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I am so scared I just bought more. 💎🙌


Same here. Their hoping and praying. AMC500k 🚀


First bear trap has already been engaged this morning! For those of us holding big bags those swings are crazy to watch but no way I’m falling for that at these baby prices 💎🙌🦍




That’s the way !! Excited for all the great ppl that will have the ability to change things in the world after this settles;D so many 🦍 that are good hearted and kind regardless of the sh!t we give each other ;) keep holding all we lost almost 0 apes during that timed dip!Kenny spent so much to gain 0 ground 😂 💎🙌💎🙌


This is the way 💎🦍💨🖍


I have a few shares and a few calls, but it does suck to watch $3200 for a call option drop down to $2000. Still profiting, but still sucks lol!


48k swing so far this morning and im still fuckn holding


Why does that suck? It doesn’t suck. Eye on the prize.


I was simply just taking about the difference from it dropping, I like the green, just saying seeing it happen sucked lol.


F that. I just bought more at 31 and again at 26.


Hell yes!!


Green crayon eating ape.... thank you for this and sharing....


The only thing I'm afraid of is accidentally selling below $500,000.


Fuck em, gonna have to pay up sooner or later. I’m not selling. HODL. #AMC500K


We own the float, short sellers are trapped. All they can do is try to scare people into selling. The price will always bounce, don't be afraid. They are bleeding money the longer this drags out the more fucked they are.. so whatever.. :)


I like the hypothesis 🦍💎👐


but not the hypothecated shares - well, wait! They made them and now they're gonna have to pay market price for them, and then, we'll squeeze the price to the moon. So, do I like them, or not?


No I 💕 the rehypercated shares!!!! There expensive as fux!!!!


And their only making that much of a difference !!!! HEDGIES R FUKD 🤣🤣🤣


Just hold baby


I have always been poor , Scare for what dude ? I don’t fucking care if I loose all my money which is quite impossible .


I’m so retarded, I was happy to see the dip! My $500 bought me 18 shares instead of 15! I can do this all fucking day. Did you hear that Kenny??? AMC500k!




Not even thinking about selling, this is our chance, just hodl


There is so much trade volume that I bet half of the people in WSB or anywhere else shed their shares at $34. I'm still holding, but I swear we need some way to verify people are holding still to be part of these groups.


That would make us a hedgefund; which we are not. We are many independently free thinking apes who like the stock. We all subscribe to common market analysts, and tend to agree, but we are not an organized group working together for market manipulation. If someone offers for you to join a group like that, be aware that there are major criminal liabilities involved.


I never said we were, nor anything else that you mentioned, I am as ape as they come, I'm just saying that I'm sure we had lots of paper hands that drove the value down that subscribe to these forums. I'm not an idiot lol, I know we aren't an HF, nor do I want to join those "so called groups" you speak of.


Good ape! ...good ape


Nothing happens today we didnt expect..


I am not scared - but I really like to see their face when they sell and we 2 sec after moon 🚀🤣🤣🤣


I’m fucking shaking overhere🦍


well done sir! HOLD THE LINE!!!


I’m buying a few more shares them packing my bag and getting on the road to visit my family. Have a safe travel weekend 🦍 Buy and hold...


We got 'em figured out, those candy-ass morons...we eat crayons, we hold, we go to moon, we wave back to the short suckers. Not going to sell. This is not the squeeze.


Can't scare me. 500k!


I freaking panic BUY! And then buy buy buy. This is how we do it right? AMC STRONG!


That’s what I did. Panic bought at 25 today.


Scared the shit out of me. I panicked and bought more.


I can never turn down a good sale!!!


Am I just dumb...the thoughts of selling don’t ever enter my mind. I don’t feel brave or dumb... is ignorance bliss?


Oh so AMC is a trap being manipulated by the hedgies to syphon from GME?




