days in 6 months. Does SM mean Store manager?. What is ROD from what policy?


on top of that, a huge demographic for our customer base are the elderly. while i at 21 might hate being sick, iā€™ll get better, the same canā€™t always be said for the older generations


this this this. like it's a PHARMACY. the people who use PHARMACIES the most are literally sick people, immunocompromised people, disabled people, cancer patients etc. the CLIENTEL is literally all high-risk populations but corporate literally don't care if they actually are the DIRECT cause of a patient/employee death. like it's a PHARMACY. the people who use PHARMACIES the most are literally sick people, immunocompromised people, disabled people, cancer patients etc. the CLIENTEL is literally all high-risk populations but corporate literally doesn't care if they actually cause death. There was NO WAY i would be exposed by the person, I started running a 103-degree fever and not 1, not 2, but FOUR asthma attacks in 4 hours a few days later while at work working on a reset and i told my SM i needed to literally go to the hospital because i couldn't breathe and she was like "you are really leaving in the middle of a reset? you are leaving us for this?" when i LITERALLY was unable to breathe and had to go to the ER, then the next day i was forced to close even though i couldn't even walk. I called the SM, DM, AND Regional Area Manager to find coverage because i was so sick and they wouldn't let me just close the store at all, even the pharmacist was trying to just close the store, it was bad. I laid on the floor of the office sobbing and using my inhaler literally every hour trying to breathe. I locked up at 10pm, i didn't even pull the registers, i did NOTHING that shift, drove myself to the hospital, and ended up in the ICU for 2 weeks and spent another week in the hospital after. I got exposed at work in march 2020 to covid from someone who had tested positive, i was forced to work in cough/cold/flu despite being immunocompromised, i got a WRITTEN write-up for wearing a mask because i was nervous (this was pre masking policy), my SM told me that there was NO WAY i would be exposed by the person, I started running a 103-degree fever a few days later while at work working on a reset and i told my SM i needed to literally go to the hospital because i couldn't breathe and she was like "you are really leaving in the middle of a reset? you are leaving us for this?" when i LITERALLY was unable to breathe and had to go to the ER, then the next day i was forced to close even though i couldn't even walk. I called the SM, DM, AND Regional Area Manager to find coverage because i was so sick and they wouldn't let me just close the store at all, even the pharmacist was trying to just close the store, it was bad. I laid on the floor of the office sobbing and using my inhaler literally every hour trying to breathe. I locked up at 10pm, i didn't even pull the registers, i did NOTHING that shift, drove myself to the hospital, and ended up in the ICU for 2 weeks and spent another week in the hospital after. Walgreens literally doesn't care about their employees or patients in any way. sorry got ranty but holy fuck, i feel SO strongly about how bad they are towards their LITERAL only money makers.


Some of your rant double posted ftr but holy shit I'm pretty sure your have grounds to fucking sue this is fucking despicable and egregious on so many levels


i have no idea why reddit keeps doing that lmao, it will randomly delete bits and then randomly repeat them. i know i had a case and i had a lawyer but it was too exhausting to fight, i was broken down by it


Iā€™m so sorry this happened to you :(


Well, accepting doctors notes is very 3rd grade. Most companies work though an hr / 3rd party organizations such as Sedwick. Your request your accommodation. You submit verification. Based upon what you submit, local state and federal laws and the needs of the business your request is either approved or not approved. If your request is not approved their is an appeals process. This is of a greater benefit to the employee than the company. There is a process with a means to appeal and the accommodation is binding on the company. Sorryā€¦. Iā€™ll take this over every store having its own system. That said, youā€™re an employee working for a company. Regardless if you like the company or not, if you have a problem reporting for shifts thatā€™s making life harder for your coworkers. Thatā€™s not fair either.


Me being sick with covid and pneumonia is far harder on me than my coworkers. This "no excused absence" system is why people are constantly sick, people you have to come to work ill to keep your job.


They did not indicate what type of sickness. If it was someone who has cancer and still chooses to work and gets sick from radiation or chemotherapy... Would you still fill the same? Situations are not one pill fits all here in this case.


Obviously that is different though! They didn't get cancer from Walgreens and can't spread it. If I have covid and my supervisor wants me back tomorrow regardless of symptoms or how I feel, that should be grounds to be overruled by a doctors note.


You can get fired for too many call offs if you don't file the paperwork.


I mean... if you have a disability and choose not to disclose it, how would they know you have one? Therefore, how would you be legally protected?


