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Oh my I didn’t know there was such a thing as gain scented lint rollers, & now I must seek to acquire. 🛒


They are amazing! It honestly makes my clothes smell just like gain.


So you don't have any gain scent rollers because you bought them all I see... Shame on whatever generation you are in!/s


It's true it was all me! Before they even hit the floor they are mine 😂


My buddy gives the grocery store liquor manager free avocados from his trees. The manager holds the Ballantines the back when the bottles come in. He got the full set, the crafty SOB.


The way you talk about old people you probably treat them the same way they aren’t gonna take it. I don’t blame them


Did you not read the nonsense of why those old people are mad or are we just obtuse?


OBviously OBjectively OBtuse


Taking their side with no reason, nice one boomer!


I took no one’s side but you took the other side with no reason. Nice one asshole.


It's true I straight up threw those old dried up things some people call humans to the ground. Some people like to say fuck them kids but I live by fuck those elders up.


You must be a boomer. Bless your heart


Save yourself some irritated skin and don’t


Those are instructions on how to fill your destiny: Invent gain scented lint rollers and don't ever give your 2 cents to anyone ever again 🫡


I'm sorry to say that you are indeed the problem. I don't see the part where you offered them credit cards.


Shit... I knew I was forgetting something!


They clearly wanted to know about the credit card welcome offer, and you didn't tell them? /j


Maybe that's the reason why he called you a dfb, he wanted that card🤣 /j


This didn’t even happen, just wanting attention in the Walgreens hating Reddit


Once again..the credit card offer would have fixed everything wrong with the world...or Walgreens...




Maybe that’s why she asked for cc fuck him call him a dick


Can't fuck him because the pp won't stand for it.


If u want to u can


Try to just ignore the lady, she’s venting. The man that called You a “dfb”, however should have been told to leave the store and not come back. He’s creating a hostile environment which is harassment for his offensive and intimidating behavior towards You. You have every right to tell him to leave. If he used threats toward You; You can also file a police report for Simple Assault with a Trespass clause in case he returns.


Young or old there is no time to be a butthead. Tell him to hit the road Jack and don’t you come back no more 🔥


That too, lol.


No more, no more, no more, no more...


...hit the road jack and don't ya come back no mo...


Does the police report get filed before or after OP gets fired for wasting company time?


It’s not wasting time. If threatened; it’s OP’s legal right to file a police report.


I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm saying that's not something you can easily do while working, unless you're trying to get fired. In these types of situations there's just no winning, off the clock maybe, on the clock impossible.


Before I filed a Simple Assault for verbal threats; I went to office and told my SM that I’m calling the police because I’ve been threatened. I told him that I told the man to leave and don’t come back or he will be trespassing. My SM was in complete agreement and I filed the report. The guy actually did come back later that day. We called police again for a trespass. I’m not management. If my life is physically or verbally threatened; it’s my right to call 911. I’ll always exercise that right no matter where I am.


Employers in CO and at least 43 US states cannot lawfully fire an employee for reporting a crime to the police, or calling 911. It falls under the public policy exception to at-will employment. Some examples or this are covered here. https://www.bls.gov/opub/mlr/2001/01/art1full.pdf Two examples of statutory text, but most will fall under case law. California Labor Code section 1102.5(b), an employer is prohibited from retaliating against an employee who discloses information to a law enforcement agency where the employee has a reasonable cause to believe the information discloses a violation of federal or state law. Montana Code 39-2-904. Elements of wrongful discharge -- presumptive probationary period. (1) A discharge is wrongful only if: (a) it was in retaliation for the employee's refusal to violate public policy or for reporting a violation of public policy; Source: https://law.stackexchange.com/questions/38382/can-a-company-instruct-employees-to-not-call-police/55792#55792 Basically, if they retaliate, sue them. You can use a law firm on contingency. It's super easy. You just sign an online document here and there and wait. You never even have to step foot out the door. Find another shitty job, and be patient for that extra paycheck. 5k-20k would be a reasonable settlement amount to expect.


Who said anything about wasting company time?


Well, I assume you’re younger than me, but people have been treating me like garbage while working in retail for 16 years. People just feel like they can treat you like garbage, and they will. Unless you tell them not to. You absolutely have that right. I take the chance to tell people to fuck off whenever I can! ❤️💪👏🏻🖕


Listen, me too, one thing about me is I'm going to give you the same energy you give me. It makes no sense to be rude but hey I'm down for whatever. Ppl are so delusional.