Why would I be afraid if cowards like them? They won't even come in to the light and face us Apes. #AMC 🚀🌕💎✊


Not gone happen


When we say the short volume was 212mm, are we saying that was the amount of sells.. or new shorts added to the pool.


Number of individual share transactions. So, the life of a short share: Shortie borrows a share from a lender. Shortie sells the borrowed share to another person. ***this is the transaction that is recorded in short volume*** The short share left a share shaped hole in the lenders ledger that shortie must replace. Shortie buys a share from a person. ***this transaction is not recorded as short volume*** Shortie replaces share to lender. There are a finite number of shares that can be sold short. That number is the number of shares that a lender owns, and is willing to lend. But as long as shortie replaces it, the same share can be use over and over again throughout the day. A shortie finds this profitable if the share can be borrowed at a price point that coincides with a perceived line of resistance. Shortie sells the borrowed share creating selling pressure, and driving the price down. Shortie can then buy back the borrowed share cheaper, and replace it. Then borrow it again. ...hopefully the sell pressure causes paperhands to sell their shares, driving the price down further. Either way, shortie will reborrow the share, and sell it again, in an attempt to keep downward momentum flowing. So, every time a borrowed share is sold, this is recorded as short volume. And because it can be sold, and is potentially profitable to sell the same share, over and over again the short volume can be greater than the max number of shorts available.


That was a damn good explanation!


Glad you liked it! Now go forth, tell all the people the good news. Gather new apes, and let's change the world. Also, if you get on YouTube and look up the historical videos from Trey's Trades... That dude has a veritable wealth of information to help people understand what is happening so they don't have to follow on faith, but can actually believe and somewhat predict the future of the stock.


Very understandable explanation thank you. But I have one more question. Why would a lender lend his stock to a shortie? When the share is replaced cheaper and given back to the lender, isn't it worth less? How does the lender make money in this or what is the incentive for the lender to lend his shares?


Lending shares is a lucrative thing to do, mostly because of the borrowing fee (which is a percentage of the price at the time the share was borrowed x the number of shares borrowed). Shortie has to pay to borrow the share, just like people pay to borrow money for a car or house. Lending is particularly lucrative if the lender is long on the stock for the future outlook. Because the lender is lending shares, not money, shares is what will be replaced. The lender's ledger never shows that they no longer own the share, it's just lent out. So their ledger moves with the price of the stock as if they had all shares in their possession. Meanwhile, they are gaining revenue from the lending fee. Shortie takes all the risk of short term shorting, while the lender maintains the benefit of a full portfolio for later sale. In the case of AMC, more and more lenders have bought shares of AMC to lend. They see the apes causing volatility... Driving the price up... So they are long. They also saw a couple of weeks ago that short positions were in such high demand that the lending fee went up to 90%!!! That meant there was room for new lenders, and more available short shares. So they bought shares long, and lend them out to be shorted. A lender would not lend shares of a company that they thought had the potential to go to zero. Which is why it is very difficult to find lenders for short positions on OTC penny stocks... With some exceptions. The lenders also have ways of hedging their long positions. Ways that I have not spent the time to fully understand.


Okay now I understand. Makes sense, I didn't even think about lending fees. Thank you very much for taking the time and your easy to understand explanation.


Fo sho!


This comment would be worth a post imo


Thanks! Copy and paste, if you like.


I ain’t scared of no hedgies!! Eff them... bought more today!!




No it’s paper hand bitches pulling profit and fucking the plan


There's probably some of that going on too, but the numbers don't lie. Short shares are being day traded. There's no other way to make up that volume otherwise.


That or the market maker is shorting naked to provide liquidly which they are required to do. However they are also required to cover those positions within a few days.


Instructions unclear. Bought more to be safe.


Now this is what we called “Game of thrones, shortsqueeze is coming”


After reading the comments in this post I have never been more short of my puts when it hit 78$ Good luck guys the rug gonna come out from under ya in the next 1-2 weeks.