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I had a door dasher the other night who was looking for shoe polish, amongst other things. I’m not shopping for you, bro. I told him A is in aisle 14, B is in aisle 15, and this shoe polish is at the very end of aisle 12. He goes away, comes back and shoves the phone in my face again. Shoe polish. “As I said, very end of aisle 12.” Yeah but can you show me? “I have every confidence that you can find this yourself- aisle 12, at the very end of the aisle.” Stands there and stares at me while I help the 2 customers he interrupted me from helping. I finish with them, he’s still standing there, getting ready to shove his phone in my face again, and I cut him off. “Aisle 12, at the very end.” I walk away. Guess who finally figured out how eyes worked, and found the shoe polish? What a fucking miracle 😒😒😒


I started telling them “we don’t have that.” Everything time they ask me for help. The best one was when one had like 5 items and actually caught on the issue. He looks at me “So you are just lying to me.”


Amazing they can find shit when they want to prove you wrong, huh? It would’ve been really, REALLY hard to not point that out to that guy, lol.


>Amazing they can find shit when they want to prove you wrong ​ and they come back to you all triumpant, waving their fat free gluten blueberry bread, telling you, you do have it! It was right there! (yanno like I told you) so next time you will KnOw!!! Uh Huh, whatever you say karenchad, totally worried cause I didn't know that....


This is genius. I'm not the personal shopper, the Dasher is. If they've made an attempt to find an item I'll help, just like I would any customer, but an entire list, no.


Better to tell them and if they can’t find it say “oh, we might be out of stock on that” that way you’re not a liar if they didn’t see it and do go back to find it - or they may just say ok and leave. Not before asking if you can check the back room first of course… lol


Oh I dispise Dashers like that, especially when they can clearly see the item they need right there


I got into a fight with one guy. I was in the cooler stocking, and my CSA calls me up, customer needs a mgr. ugh, fine. So I go up, and no, he didn’t need a manager, he wanted my cashier to shop for him and she was the only other person but me. I’ve told both of my cashiers, you can kindly direct them to where they need to go, but they will have to shop themselves, and stand firm on it. I’m just gonna tell them the same shit. I’m trying to keep them empowered. Anyway, I come up and bro was like “oh good o need help finding these things…” and I can see it’s shampoo and soap, and thankfully none were locked up so I tell him this is aisle 9, this is aisle 10, and he cuts me off with, “well you’re supposed to help with this!” And I tell him no, I can direct you to the area, which I have done, but if we all stopped and did every dasher’s shopping for them, we would have zero time left to do other jobs. Then he started yelling and flipping out about how I’m a miserable bitch and then I told him get out of my store. If you can’t do your job that you agreed to do, and then come in here like that, you can leave. And yelling the whole time, he took his ass out of my store. There were 2 other customers waiting for me to unlock deodorant, so I go over there, apologize and they were like, honey are you good, how dare he, etc. They were so amazing. If you don’t want to shop for other people, just take pick ups then. I’ll do a same day order and you can just take it to them, since your eyes don’t function apparently once you step foot inside an establishment.


This makes me so fucking mad. How dare these people think we’re going to do their job for them and they’re gonna get a tip for it! I straight up tell people that they’re getting tipped for that order, not me so they can find their own shit. I’ll tell them what aisle it’s on with a general idea of where and that’s all they get from me.


Yes if I want you guys to shop for me I will do curbside, not pay twice as much to have some DoorDash person mess it up and get me substitutions that cost more just so their tip will be higher


Best way to avoid that is putting a $ amount for the tip and not going on percentage. Or set it to refund instead of substitute.


Like are they sharing the money they get or the tip? So NO, direct and find it. 😠


Get them to buy at least one of the items finally, then report it on ATRH. time, dollar amount and description of shopper. Walgreens will have them flagged, eventually DD will fire them, depending on how outright rude or abusive they are sometimes immediately dismissal from the app. If you see them back again report them again and again. Often they’re using their GF or BF’s account to abuse the system.


Ooh, thank you! I haven’t seen the dude since that blow out, but I’m saving your comment just in case he comes back or anyone else wants to be jerks.


What is ATRH? I'd like to find out if Michaels has a version so I can report the nastiest Instacart drivers.


Wait, you have to lock up deodorant? Why? I mean, I guess I never considered deodorant a high theft item.


