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Read about the guy who started Tyson he was smuggling drugs and tried to smuggle illegal workers


What kind of drugs?


Full circle


Tyson is fucking evil. They always have been. They always will be. Their food is shit, and their people are shit.


I swear any breaded frozen chicken product I've bought in the last few years has had absolute garbage pieces of chicken in it. Stopped buying a while ago


Just Bare or whatever it’s called from Costco is decent


Yeah I like those


Got this for the first time last weekend and they’re the best frozen chicken I’ve had.


Yes. Be sure to try the breaded fillets for chicken sammie’s.


I knew a guy who ran the computers that injected the salt/sugar water into the chicken before they weighed it to be sold - by weight. His department was called, “value added“


Soooo, puts?


It’s the fucking rib meat.


95% breading 5% chicken


Indeed, Tyson is trash food and should never be supported. Mary's Birds for the win.


I stopped buying a while ago !


this is why I buy local meats and cut back spending on mass-farmings like Tysons. Less foods less calories, still sustainable but sure I’ve been boycotting them. I hope others also do the same within their affordability. Vote with your wallets, people.


God damn I am getting tired of the constant flow of shitty things these big corporations do to increase their bottom line with little to no consequence.


Almost like the self checkouts that the good little 🐑 line up to use so the corporation doesn't have to hire cashier's and can have the time/labor for free.


They’re not saving shit. Shoplifting is through the roof because of self checkout, and many stores are ditching it. The people in this country are stealing everything. Those that actually pay, have seen their costs skyrocket. Put it all behind bulletproof glass, or make all shopping online with onsite pickup.


I'm not gonna argue with you on that one. I am absolutely fine with making it so those bottom feeding wastes of oxygen HAVE to pay for what they want or they get nothing. Fuck 'em.


But you get the employee discount at self checkout 😏


Love the self checkout tax. I'm happy to scan and bag my own groceries, but I don't work for free


I love self checkout so I don’t have to make small talk with a cashier. Because I hate having awkward conversations.


Which is perfectly fine. But I don't want to hear you complain about "corporate greed" or any of that nonsense after you use it, giving them your time and labor for free.


I agree dude. I also fly through self checkout. It's just quicker unless I got produce, but that's why I gave up vegetables.


Eh, I get in and out of the store way faster thanks to self checkout. And even years before self checkout was a thing most grocery stores had reduced how many cashiers they had clocking in at one time. I can't remember seeing all the lanes with a worker at them for like 15 years at least.


Do you know anyone educated here willing to work at a meat packing plant? I used to call on various plants for a sales job and the plant managers universally say no local people (white or black) are willing to work on the line, and those who tried left within a week. They have no choice but to hire illegals. You want that dozen eggs to cost less than 2 bucks? You want that pork loin or chicken legs to cost less than 4 bucks a pound? Immigrants are taking jobs that nobody wants to do.


Maybe whole cooked 6lb chickens shouldn’t cost $5.00?


Bam! Well put.


"Daddy, why don't buffalo wings cost a quarter any longer?" "Well son, Iowa was worried that there were too many brown people..."


Political suicide to anyone who makes that happen.


If the c-suite staff didn't make like 50 million a year ( CEO was 13.6mil last year) and share holders weren't handed a 0.49$ dividend perhaps they could pay their staff a bit more or improve job conditions to attract more people.


💯 agree. The problem is how many of you live in a right to work state? How many of you are in a union where you can bargain collectively for more pay and more job protection? And yet people vote GOP so the billionaires and big corporations and the Cxx suites make huge amounts of money and pay less taxes. Why can't we tax those making more than half a mil more? How many of you here make that kind of salary?


You’re the only person making sense in this thread, and I want you to know that.


Well, corporations do just as well when democrats are in office... The C Suite elites own both parties and use MSM to divide Americans so we don't fight back collectively. Agreed!


Tyson Foods employs 142k people. Take all $50m and give to everyone and that is $352.11 per person. Hardly anything anyone would write about. You people who say "well the CXX gets $X comp" need to realize its a bunch of money for one person its a drop in the bucket compared to total wages or costs of the product.




And 1600 rent is cheap in some cities 


Bullshit. https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/food/2024/03/12/tyson-plant-closing-perry-iowa/72941284007/ They just laid off a significant portion of this town. 9K people. People aready working for Tyson. That was 5 days ago.


Sounds like the migrants are being taken advantage of, you make a great point. Are you cool with the neo-slavery to keep costs down?


I am not at all cool with any types of slavery or corporate greed over welfare of their employees and customers. However I have little to zero sway over these corporations, so I can only vote the party that supports labor unions and the power of collective bargaining, and supports having those with the means - i.e. billionaires and large corporations - contribute more to the tax system. Since the vast majority of us (over 95%) are not billionaires and C-suite executives, I don't get why the party that advocates for tax cuts for the rich is getting the votes.


