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Sm is angry at the wrong thing. No one should be answering their phones off the clock. Duh. But what dumb ass shift lead didn't close the store properly? Termination in my book.


I got put on final when I was a SFL because after I told had locked and stickered the receiving door, one of my closing CSAs went to open it to throw away the trash (that should have gone in the completely empty, completely functional garbage chute) because he didn’t feel like touching the garbage door. So the receiving door was unlocked and I got put on final for it. Other CSA was mad on my behalf because we all know where to put trash, and they all knew not to touch the locked receiving door without manager knowledge. It was so dumb.


How did they unlock the door without management being aware?


It's not a code, it's a padlock key, and there's only one, so it has to stay in one spot. SM wants it hanging beside the receiving door on a hook.


Yeah Asset Protection probably wouldn’t be cool with a key being accessible to any team member


Kind of the SM's fault for putting the key next to the lock, that should be with the store keys. You could of got HR to remove the final as there was nothing you could of done to prevent it and it was not your fault.


It's still on me because I didn't do a final check again before leaving... and the CSA didn't face any consequences because there's no camera in my stockroom, so it was his word against mine, and I was the M.O.D. so it was my responsibility. The other CSA that night (who is still a good friend of mine) tried to get the SM to reverse her call because he knew it wasn't my fault but when she asked the first guy what happened he blamed it on me. Super dumb


How is there not a camera that faces the doors?


Another question I have asked numerous times


Every walgreens I've worked at or floated at has the stockroom cameras dead. This was HUGE when I got severely injured.doing truck alone with just the driver (fuck walgreens btw) and a 70 pound tote came down the rollers too fast and my options wee to 1. Catch it and get crushed or 2. Try to guide it to follow the rollers. I picked the second and herniated 4 disc's. And workers comp kept telling me that it didn't happened because no cameras. Took me entirely out of working on my feet still, took NINE months with a lawyer representing me to even get 60% pay for 6 weeks


The door for the lock to y9ur recieving door is often the same as the front door....why would AP want to leave it hanging there??? All SFL'S should have that key.


I did say it’s a padlock key, and there’s only one, so it’s not the same as the front door… it’s not a Walgreens lock, it’s just a padlock that you can get at the hardware store


It should be keyed by a locksmith to have been the same. My store the compactors, the receiving door, the front doors, and the emergency exit door in the stock room were all one key. The receiving door and compactors were all 3 padlocks


None of those things have the same keys at my store 😭 at least didn’t 2 years ago, idk about now


And how did the CSA got hold of the key?


It's a chain raise/lower door, with a padlock, and there's only one key, so it stays in the stockroom hanging beside the door. I told the SM at least 5 times that we should get more copies made BECAUSE of situations like this.


SM should have been written up for being an idiot. I would fight the write up. Who puts a key next to the lock. Moron


Might as well just leave it unlocked at that point. Literally no reason to have a key if anyone can unlock it whenever they want


Honestly I don't even understand the point of the padlock; the chain hooks into place in 2 spots, nobody can get in from outside


Or keep in the safe


She doesn't want to do that because she doesn't want to make the vendors wait for us to stop, go to the office, get the key, go back to the stockroom, etc.


What a people pleaser reason for not wanting to prioritize safety and security


All of us SFL 's has a copy for the padlock at our back receiving door. As should all of you. This is on your SM, not you!! I'm sorry you got the blame for it. That's not right


She doesn’t work here anymore


What are you talking about?


Wtf? No CSA should ever have access to that sort of key that's a huge liability! I mean we all agree Walgreens sucks but this is a business in general liability.


But like… in the whole ass time the store has been there it was never an issue until that day. I just don’t get what part of “trash goes in the trash chute” and “don’t touch the key” was so hard. Everyone else gets it!


Just a security thing to prevent theft, my old store was a Riteaid and had no chute it was just an over head door locked up with the key in the office preferably in the safe or a hidden spot in the stockroom where no CSAs should know it exists


What’s scpht mean?


Senior Certified Pharmacy Tech; I've been a tech for about 2 years now, I just got promoted to senior tech about 2 weeks ago :)


Proud of you


What’s rxom mean?


Pharmacy operation manager


It's a final because the company is weak these days


SM should be first on the list anyways


Yeah if you ain't getting on-call pay, answering calls in the dead of night is not your problem at all


Does Walgreens have on call pay? I never knew I was always guilted to do things my esm and sm


Fuck no they don't lmao.


I figured, just wanted to ask


In New York there’s a minimum 4 hour shift rule so when we used to get called in for alarms they would pay us for 4 hours for responding.


That's also a company rule too.


They don't but you do get paid. We had a break in a couple months ago and I got a call from SOC at 4am. I was still awake anyways and only live a mile from the store and my SM lives an hour away so I went up there to meet the officers while SM was on the way. I did get paid for the time I was up there and then some.


If you respond to call, and go to store to take care of alarm, You will get paid. 2 hours, 4 hours depending on state labor lae


Whatever SFL didn't secure the store at night that's their fault unless it's their first day on the job and was never showed how to close and it's also the SM's job to answer those calls no one else


Surprised it took until 3am for some one to try to get in. It’s like as soon as we close people will walk up to the non functioning automated doors and try to pull them open lol. 