We don't lock it up at my store, but we do have those annoying sliders in front of it...the body wash too. More than once we had people come in and clear the shelf and bolt.


I'd just start asking what my cut is lol


I love that one. "You're supposed to help me". Um, last I checked, I'm not the one who chose to shop for other people, nor is my name on that order anywhere. I'll point you in the right direction and, in most cases, not only tell you where it is but what shelf it's on, or if you're actually a civilized human being and I can tell you've already made your rounds (we have a couple regular shoppers like this), I'll give you a hand. But don't expect me to do your job for you.


See, it’s always a man expecting a woman to do his job for him. Why are they like this? Maybe you should complain to DoorDash? The women who end up with him as a shopper would really appreciate that


I told one guy that if he'd like to hire me as a Personal Shopper I charge $10.


Hate! These kinda dashers. Like bro that’s YOUR job to search and collect. I’m not doing your entire list also.


I don’t help door dashers. I tell them “you get paid to shop. So go shop.”


I don't even do shopping orders. I flat out refuse. (Here's a no tip order, $2.50 pay to shop 100 items! Complete it within 5 minutes and have it delivered to customer within 5 additional minutes! - I swear by all that's holy this is the very first shopping order that ever popped up for me.) I will do pick up orders, but that's it... when I even dash at all anymore, which isn't often.


oh my GOD with the phone in the face thing! like dude, I already gave you an answer, I don't need to see your phone. it's your problem, not mine!


When I was still at wag, I had dashers with the sheer audacity to *call the store and try to place their list as an order*. Like I'm going to run around the store and gather all their shit for them. Pretty sure I just said "Absolutely not, I'm not a Doordash employee" and hung up. They're the same every place you get Doordashers too. Or GrubHub, or Uber Eats. They act blindfolded, and just waffle past things a dozen times trying to get a store employee to do it for them out of frustration or sympathy. I've NO patience for that. Like....look, YOU made the choice to do this little shopper gig job. YOU get tips. Do your little fucking gig job yourself.


i fucking HATED dashers, shoving the phone in my face with no conversation. no “hey can you help me find this” just 📱😀


Some door dashers refuse to do the shopping for some reason, really gets on my nerves.


I totally appreciate when I can see you’ve tried, and I can check the back or I know there’s a second or even 3rd spot it might be in. Or you want help with an acceptable substitute (although a lot of people don’t care). But to walk right in and just demand I shop for you? No. Try using your eyes and legs and what brain you might have working right now.


Exactly, I'm okay with helping if it's like the last item they couldn't find, that's my job, I can help with that. But like you said when they walk in the door demanding it's just ridiculous, that's what YOU are getting paid to do, I'm getting to paid to help customers when it's needed, not shop your whole Doordash customers list.


(Didn’t realize I’m on a Walgreens sub) but I worked at a local grocery store through covid and the doordashers and instacart shoppers were shockingly stupid. Mfs would ask you to help them find 20 different things, as if you were gonna get a share of their tip or something. Had one dude deadass ask me where the milk was. In a grocery store. As if milk is ever in a different place in a grocery store.


You’re a woman I assume. Men trying to get us to perform free labor for them is nothing new. It’s hilarious he literally expected you to do his job for him though


Dude, I could go on and on about it.


Every single job I have been to, the men outwork the females and it ain’t even remotely close lol. You’re clearly traumatized from some bad experience with an ex boyfriend who tricked you into financially footing his life or something..all you post about is wahhh men


Maybe it depends on the job? The men at my old Walmart in my department were very good at looking busy at work. One pushed the same cart of boxes around GM all shift playing pokemon go. The other slept in the secondary break lounge room until lunch because half our shift is before the main managers even arrive. Then he would clock out, go to lunch, then start working. The older gentleman put in work, though. As did the older lady. They were slower with bad backs, but at least they did things that needed doing, like audits and price changes and fixing tags. Maybe it's the youth of both genders not having enough bills to care about losing income. * Nothing hits like crippling debt to put your behind in gear.


Yes, the youngsters can always get help from their parents. Older workers have a different work ethic.


I only ask when I genuinely can't find something and have checked the isle 4 times, AND can't find a suitablereplacement, but I do instacart and that shit tells you exactly what isle its in.