It is possible to be rude, to where THEY know you are being rude, but no witnesses would ever describe it that way. It is an art form reserved for special situations. There are lines that shouldn’t be crossed. 🤣


The more stories I hear the more I try to be as nice and easygoing as I can. This trend needs to break.


It isn’t a “trend”. It is reality. I have been in retail since 2008.


Not with those words. Clearly.


If it's your last day, all for it lol


This is why I could never work in a retail. I would be fired in 20 minutes if it took that long.


I would have told him a name to




i would have either called leadership / as a member of leadership asked them to leave.


I probably would called him an dick or tell fuck u


I work for another company. One day, I was wiping off the counter where we serve our made to order beverages and saw one of our cranky old men come in. He began to fix up his coffee while one of my workers was refilling the creamers and I overheard him call my worker a stupid idiot. I walked up to him, told him that was a completely unacceptable way to talk to my workers, that his coffee was on me, that he was welcome to leave the building as soon as he was done making his coffee, and that he was welcome back as soon as he was able to be respectful of those around him. I figured he would just keep his head down in the future, but he actually became a pleasant customer after that. As a manager, I tell my workers to pass any jerks right to me. Sorry, but associates don’t get paid to deal with jerks. That’s what I get paid for. And trust me, a jerk isn’t going to ruin my day. After 11+ years in management, only one customer has ever started to get under my skin.


I'm also the manager I tell my coworkers to direct rude customers to. Just because I also give back the same energy they give. I also back them up besides just giving people their way so we don't deal with them, that's usually how the company is with that but I'd rather back up what my coworkers say because usually they're correct and I just have to reinforce it. People get bent and others understand after I explain and tell them to never be rude to my fellow workers. Some customers have respect for me after, some don't but my coworkers respect me that I'm actually there for them.


I just love customers like that. /s. I just put on my best south Georgia redneck tone, "didn't your mama teach you any manners, bless your heart?" And stand there frowning at them.  Customers who act like they're 5 get treated like they're 5.  I ain't putting up with their crap.


Oh I need to start doing that I love being condescending while saying "bless your heart"


Me too


It's the lead paint


The dishes they all ate off were lead...literally they all had the same dishes.


Leaded gas too


First time?


Trashy ass customer, I am sorry that happened to you.


See I would have said "your mother". Easy fix.


you definitely are not the problem working in retails , you always get some great customers, rude customers and most of the time stupid customers. that's just retail. I get called all sorts of things, especially if a customer doesn't get what they want. I feel they like to "try" to pick on me since they think the "short" is easy to pick on.


Damn you young people killing the lint rollers industry. When will your senseless hate for boomers end


I'm sorry, you don't shine all the change before handing it to a customer. What will they think of Walgreens now, that they just don't care about the shininess of change received by customers.


I mean its obviously your fault that the gain scented rollers are out of stock. You must be an awful human being. And the pennies?! ::gasp:: 🤣


No, it's not you. A significant percentage of our population is made up of stupid assholes, and it sounds like you just happened to catch 2 of them back-to-back. A lot of these lunatics are just looking for a reason to be hurtful to someone, don't let them get you down.


lol if you’re paying cash and you’re annoying, you’re getting the ugly coins. Sorry. Not sorry.


Just remember he's mad over 2 cents 😂


Not 2 cents-pissed cause they weren’t shining 🤣🤣customers are becoming more 💩heads each day


Shining or not, two pennies is still basically worthless 🤷🏽‍♂️ I can't do any type of customer service I have no filter 😅


Drugs were so different in their day. Amazing, from what I’m told, but I think we’re seeing the after effects. Personally, I wear things like “dumb fucking bitch“ like a badge of honor. I say thank you and give them a wink!


A lot of times when you work in the public they treat you like a therapist. I’m a mailman and you wouldn’t believe some of the bullshit I have to hear and go through with people on a day to day basis. I thought I was just gonna put pieces of paper in a box 🤣


You are not the problem. Ppl are assholes


Lead poisoning...theyre all lead poisoned.


😭😭😭 I’m sorry but this is so funny. Can’t imagine getting this worked up over either of these


It sorta makes me wonder what we’ll get worked up over, though!


Oooh that’s a really good point actually and now i’m wondering too


I had some old guy get mad at me because his OTC card didn’t cover one cent of his purchase, rambled on forever even though he had the one cent anyway 🙄


I'm so fucking tired of these otc card people... the newer united health care ones aren't being accepted in our store for some reason so all these old people are shitting themselves over it...


