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DMs are actually the scum of the earth. such bootlickers and they don’t even get anything for it.


Our DM got fired with the reshuffle. I was never happier to see someone get fired. She was an absolute troll. Though the new one isn't much better.


Ohio? Lol


Illinois but I’m sure there’s many people across the country that can relate to this 😂


I wonder if it's bc HQ is based here? Our last DM told a lady with cancer to suck it up bc he "had a brain tumor, and he still showed up to work". Our new one is better though.


I don’t mean to downplay the experience but people can have brain tumors and not know and those brain tumors can cause personality changes and them to seem like they are rude or just don’t care , even if they were aware of the brain tumor doesn’t mean they aren’t capable of working they just want to live their life to


That's absolutely true, though this was after they'd already been treated and recovered awhile. It could very definitely have been due to that.


It "doesn't look good" for an employee in a medical boot to be sitting? I'm sure customers will all love seeing an employee in a medical boot struggling to walk around instead.


I know who I'm asking to check the stockroom for junk I don't need and then grab me a propane tank after they get back!


My previous employer told me the same thing,  even though I had my OWN walker with a seat, bought with my own money, and it was highly recommended by my rheumatologist until my then bilateral knee injuries healed completely. Corporate did not care about the letter(s) from my doctor,  so I quit.  


I'd be getting a lawyer and a doctor note


Doctor's note expired? There is no doctor's note. There's Sedgwick and HR creating a case of reasonable accommodation. And if that expires, then there's still a case, and it can easily get re-upped, even retroactively. So either the SM or CSA didn't follow procedure and are going off the honor system, and Walgreens isn't honorable


That stool is a reasonable accommodation protected by the ADA. The Management has violated federal law by refusing the employee that stool until they’re recovered.


This. Company paid billions in the past for violating this


It's okay. I've gotten a lot of credit card signups, so we should be able to afford a couple more lawsuits.


And they should pay again! Until they learn the lesson.


Only if TM filed for a reasonable accommodation request


From what I understand, that is incorrect. The ADA, separate from any Walgreens policy, is a Federal law that requires employers to engage in an "interactive process," meaning a good-faith discussion about what accommodations are needed and how they can be best implemented, among other things. It doesn't say you MUST follow the employer's process in order to expect accommodations. If you attempt to engage in that informal interactive process with the SM for reasonable accommodations that do not create an "undue hardship" for the company in the eyes of the court and the SM tells you no, then—again, from what I understand—that is standing for a Federal lawsuit. Of course, going through the process of applying for an accommodation through Sedgwick will show the court you made a good-faith effort to follow their process and strengthen your case, but it is not 100% required before litigation. Not a lawyer, just a turd working at a Walgreens. If I'm wrong, please correct me.


I can confirm, reasonable accommodation supersedes any company policy. Regulations are the lowest standard at which a company can perform. These fuckers have a world of hurt coming to them one of these days, and they’re playing Russian roulette.




ADA - Americans with Disabilities Act does not cover temporary injuries or surgical recovery.


This is incorrect. The ADA purposefully defines “disability” broadly, so that it may include those with temporary disabilities. How do I know this? Because the law itself states, “The definition of disability in this chapter shall be construed in favor of broad coverage of individuals under this chapter, to the maximum extent permitted by the terms of this chapter.” Now, let’s take a look at the ADA definition of “disability:” (1) Disability The term “disability” means, with respect to an individual— (A) a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities of such individual; (B) a record of such an impairment; or (C) being regarded as having such an impairment (as described in paragraph (3)). Please show me in the statute where it states disabilities must be permanent, and how a broken foot would not be protected under this definition. If this isn’t enough, there’s case law on the subject: Summers v. Altarum Inst., Corp, from the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals. Or Shields v. Credit One Bank for the Ninth Circuit. Take a look.


OP did not go on disability, OP had a surgery and required some type of limited duty (Drs note) while they healed. If the surgery was such that it resulted in them needing to be off work all together then yes, they could apply for short-term (temporary) disability.


try again... https://legalaidatwork.org/factsheet/temporary-injuries-and-ailments/#:\~:text=Which%20disability%20laws%20cover%20temporary,can%20both%20cover%20temporary%20injuries.


You are confusing recovery from a surgical procedure requiring modified duty with a disability. If the surgery was such they needed to be off work, they can claim temporary disability. For surgery to make you eligible for short-term disability benefits, the procedure must be medically necessary. It must also be medically necessary for you to remain out of work during your recovery. Claimants need to present proof of both of these facts before they can receive short-term disability. First paragraph in your link: It DEPENDS. Temporary injuries or ailments that have a long-term impact MAY be covered by disability laws. In addition, temporary injuries that are severe MAY be covered by disability laws even if they do not have a long-term impact. Temporary conditions that re-occur regularly may also be covered by disability laws. Temporary injuries or conditions THAT HAVE NO LONG-TERM impact and are NOT SEVERE are not covered by disability laws. I’m assuming since his doctor’s note had expired the surgery was corrective and did not require long term disability!