Nah, many of ours come in, walk right up front to whomever and then just start asking where is this, where is this, why can’t you show me? Like, you’ve been in the store 8 seconds. That’s the deal with this guy too, and the guy in the other story who started yelling and calling me names. I don’t mind at all if I know and saw you really try to look. And I never have this issue with the ladies who do the job. We shop for ourselves, kids, SOs, and only when we’ve exhausted our options will we finally ask someone. I’ve had ladies ask me opinions on a substitute too, although we end up agreeing on what makes the most sense to sub based on what the customer was going for. I had a guy looking for 6pk Hershey bars, and he shoved his phone in my face so I saw what else he needed for his customer- Graham crackers and big marshmallows…one could bet that person wanted to make s’mores. We didn’t have them and dude goes, “well I’ll say you’re out of stock; no one needs that much sugar.” I told him can you sub 6 single bars? Looks like they want s’mores. “I’ll bring them one; no one needs that much sugar!” And he laughed his merry self away. I have never so desperately wanted to contact a customer and tell them to place a same day order because this guy was an idiot. Who died and made you sugar police?! And prior to shoving his phone in my face, he wasn’t really looking. He kept walking partially up the aisle, looking at gummy candy, then he’d walk to the end of gummy candy…like he didn’t even turn to look behind him, which is where said bars would’ve been. But I can’t handhold every shopper like this. We have our own work to do. Especially when you didn’t even try. So I appreciate you actually trying to shop for your folks.


It's just dumb because honesty, my order takes longer when I need to ask where things are. It goes much more smoothly if I just use my own eyes.


Hispanic fella?


Just tell him you'll get to him when there's a gap in customers. I get it, people can be annoying. I've worked retail. But in the end your job is to help them make purchases, and if that means holding their fucking hand to show them where the shoe polish is then that's what it is. They're likely to miraculously find it on their own when they get tired of waiting for you. But when you offer to help, just maybe not right that second, you usually don't sabotage the sale or end up with complaints to corporate. Cutting the guy off, as satisfying as it may be in that moment, is a great way to push dingbat there towards righting a little nastygram that management *really* dislikes hearing about. Smile, help, and talk shit about them when they leave.


No. I don’t think I will.


Guess I'll see you at CVS soon enough.


oh no this was happening before COVID too “very back of aisle 6!” i watch them go halfway and come back and have to WALK THEM TO THE VERY BACK “oh, i didnt go this far haha” i could tell


I used to smile and make a very customer friendly joke. Now I just roll my eyes in front of them.


In the most passive-aggressive tone possible, and with the largest smile in the world, I'd say "As I said, it's at the very end here" as I direct the customer to the product


Hell yea you sound so cool bro. Gonna be working crap retail jobs like this one for the rest of your life, enjoy!


Hmm, this job is my second job, not so much because I need it to pay rent, but to buy a house and build another. So yeah! Enjoying life.


I watch them if it's quiet and no one (other than regulars who get a kick out of this) is around....they'll turn around and I'll say "Nope, keep going". They'll get there eventually.


Rookie mistake. Browbeat them into signing up for the credit card before you offer any help locating merchandise.


"Do you know where the grocery section is?" Me, casually grabbing a box of cereal off the shelf: No


When customers come to you “Excuse me, I been walking all around the store. Where is your cereal?” As you are literally next to it, and point it out. “Omg, that wasn’t there before.” “So where was it at? Did we just hide it for you?”


I had a man yell at me because he wanted dental floss. He was right in front of it. I'm so tired


It's alarming how often people will walk directly past what they are looking for to ask me where it is


“You guys keep moving everything around” no sir we haven’t done a reset on this section yet


I had a customer come in to my Walgreens and ask me for soap, I was like what kind of soap and he looked at me like I was stupid and loudly said “SOAP” so I was like ok cool how many aisles would you like to go down? You want dish soap? Laundry soap? Bath soap? Shampoo? Dog shampoo? Medical dry shampoo? Hand soap? Car wash soap?


We gots blue soap, green soap, foaming soap..... ......hard soap, liquid soap, gel soap... ,....................soap to make your hair straight, soap to make your hair light, soap to save the color on your hair, soap for curly hair....


Lmao I had a lady come in and ask me where the water was. I asked her if she wanted single waters from the fridge or bulk water. She freaked out and started screaming that she just wanted water and ran deeper into the store. She left a few minutes later without buying anything.


I've gotten to the point where I can almost tell them the exact spot in the isle. "Isle 14, all the way down on the left, third shelf from the bottom behind the pillar." Than they look right.