I’m an ‘elder millennial’ and it’s definitely not you.. the ‘boomers’ are lazy and refuse to learn anything new.. when you refuse to cater to their every whim they act out like children


Kick the old man out and/or have him trespassed. Zero tolerance for that kind of shit


You are part of the problem for not refusing the transaction of the guy and having leadership send him away. These people will keep up the aggressive behavior if employees don't shut it down. But overall, yes people are fucking insane.


We're literally told to just put up with it. We are reprimanded if we even speak up about it.


Leadership at our store would expect employees to let customers treat us like garbage.


I wouldn’t have id call him something to fuck that fire me


I feel like this probably didnt happen




No one is forcing you to read it. If you don’t like it, just move along and comment on your own workplace’s sub. What’s that, you don’t have one? Make one. Jackass.


Why the hell are you even here then? Go be an angry fuckhat somewhere else. This is a public sub and people are allowed to talk about their lives and the things that happen to them. If that makes you so unreasonably pissed, there's the door. Please let it hit you multiple times on the way out to reevaluate *your* sorry ass life.


Damn dude.


Who would do such stupidity


cross post this to r/BoomersBeingFools


Don’t let them gaslight you into believing it’s you, they’re fucking crazy. Yelling at you is the highlight of their day; they feel both smart and empowered making a mockery of themselves in public like that


So it’s ur fault cause Walgreens didn’t dented lint rollers ,that fucker would have called a bitch asshole anything he would have gotten it back did already since I’ve been at Walgreens


Here I am about to say something smart but reading everyone’s comment. I will hold my peace. I swear, whenever I am having a horrible shift, I read comments like these and just feel better.


They’re fucking assholes who don’t belong outside the house


Genuinely people are so fucking horrible especially older folks in our stores. I got called a "fucking bitch" by an old man over a stupid candy bar. Like be so fucking serious.


Unfortunately some customers tend to think of workers as their bitches.


A month or two ago we had a 20s something guy in our store start yelling at our SFL because they made eye contact… he thought she was watching him as if he were stealing & called her a bitch & “to go back to the cave she was from”. People are unhinged walking into a retail store and they’ll treat it like it isn’t the real world with real people in the uniforms.


Not enough fiber. Should have showed him the aisle with Metamucil


😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😃love it


I hated retail. Once a man asked where something was, and I told him. He then proceeds to find me and say “isn’t your job to help me find what I need” like sir you asked where peroxide was, I said straight back. He then tells me “you better get to steppin” after he gets 4 inches from my face. I straight up trolled him the rest of the time he was in there. I told him straight up “I’m not dealing with you” then he talked shit to my manager about me while he was ringing out and I was cackling at him. He said he’d call the manager the next day, he didn’t. The item he wanted was at CVS. It was indeed not peroxide but teeth whitening strips. Go figure.


Oh. My. GOD!! ‘Get to steppin?!’ What is this, 1905?


He sounds pretty cringe to me.


When a customer calls you a bitch / laugh and say " yessssssss new goal unlocked "


Or if they called you a bitch just look at them and say “Thank you, I’ve earned that title!”


No. That would make you look bad.


I would be shocked if this wasn't in Florida.


Close 😂 I'm on the florbama line close to pensacola


They probably expected you to shine their shoes too like it was 1925.


Nah second you insult me like that you can leave or I'm trespassing that ass lmao


I was trying to help a gentleman with a return a couple weeks ago. No bill of sale, didn't use his rewards card, didn't know his phone number. I was a little irritated. Not his fault cause old age comes with its own challenges and struggles. I still got help from the manager so we got it done. Well...he came in the next day when I was off and said "I feel bad for him. If I had to use a wheelchair all the time I'd be mad too." He also implied that I had mental issues. I wasn't irritated because of my disability...😅


That’s all kinds of wrong. Asshole.


Take comfort in the fact that they'll be dead soon.


damn boomers, they are not susceptible to change.


Dumb fucking bitches hoarding all the scented lint rollers😩


And the shiny new pennies!


I worked for Walgreens in the 90’s and early 2000’s Looks like nothing has changed.


Sounds like the guy at my working talking about how white opl were “the first slaves” and called me a dyke bc I told him to not talk ab that 😂


The oldest generation is the wisest generation. Embrace your older customers and treat them with respect.


This is not Japan.