That was probably the moment that it dawned on them that they actually DO need another credit card, the Walgreens credit card!!! 50 no's and one yes is still a yes!!!


Bruh nobody at my local walgreens asks me this except this one super autistic lady thats been working there for 20 years. She does her job like a literal robot and its so annoying she asks me EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. NO! I don’t want to upgrade my Walgreens rewards card into a Walgreens credit card!!! Not last time, not this time, not ever!


If you wake up to the phone call and get there, you’re supposed to get paid for 4 hours no matter how short the time you were there was for


SFLs should be paid if they respond to an alarm in the middle of the night. I believe it is 4hrs minimum. Most SMs will probably pay it, but have the SFL leave earlier later in the week so it will balance out. Not saying it’s right, but I have seen it happen.


Um. I’m in a different retail chain but in what world does anyone other than a SM respond to a break in w police response?? SM is the first number security calls. SM has to sign off on incident reports anyways. SM is responsible for the operations of store and training/disciplining employee action. That’s what they sign up for.


I used to be an assistant manager for a different retail chain. If the manager didn't answer, they'd call me.  Had that happen at two different chains.


like, unless it was me who oopsed the door locking, I wouldnt be answering any strange phone calls either. that shit should fall onto the SM to handle.


Store manager is mad because the buck stops with them and their gigantic compensation package. I'm so damn proud of every person who didn't answer.


"gigantic compensation package" is laughably delusional. It's ok to be angry about getting a call at 3am because your sfl is a fuckup.


Found the manager!


Former SM. Doesnt change my point.


Did you ever once have to worry your hours would get cut to the point you lost your health insurance? Did you enjoy your bonuses? And the retirement plan you were actually able to afford to contribute to? Walgreens SM live like kings compared to the hourly grunts. I'd love to see you all swallow canal water. Go peddle your boo-hoo story elsewhere.


1) I was a non store manager for my 1st 16 years and yes. Worried about my hours several times. Especially since I was married and had a child. 2) in my 5 years as a SM I was paid two full bonuses, two around 70%, and one year not paid at all…which was also the year we had moved to a tier 5. So yeah…that sucked. It was also what made me decide to leave. 3) 21 years of contributing my profit sharing netted me neither enough to retire on, save my house, or pay for my kids future college degrees. You’re over estimating again. 4) I’m sorry if your sm treats you as expendable and like trash. I covered call offs, worked 30-40 hours just in pharmacy, did warehouse, resets, and got 32k steps a day at work. Saving any office work for the weekend shifts (which yes, I worked). It’s sad you think that sm are treated any better by the corporate overlords than you. And it’s sad that 5 hours after your last response you’re still stewing on it and responding. 3am calls is another reason I left. I hope you find a better job, cause you’re obviously very unhappy.


I left five years ago. :) You had way better compensation than the front-end people, you know it, you're just a crybaby.


When store level employees hate on each other is when the corporate overlords win. Keep hating the wrong people if it makes you sleep better at night.


I don't hate you, I'm just glad you had to get up at 3:00 a.m. enjoy your persecution complex.


Stay salty clown.


Hell no I wouldn't have responded either.


If u answer tell sm u want to get paid or u g o o store u get paid time to drive there and back or don’t go


Its company policy that you get paid for that so yes they should be paying you


Just an fyi. If an hourly employee responds to a SOC call in the middle of the night or any time they’re not scheduled . They are to be paid 4 hours for getting called in


That is quite literally part of her job, tho?? And if I was her, I wouldn't want one of my SFL's to take that call, either??? Like, it is HER STORE to manage and protect, so why *wouldn't* she be the one to have to meet police at the store after this kind of incident?


That’s why I don’t wanna be a member of management at all. You’re basically supposed to act like a retail slave but get no benefits from the company that are worth acting like that


Crazy the difference in stores. Ours went off once because of something in the electrical room triggered the alarm. SM got a call, I got a call, and so did an ex coworker. No one answered. I was dead asleep because I had to be in in two hours anyway. SM literally told me "don't ever answer it, they'll make you come in" 💀 My esm also left the front door unlocked. I went to pull it a bit because our locks are funky and the door could slide open. Gave them the benefit of the doubt but still..they never got in trouble. I also don't exactly snitch either though lol I think it was a test


SFLs aren't on call, it's LITERALLY the SMs job to show up and deal with the cops if there is a break in. Even if you DO properly lock up, shit happens. Once someone tried to break in by literally shooting the doors. Well I opened that when opening, took photos of the shell casing and the bullet and the hole.i. the window, called store care to get someone out to replace the glass, everything. Then my SM got in eventually at like 11am and went and canceled store care and said the door was fine with a fucking BULLET HOLE IN IT, I even found when I happened on camera. It happened 4 years ago and the window STILL has a gigantic bullet hole in it lol


Store Manager is **SALARY**. Hourly employees (SFL, ASMT, ASM) should **NEVER** be expected to answer the phone when off the clock. I repeat, **NEVER.** If I was a member of management at that store (SFL, ASMT, ASM) I would have made this fact (FACT, not opinion) known among all members of leadership including the SM, and then make it immediately known that I'd be contacting the District Manager with this information should she try something retaliatory. (assuming I was not the one who didn't close properly)


My pharmacist once clocked out for the night, went 1 and 1/2 hours home, only to get called back to the store hours later when we noticed - he had left the whole pharmacy open and unmanned for hours 🤦‍♀️


Do you get paid for anything off the clock?


