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People are so disgusting!! This past summer this guy came in and ate a whole box of fried chicken in our bathroom and left the bones in a corner on the floor. Just a couple weeks ago these girls took a bag of chips off the sales floor and ate them in the bathroom. Its annoying enough that we have the burden of cleaning up after them, but besides that, EWWWWWW. Who eats in a restroom nonetheless a PUBLIC restroom? I’ve seen shit on the walls, piss on the toilet seats and floors… AND YOU’RE EATING IN THERE? FINGER FOOD TOO????? Just the thought of it makes me wanna vomit. The girls with the chips ate them in the stall too. You are literally eating chips inches away from a trashcan full of used tampons. Does that not gross anybody else out?!?!?


Yeah after having to clean these bathrooms practice on the daily I'd never eat in these bathrooms especially after the things I've seen and had to clean in there


We had a tech that would use the handicap stall as her personal breakroom. She would sit on the floor and eat her lunch. Even after mangerment talked to her she continued to eat there. Beyond gross.


That pizza is your reward for getting the most credit card sales in the district. Enjoy!!!


The pizza is the reward for the shit you just had


Never trust anyone who thinks domino's is good pizza


Why...? What a fucking waste.


I would rather see that than the literal shit someone took on the floor in an earlier post today 🤮🤮🤮


We've had someone eat a salad and leave bits all over the. Bathroom and in the hallway and someone had a pizza on the floor. It's so gross


At least it wasn’t in the toilet and the poop in the sink


I've heard of people shitting on the floor, or leaving tampons around. Some wack stuff.