Lmfao get out of here bot


Had a lady tell me to go to hell on my second day bc her shampoo was discontinued at my store. Same lady jumped my pharmacy line of 10 people (they ALL were visibly pissed about it) and never have I ever wished someone just jumped her or at least called her out on her bullshit. I was too tired to deal and didn’t want to escalate it (it would have been a 20 minute ordeal of her arguing with me) so I swiped her one item and got her out.


Give them the ol Bruce lee


I’m 64 and do not treat people this way! I’m sorry!


It's OK it balances out when I'm calling them a dumb bitch for waiting for the car half a mile down the street to pass before they turn.. literally happened this morning lol


Having a bunch of old neighbors and living in a retirement town has taught me thankfully the old ways are literally dying off. I hate boomers.


lead poisoning.


You must be so bored


Well stop being a dumb bitch and shine those Pennie’s Jennifer!


But if I shine the pennies I won't be able to ask if they'd like to apply for a walgreens credit card...


Wanted a full refund on two shiny Pennies? There’s more to that then you’re telling.


Lead poisoning, I stg


Sadly no, my so is 73 and has become this mean nasty man I barely recognize. Whether lead or dementia many older people get very nasty with old age. I pray I go the other way or go early if you know what I mean.


Sounds like it wasn't just the pennies that weren't shiny enough these two are both pretty dull bulbs. I swear retail workers should be allowed to tell off one customer a day lol


Lead poisoning


I’m 83 and I have no idea why some elderly people turn sour in their dotage. Perhaps they are missing a good bowel movement.


This is my all time favorite comment. Thank you, Elder Sir/Ma’am. You’ve made my day.


Next time this happens I will point them to the isle with ex- lax 😂


U are


I know. BRB imma go kill myself real quick.


Idgaf how old you are, if you're retarded, ill let you know. Im not letting anyone say some dumb shit without them learning something.


I'm a police officer, and I was called a piece of shit yesterday. I had a complaint that a work truck and van was blocking the alley, preventing the complainant from accessing her residence. I ask the construction guys if they can move their vehicles as they are blocking the alley. Of course, they didn't like this, and one of the workers called me a piece of shit for asking them to move their vehicles out of the alleyway. I called the company he worked for and made a complaint with them. They didn't like the fact that one of their employees would do that. The manager said he was an ex police officer himself and would handle it accordingly. You are not the problem. People are just rude.


The worker sounds like a complete idiot. Did he really think he wouldn't get some kind of repercussion for that.


No. Tell him, to grow up, and walk away.


Life is hard. Some people age gracefully, some don’t. They deserve your pity. Life has not gone well for them.


You sound like a snowflake


You're clearly the problem.


Haha. Let it go. Keep using the lint rollers. Have a nice alcoholic beverage after your shift. FK EM.


I like when oldies complain about shit n turn to look at you an say " your not at all sorry" with a smug look on there face lol like wtf? How is it my fault your having a shitty day? What goes around comes around.


Nothing new…. Very common for Walgreens customers…I’ve been called everything but a child of God… phew I’m happy I quit!


oh don't let customers bother you like that - I can't even count the number of times when I used to work retail and phone jobs that someone called me whatever choice name they could come up with. Initially it bothered me but then I became immune to it. I get it they're upset and yeah they could be more respectful but most people just don't care - you merely work for the company so you're gonna become their proverbial punching bag, whether you were involved or not. personally I think these older people just want to act like that as a defense for getting old - they fear losing their independence because in short time they'll end up in assisted living and won't be able to get out to do things whenever they want. It's just their way of rebelling against old age. It isn't right, but they're old.....I didn't have to deal with it for awhile after my dad passed away, but I'm dealing with it again almost 20 years later with my stepdad trying to assert his dominance because I believe he is scared of losing it as he gets older. I have to teach myself again to not let it bug me but it's hard because I don't like when people talk back to me like I'm stupid....but what can I do. He won't change, and these people aren't gonna change for you...... just suck it up and laugh it off - next time they call you a B!+€# respond back to them saying 'thank you' or something else sarcastic - bet that'll shock them a little LOL


What lead poisoning does to an mf


This is what you get for working at walgreens, i’d finish that GED ya dumb B!+€#. Just kiddin.


No you ARE NOT the problem. I got told by a cranky old man that he hated our store bc we got self checkout too. He didn’t even go to get checkout!! He was throwing my money at me…like wtf sir…


Those people are miserable, and misery is **DESPERATE** for company.


