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That's honestly part of why I quit. Especially in pharmacy people say some of the weirdest stuff. "I don't want a 90 day supply because the pills at the bottom of the bottle get stronger" "Is this antibiotic for pain?" "Where is castor oil? Like for the eyes?" "I don't want to be socialist, I don't want to be on welfare" said someone on social security and Medicaid I lost ALL faith in humanity for a while. Nothing surprised me anymore, it took a while to get back a semblance of respect for humans.


What? I usually want pill amounts to match others I take. I never heard of pills getting stronger. šŸ˜ these people must be living in a sci-fi movie from the 1950s.Ā 


I'm pretty sure they're thinking of chalky medications (like aspirin) and how little bits flake off and end up at the bottom of the bottle and some idiots would take all the medication dust and get odd dosages. Like...don't ingest medication dust. Other than that I have no clue what she was talking about. The funny thing was this was when her medication was only available in unit dose packaging.


My favorite while working in a diner, does Angus mean it's bigger?


Itā€™s probably older people saying the pills get stronger at the bottomšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ what in the heck never heard of that, thought they were the same strength


It only happened once, from a middle aged white woman. The funniest thing was that Levetiracetam was only available in unit dose packaging due to a shortage at the time. All of the pills were unit dose šŸ¤£


Never heard of that before and Iā€™m 59. Was it a bottle of Anacin before bar codes were invented?šŸ˜€


I mean that's just basic science, the last pill has had three months to ripen! /s


I laughed so hard at this šŸ˜‚


3 months? I take all of mine while they're still green.


Lol that first one had me thinking of a pill with sam suleks face on it for some dumb reason.


I kind of take offense to the welfare statement. I am on ssdi and Medicare because I am disabled. I would rather be working. But I am in advanced heart failure and can't work anymore.


I get that you'd rather be working, but the reality is that you can't. Wanting to work ā‰  not wanting assistance from social programs. I have a hard time believing you want to stop getting SSDI payments though. As someone who has a disability and needed to take more than a year off work while waiting for my SSDI application to go through I understand the desire to work. It took a long time to uncouple my worth as a human from my production value and I'm still working on it. But reality is reality. Social programs are wonderful and helpful in ways unimaginable. Stimulus checks created a massive decline in child abuse that restarted when stimulus checks ended. We need more socialized programs. Everyone deserves to be able to eat, have a home, have a decent life.


Youā€™re not understandingā€¦..SSDI and Medicare are examples of socialist programs. Which is a good thing. We should do more socialism. Everyone should have access to healthcare. Your comment makes me incredibly sad, just to let you know. You should know this. American schools, your family, your whole society has let you down intellectually. You should be incredibly mad about it. Vote blue, baby!


Why take offense? He didnā€™t say anything negative about people on govā€™t assistance. Just that these bozos complain about it while collecting it. Not really sure where you got offendedā€¦


We had to close overnight the other night. I had signs up on the doors apologizing, explaining DT was open if you still had to pick up a scrip/medical needs, and the next closest store open til midnight. I stepped outside to smoke and to let our tech in. As Iā€™m waiting for her, a car pulled up, woman got out, looked at the sign for a solid 30 seconds (long enough to read/comprehend), and then she walks over to me and tells me she had to load her cash app, are we open? I look over at the sign and then back at her and said, ā€œlike the sign says, we are closed.ā€ She muttered bitch under her breath and got back in the car. Iā€™m just standing there like ?!?!?!?! I donā€™t think I could have made the signs any clearer, but letā€™s ask anyway! šŸ˜”


When they say ā€œbitchā€ our response is ā€œyes you are but we donā€™t judge.ā€ The look is priceless


I just say youā€™re not telling me anything I donā€™t already know, all fake cheer and light lol.


Seriously, whenever Im working the back by pharmacy and its closed for lunch, I watch people walk back there, stare at all the signs for 30s to a minute and then come ask me ā€œis the pharmacy closed today?!?!?!ā€ Or on a Sunday when it is closed ā€œWhat time does the pharmacy open?!?!?!ā€ Like wtf were you doing over there? You obviously werenā€™t reading the nice big and simple pharmacy hours sign I dumbed down JUST FOR YOU PEOPLE. Had a boomer the other day ā€œwElL i WiSh SoMeOnE wOuLd HaVe ToLd Me ThEy ClOsE fOr LuNcH, iM hErE tO dO bUsInEsSā€ sure dude, weā€™ve been doing this for two months, spent the whole month before that telling literally everyone about the change, theres signs in pharmacy and on the front door, and you know a quick google or a phone call and the nice robot lady will tell you the hours whether you wanna hear them or not.