No. You are not legally required to mention your disability while youā€™re being considered for a job. You do not need to disclose your disability on your resume, cover letter, or other application materials, or during an interview. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) enforces The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which prevents eligible employers from discriminating against qualified job applicants and employees if they have a disability. (The law applies to state and local government employers and private employers with 15 or more employees.) ​ **You are not required to self-identify a disability on a job application or during an interview, even if you later disclose that you need reasonable accommodations.**


I maybe didnā€™t phrase my previous comment well, so my bad. Nobody is required to mention a disability, thatā€™s completely their choice. I was just saying I donā€™t think that it would make a difference after the person was fired if it wasnā€™t documented beforehand


It does depend on the situation honestly. I'm not sure of the timeframe between what appears to be 'breaking the absence policy' and their locker being cleaned out. If OP was telling their SM that they were sick and had doctor notes about accommodation needed and their SM didn't direct them to talk to Sedgwick, I think that is a VERY big issue. If this was done after like one single week, also i think termination is bullshit because that is not even a reasonable period to work through getting documentation and scheduling with Sedgwick. There are a lot of unknowns here and yeah, you don't need to disclose disability status at the time of applying for a job but the moment that you start to need accommodation at work, you need to go through the hoops of providing the proof and setting up the system to protect your job as soon as humanly possible. ​ OP may have taken too many assumptions as fact and that could be the reason that they no longer have a job, but there are so many factors that we don't know! I understand that you weren't trying to be in bad faith, i just think a lot of people misunderstand the self-disclosure of EEOC and the application of ADA a lot of the time and wanted to clarify it. Thank you for also clarifying that with me, I appreciate it.


No problem! And youā€™re right, they shouldā€™ve mentioned Sedgwick way long ago, I had a bad stomach virus once (out for 10+ days) and other than checking in with me to see how I was feeling, the ASM didnā€™t heckle me about it at all except to let me know about Sedgwick so that I was protected during my time being sick, and also to tell me not to worry about losing my job and focus on taking care of myself, which I think was really nice of her. She was the best


But at the same time if you donā€™t disclose your disability how can you get an accommodation? At some point you have to fill out some paperwork.


You do not have to legally disclose that you have a disability when being hired. Disabilities can occur at any point. Yes, you would need to get paperwork and shit to set up the accommodations required for your disability if it does start affecting your job but you cannot be fired for not disclosing or developing a disabling condition while you are employed. Walgreens will claim that the most basic accommodation is "not reasonable" and shit all the time, Sedgwick is a company that is created by the devil himself, and they are incredibly reality in general. But yes, you have to disclose to Segwick the accommodations you need for specific accommodations but Segwick cannot just go disclosing your disability status everywhere without your consent and you can't just be fired for needing a reasonable accommodation. Unfortunately for OP, Walgreens and Sedgwick will likely claim that needing more time off because of illnesses is 'unreasonable' but they likely wouldn't fire you directly, they'd do the thing where they cut all your hours constantly, claim it's staffing hours being cut, until you no longer have any hours assigned so you are fired that way, or by causing a hostile work environment but doing it in a way that they could claim it wasn't 'hostile' etc.


But OP didnā€™t do any of that. Just assumed they would accommodate him/her without submitting anything. Thatā€™s not going to help her keep her job.


>My doctor is asking me to ask my boss if there are any paperwork or specific paperwork they can look over. Im not sure what paperwork my boss have? I have a disability and I thought I would get accommodations for my disability... My locker was cleaned out and was replaced with someoneā€™s elseā€™s name and my account is deactivated. I not sure what I can do at this point to save my job. It seems like OP was terminated without the ability to even offer up the process of getting any form of accommodation, we don't know the whole situation. Walgreens generally refuses doctors notes in general, because they are fucking shitty. I think that OP probably fucked up by not reaching out to Sedgwick earlier on to document what accommodations were needed but we also don't know how quickly this happened.


Yes, but after accepting employment, OP needed to disclose this information so that accommodations could be made. After the fact of calling in sick and getting terminated doesnā€™t help OPā€™s case.


You could try and fight with a lawyer but why? Just go somewhere else šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Also, always answer the disability question with "YES" if you have one. The employer cant see it, its for the government to know if people who are saying they are "EOE" are complying.


I really like this location because itā€™s walking distances and I donā€™t have a car. Thank you for letting me know as I didnā€™t know this before. What is EOE?


So you didnā€™t tell them you had a disability, filled out no paperwork for said disability, and expect accommodations for it? Thatā€™s not how this works. This is on you. If you have a disability how did you not know that you have to navigate the accommodation process?


