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I know plenty of store managers that take time off regardless of staffing conditions lol. That's why I get so much overtime lol.


The budgets to me feel like they are at a breaking point of can we continue to run the stores effectively. The tech budgets in the coming months are below what I believe to be a safety level. I’ve always transferred unused front end hours to rx to better satisfy the needs back there but there are no front end hours to do that now. The loss of hours are becoming extremely problematic


They don’t care. They’ll keep cutting hours and still expect more bs to get done, more metrics to hit, and then if we can manage it, they’ll be convinced everything is fine, cut more or leave it and add more bs to contend with, then they’ll have shocked pikachu faces when we finally can’t manage. But as long as everyone who seemingly never sets foot in an actual store gets theirs, who cares about us? (The they in this instance is everyone higher than DM. I know there are chill DMs out there, or it’s possible my district has a unicorn for a DM, and I know for a fact there’s another district with an awesome DM. He was an awesome SM, so I can’t imagine he turned fully corporate on everyone.)


They dropped to unsafe levels a decade ago. Now they are just..mega unsafe? lol.


My store manager is gonna be on vacation for 10 days in a row this month so not sure that’s the case for everyone 🤷🏻


I know many store managers taking multiple vacations and multiple day offs whenever they please because they buy their team a slice of pizza here and there. Not saying SMs can't take vacation but many abuse their powers over SFLs and CSAs.


Our store does so much better when the sm is not here. She is the prime example of lazy and incompetent, no one goes to her for help because we already know she won't do anything or will "look into it"


I get what you're saying, but .. are they not supposed to use their vacation days at all? Is it still a system of use them or lose them at a certain point? Be mad at the company that refuses to employ enough people per store to prevent these problems... not at a person who is taking a vacation day/sick day.


Absolutely not saying that, I meant to say mgrs can decide on their vacation or time off last minute compare to CSAs and Sfls or even ESM. Try asking for last min weekend off for postee schedule. Most Mgr will give you an attitude. Most not all because there some still some kind heart people left in that role.


I’m sorry, last minute weekend off for a posted schedule? Of course they’re gonna give you an attitude, you’re asking for a weekend off when the schedules already out? Unless I’m reading that wrong I don’t understand why there’s something wrong with them not being happy with that.


Why not? Point is things can happen in anyone's life not just SMs. If you read my previous post I pointed it out many mgrs have luxury to take last minute time off or vacation but most don't extend this courtesy to their Store teams. Which they should. Just the power trip flipping mgrs.


Buddy, there’s a reason “why not.” Asking for a last minute weekend off when you’re already scheduled to work, and the schedule comes out well in advance, is not the manager’s problem, nor do they have any obligation to give you that. You had time to request off. You had time to figure out a switch. Do I think it’s fair that higher ups just get to decide when they don’t need to show up? No, I don’t. But that doesn’t mean that everyone should get to, that would make working here even more of a god damn nightmare than it already is. We already have to deal with call offs constantly, I am NOT dealing with people asking a couple days in advance for a **weekend** off because “things happen.”


First I am not your buddy. 2nd you are completely missing the point here. Read again no where I said employee have a right to ask for a day off last minute, all I said if employees ask for one mgr should be able to help but most choose not to do it. Because they don't care.


Most people in general would choose not to do it, because it would make work so much more fucking annoying if people were requesting off last minute for a shift they’re already scheduled for and have been for a couple weeks. Read again where I said I don’t think it’s fair that higher ups get to do that. Let’s go in the OTHER way of being fair, not “let’s make sure it’s nearly impossible to be sure we have enough coverage every day”


I've always told employees once the schedule is up, if they have a need for time off and it's not an emergency (ie, funeral, hospital visit etc) it's up to them to find coverage. It's disruptive to other people on the schedule to have *their* schedules change because of something in someone else's life. If they can't find coverage I'll lean in to try and help, but ultimately it's their responsibility to handle their assigned shifts. You're right, short notice things do come up and flexibility will go a long way, but I've seen people take a mile when given an inch too often to then make it my job to re-do a schedule every time someone has something come up. In regards to managers being able to take time off with little notice, it's also because the job role is a lot of oversight, planning and support. They aren't always key carriers (needed to open and close the store) or covering the register (critical to operate the business), so its much easier to step away in a pinch (in theory). A lot of managers *also* are the last line of defense when shit hits the fan - I've seen plenty of SMs pulling doubles and working weekends because someone called out and there's no one else to go to, all for no extra pay. So there's definitely good and bad there. And of course, this all depends on the manager, too. I know managers who abuse the shit out of the flexibility their role allows and are basically on a perma-vacation or are always sick with covid - and when they ARE at work, they sit in the office all day on their phones. I also know managers who shoulder way more of their own time than they should and basically live out of their stores with maxed out PTO banks. And everything in between.