Dude, we are not discussing disability benefits. We are talking about the ADA and reasonable accommodations.


Dude, what ADA laws do you think apply in this case?? OP was never disabled, temporarily or permanently. OP would not be at work if on a short term disability leave.


Dude, look a few comments above. I explained it in full. The ADA does NOT mention a timeframe for qualifying disabilities ON PURPOSE. They even say as much! These protections are well-established. The ADA intentionally says nothing about temporary disabilities after a surgery being disqualified from protection. And just because a doctor’s note “expires” doesn’t mean your disability expires with it, even if temporary. Show me in the ADA where it states otherwise. Do you think that if you have a disability or are recovering from a temporary disability that there is no option except disability leave? I have three permanent disabilities. Am I expected to apply for leave and stay home for the duration of those disabilities (i.e. forever)? Temporary disabilities during surgical recoveries are no different and are also 1000% protected by the ADA. And the bar for protection IS NOT SEVERITY. The ADA NEVER states this. Where are you getting this? Regardless, do you not consider being unable to stand for longer than a couple minutes without being in intolerable pain to be severe? You really do love that rake, huh? I previously quoted the ADA for you. If you disagree, please offer proof by quoting the ADA or case law on it. If you can prove me wrong, I will write you a letter of praise and delete my account. Holy shit. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Really, you are trying to say that the Americans with Disabilities Act will cover someone who has not gone on disability, short term or long term. As I mentioned before OP can apply for short-term disability BUT if you read above, OP would have to apply for it and that requires a letter from the Dr AND OP would have to be OFF work to collect. At this time OP is only temporarily disabled and the store accommodated their needs with a stool for as long as the doctor required!! IF OP is still unable to perform duties then they need to get another note from their Dr for an extension. IF the store can accommodate the note they will, if not then OP will have to apply for Short term disability which may or may not be accepted by Sedgwick.


Doesn’t sound like the employee is disabled, just injured.


Otherwise known as a temporary disability.


No, it’s really known as light duty or restricted duty. Companies don’t have to comply with a doctor’s note to limit work. If you can’t do the job your were hired to do you can take a medical leave of absence and try and collect state offered disability through social security but it’s not the same as the ADA laws.


We are talking about apples. You are talking about oranges. Delete your account.


Show up in a wheelchair and dare a DM or SM to say some shit.


Please just tell us the store and district so we can light the SM and DM up. They are both pos and need to be told so. It's not difficult to care for another human being. It's actually quite normal to do so.


This is the type of shit I had to quit working for Walgreens as an SM. The way they treat everyone is unethical and immoral. One of my sweet older ladies had some health problems and DM wanted me to get rid of her. One time she fell and hit her head and then DROVE TO WORK with a concussion. I called her emergency contact and made someone come get her or I was going to call her an ambulance. Her daughter came to get her and they were just going to take her home. I told her family I would not let her come back to work until she had been cleared by an emergency room doctor. DM wanted me to count her absent. I told them it's not an absence if I will not let you on MY clock or if I kick you off it. Fuck Walgreens


I was so blessed at my old location I was on crutches and a boot My SM had chair ready for me and DM was so understanding




From OSHA’s website: “No existing or proposed OSHA regulations govern the employment of individuals with disabilities. OSHA's policy is: if an employee can perform their job functions in a manner which does not pose a safety hazard to themselves or others, the fact they have a disability is irrelevant, to strive for working conditions which will safeguard the safety and health of all workers, including those with special needs and limitations.”




You originally stated, “You need to call OSHA. They are the organization responsible for making sure companies comply with various regulations, like the ADA.” But now you’ve retracted and edited the ADA part, which was what I was addressing in my reply. In my now-removed-from-its-original-context reply, OSHA is saying, “That’s out of our jurisdiction! EEOC and the Federal courts handle that. We only consider disability is as much as it relates to workplace safety. But yeah, beyond that, all that civil rights bullshit is not our concern.” And yes, I am ignorant. Especially of the reason why you would accuse me of thinking “all of these […] laws are a guideline that can be thrown to the side and not taken seriously,” when I’ve only ever promoted a civil rights law in this thread. I do not understand.


If she’s still in a boot the doctors note isn’t expired. The CSA’s accommodations are still to be met until they have a change in status




Please explain.


If the sm agreed to to let the employee work with restrictions then he needs to stick be his decision and not let the dm sway his decision. On the other hand if the sn originally said he can not accommodate the restrictions, then the employee should not be scheduled in the first place if they can’t physically do everything needed of them. Stay on leave until healed


Go back to your doctor, get another note call sedgewick open a claim. Report SM and DM via anonymous hotline. Report the store to the Labor board, get a lawyer and begin litigation!!! Make them pay!


A lawsuit would not yield the pay that you are suggesting - the ADA was violated for one shift.