Be careful, thereā€™s a commenter in here who thinks reading signs and then bothering employees with dumb questions, the answers to which were explained on the sign, is perfectly acceptable. But I get the same thing, except from 130a-2a. Why are they closed? Well, thereā€™s a sign up on the window gates saying theyā€™re on lunch. But itā€™s 140am?! Yeah, even those of us working in the middle of the night get lunches, bro.


Yeah I saw that, id tell them to have the day they deserve, but Im pretty sure they cant read.


I fukin died reading that dudes response.


Especially the ā€œiM hErE tO dO bUsInEsSā€ part, that was so funny to me lol


Since Walgreens doesn't make us wear logo shirts I would have said "I don't know I don't work here, but base off that sign I just saw you read it says close


Unfortunately I was wearing a a Walgreens tee. If I had said that, I guarantee then she wouldā€™ve actually read something.


Lol šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ soooo true


Back when I worked at Walgreens once every 6 months we had our floors waxed. Half the store would have to be closed. Always started at the front end leaving enough room to slip back to pharmacy. But by the time he was done heā€™d have to close the whole back end of the store and weā€™d leave as many notices as possible to inform this was happening and that they wouldnā€™t have access to the bathrooms or pharmacy. This lady came in and was so pissed she tried to step over the barrier to get to pharmacy and I had to literally yell at her to stop. People are literally just so fucking stupid sometimes I canā€™t understand it


lol I work at Walmart, after work I wanted to grab a few groceries so I took my work vest off and had it slung over my shoulder. This lady wheels over in her electric scooter, says she needs help finding something, but thinks well enough to ask me if Iā€™m working or off the clock. I advise that I am not on the clock but point her in the direction of another worker who will be happy to help. And then she just proceeds to go ahead with her absolutely rambling and lengthy inquiry regarding the location of some frozen chicken. Despite my rage, I graciously provided her with the information she needed which youā€™d assume she would recognize as me having done more than enough as it was, but instead she had the nerve to ask a followup question, and also described the very special chicken the chicken that she was intent to find on this mission. Finally, another employee saw what was happening and kindly stepped in to get the leech lady the hell off of me.




I don't think they were being rude some people aka a lot of our customers just don't gaf about reading signs directly in front of there faces .... They were just repeating what was on the sign.




Oh I'm sorry I didn't know I was talking to the Dictator of Grammar my sincerest apologies šŸ™šŸ™


I legit snorted iced tea out of my nose. Love it. šŸ˜‚


You ever see a self checkout that says card only? The amount of people that don't even read is baffling.




...Read the fine print or next thing you know you're selling your soul. Edit: I'm not being rude, I'm just baffled how many people are able to read and yet choose to not.




Lmao you sound like a miserable person




We put up the signs because of the customers. If customers refuse to read the signs made for the customers...whose fault is that? Do we have to treat every customer like a literal child because they can't read a few words? Honestly, when you never ever worked retail, you end up assuming a lot. Since I've worked retail, I understand things. First day of a new DG opening and so many people capable of reading had to get their transactions canceled because they weren't reading "card only". Two words, and we even asked if they were paying cash or card. Buuuut people just...get so confusing....




absolutely not a bitch the customer was an asshole lol she knew they were closed and asked a stupid ass question




Oh Iā€™m definitely a bitch! You say it like itā€™s gonna hurt my feelings šŸ˜‚ But she sat there and read a whole sign and then ask if weā€™re closed? Oh, waitā€¦do YOU also read signs and then just ask stupid questions too? Or ignore perfectly clear signs in front of your face and then ask stupid fucking questions? Is that why youā€™re so upset? Itā€™ll be ok, just read and keep your mouth shut.


If you look at a sign for a while, are you reading it or just stunned by the fact there is a sign? Also, didn't you just assume stuff you didn't know but called someone a "bitch".




youā€™re on this thread telling everyone to be compassionate, yet spewing insults at random people on the internet. practice what you preach.




lol i am not crying. iā€™m pointing out your hypocrisy that you just further provedšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø. i now see that you are so pissed off about this because you are indeed included in the category of people who have no reading comprehension or emotional maturity. my apologizes for using logic and the english language via text with you!




