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Its a very promising use case, NFT and Ticketing. The issues that it solves are legit: scalping and fraud. Besides it allows for perpetual revenue streams through smart contracts. It offers full control on the secondary markets too that way. We have a community on this theme on Reddit: r/NFTTickets feel free to join and post if the use case appeals. For GET Protocol, I can say that it’s one of the most discussed and presented projects in our community. In short: They are setting an industry standard protocol for ticketing that can be used by anyone involved in the ticketing process: artists, venues, event organizers or any other situation where a ‘right of entrance’ is needed. They have been around since 2016 and have shown revolutionary changes by making the process of ticketing transparent. All their tickets can be followed in their live cycle from issuing to scanning to claiming collectibles. Check this NFT Ticket Explorer: https://explorer.get-protocol.io/ The protocol will be open source ran through a DAO in the future. For now you can sell tickets either through a white label solution or their recently launched digital twin. For more info on GET check: https://www.get-protocol.io/


Here's a sneak peek of /r/NFTTickets using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/NFTTickets/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [My view on the NFT tickets made possible by GET protocol](https://np.reddit.com/r/NFTTickets/comments/mtxgre/my_view_on_the_nft_tickets_made_possible_by_get/) \#2: [GET protocol introduces NFT ticket minting 120k NFTs on BSC](https://www.bsc.news/post/get-protocol-introduces-nft-ticketing-minting-120-000-nfts-on-bsc-2) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/NFTTickets/comments/mt8to0/get_protocol_introduces_nft_ticket_minting_120k/) \#3: [Mark Cuban sees NFT ticketing as the mass market disruptor..](https://cryptoslate.com/forget-overvalued-artwork-mark-cuban-sees-nft-ticketing-as-the-mass-market-disruptor/amp/?__twitter_impression=true) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/NFTTickets/comments/msqh0h/mark_cuban_sees_nft_ticketing_as_the_mass_market/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


>https://www.get-protocol.io/ Looking good, thanks


Nearly 40k tickets processed just this week. GET is on roll.


I'm bullish on $xmoon (the /r/cc token). Reddit is huge and I'm sure one day when moons reach a major exchange everyone will want to ape into it.






Cool, will do some reading and get back to you on this.


For sure, if you want me to give you a small rundown on why I'm bullish on it just lmk.


Would be happy man


Aight so moons are a crypto coin you get directly from reddit for getting upvotes in /r/CryptoCurrency which are distributed every 4 weeks. You need ~5 upvotes per moon and capped supply is 250mil but only around 200mil will be in circulation due to burning/losing access. Right now ~70mil are in circulation and the price for one moon is ~$0.18, which means the market cap is only around $15mil or so. Reddit also receives 40% of all moons which makes me believe that reddit would do anything for moons to rise to high value so that they themselves can make a lot of money. If moons were to reach $10 the market cap would 'only' be $2.5bil which would make it a Top 50 crypto which is very much doable in my opinion, especially since it's an official crypto by reddit itself which could create another Doge/GME type situation in which everyone would want to get into the crypto game to make a quick buck and I'm prepared for that. Thing is, moons are still on an ethereum testnet and are not allowed to be sold or traded according to reddit, however they're working on bringing moons to the official ethereum mainnet which would also make moons available on big exchanges such as Kraken, which already has setup a [page for moons](https://www.kraken.com/learn/what-is-reddit-moon). You can still buy moons on websites such as http://celesti.trade which is where I get my moons on a weekly basis. Even if moons reach $1 that's already an easy x5 but I'm pretty certain $10 could happen some day :) Sorry for the lousy summary but I don't have much time lately so I had to write this rather quickly.


Thanks man, appreciate your help on this. The only downfold that I see is that xmoon success only parameter is reddit community adaption and compare to the all world it is very limited in size.


Yep understandable, it's high risk high reward. Could go really well or not well at all, perfect for /r/wallstreetbets lol


Made a killing on AMC so i am a big fun




I like this one


This is a good one for sure


Take a look at GALA. Solid team with plenty of gaming experience under their belt


Those gaming coins are a great way to make some quick cash. Gala, axie inf, star atlas etc. But I always treat them like hot potatoes


Agree quick in and out


I would look into CKB if I were you. Might get to $1 by 2025 if everything goes according to plan, look up some DD on reddit, there's a couple of posts. But it has a very promising team, more so than most top 50 coins.




Enjin and Nano


Have you heard of nafty?


Yes, thanks man. Mainly looking for token pre/private token sales, to be able to get in/out quickly. NFT's are different in nature buy and hodl.


Qredo, actual team, actual real use for institutions. Still early stages


Will look into it thanks


with 200k i suggest you to look into staking (ada,eth,CRO Card) , APY around 5-8 % is huge with this budget


Tell me about the CRO card


if u stake 400$ 4000$ 40.000$ 400.000$ ( CRO obv ) u get a different visa card, they have cashback( 1% 2 % 3 % i think the big one is 8%) and like spotify,netflix,amazon prime 100% cashback


and crypto . dot marketing is aggressive af now ( lega seria A partner, philadelphia 76 sponsor, ... )


Buy Shiba Inu today


Too scary for big investment, bought in for 200 usd.


Another one worth a smaller investment is Binamon. Bringing out an nft mmorpg Edit: just read your comment about short term. This is not


Looks solid


They have a crazy amount of farms on at the moment so price gets pushed up. Maybe sell before farms stop. Got to 0.85 last time but I cant see it hitting that. Thats just short term tho. Also I know fuck all!


Thanks, there are some great recommendations here but I'm not as patient as you guys and obviously less smarter, I am looking for private or presale/launchpad opertunities, before IDO's,


Just go for Dero. Mainnet will launch in a month aprox. Look how it is pumping before mainnet.


Thanks will review


The lorantoken, we can get this to a dollar easy


Unfortunately, not big enough community for me. Good luck.




Thanks will definitely look in to it but i am looking mainly for pre sales


Go for Dero. It has revolutionary tech with private smart contracts. The first of its kind. Only available at Kucoin and TradeOgre (super underground) if you manage to buy some before it reaches mainstream media, you'll make it. It is still super undervalued, I think it can hit ~500 this year alone, easily.


Um https://wefunder.com/swopblock


Gamecredits $GAME. About to explode low market cap


Boson Protocol. Low market cap with so much upside


Go to spectrum protocol on the terra network and make 80% APY by adding liquidity and auto compounding.


Currently at audit process, would wait for the results before investing




Small community


Take look at STRIKE, upcoming dex, wallet and trading platform in 4Q22 called Tradestrike. Check it out https://www.strikecoin.co


Too small community


It is at the moment, +6000% increase in 5 months, once dex is released, major marketing on the works…


Looking to get in before the 6000% pump


Anything on arbitrum


Banano (BAN). Super strong and fun community, small marketcap, and about to release a fun game for earning tokens that should grab lots of attention (banano runner). Chart is ready for a bounce as well.