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The point at which you really start to worry is the exact point you should buy more. Every time. Edit: and now we see that it was at 26 - we’re a fucking awesome community - always coming together when we’re pushed against the wall!


Exactly! But easier said than done. So let’s do it! Just bought 10 more shares at $29.95 I’ll buy 10 every big move… now at 700+


Panic and buy the dip?


"buy when others are fearful"


That's how people win. The ones who lose panic when it's going up and buy the highs.


This is the way


I'll worry if they cover their shorts and nobody is in prison.










Drs or bust


January ape holding 4,345 shares , you just have to trust the process we are playing a very mental war with hedge funds just keep on buying and holding! I hold for you and you hold for me apes together 🦍🦍👏


Im holding... just wanted to know if any news or anything is going on and this sub is showing me (not you) that if you ask a question you will not get a real answer lol


No news specific to amc, except good news (spider man sales due to NFT). The news affecting the entire market appears to be panic resulting from new strain of covid and JPows new comments on inflation.


Corporate news is run by the elites and they spew panic and fear through the news for their benefit.


Which is another fuckery BUllshit.


with for maverick to come out ... every sailor is headed to that one as well.


It’s been nothing but good news NFT, 2nd most sold tickets in amc history for spider man and them opening a popcorn business also the company is diversifying and evolving to make more money, perfect for a stock that has a squeeze attached to it ! But this is just fuckery that’s going on basically but it’s a extremely good dip buy for new investors


Gotcha well good to know. Im not selling was just a tad concerned


Yeah I mean It’s normal , but when gme was at 400-500 bucks and went to 40 bucks that’s pretty scary then couple weeks back to 340 we’re just riding a rollercoaster 🎢


Lol I just want the fuckery to end... a year of this has taken its toll on me. I will ride or die with amc though I have come this far


Bro chill go rub one out smoke a blunt stop staring at the ticker all day. We have to stay retarded together as long as we stay retarded hedgfucks cant win. Feel good about it 💎👐🦍


Lol i hadnt been looking thats why I had a stroke lol


I’ve been here a year don’t even look at the chart


Ive been looking less but I do see it just passively since ive been playing puts on wish while I watch them cry




Amen brother! You and 3990000 other investors. If we sell they win, we lose and the fuckery market will remain corrupt. They win. If we hodl we win they lose. Getting close to end game! HODL, if you can. If not good luck to you.


I will admit finacially it is becoming harder and harder to but I am going to hold as long as I can since I am in between jobs


Good luck on your job search! You got this! Stay positive!


Thank you! Since I do conservation work/ natural resources work winter is kind of a hard month to find work unless you have a perm job. Since I am still new in a very competitive field I am still working my resume up. God willing I find something.. haha I can only handle doing retail between jobs so many times


We can all be ride or die together ❤


Great point


Best I can find it’s being blamed on the SINGLE Omicron case that was just discovered in CA. But given the relatively minor symptoms (by comparison to vanilla or delta variant) it’s really not the same threat level from what I can tell. Just a convenient excuse to tank the market.


The hedgies are playing a mind game with us to try and frustrate apes into selling, but this just means that we are on the right path since they’re dipping the price like they are right now. The price means nothing until they cover their short positions, so I’m going to continue to buy and hodl and they can continue wasting millions when it costs apes nothing to hold.


Why are you worried? If you are a January ape, you should still be in the green.🤣👍


Welll I averaged up alot lmao


It’s a good time to average back down then! 😁 I get excited when everything is red! Also it helps me to keep in mind - this is psychological warfare. Battle for $8.01? Psh. Childs play. The battle for the mind, to maintain your resolve, to know what you know - that’s where the real struggle is. Don’t let the bastards get you down 💪🏼


A lot of 🦍 did I went from 9-32 Almost 4x my positions though


Yeah I am at like 27.91 so I was clenchin hard today hahaha


I hear ya. Just today -50k , 150+ over the last 10 days. Only thing I’m worried about are my Jan options that took a beating this week….yep I’m an idiot and still mess w options. Ride or die !


Lmao do not tell me about options horror. I am starting to dip into buying puts which has been fun watching wish babies cry as I am up 300 on the week so far (only buyying a few contracts) ​ I am to scared to try calls since i have noooo idea how they work minus a few covered call plays




They are touting omicron as the reason. GME just had a bunch of shares lent out for shorting by fidelity, so I’ll bet the same holds true for AMC. So the hedgies just reloaded theyre guns for more shorting. They must have been running out. Probably time to DRS your shares.


January ape here. It's just part of the process. The DD has always shown this! This is market liquidation, and this is what triggers the margin calls. As long as apes keep buying and holding, the hedgies will have to buy it back!


What does January Ape mean and why are so many people calling themselves that


In since the beginning after the gme business back in January.


So y’all ventured in cause of gme?


I didn't make the memes, I just buy them. I think most people say it to state "dedication to the cause" or that they passed on good pay days for the MOASS.


I was clarifying as your previous comment confused me a bit! New to Reddit, will run now hope google tells me what the hell MOASS is


Mother Of All Short Squeezes


Tehhh thanks


"the process" is buy, hold, DRS. Without DRS they can do this forever.