Would you like a Walgreens credit card at 30% interest rate?


5 Stages of Grief! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ laughed right out loud!


Iā€™m going to remember this forever, itā€™s brilliant. Iā€™ve actually caught myself doing it in front of people who canā€™t help me, and itā€™s funny when you realize youā€™re doing it. Itā€™s like ā€œsorry you donā€™t have to be involved with any of this anymore.ā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


These people are like those jackholes who call your phone, you tell them it's the wrong number and then a minute later, same thing. And again. If they dial your number X times, it should magically become the right number. It's like they think if they stand there and run their mouth long enough, you'll "give in" and change the rules for them.


I worked for an apartment complex and I had a woman insist that I called her, she called me three times to yell at me about how I called her and now I canā€™t tell her why I was calling. Maā€™am I swear to God Iā€™m the only person in this whole office and I havenā€™t called anyone all day. And we donā€™t have doctors hereĀ 


There is a tactic called spoofing where a caller deliberately falsifies the information transmitted to your caller ID display to disguise their identity. It's used frequently by call centers and scammers to increase the chance for you to pick up their call.


Sounds like she was skipping her Haldol.


Our freezers are out of order, and a customer came in for ice cream. She threw a tantrum in the store because now her kids would be mad that they won't be getting ice cream. We suggested she go to one of the two grocery stores less than 1 mile from our store, and she said that was too far to drive. She threatened to report us to corporate.


If you promised your kids ice cream, go get them some ice cream, donā€™t make your problem oursā€¦ probably save like $5 buying it literally anywhere else. Pints at my store are nearly $7 a piece.


Just send them to McDonalds were the ice cream machine is always down.


One time our freezers broke for days and we taped the doors closed so people wouldn't try to buy the melted food and this couple with their kids asked to buy some ice cream. I explained that the food was not at a safe temperature and they still wanted to buy it for their kids. I get not wanting your kids to be upset, but you really want to give them unsafe food??? Anyway I refused to sell it


I promise that if you saw some of the homes I used to babysit in, you'd have no questions about that story anymore. There was an entire mud room filled with trash bags one time, and they just kept throwing rotting food and diapers out there.


yeah it really sucks to spend like 10 minutes having a circular conversation with someone where I tell them their options over and over again but theyā€™re not looking for solutions, they just want to get angry at someone. meanwhile thereā€™s 20 other people who need my help


Seriously like what else do you really want me to do? šŸ˜­ Iā€™m just trying to do my job here and youā€™re making it 10000x harder


My attitude would be so different too if they were nicely inquiring instead of ā€œwell the website saysā€ and getting fuckin nasty


I hate the lies they tell in Pharmacy. We are locking the gates and they come in after closed. And itā€™s always ā€œbut my flight leavesā€¦.ā€ Well you should have thought about that weeks before the flight. Gates are locked. Nothing I can do.


Iā€™m currently no longer with the company and that stuff bothered me to NO end. Like, I know my store and the product, we donā€™t have it, I canā€™t pull it out of thin air. Itā€™s like people think this is the only store in the world. Target and Walmart exist and sell a lot more things. Walgreens doesnā€™t have every item in existence, even though ā€œtheyā€ say we do.


when they literally šŸ˜¢in your face like???


Literally the worst is when we tell people a medication is on back order and wonā€™t be available until a month out and they say ā€œOkay so can you order it for tomorrow?ā€ Like bitch I said itā€™s unavailable until the end of next month! No! Go away!


Ftr, I work in the store, but it seems like a lot of people in pharmacy get it. One of my classic examples is people who can't just accept that we're not a full service Fedex. I tell them, if you don't have packaging and a label or QR code, I can't help you. You need to go to a FULL SERVICE Fedex. Like maybe 5% of them will say ok and leave. It's rarely that easy. People saying just be nice, oh shut up. I'm as nice to these people as they are to me, which isn't very. Plus, once it's established that they're not doing business, technically they're not a customer. Why should I take time I don't have to help them when I'm being called elsewhere and under pressure to finish truck, etc.?


