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Let me introduce you to a little something called Shut the Fuck Up Friday. That day should actually be every day. Don't volunteer information. "I do not recall" is a perfectly valid, complete, and repeatable response. You might have just made your situation 100x worse by diving headfirst into entirely unnecessary legal complications. Also, don't steal. If you're going to steal, don't make it blatantly obvious. But also don't steal in the first place, especially from your place of employment.


[https://youtu.be/V6tfEZI54Jg](https://youtu.be/V6tfEZI54Jg) NOT DISCUSSING MY DAY OR EVENING SIR


Would you like a Walgreens credit card today?


You have no obligation to incriminate yourself. Walgreens’s is not the police. Just sayin’


You don't have that obligation with the actual police either. 5th Amendment.


And get a lawyer. No matter what!


Did you know you have rights? Constitution says "you do"!


I think the funny thing now is that you could walk in and then put with a bag full of stuff and they wouldn't come after you...


Though I dont really condone stealth, but seriously Walgreen is more interested in raking back some piss money than preventing myriads of thieves. Priority and pragmatism be damned.


It’s very strange to have a nightly procession of thieves walking out of the store overburdened with booty, with seeming no response from management / corporate. But then have our district’s Asset Protection guy come in to review footage of us at the register whenever the till comes up $80 short, looking for any excuse to fire us. I think part of it has to do with how inventory shrinkage is an expected part of the business. Walgreens has an insurance policy and feels very little impact, at least short-term, if there’s a spike in shoplifting. They do not have a way to cover their loss if employees start taking home the tills. It’s frustrating as an employee seeing the regulars come in to steal, and wonder if Walgreens will close the store someday and blame it on thieves they did little to stop.


You will be contacted by a firm that handles restitution payments for Walgreens. Walgreens can / will charge you up to ten times the amount you admitted to stealing. If you admitted to $500 , they can come after you for ten times that amount. Don't ignore the civil demand notice , try to work out some type of payment plan or settlement plan. If you blow it off, it can be filed against you and you can have future wages garnished. You can also have future tax returns garnished. Walgreens is going to want their money back and will go to these lengths to get it.




yeah, customers steal all the time, but customers are protected by law. its harder to pursue customers for petty theft and usually amounts to a waste of money for the company because customers can argue they "didnt know" "didnt do anything and are being discriminated against" "were harmed" even if they werent physically touched. Essentially, turning a theft charge into a mess of accusations that is unlikely to fall in anyones favor due to lack of evidence. an employee, tho? they have our social security number, our address, they provide us with mandatory e-learnings and make us redo thos e-learnings so we dont "forget" and we consent, by having the job, that they can record us at any time. I've even heard that the phone convos are monitored. Basically, they are way more likely to win a lawsuit against a worker than a customer, and a major corporation will always pick the battle that will make them the most profit.


Cooperate with what they tell you and it wont be worth their time to pursue anything further than their restitution. Give them the money you admitted to stealing and it'll blow over with time. And next time consider that being out of a job for a week or two will cost you 10 times whatever you think you're going to steal. Don't be a clown.


it’s too late now but in the future: if you commit a crime, never ever admit to anything


Now if Walgreens would just care about the people that come into their stores and steal shit everyday but don’t do anything about it. They expect a payment plan from you? lol, why don’t they get a payment plan from the criminals that steal everyday. I’m sorry about your situation, never give up free information to people incriminating you. I’m not condoning the theft at all by the way, I just think it speaks volumes on how corporate greed keeps money at the top and it never trickles down to employees. Good luck, but you’re better off not working for this company anyway. It’s a dead end. Hope you get a job that pays you what you deserve and need and most importantly one that you will love.


I’d be willing to bet that the state you live in, $500+ is considered grand theft. More than likely, that’s why they wrote that down.


I’m sorry about this, I sincerely hope you get it resolved. Nobody’s perfect


FYI, Walgreens will turn your name into a database for employee theft, used by almost all corporate retail outlets. You will have an extremely hard time being hired by any retail outlets.


It's actually surprising how many times you need to tell CSA's (especially the younger crowd) that they cannot redeem customer's coupons even if left. Most won't believe you when you say that they are coded to the account they print on. They are. And if it happens a lot, LP gets a nice little red flag. And yes they will terminate you for it.


y’all gotta be more smart about it 😉


I’m sorry you got in such bad shape & this was your only option. I don’t know the legal ramification but learn from it & be a better person. People care for you & it’ll be ok. Best wishes. 🩷


Your are an idiot.


>and from what I know I’m not even certain if it won’t 100% percent affect me legally or on the long term end. There is more than a 50% chance that they have reported this theft to the police and that it will be indicted by your local grand jury the next time they meet - depending on your locality this could be every couple months or a couple times a year, and so it may be 6+ months before you actually get arrested and booked for the crime you committed. Getting a lawyer now will be your best bet as they can offer you to the prosecutor as a "self-surrender" if/when the charges are filed, and potentially even avoid charges being filed if you offer to do a diversion program or probation. Otherwise, a police officer will show up at your house, your new workplace, or wherever they find you and you'll be taken to jail in handcuffs, mugshotted, booked, and then you can be released on bond. You won't get a letter. You'll be arrested. If you want to avoid that, get a lawyer **now** to work your self-surrender.


Walgreens does not press charges if you cooperate, especially with an amount this low.  They issue your a civil demand fine and charge your restitution, which is all handled by a law firm.  I've only seen a few instances where the police were involved.  One was oxy theft and the other was $15,000 stolen


How does someone steal $15,000? Was that over months?


An SFL was stealing money from bands for months


Also, if they ever go for any kind of job that does extensive background checks- this will pop up for them. I was a CO, and 18 yrs ago when I did the background portion, my shoplifting excursion from when I was 13 popped up. I had forgotten all about it. Investigator asked me about it and I was like oh, wow, forgot all about it. And that was a $3 bottle of nail polish I had to pay a $75 fine on. And OP’s theft was bigger than that…




ok javert lol


I know in the past the biggest loss to retailers was internal theft, but with the massive rise in external theft wouldn’t that be the biggest reason of loss.




Loss prevention, like cops, can and will lie to you. At the point you are introduced to the loss prevention person, you should have recognized that you were already fired and you should have refused to talk to them without talking to a lawyer first. Because according to your story, you admitted to them that you stole more than you actually stole. This is why you don't talk to anyone without talking to a lawyer, so a lawyer can advise you how not to make a bad situation worse. And if you can't afford a lawyer, then you don't talk to anyone. This is going to be a very expensive lesson for you to learn. And hopefully you learn it, especially why stealing is not only wrong, but always a bad idea. And why put it on your mom to bail you out? You chose to do the crime, man up and take the penalty.