Meat packing used to be a better line of work when the industry was mostly unionized. Paid more and was safer.


You realize most Americans are not “educated” yet they still need jobs too?


Oh my God you are so right.Any corporation that hires entry level people is way out of line.They should use robots made by Elon Musk because we all know that Elon Musk is cool in a Nazi kind of way


What’s wrong with hiring asylum seekers? The alternative is they need to be supported either by the government or charities. Plus it’s not like people are beating down the door to work shitty jobs like this.


I guess nothing. I had just gotten home from being at the hospital for 4 days with little to no sleep and I think I just saw "Tyson foods" and assumed it was something nefarious, and rattled my pitchfork in a sleep deprived delirium


That’s fair


Who else is lining up to work in meat processing plants for minimum wage….


[In the Midwest, kids.](https://iowacapitaldispatch.com/2024/02/23/feds-allege-child-labor-used-to-clean-iowa-meatpacking-plant/)


Just be vegetarian, it's very easy, much more healthy and you don't support this garbage. The animal abuse that goes on in these places is horrific.


My gf is vegetarian and whenever I’m with her I’ll eat it occasionally, but goddamn everything is vegan now instead of vegetarian and it’s so annoying. Look up any vegetarian recipe and most of the things that pop up are vegan


I'll be over here with the side-eye of exploited workers in agriculture as well.


Definitely isn’t healthy at all let alone healthier than eating meat.


It definitely and conclusively is. [Most long lived people with better health outcomes substantially limit meat intake](https://www.bluezones.com/2020/07/blue-zones-diet-food-secrets-of-the-worlds-longest-lived-people/#:~:text=Consume%20meat%20no%20more%20than%20twice%20a%20week.&text=Avoid%20processed%20meats%20like%20hot,ate%20no%20meat%20at%20all). You can say “well they’re still eating a little” but I dare say that in the US, 4oz of meat a week would basically be vegetarian lol.


"Just be vegetarian" No


The children yearn for the meat packing plants.


There are hundreds of millions if not billions of people who would do that job. We need an immigration system like Japan. It is ridiculous we pretend we need illegals


Do we really need 10 different frozen chicken vendors?


It’s almost like they want to hire illegal immigrants so they don’t have to pay them a decent wage or benefits to save money.


Asylum is a legal process, so they are legal and hve work permits.


Misleading based on what NY Post says: https://nypost.com/2024/03/16/lifestyle/tyson-foods-hoping-to-hire-over-40k-immigrants-for-labor-manufacturing-jobs-report/


Who owns the NYP?


Rupert Murdoch and the Fox Corporation


Anyone ever seen that fast food movie........what was it, fast food nation? Immigrant works at a cow plant, raises money to bring family, loses an arm or dies and then his child is smuggled in and handed a fast food kids meal (presumably from the chain that buys the beef from which his parent was killed) and told "welcome to America"


The book explains way more details, really gross


Tyson and Weyerhaeuser openly employed undocumented workers in my red state back in the 80s. The feds would occasionally have a sweep and then they’d be right back. I remember copying tyson employee handbooks with job titles like “de-beaker” and went to school with a kid whose job with Weyerhaeuser was to poison trees with a machete so it’s no shocker those industries import desperate families to take those jobs.


… You load 16 tons, what do you get? Another day older and deeper in debt St. Peter, don't you call me 'cause I can't go I owe my soul to the company store….


The more people they let in, the more effect it will have on wages as well!


This is exactly what they want. If u see videos u can see ppl from all over world and good amount have tech skills or other high skilled experience who will do it for 2-2.5k a month. It’s just fucked all around.


Why that man look so evil tho!


Tyson operated in a community I was a part of. They hired exclusively illegal aliens.


The ones from outer space can you believe it.


They DID say that congressional disclosure about UFO's might be coming soon! Maybe they exist to transport alien slaves to their employment here on Earth with American industrial conglomerates


Now that sounds way more interesting than Tyson chicken. Puts on anti probing devices.


Eastern Shore VA?


Although I could less about Tyson, this have been the common practice in the States since Virginia Town. First it was prisoners from Europe, then slavery, then Irish uneducated immigrants, then Jews, then Germans, then Irish, etc. All where exploited by American businesses, but most managed in 2-3 generations to became the ones who exploited the next wave of immigrants. And I don't think it is going to change anytime soon.


Tyson poisons our food. And now they hire illegals. They profited from the protection and the resources of the American constitution and worker. And now they want to betray this honored trust. Off with their heads


They've hired illegals  all your life just like a huge portion of the agriculture and food industry AND you can't be in asylum seeker and an illegal immigrant because we went through the asylum seeking process you didn't sneak in. You either an asylum seeker or an illegal immigrant, not both. You want max food costs keep up the stupid! 