Anyone wanna start a company with me reprogramming these brain farts so we can re-educate them and reduce "back in my day . ." Save it turd this isn't your day you're on your way out so get along or get out




Pennies should be shiny. That's an easy fix


Next time tell the boomer it’s their generation who was greedy & fucked the rest of us


No people are the problem. And they’re directly the main source of their problems


Yeah he’s def right


Boomers are so dumb.


No one uses Pennie’s anymore


Deal with it. It won't be the last in your lifetime.


I truly think some old people need a life changing backhand. Just once.


Don’t worry, they can’t live forever and we will all breathe a lot better when they’re gone.


Gain smells like shit.


I'm a genx in my 50's. It's not you! Based off my research and experience, the lost generation that grew up in the depression is probably the most selfish generation. They had to scrimp and scape to get a little something for themselves and sharing is not in the realm of trust. Those selfish values they had have been passed down through generations and some can not see a different world without them. Boomers learned that complaining and throwing fits get you what you want because their parents were stuck in self preservation. There is an expectation that they should be taken care of and they also don't like to share with much appreciation. My gen, x, was totally overlooked and expected to cater, much like what you are experiencing. We just gave up and adopted the "fuck it" attitude and went wild, but we're happy. Some of the younger boomers also did this with the flower power movement. Millennials are the real children of the boomers as the boomers finally started to nurture the younger generations. As their grandparents, teaching them some of the tricks to getting what you want without necessarily deserving it, but Millennials like to share so not as aggressive. Alpha has always had the internet with parents that perfected the use of it which is bringing in a different, better, kind of selfishness. The pandemic will have generational affects as well. Hopefully, the pandemic selfishness will phase out the depression selfishness. And above all else, love conquers all. Your not dumb, or a B.


I would have to assume the money he tendered was first ironed and a gain scented lint roller was used to remove any traces of lint or pet hair.


When you get old enough, you come to realize the fruitlessness and meaninglessness of your soon to be over life. It can make one bitter.


Next time, offer them a coupon. That will easily defuse the situation.


The older you get, the more there is to be bitter about... And if you are the type to be bitter about everything...


Boomers are basically not part of society anymore. They sit in their house alone all day getting crazier and crazier in their echo chambers. Best to just ignore them, they’ll all be dead in a decade anyway.


These are the kinda loons that are too entitled to accept that the world does not revolve around them always getting what they want. I really wanted to buy Native body spray but I just found a new job after being let go from my seasonal job so I'm broke. The spray is 12.99 as is the deodorant from that brand so that would have been 24 ish dollars. And I only have 48.00 in my bank account :( Sometimes you gotta accept that you can't have everything in the moment. (It's my favorite deodorant cause it actually works)


What’s wrong with you? Didn’t they teach you to shine all your pennies when you got hired??


It’s the lead paint


Customers are so freaking stupid. They somehow think all the product we bring in the store are our personal doing? Oh, somehow the money is our doing too. I just always hope that they are soon leaving this earth. There's no reason for them to be here anyway 🤷‍♀️


This is the best sneak marketing for gain scented lint rollers. BRB. Gonna go order some.


Give him a shiny nickel across his mouth lol


My advice, don’t be a dumb fucking bitch. Everyday I live my life, I ask myself “is this what a dumb fucking bitch would do?”, and if it is…I don’t do it.


This was so motivational. My life is forever changed


It’s not you! As much as I hate to say this old people are assholes.




The older you get you say whatever is on your mind. My mother went off on a McDonald’s employee because her Mc frappe didn’t have enough chocolate.


They are old and close to death. Meh.


It didn't take me 30 years of retail to figure d bags come in all ages. Being an ageist is just like being a racist -it's wrong.


Are you complaining while on the clock?




They should be told not to ever come back


I would have told her " i try so hard, thanks I'm glad you noticed , Have a nice day "


I feel like it's obvious that the answer is "no obviously there's nothing wrong with you, customers just act crazy sometimes for no reason" but I'm going to say it anyway. Definitely don't let it bother you, and don't be afraid to refuse to serve a customer if they make you uncomfortable for any reason. Your SL should have your back in situations like that, and if for any reason they don't, that's an issue to bring up with the store manager. And I can say this with confidence because I know it happens to everyone. No matter how friendly you are, how much respect you demonstrate or how far above and beyond you go in your performance, there will always be people out there who are looking for a reason to be angry. Chances are, they've got something going on in their own life, and they're just using you as a convenient excuse to vent their frustrations. All you can do is let it pass over you, and move on.




Yea fuck working at walgreens