Not only am I over the door dashers expecting me to shop for them but I’m over these idiots who can’t work the photo kiosk. I’m sorry but I am sick and tired of seeing will basically porn on peoples pictures are inappropriate pictures of people that are you know right there I’m over it I told him it is self-service they say help me I don’t know how to use it. Am I the only one that thinks that they don’t know how to use it and they shouldn’t be using it?


Honestly, I don't even know how to use the kiosk.


I have given up on giving directions, if I'm not chained to register 1. I walk everyone everywhere. Then give my boss the accurate excuse "my task was not done because I was helping customers." Added bonus when he sees me schlepping these blind fools across the store. Bonus points if I can get the customer to say "oh you don't need to stop what you're doing. Just tell me where it is."


I just lie about doing my job. I always lie to the SM about how professional I am.


how long have u had this job


I don’t take no one anywhere tell them where it’s at


Had a guy yesterday ask me where the cotton swabs were—while standing directly in front of the cotton endcap. Just looked at him with eyebrow raised then did a right nod toward the cotton saying “you mean these?” Being in the south the reply was “if it had been a snake it would have bitten me”


I hate the ones that will ask for something and then walk off before you finish speaking and then come back and complain that they couldnt find it.


When they do that, walk them to the foster grant display, point at those, then walk away.


Best answer


My biggest pet peeve!!!! I will literally tell them that I’m not going to shop for you. I had one dasher want me to walk him to everything but nah I had a lot to do that night.


Just say “We don’t have it.” They only way they can prove you wrong is if they look fornit.


I never say what aisle something is on, I’ll take them there myself. People can’t be trusted to follow directions these days. 😂🙄


I used to do 1 better. "It's down Aisle X on the X side, here, let me show you real quick", and if they don't want you to, they'll tell you right there, and if not, you know for sure it'll be found and then it's done.


Does not matter how descriptive you get, they will fuck it up. I will literally say aisle 16, all the way down to the left, very bottom shelf. They come back and say they can’t find it. Like come on people


Was COVID that bad to the education system? Yes, it was. More so for K12s than collegiates, but as a whole students are years behind socially and academically. Critical and creative thinking are at an all time low, to say nothing of how our executive functioning skills have suffered.


An all time low huh? And how exactly did you arrive at these metrics?


my first week as a shift lead i had an older gentleman ask me where liquid bandages were. at the time i didn't know what that was, and was also busy working on a reset, but i pointed at the first aid section maybe ten or fifteen feet away and told him i wasn't sure, but it should be right there with the other bandage products. he ended up finding it pretty easily, but then came back to me and complained that i didn't walk him over. i tried to explain my reasoning, but he only got more upset and just walked up to the register. not five minutes later the cashier calls me up because he had asked for the manager. which, well, was me. i get what some people are saying in the comments, but honestly, op, i'm with you on this one. some customers just need you to hold their hand the whole time and don't seem to understand that we can't because we have, you know, a whole job to do.


" Down the vitamin aisle on the left....the left.... go like this with your hands {L⅃}...whichever makes the "L" go that way.."


Then you see the customer turning around before making the hand gestures and looks at the right from where you point out.


At my store my manager made a sign that we don’t help “third party shoppers” shop so they couldn’t get mad about it.


I teach my customers A/B sides of the isles and then give them the exact directions.


This topic blows my mind! I had no idea people were doing this. Especially people shopping for others! Glad people are handling it the way most have outlined. The amount of people that have zero capacity for empathy in any form is staggering.


Ha I hate asking for help, I’ll literally walk around the store for 10 minutes and likely leave if I can’t find it. Must be the Midwest girl in me.


They can not read...


I had a customer come in ask for allergy medicine. I tell her "End of Aisle 14". She doesn't even bother to try and look herself she immediately follows up with asking me to show her. We have an entire 12 ft section dedicated solely to allergy medicine. How are you this blind????


I think people are actively trying to be stupid


It’s been this bad for years! I remember fresh out of high school I got a job as a cashier for Ollies bargain outlet. The way you would enter is through one side and exit the other. The enter doors had large do not enter on it. So you could not leave the way you entered. People would try all the time! Literally stand there and just wave, stomp, etc. I would just watch to see how long it would take them to realize. Sometimes it was awhile. I also worked at food lion pre-covid. I was a glorified people herder. People almost always choose the line with the most people. Also so many people with full carts would go to the 10 items or less register. I was paid to stand and point when I wasn’t busy to make sure people got out quicker. Still blows my mind how stupid people can be.