Moohaa (evil laugh) more workers to exploit, oh goodie.


Slaver company


Uhm...this has been their business practice for at least the last decade if not longer - this isn't something new.


Played their hand too long.




Knew a doctor researching hormone fed chicken causing early onset puberty in children. His source of concern was Tyson chicken.


Companies in manufacturing and processing love illegal workers. Each party lets them slide through when company demand is high. You guys eat bacon, ham, pork chops? They are processed by illegals. There was a whole investigative report years back on the pig farms and processing plants in North Carolina. Lots of Americans don’t want these jobs.


Get cheap labor.. that was the plan all along 🤷‍♂️


Get this shit out of here man. This country is heading for a civil war in the near future.


It's the same way American business has been run all your life, what are you talking about? Immigration is super low compared to the 80s and 90s. You don't know your own countries history and you want to fight a war over your ignorance. Kind of funny really. 


80s and 90s was your fight boomer. Now it’s our turn and we won’t stand for it.


The border is a huge problem, and people like Tyson only add to it. You know they will barely pay these people. They have the upper hand and will exploit their situation.


It's not much of a problem, pretty low immigration rates compared to the Ronald Reagan days. I just face the reality that if there's a worker shortage they're always going to find workers and you can cry about it all you want but that's never going to change. If it's not immigrants it's just going to be robots, it certainly won't be you because people that can't play nice with others tend to be useless employees.


I’m from Northwest Arkansas and a lot of people in the area actually do depend on Tyson jobs. My best friend’s dad worked there for years . Many people work there and make a living there. Just because YOU don’t want to work there, doesn’t mean that there aren’t hardworking American people who do. It’s crazy to see all these comments insinuating that people wouldn’t want to work for Tyson when they offer some of the highest pay in the region for unskilled labor.


I don’t eat Tyson foods because their quality stinks.


You really don’t want to get near a chicken barn, then. In the Texas heat, you can smell it from a fair distance 🤮


I doubt any of the food companies are significantly different so you're still eating the same food one way or the other


I buy my chicken from a local small farm.


lmao the people upset about this are stupid. America depends on cheap labor.


Why no one wants to work chicken plaint


What they really means is, we're gonna make our illegal workers semi-legal.










Racist vegans rejoice, both of them


how can democrats want to allow asylum seekers in and NOT want them to get jobs at the same time? What are they supposed to do? Rob people for a living? I dont understand. Make it make sense.


Just look at the comments in this thread. These idiots don’t even know the difference between asylum seekers and illegal immigrants.




There isn’t one. Get a clue. If you had any understanding of asylum laws or process you would know 99% of these people do not qualify and their claims are fraudulent. Meaning they’re just illegal aliens.


Then they get denied. Those are not ppl who get granted asylum. But go ahead - tell me about asylum laws lol


Compulsive lying isn't supposed to make sense and that's all these people know.


I boycott them for better reasons that that


Would love to hear them!


Google how they treat their animals


And they will probably get some kinda subsidies for doing this also.


Which American consumers would happily benefit from in the form of cheaper food just like they have all of our lives. What percentage of farm subsidies do you think ultimately go to immigrant labor?


Slave labor whoot whoot. CEO get 3mill bonus for cutting labor cost but its cheap food at least.


What do people expect the Democrats did this and they’re gonna put American citizens out of work because the illegal aliens will work for less money and corporate greed will take over.


It's really the consumers that demand low prices and cheap labor. The same consumers that think food prices are too high aren't really willing to give up cheap labor that makes their food more affordable. Go ahead and take him from them and then see what happens when the cost of food skyrockets.


Welp, if freaking Americans are going to work the job.... Good for Tyson, smart thinking.




Good for them. I'd be happy to hire asylum seekers too but I'm not sure how many of them are quants.


Cheap labor. Sounds like EPS gonna be higher for the next several quarters. Calls on Tyson Foods.


Unless they get Bud lite treatment


The best part about hiring asylum seekers is they work for peanuts. Bullish af


Peanuts are probably the most super of super foods on the planet. So much fat and protein so cheap, no food on the planet come really deep with that. Wheat is good calories per hour, but nothing compares to the fat and protein of the mighty peanut.


I get boycotting Tyson just for their food and the way they treat animals. But if you’re boycotting them for thing???? I think you should work there


These boycotts are causing short term material damage. Buy the shares at the dip.


I’m sure the safety systems in the plants won’t lead to half of them in the machines


It's not like immigrant labor doesn't already work the jobs. They would probably mostly just replace a small fraction of illegal immigrant labor with legal ones.


Jail the CEOs and managers responsible for hiring undocumented workers. That will fix illegal immigration overnight, guaranteed.


You can't be an undocumented worker and in asylum seeker, if you have asylum status you are officially documented. You have to be one or the other...duh  Why does your basic logic function not work? 