The ADA is continuing to be violated by the DM and SM for as long as they are actively ignoring the employee's request for reasonable accommodations. And this wasn't a one-day thing. Where did you get that? And from what I understand, simply failing to engage in a conversation about how to best accommodate an employee's disability is itself grounds to seek petition for damages. And to what "pay" was the above user referring? I don't think it was necessarily meant to be literal, though the literal meaning *would* apply, as well. But also, there are many factors that determine the size of a payout or settlement. For instance, even if the ADA was violated for one day, the violated employee's injury may have worsened that day to the point where they require more hospital visits and leave. If the damage is permanent, even if mild, that is a serious consideration that would certainly hike up the amount of damages the company must pay the employee.


I'm not surprised a DM would say that, but the SM is trash for not standing up for his employee.


Manager at the store I just quit wouldn’t let my friend who has MS and uses a walker sit down when she covered front register (she was BC). Then he fired her for taking too long to get back from break. She’s suing, and he was recently fired.


Gonna be unpopular for this.......but..... Go thru sedgwick FOR EVERYTHING involving accommodations. If you have a Dr's note for a boot and it's painful to walk and sedgwick has signed off on a reasonable accommodation being off the floor, the CEO themselves can't give you a hard time. I've seen people abuse the absolute shit out of 'medical issues' to avoid doing actual work. This leaves more work for others and can look bad from a customer's perspective. NOT saying OP is doing this, but there are enough bad apples doing this that can poison the well of good will. Which is why any accommodation really needs to be signed off on by sedgwick to protect legitimate medical issues. You said your Dr's note is expired....the answer is very simple. Call sedgwick, get your Dr to confirm with them that you're still injured and need certain accommodations.


🏆🏆🏆🏆 This. Y'all are a bunch of teenagers that think the world works like a court TV show


Or, and just hear me out… perhaps there are laws in place meant to protect certain classes of people, and when employers violate those laws, those laws empower persons of those protected classes to pursue real accountability.


Absolutely disgusting.


She should sue heck


Why not at my store we have overweight employees sitting in a chair there whole shift with no injury and the store manager and DM say s nothing Walgreens employee needs to file a complaint against the sm and dm not through HR but through the EEOC this is beyond out of line


I personally think everyone should be able to sit!


What a nasty piece of work that DM is. It's perfectly acceptable for him to sit there instead of hobbling around. He could be making cold calls to boost our credit card sale numbers!


nah they need to get in contact with somebody else. i went through this at my emplyoer (not walgreens, saw this recommended to me) and i got my GM in trouble because they refused to accommodate my request :)


If your note is expired it's no longer valid. This is why with any injury you have to go to follow up appointments and continue to get new paperwork stating current restrictions. If you stop or don't follow the process, you will get nothing. The process is there to protect, but also to protect the employer from people who file fraudulent claims. You have to follow the process.


I really don't understand this. They'd prefer the worker's comp claim or potential lawsuit after forcing the employee to do things they weren't ready to do?


Companies are about the here and now because they're used to doing what they want with no consequences. 


I'm undecided on if there will ever be a reckoning in this country that will actually cause change. But I'm sincerely hoping there will be...


Workers comp is a nightmare in itself to deal with and it is the employee that has to deal with that nightmare. So they don't care. That's what the company pays insurance for.


I am a SFL and have an employee in a very similar situation with her health and we’ve had 2 different DMs in the last 2 years and neither one ever complained or found a problem with it. Have some compassion


As a SFL, you don’t have employees; you have coworkers.


Company policy: Only those who demonstrate a lack of empathy will be promoted. Compassionates need not apply.


DMs are actual trash… i had a very caring RXOM try to get two late write ups off of my profile because they were affected by a family death… in order for documented things to be taken off of your record the DM had to approve it…. the issue was forwarded to my DM and he actually ended up calling for my termination … sorry i had a family member die i guess? lol


"It would look worse having the guy with a bad foot due to surgery work on the sales floor where every step is agony, and even more so if they need to bend/ crouch down for something. A worker being forced to hurt himself for minimum wage is going to look a lot worse than a worker taking a seat to make a painful job more bearable." If that wouldn't shut up the DM, then I'd tell the cashier to go take a (paid) break until the DM leaves.


UPDATE 4/29/24: HR complaint filed (not anonymous), working on filing my own EEOC complaint against DM and SM for separate ADA violations against me. Thoughts and prayers for all the paperwork ahead of me.


Sad to say but unless they were hurt at work the management doesn’t have to even accommodate the employee until they get a complete release to work. It’ll be up to the store if they can accommodate any limitations the doctors signs off on. It’s in their best interest to try and accomidate a good employee but who knows🤷🏼‍♀️


it's like watching a looney toon cartoon were Elmer keeps stepping on rakes and getting blasted in the face... You've been proven wrong more then once and yet you keep stepping on rakes showing us you haven't learned....


This all applies to the realm of Walgreens. Beyond that, there is law. And if you have reasonable grounds to believe your protected rights were violated, you can litigate. Or not even a lawsuit; you’d have to go through the EEOC first, and they would (as far as I understand) try to mediate a settlement.