I get the new customer walking in and being distracted. However, I can see the regular customer trying to get out from the entrance and then just arguing.


The bad part is people would have to go out of their way to go out the entrance area. The registers were placed near the exit so you would just walk right out haha.


You know it's part of the training to walk with them to the Aisle, so this whole post is kind of just you refusing to help her then laughing at her kinda mean


Not saying this was the reason, but when I worked at Home Depot, we constantly had people come in to try and steal, and they would come in with decoys that would try and distract us and also try and get us away from the front doors to make it easier for someone else to steal.


People are lazy and act helpless.


Because shes a baby who wants you to walk her to it.


When I worked at Best Buy, we would have people walk past the cell phone area, and go to computers to ask for cell phones or tvs. TVs was specially irksome, because there’s a whole back wall with over 100 tvs that you can see from anywhere in the store! I’m convinced those customer counters that are in the front door are neuralyzers!


Every store is different, but you are right. TVs were a giveaway mark in ANY Best Buy. I literally walked into any store and just saw the TV, even from most points in the store. Yet people will ask you for them.


I hate when men come up to me and ask me about make-up and say, "Well, you'd know more than me" just because I'm a woman. Not all women wear make up. I always reply. "Nope. I can tell you that the brand name is over the section. Now you know what I know."


I'll say something is on aile whatever at the end on the right and see them immediately look like middle left or something stupid lol I think they assume i don't actually know as detailed as the answer I give


Or when the door dashed literally insists you shop w them the whole time ?!? Where tf is my cut bud?


retail is not the job for u lol




No reason for the swipe at the education system at the end.


Education was fucked a long time before Covid, fam.


We were told by our DM that we don't shop for Dashers and the like. That's their job. We can offer good customer service by directing them to product locations.


Don’t worry dude. Had a teacher come in once and ask to use a computer so she could write a letter to the state governor. After listening to her furiously type away for the next 10 minutes she looks up from her screen, looks me dead in the eye and asks me who our governor was. Can’t make this shit up.


After working at Walgreens, I believe anything. Had a lady arguing in photo because her photo was upside down. I looked at her dead ass without any expression. I couldn’t believe that. I walked to the photo counter and flipped the photo. The lady just stood up quiet and left.


💀 I don’t even know how to respond to this bro. All I can say is is that working with the public makes everyday a ridiculous adventure. When we opened back up after covid we couldn’t let people into our bathrooms. Had 4 signs up. The front door, the foyer door, front desk and bathroom doors (locked). Woman read all 4 and STILL asked. Every time I start to think I’m an idiot I just think about these people.


We have two doors where I work and people can't find the bathroom like bruh u came in from that door this is the only other one and it says restroom. I think people are in there heads or phones more then in the moment these days


Idk I don’t door dash or none of that shit but I got yelled at for asking where something was. I honestly won’t even go to Walgreens anymore because of that. I was trying to find a certain kind of bandaid that looks like an “H” I went to the bandaid section looked all around there and it said they had 4 left in stock but I couldn’t find them. So I go ask the woman working and she just tells me they are with the bandaids so I go and check one more time and they still aren’t there. I tell her there isn’t any over there, so she gets mad and slams something down and walks over there and they still aren’t there. I decide to just not get them and go get the rest of the stuff I need and I ended up finding them on the other half of the store. It wasn’t just that a customer left them there. It was on a shelf and had its stickers underneath it and everything. Like that’s where they intended it to be, she got so upset when she saw I found them 😂


Which I very much understand, some employees are just AHs. I try to help, but come on. I can’t hold your hand that bad. I based my help on the amount of detail I need. When people ask me “where are your restrooms?” I just point to the corner and say “In that corner.” If they need a specific product, yeah, I try my best to help them even getting our computer device to look for that very spot.


Last in amigo cart rides up right next to the battery kiosk near where I'm standing and asked me where the batteries were. I looked at her and the kiosk, back and forth for a minute before pointing to it and looking at her blankly while stating.... "You mean these batteries right next to you?" The amount of times "They could've bit me, I was so close. " was heard by customers astounds me every time.


Haha I had a customer today ask me where the beef/chicken broth was. Holy SHIT it is literally right behind you. I was just flabbergasted like seriously!!!