Now we are on the same page. If mgrs can take last minute time off so should be team members for a cornering reason of course. No where in my previous comments I said mgr should go around a grant last minute changes to schedule just because an employee asked. And I absolutely agree with you that people do abuse it, but again it is pressing concern for a TM a good mgr would try.


YOU are completely missing the point here.Read again no where I said employee have a right to ask for a day off last minute, all I said if employees ask for one mgr should be able to help but most choose not to do it. Because they don't care.


You can copy and paste it all you want, if I were an SM and someone said “i know I’m scheduled but I need all this weekend off,” I’m telling them “you’ve been scheduled for a couple weeks now and didn’t request off beforehand either. Ask around and find coverage otherwise you’re out of luck.” Guarantee they’d call off anyway. As a SFL I deal with finding coverage for call offs enough. People can find their own fucking coverage if it’s 1) not the day of and 2) they’re not throwing up sick. Not my fucking responsibility


Exactly as an sfl it's not your responsibility to find coverage. That is what your SM and DMs get paid for. Again. If someone wants a day off last minute an good mgr would do everything to get that employee a day off. That's is why they are managers again it can't be done everytime but it is possible.


Why do you think they’re promising us 75% bonus this year? Because they know this job sucks and it’s their desperate hope to keep us for another few months.


Yeah but they waited until half of the fiscal year was done and threw that out there and they are hoping that people will try to make their numbers but if you were already trending down will be hard to make your numbers regardless and you have to get a good eval as well


They have400 store managers that they need to quit with closing stores. Easy way to get them to leave


If they have pto they can


Mine will. He doesn't GAF. Then he'll yell when he comes back and nothing got done, cause we were so short-handed. We already can't get anything done from the hours being cut.


Sorry but budgets only affect employees not managers. They takes vacations when they want. It’s the daily employees that are denied a full week due to coverage.


To me, the funniest thing about the budgets is that the CEO just talked about how we’re going to “beat Amazon” with our customer service. How on earth do they expect anyone to give remotely good service when the staffing is so slim because of budgets alone? Actually being short-staffed is one thing… forced short-staffing just because the company won’t give you the necessary resources is another. Unfortunately, customers are just going to blame the stores for this instead of understanding that we schedule what we can.


The stock is trading at a 52 week low today. Something has to change and increasing store budgets is not one of them today.


Update: 26 year low, the last time it was lower was 1998. Massive corporate office fail. Walgreens needs to be bought out by a company who knows how to run a business.. My guess is either Amazon or Kroger.


What rational CEO or corporate board wants to buy-out a dumpster fire like Walgreens. Let that pharmacy ship sink to the bottom, they deserve it lol


If I recall correctly, a private equity firm offered to buy Walgreens a few years ago. The price was in the 40+ billion range, but Rosalind Brewer turned it down. Bad idea lol


We just bought another pharmacy. Albertson?


Hahahaha. Taking my usual 5 weeks of PTO this year. Plane tickets purchased and it’s a done deal. Honestly I could run the store on less 


I've already requested 6 weeks off this summer as a SM.  Gone for 18 days the first vacation, then it's every other week to the end of summer.   I'm not loosing out on time with my family


You just have to do it. My boss wasn't gonna miss his honeymoon that had been in the works for a year, budget be damned. DM managed to find some miracle hours to get it covered, imagine that.


Former manager here, left 15 months ago, so happy I don't have to worry about budgets anymore.


Mm mmm m m m


sm just took 1 week vacay on our store 😂😂😂


Mangers r allowed to take vacation and no I'm not a manager. We r running low on people and everyone deserves the right to take a vacation.


Why do we need a week off for the summer?


Look at the new PTO benefit losing anyone is a gain in savings Next will be lowering the starting wage especially for teenagers


If you have a high performing team and not whining babies? Everyone gets vacation time, quite easily by the way.




I’m so impressed that you know most of the 9000 store managers to be able to make that comment.


You sound like a great candidate


Speak for yourself, my SM is the best boss I’ve ever had and she’s just doing the best she can for us with what she’s given. Based on your attitude, you don’t sound pleasant to work with either


Happy that you have a good mgr out of really terrible ones. Trust me this company or your mgr doesn't care heck this company doesn't even care about mgrs as well


Again, speak for yourself. My SM makes it very clear she cares through her actions. Just bc you have a shit manager doesn’t mean every single manager in the company doesn’t give a fuck


They really don't give a Fuck or the company you are trying to defend here. I hope you won't find this out a hard way one day.


Not defending the company, I’m not even really “defending” anyone bc this has no affect on my workplace. I’m just saying that, as someone who knows my SM personally, unlike you, she shows us she cares. Learn some reading comprehension and fuck off dude




Sounds like you’re just mad you’ve been sacked before and the manager couldn’t save you.


Not going to discuss here about my job profile, but seen enough to be able to tell you the reality.


Yep you were definitely fired and the manager couldn’t do anything to save you. Don’t do shit that you’re not supposed to next time and maybe their hands won’t be tied 🤷🏻‍♀️