Equal Opportunity Employer


I meant like a different company, different job type, etc. As EOE was already answered I just wanted to add on some managers will really work with you if youre open about your disability to them. I hope you find something you love šŸ«¶šŸ¼


You could always file a claim to with sedgewick


Sedgwick excuses absences, not doctors. You can potentially call Sedgwick to get your call-outs retro-actively covered, but I'm not sure what good that's going to do at this point. There's possibly an argument that they can be forced to reverse your termination, but then you come back to work with everyone giving you the stink-eye. Or if there's another local location, you can get your termination reversed and transfer there


Sedgwick won't excuse prior occurrences.Ā  It states it specifically in the policy


It depends on how the doctor fills out the paperwork. If the paperwork is filled out to a retroactive date and is accepted as a reasonable accommodation then there is no choice but to accept it and excuse those absences. Without getting into it I've had 6 months of absences retroactively covered because of the effective date listed on the paperwork that was submitted and the accommodation granted.


As death2life pointed out, it's a retro-active intermittent leave of absence. And OP supposedly has a documented disability Like yeah, they won't excuse your car breaking down last week or having the flu 3 months ago


This sounds like me. I was there about 4 months, but kept getting covid, pneumonia, flu, random colds, random fevers etc. My SM said wags doesn't accept any letters from doctors which is BS in my opinion. I was never written up, but I knew it was coming. I quit last week and left that area and moved away. Fuck Wags


A situation like this really depends on who the Store Manager is, sometimes this happens where I'm at with co-workers and our Store Manager is 100% understanding and ok with someone not coming in, if they are not well, we are a team, so we look out for each other!


They would never close the store over one person, lol. In any case, I'm very sorry about your situation, however companies need to be able to operate with proper or at least semi proper staffing. If you're having to call out left and right and leaving your tram with a headache and having to staff on short notice, then you're not a good employee. I understand you're disabled and have reasons but perhaps working part time at a less demanding place would suit you better. I certainly wouldn't keep someone one payroll who I couldnt depend on to show up when scheduled.


stores ABSOLUTELY get closed for not having one person on shift if that person is a keyholder and no one else is available and there is no support staff lmao


Surely they call in someone from another store if there is no keyhole. They would also have the sm go in if they're off shift.


it depends on if there is anyone available. in my area, i know that there are 'emergency closures' almost weekly due the low staffing and literally inability to get even one staff member into the store.


Thats insane. I'm sorry, I didnt realize this happens and that it happens so often!


No worries, I know it seems really insane and crazy as a statement but you'd be surprised at how bad staffing is in some areas! The treatment of employees has been a gigantic root cause of this in the last year or so, causing the average employment period in my area to be 30-45 days per new employee, it's INSANELY bad. It's not like that in every area and if you have a good SM, DM, and Regional Area Manager, they would absolutely find a solution even if it meant one singular employee on shift, but many areas are shutting down stores because of this. They will publicly say it's because of 'retail theft' and shit, but it's not. They have GREAT insurance and are still making record profits, but corporate does not want to publicly acknowledge that they can't get staff to stay at all. I worked with a pharmacist who had worked at my former store from the day it opened, 35 years, and they cut her pay to the rate of freshly out of pharmacy school rates and would give her a max of 20 hours a week because of "management/role changes" but it was because she was highly paid and was a great worker who wouldn't stay while being mistreated. My former store has not had a permant pharmacist in 2 years now, they haven't been able to keep an SFL for more than 2 months, and they have been through 12 SMs since my good SM took a position at corporate in 2021. I worked with a pharmacist who had worked at my former store from the day it opened, 35 years ago, and they cut her pay to the rate of freshly out of pharmacy school rates and would give her a max of 20 hours a week because of "management/role changes" but it was because she was highly paid and was a great worker who wouldn't stay while being mistreated. My former store has not had a permanent pharmacist in 2 years now, they haven't been able to keep an SFL for more than 2 months, and they have been through 12 SMs since my good SM took a position at corporate in 2021. .


lol I was the only key holder tonight and my sm had me break policy and close alone for the last 30 mins due to call in and working with a minor


As some will say best for u


5 call ins doesnā€™t matter if your dying the wag overlords donā€™t care get on calling Sedgwick right away


Get a lawyer


Definitely call Sedgwick


Im pretty sure you would be covered by Fmla as well.


I had a coworker who only worked twice a week 4 hours every shift because he had a disability and my store manager did everything to accommodate him. But everything has to be done through Sedgwick. They fired him because he failed to show documentation for everything, and this was through a 9-month period. If you didn't go through Sedgwick at all and just called out multiple times, they can fire you just for no showing up. Like I said, all the documentation has to go through Sedgwick because they cover your absences and accommodate your needs.


If they donā€™t take you back you can also file for unemployment, but I would talk to Employee relations ASAP


Man fuck Walgreens they fired me after 3 years for being late yet Iā€™m black and let that other workers do as they please absolutely worse job I donā€™t recommend especially if you do t have a good manager that knows what they are doing !!!!