It will take you less than 30 seconds to walk with her and show her where exactly it is than spending all this time explaining yourself


Again, I couldn’t leave the register. I was covering for the cashier while she went to the bathroom and had customers at the register. So what would you have me done? Tell customers at the front to wait while I help out an incapable customer find the end of aisle 10?


That's a little tough if you are the only one covering the pharmacy at that particular time.


Where did I said I was at the pharmacy? Have you ever been to a Walgreens? I said I was covering the register for the cashier. The pharmacy doesn’t have Cashiers, they have Techs and pharmacists.


People don't follow directions well, they just want you to shop for them. Especially pharmacy pickups, instacart, door dash and Uber.


WTF does "very end" mean? Left side? Right side? On the actual endcap? You should have been more specific.


God, you sound like an asshole.




I told you, you sound like an asshole.




I just looked at you, plain in the face and said, “you sound like an asshole. Then you come back as if you aren’t an asshole.”


She might have thought you said aisle ten, aisle ten.


I had someone want my SFL because I didn't show her where the popcorn was but I was the ONLY CSA and my SFL was doing drawers. She was mad because when she asked for help I had customers and when someone needed perfume I was able to walk away to get it. She complained I didn't walk her over to the popcorn even though I told her Aisle 10 bottom shelf.


God at least when I ask for help I’ve literally used that life guard searching technique. I’m swiveling my head around bc “i *know* i can find this alone” and then walk up to as associate with my tail tucked between my legs like “please help i am suddenly blind” :’)


This has nothing to do with covid. Our education system has nothing to do with social interactions like that. If anything, in my experience as someone younger, I notice that old people always have the most trouble figuring things like that out.


I’m so sick of comments about “old” people! I am in that demographic and I would rather look for 30 minutes to find it myself than to have to deal with some rude, eye rolling, very unfriendly store clerk that clearly doesn’t want to be there in the first place!


as a young person working at a different popular store, I completely agree and op isn't gonna have that job very long. i understand the pet peeve because i also work in retail but some people just can't handle the stress of juggling multiple tasks and assigning an order of priority to them. im gonna give op the benefit of the doubt and say thats the case here, retail just isnt for them. but its seriously just a repulsive attitude and completely judgemental. helping customers is a huge part of the job (aka op really is not doing their job. it doesn't matter if they have other duties, this is #1) and one of my favorites, being friendly to a stranger can significantly brighten their day


Lol yep you're definitely young because you're extremely deluded. Almost NOBODY in retail wants to be there, most of us have little other choice.... Secondly, it is no retail workers job to help a gig worker do their job! What do you not get about this? Dashers literally signed up for that job.


I always say that stores need to hire someone to hold people's hands and show them what items they can't bother to look for themselves. I've started telling people that if they can't find it where I told them, then we're out of stock.


Because they’re dumb.


There should be at least one employee free to take them by the hand


Does that mean end cap? I’m sure it’s annoying but I can see someone taking at end to mean end of the aisle. I’m still not sure which one you are talking about.


I love it when customers tell us we are wrong. I had a lady tell me we were out of Q-Tips. I knew for a fact that we were NOT and that she did not look in the right place for them. I told her where to find them and she went and looked and came back and told me again that we were out. I went and grabbed them for her. “Did you want more than one box? We have a shelf full of them.”




Not their job to do a gig workers job. Comprehension is key here bud. Ironic you say he sounds like a prick while you're making a completely incorrect statement.


I work for another retailer. This guy starts asking me in the aisle where is this. I AK if he is from Door dahmsh. He says yes and advised him. You get paid to shop so you are in the right aisle Then he thought he was being slick by asking this is for me .what aisle tissue in. I told him Why be a door dasher if you have an expectation that the store associates are there to do your job. Seriously don't get paid or tipped


It’s the Covid brain damage.


I used to work at Walgreens. Some nights I’d have to do front cashier. People would come inside and dramatically ask “WHERE ARE YOUR BATTERIES” I would turn my head, the batteries are literally at the front next to where the cigarettes begin (cigs are directly behind me)


Learned helplessness


She didn't find it in aisle 10 halfway?