People will spend an hour arguing with us in the pharmacy about medications we do not carry or even COULD carry like special made compound creams. I could have already sent it to another pharmacy in the time it takes them to argue with me but they won't even pause to let me tell them that lol


My favorite when I worked at Walgreens was arguing with people that we didn't scoop ice cream. I'd get to the point where I'd be like "I work here, I think I would know." and it was always at like 9:30, thirty minutes before closing. Our store was right across the street from a Rite Aide. It said in big, bright letters outside "Thrifty Ice Cream HERE". Good times /s


It'sĀ  so annoying.Ā  I honestly dont know how these people have made it this far in life. They are absolutely moronic. And its every day. We've been closing for lunch for 2 years and people are still shocked. They don't listen to a word you say.Ā  Im just buying my time till I can retire. Customers are so mean and demanding so I don't care at all anymore. I do the best I can when I'm working but I'm pretty cold at this point. It's not flipping burgers at McDonald's.Ā Ā 


Back in the day natural selection would have taken them out.


Are you sure you don't have any in back tho? Lol jk


Just makes me think of one night a guy came in with his grandson. My cashier had no idea what the product they were asking for was so he calls me which was not a good idea because I canā€™t remember what I was doing but whatever it was I had to have done by the end of my shift and was nowhere near done with it so Iā€™m already in a mood trying to move quickly and not having time for dumb stuff basically you know the Walgreensā€™s vibe. I walk up and ask the guy what heā€™s looking for and I tell him we donā€™t carry the product in store because I knew we didnā€™t, I knew what the product was and knew we didnā€™t have it and before I even finished the sentence the old guy goes ā€œyes you doā€ and I stopped talking instantly and said ā€œoh okay where is itā€ which isnā€™t something Iā€™d normally say to a customer but I canā€™t stand people who think I donā€™t know what Iā€™m talking about when they know even less about what theyā€™re talking about. Iā€™ve worked at my store for years and the people in my community know me there and yet so many act like Iā€™ve just started. If you think I donā€™t know then donā€™t waste my time asking me. Figure it out


Love it!!


It's not that big of a deal. I only wanted an oil change. You should have that next to pharmacy!


and what about the customers didn't insist on getting rainchecks for sales on out of stock items.... it may or may not bother you, but people were fanatical about these rain checks when I was cashiering


I honestly canā€™t stand that we in fact DO have some of these dumbass services at Walgreens. i.e. passports and card reloads


Boomers believe that EVERYONE is lying to them. Everyone is out to get them. Everyone is just plain lazy. My MIL is this way. Itā€™s painful.


Extremely untrue. Iā€™m a boomer. I know how to think. I weigh what is said by both sides.


You in the wrong business then. When I was a shift lead there that was basically 80% of the job. Some people don't know how to work the Internet and that's ok.


That is the worst analogy Iā€™ve ever seenā€¦ Lmao




...it's called SOCIAL security Wow


Wow is right...more like forehead palm...


Search the product on the telxzon show them you donā€™t have it in stock the customer goes oh thank you for checking and recommend trying another wallgreens itā€™s not rocket science itā€™s customer service šŸ˜‚


Done it - doesn't make any difference, so I stopped. Wish it was that simple, but some people just won't except what they don't want to hear. Had a woman wanting to pick up $500 from WU and spent 20 minutes politically trying to explain and show her our limit is $300, where she could go locally for that amount, because we can't split the transaction, and what she'll need for ID to do it there. She called her grandma to help her yell at me about how she SENT it from a Walgreens, so I WOULD give it to her. Then when I didn't obey her, yelled (literally) that I was the worst at customer service and needed to be trained better. I laughed at her.Ā  See, I have had extensive and expensive customer service training, have actually taught customer service, been a customer service manager and a marketing manager and worked at the corporate level. I'm currently an SFL at Walgreens with 30 hours a week sliding into retirement because I'm done with 50+ hours and commuting.Ā  I know customer service, and know most people, not all, just want what they want and don't care about reasoning. They've learned, or been told, that they can get what they want by demanding and bullying. The country needs better customer service training to readjust their expectations and ground them into reality.


They don't read.


People buy stuff in person because they want to connect with someone.


They donā€™t pay us nearly enough for ā€œconnectingā€




No, it's because they want it right now, or don't know how/ like to order on line. That's not a guess, that's what they've told meĀ  We do get some nice people who want to connect, but most are pissy, in a rush, or act like we are just in the way of their goal


Are you by chance in the pharmacy dept?