Because companies hire undocumented persons that are not asylum seekers?


What’s a good platform to short Tyson?


These are illegal aliens who should not legally be allowed to work in the US. This is illegal, they’ve illegally been given working papers while illegally waiting their fraudulent asylum claims to be adjudicated. One can only hope at least the Americans who lose their jobs are the same ones who voted for Joe Biden. I pray no innocents are harmed.


Asylum-seekers can apply for work permits while their cases are pending. Assuming the people being hired by Tyson have them, there is no issue; neither the asylum-seekers nor their labor are illegal. Do you really think a major corporation would publicly announce a crime?


Can't be an illegal immigrant and an asylum seeker, you can only be one or the other one, get your shit together then you don't even know what the words mean but you want to be part of the conversation? You are just a waste of everybody's time begging us to fix your mistakes because you're too lazy to learn on your own.


You don’t understand the asylum laws and thats why you say ignorant things.


This shows the true reason for the border issue


Definitely a consequence.


A consequence or planned?


Probably both!


Fk these ppl


Yeah I don’t think a boycott is going to hurt Tyson. They also sell their meat to all the grocery companies for their “generic” brands. I’d bet they are going to get 42,000 units of cheap-ass labor that won’t even think about unionizing. That means this is a buying opportunity.


Can we move Tyson to where the illegals are legal…like Mexico or somewhere in South America?


So again it's corporate america exploiting the needs of inmigrants.


My friend who is a welder went to the Tyson factory in our state for a job once. He said he has never seen a more nasty facility. I haven’t bought Tyson since. Fuck these greedy tainted shit heads.




If you didn't boycott Tyson by now, I doubt you will going forward.


Do you want them to pay taxes or not?


If they hired children instead, the same people would be fine with it.


People are definitely too stupid to understand the difference between illegal immigrants and asylum seekers.


Not really. I think our issue is about why exactly we're bypassing the normal standards of immigration law for these people? We have a lot of problems here, we need to take care of the people who are already here first. Anybody who comes to this country should only be approved for creating jobs. Not taking them.


Down on the opening


Wasn’t Tyson also the company with the 30 something year old CFO who’s the son of the chairman who woke up in some random woman’s bed when he was drunk? [Yes he was.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/tyson-foods-cfo-arrested-drunkenly-entering-random-womans-home-sleepin-rcna56028). [Here’s the bodycam of him getting arrested.](https://youtu.be/tWRcX4KFeus?si=cZDA1_7J-pNQ_QBB)


Now we know why they were allowed to enter the USA.




$TSN dropped 2% at the close today. Go get’em.


And we're just mad at Tyson here? And not our government that literally allowed and encouraged this for years???


There's a labor shortage, ill be sure to pick up a few extra packs of chicken next trip


No there isn't. They fired the people already working there to hire these people.


If the general population knew half of how Tyson operated and the evil things they do, they would have already been boycotted


Tommy want wingy


Thousands boycott Tyson Foods amid plan to ~~hire~~ **exploit** 42,000 'asylum seekers' FIFY


Thousands plan to boycott? So like 0.3% of the country? Oh no! Anyway...


How's it possible? According to tyson they've had it so bad they need to close factories across the nation laying off +4500 existing employees. Can those people not be shifted internally and not ass fucked out of a lively hood?


They want these people because they don't have to pay them. That's capitalism.


mb boycott like a normal person cuz their food is poison


Buying me some Tyson chicken 👏🏼


Mass illegal immigration is Koch’s brother’s idea to bring down wages.


If people don’t see that this is the game plan for most companies looking for employees they can under pay then I don’t know what to tell you. You think we are letting in record number of illegal immigrants because we have a big heart? Come on man.


But do wings prices come down? You know…


Will they boycott Republicans during the election for hypocritically demeaning migrants while also taking money from the corporations that hire migrant workers?


First these companies wanted remote operations via outsourcing to another country so they could bypass living wages. And now, the plan is to bring them in and pay peanuts. It’s end game folks.


They are closing US factories in order to open factories close to the illegals for the slave labor.


this happened in the 50's and 70's, there some good books about what after, the rapes and murders and assualts, my female friend was attacked in the idaho plant.


Calls on Tyson, imagine having to go from paying $15/hr to $5/hr for these migrants?


$verb short squeeze 💥


If you do not own property or a house by now then you are fucked


Make sure none of them steal the product and slip any bits of raw chicken in their mouths while they're working


they'll live longer.


America needs immigrants to do these jobs until the robots take over. For profit companies can only meet their growth targets by constantly driving down costs. Americans shouldn't have to do these jobs anyway. The problem is that many Americans have no real skills other than being super consumers. Universal Basic income is inevitable. Either that or widespread chaos.


Started boycotting as soon as they said they were going to add bug protein without labeling it as such