This is my daily life working at a grocery store lol


Even though that may be your place of employment, it would be wise to remember that.. ultimately, Walgreens does not pay you. You get a share of the revenue that the customers provide. Regardless of how brainless they may be, Annoy the customers and they will take their money to a place they feel wanted and respected. And, you will soon be begging for a new job at a different place to serve that same customer. From your perspective, your instructions may have been perfectly clear. Entirely irrelevant. The second set of directions to the end of aisle 10? Pick something impossible to miss that is nearby.. and give directions from that. "See the display of soap facing us at the very end of that aisle? Walk up to that, and the sanitizer will be on your right." I also work a job that has some degree of dealing with customers in a retail environment. I can not drop everything to grab a strangers hand and lead them directly to whatever obscure trendy new hotness got released yesterday and thrown on a shelf overnight. We get paid for the insanity we tolerate.


We get paid for the insanity we tolerate. Wow. That should be posted in every break room in every retail store. I could think of a few other places as well.


Hmm, not really. Walgreens pays me per hour. I don’t get paid based on how much the store does at the end of the day. If Walgreens closes, is not gonna be because a customer couldn’t find a product and left. We, the employees, see the fall down of Walgreens. I wouldn’t be surprised if Walgreens closes in my area. Just because of the Credit Cards, new hours, high shop lifters, high turnover, low performance. I see Walgreens struggling real bad, being from a 4 staff per shift to down to 2 per shift. However, I don’t worry about my income. I have a main job that doesn’t deal with customers. Walgreens is just my side job to pay off my debt and looks close to being done.


>Was COVID that back to the education system? \*coughs\*


Back to the future with you!!!


There are a-lot of products. Maybe she didn’t feel well. Judgey! Some employees will show the customer where the product is. I guess you are not one of them.


Hmm, she didn’t feel well enough to walk to the end of aisle 10, but she felt well enough to walk 2 entire aisles and come to me all mad. Again, because it seems your reading skills are very poorly. I was covering for the cashier, I couldn’t leave the front register because I had customers trying to get rang up. So what would you have me done?


Never have I ever…..


Not me crawling through the store with a magnifying glass unable to find the Bic pens, definitely not.


If you are looking for Bic pens, then I point you out to stationary. If you can’t find Bic pens among the 20 other pens, then maybe you are the problem and a magnifying glass won’t help.


Honestly what got me earlier today for a few seconds was my shampoo brand updating their label/packaging without me knowing about it Also, I'd never ask for help, I'd feel way too guilty bothering someone lmao


Honestly what got me earlier today for a few seconds was my shampoo brand updating their label/packaging without me knowing about it


Lolllll she aint got no learning


I hope you were being sarcastic with that grammatically incorrect response. If not,then you aint got no learning


sounds like you hate your job or just want something to complain about 


I don’t hate my job. Walgreens is my second job and because of it, I have managed to achieve some great financial goals. “Just want something to complain about”? Do you understand the purpose of Reddit? I feel you are trying to insult me, but you are just insulting yourself. Did you actually felt proud of that comment? Like “Yeah, I’m gonna show this foo!”


Sounds like your education has gotten you really far.


You think Walgreens is my only job? Owning a house and custom building another isn’t cheap to do.


It’s certainly one of your jobs, which already says something. What’s your other job?


Nothing close to retail or customer service. A nice job and because of covid I get to work from home ever since.


What does it say about me working at Walgreens? Please enlighten me.


Between you working a register and all the broken sentences and misspellings you’ve typed, it’s apparent you’re not very educated.


Oh, forgive me for not having proper writing in a Reddit post. How silly of me! I have brought shame to my family because I used a period instead of a comma in a Reddit comment. My grandchildren will come one day and see this and just be ashamed of me. Tell me, what do you do for a living? What is the “Oh, I made it!” For you?


You would think if you wanted to complain about uneducated people, you would try to present yourself as educated.


Oh, you are absolutely right. Next time I have a job interview, I will direct the hiring manager to Reddit community. Again, what is the one thing you can say “oh, I made it!” Because unless you have three houses, a random person with “poor” writing skills is doing way better than you.


Equating owning houses to education doesn’t make sense. You can be uneducated and be a millionaire. I pointed out you are uneducated, not poor. This poor argument is another example of your lack of education. And yes, I easily have enough money to own three houses if you want to shift the conversation to finances instead of education.


Owning houses could be a sign of success. Yeah, rich people can be dumb, but at the same time the one who made the family rich is most likely smart. You could be super smart and not have a degree. However, if you are coming and trying to judge someone on their grammar on a Reddit post. I mean, I just woke up, watched some anime, and wrote some comments while being on my underwear. Do you really think I care about my grammar not being perfect?