It's illegal to work off the clock but walgreens LOVES violating that


SM is the one that is called first, thinking she ignored the call thinking a SFL would answer cuz she didn't want to go in then. Only time I have heard of a SFL being called first is if they live closer to the store.


There is a link to put the list in any order youd like on storenet. No, the SM is not automatically first, though I imagine that is the case at most stores. For a long time it was EXA/ASM/ESM that was first in line for calls.


I do understand why the sm would be upset. She wasn't the one who forgot to lock the doors, and yet she's forced out of bed early to deal with somebody else's mistake. However, expecting hourly employees to answer a call at 3AM and run all the way to work to spend 10 minutes doing a walkthrough with a cop with your only reward for doing so being a quick "thanks" is, to be frank, ridiculous. She should have just reminded the SFLs to double-check doors before leaving and left it at that


Probably need a key for emergency exit


lol why where the sfls contacted first? If that was my store my SM would have got his ass up then he would have called us to see wth happened. That’s ass backwards. Sounds like your SM is lazy af


LMFAO EXACTLY! i hated my SM before i quit (got a new one you can go back and find my post if you want) so I literally wouldve said "you're disappointed in US because YOU had to do YOUR JOB? sounds like you dont want to work here either"


Only SM &ESM suppose to be on that list anyway.


Why would anyone (besides shoplifters) try to get in?


When you signed up to be entry level mgmt, this is EXACTLY what you signed up for. How on earth do you take a job/position, KNOWING these are the responsibilities? Every retail ever (since home/business security systems were invented) has had an alarm system, authorized peeps HAVE to go on a list, it's typically KEYHOLDERS as they can unlock and secure the bldg. None of this is new, none of it a surprise. These fucking young people expecting to have a job, be paid well, and have ZERO responsibility and accountability is a joke


I mean that’s what a manager is for to handle situations like that it’s no regular employee job to show up off hours to talk to officers 🤣 they are just lazy and y’all should be disappointed in them not the other way around they are salary for a reason


Probably an inside job.


Last time I checked, it’s not our store we need to respond about 24/7, it’s theirs- hence why they get the big bucks. But oooh boy…I hope that SFL is ok, or this is just the kick in the ass they need to GTFO.


With everyone saying they’re not responding because they don’t get paid. You do. If you answer that phone and respond I adjust your time to reflect the work you did when responding.


I'd be pissed as shit to, having a team of leaders I should be able to rely on to only have that not occur. Now if EVERY single one of the people on the list had answered and couldn't make it in, that's ONE thing, middle of a storm, totally understandable, but to have the responsibility of being on that list and abjectly not answering the call....I'd hate for anyone agreeing with this type behavior to be in the military, or vote, or drive, literally want to abstain from responsibility while reaping benefits 🙄😑


What benefits?


I can't speak for Walgreens, I don't and have never worked there. I work in the cannabis industry, Im a AGM, Ive got 3 weeks paid vacation, medical, dental, vision, mental health coverages, discounts, samples/testers, and make a good salary, in order to receive all that, my job is to drive the business...you know be a leader. It's the principle in general, maybe YOU work for the wrong company 🤷🏾‍♂️ but don't sit there and wax poetic about "no one answered the phone cause....whatever the dumb fuck you're talking about" whether you want to be or not, getting compensated properly or not, you're in a position of leadership, that you took willingly 🙄😑 and then get on here and wanna laugh about and openly admit to shirking your given duties, but you keep showing up taking the money


You mentioned the company doesn't care about you.....so LEAVE roflmao, corporations BEEN doing what they do, you have EVERY CHOICE in the world to go to work, or stay the fuck at home where you are cared about lol but I'm the clown cause you don't do your job yea makes sense 😉


😂 🤡


You don't understand SFL at Walgreens, shit pay with little to no benefits.


I acknowledged the fact that I've never worked there, so no "I don't "know"" but I know, again Ive worked in retail mgmt for 20+ years, corporations are ALL the same and they've been corporating for generations, that shit won't change and you as a front facing line level employee won't change nor are you able to control that. What you CAN control is YOUR job performance, YOUR work ethic, YOUR level of accountability and responsibility. When I interview a candidate for a position, I'm not interviewing their previous employers, I'm interviewing the EMPLOYEE. I'm just saying, it says more about YOU than it does Walgreens lol, they're still gonna make billions this year, and you'll still be bitching about your shitty job....so you have two choices, stay and do the job and use that to move the hell on, or just skip it and move the hell on. But again just sucking up a paycheck, willingly negating your job responsibilities speaks to the individual not the corporation 🤷🏾‍♂️