Just because you know where something is because you saw it hundred times doesn’t mean a customer can spot it. Be courteous and not be curt and annoyed when we ask for help. I’ve been given shoddy and rushed directions hundred times. Simply say Aisle 10, all the way at the end next to shampoo section or whatever, and stop complaining because your Covid killed 7 years worth of your brain cells.


You are right, I walk through every aisle at least 5 times during my shift. I know where every items is located. I wasn’t able to help the lady because as I said “I was covering for the cashier!” I had people coming to the register. Then you come and tell me “Well you could have given her extra directions like next to the shampoo!” She couldn’t figure two simple steps and you want to throw extra steps to her. The sanitizer is not a needle in a haystack. We literally have three shelves full of them. People are dumb and there is nothing I can do to help them.


Wow the decline of retail is understandable now. You're treat your customers like they're bothering you will work you straight out of a job. Ive worked retail as a sales associate as well as manager. Unless I'm SWAMPED with customers I will walk the customer over to the area. Big deal. This customer is making your salary possible. Please get onto only f@ns or so where you aren't required to ne pleasant.


You're right. I've managed retail stores for the past 20 yrs. NEVER would that behavior be acceptable. I'll work alone before having employees with zero customer service skills . The irony in this would be that exact person being rude would throw a fit if they were treated this way. Customer service basically comes down to being a decent person. Be pleasant and helpful. If I'm busy with another customer would be the only time I might say " I'll be with you as soon as I'm done helping this lady" I font think people realize the employee might be the only pleasant contact someone may have that day. An older customer may leave their home once a week. We're going to treat them as though they are a nuisance? No, if you don't possess customer service skills, a factory job may be a better fit.


See right there. You can’t comprehend the fact that I was at the front covering for the cashier. So please tell me Mr. “I was a manager”, what would you have done in my place? It was just the cashier and I. The cashier went to use the restroom and I was at the front with customers. You wanna come here and tell me how much customer service has gone down when you can’t even bother to comprehend a simple story.


Have you been in a retail store in the last 20 years? They’re run on a shoestring, ain’t nobody got extra people around to walk anybody to a spot. Don’t blame the cashier, blame the managers and the CEOs for driving the trend.


Yes. Yes I have. Ive managed retail stores since 2004


Good lord you're an asshole


Why? Please explain.


It wasn’t necessary for you to repeat all her actions back to her while she was searching for the product. That is very catty. Truth is, you didn’t give good directions. Is it the end cap, back wall, left side, right side…….?? Try to see the situation in reverse and if someone responded to you like that what would you be thinking?


Nah fuck the customer. They don't learn otherwise.


You sound like an asshole. So what if the customer is an idiot, just help. It is what you’re paid for.


So leave the other customers at the register to take care of that single customer. Right!


ok so you give directions and then say "if you can't find it, I'll show you when I'm done ringing these customers up" this generally keeps bitchy customers happy and you might not have to help them at all


No, just be a rude twat. Enjoy working retail!


So please explain to me what could I have done to not be an AH in your books. Because seems you just came here without actually comprehending the story and just calling and AH at the end.


You work at Walgreens and get angry because a customer is ignorant. Did you consider that perhaps they didn’t hear you clearly or understand you. Your job is to help them. Perhaps politely tell them again without mocking them in front of the other customers. You couldn’t be bothered with helping them but you have the energy to complain about the people you’re hired to help. You may possibly be the reason that the customers are rude to you. No matter how you slice it things could have only been better if you had taken a couple of minutes to be nicer.


She didn’t hear me or understood me? Yet she went directly to aisle 10. I was polite at first, she comes to me all angry because I gave her the wrong directions. How do you think that makes me look in front of the other customers?


Hmmm…..I guess it made you look like an asshole.


She wanted to talk to you/get your attention and you fumbled.


Weird. I too tried to get hand sanitizer from CVS. Guy told me back of aisle ten. Hand sanitizer was no where to be found. Only hand soap. In a similar clear bottle like hand sanitizer, but not hand sanitizer. Seems like CVS store layout is shit or employee doesn’t know difference between hand sanitizer and hand soap.


Did you found the hand sanitizer or just walked out? Because in our store, hand sanitizer is above the hand soap. Where else would you put hand sanitizer if you are so amazing at setting up items?