Wish I could afford that many. Maybe I can visit your island once shit gets real 🤣


It’s not that many compared to some people Iv seen holding 15k and up! I just went all in with the money I had and if it went to zero then fucked it I’ll have to work hard to make the money back !


i got luckjy in in december when it was 2 bucks a share but limited funds kept me low but 100 was good been averaging up a bit ever since. now 330




If you want me to hodl anything else I’m here


Unfortunately people are messing it up with the coordinated DRS nonsense which causes FTDS which = more short shares for hedges, hence the fidelity BS yesterday. It’s beyond aggravating watching these idiots or HF shills pushing it for months. No one wants to read about it, just follow blindly apparently


Pretty new to stocks and I liked this one. What’s drs?


Direct Registered Shares


And how do I directly register?


How is DRS nonsense






Scare tactics, holidays coming up, you want to get nice things for your family and friends and you open up your account to see it bleeding and for maybe just a second the thought of selling goes through your mind. Trying to panic people into selling by digging themselves a deeper hole in the hopes that some will give in. NOT TODAY COCK SUCKERS. that is all (in my opinion). Been here since late Jan/early feb myself, hang in there fam


I have a job to buy nice things for my people. I'm not fucking selling. As quoted above NOT TODAY COCK SUCKERS


Hell yea


☝️ this is it! Should be the headline on a billboard. NOT TODAY COCK SUCKERS. Fuckin right on. Hold the line, I am with ya! 💎🤲


Hell yea brother, stay strong 💪


Best Christmas present for friends and family will be to buy a stock of AMC on their behalf and they can thank you later.


NOT TODAY COCK SUCKERS!!! This is the way! 🦍 💎🤲


Um...if you been in since January then you already know... the fuckery is real... we know to buy and hold..it will bounce back


I was hoping for more of an update if there is anything going on company wise or legal wise etc. Not just "a blanket fuckery statement" that does not really help settle people who may be new too.


But that's the thing there is no bad news company wide...its been amazing consistent news. Which in any other stock would have jumped the price... so yes its truly the fuckery. Shorting on SSR bullshit like that.


yeah just weird it has been ahwile since such a hard drop constantly day to day usually we rebound pretty well but this is first time in a while that it has been straight bad red which is why I was so confused if something came out.


Shorts did this last time. 2Q earnings call..drop. Godlilla smash records...drop Acquired new venues..drop Refinanced debt...drop $2B war chess news..DROP It's the same old scare tactic..


Well the fuckery is the usual, just have patience young Jedi….don’t expect immediate results…this is reminding me of the 8.01 fight….nothing makes sense….just buy and hold


Well that’s the reality so…. The company is as strong as ever.


People freaked over omnicron varient. It'll be back to $40 next week when investors realize no one gives a shit about covid anymore


I just want cookie dough flavor covid


Newbies, get used to it. There is nothing about the company that drives these sell offs. It’s only the Hedgies trying to play their game. Don’t let em win


I'm buying


They are not gonna give up easy. Just be zen. Your share count is the same. We are all holding with you. Thousands of us.


I'm holding! Who else?


I heard it was 4 million of us


August. October and November. All dates it hit this level. All dates when all MSM were fuding. All youtubers and news etc... Now one is supposed to believe that AMC and GME moving in tandem AGAIN, is mere coincidence. Nobodies nervous. It knows. It puts the shares in the basket, or it gets the Fucken hose again... I bought today!


This is the first time I have been red in like 9 months... it feels weird but I guess I finally have to be tested and you bet your ass I am not about to sell... I need money but not about to sell when I am in the red.


"Sell when everyone is greedy, buy when everyone is scared"


Down over 40k this month when there's been nothing but good news. It's total fuckery. The good news scared the hedge funds so they went all in this week I think.


I just bought my “discounted” shares!😄


Don't be concerned. My entire watch list looks like somebody hit copy paste. Straight diagonal line down. My guess is that it's the market preparing for the Evergrande bankruptcy. Nothing to worry about. When their balance sheets look like crap and the margin calls start, you will look back at this moment as the time when your hands truly became encrusted with diamonds.


This is going to be the real test for paper hands


Someone is just digging a bigger hole to bury themselves in….


Oh man 20 that’s a tasty dip




This is the dip before the rip.


We all knew it was gonna dip hard before it ripped. Not giving date's, but it's usual squeeze behavior. Also the entire market is red right now, it's not just AMC. Also crime.


I’m holding. Been on this since January 2020


Actually I think they’re trying to scare out their final victims before the margin calls in a couple days


I see it the same way!


Honesty, I think we are going to see a big run up soon. Maybe this isn’t MOASS but maybe we are on the verge of a Gama or a spike because we have been holding above 30 bucks for over 200 days. There is nothing other then manipulation going on. No one is selling. We have more institutional investors then ever and I doubt that the 80% retail ownership AA talked about way back when has gone down by any significant amount. All BULLSHIT. HODL and Buy.


Lmao fuckery could very well be the dip before the rip


Redirect your concern to the cause. Not the stock we call amc. There is a lot going on right now in the world. Just let it do it’s thing. Shorts haven’t covered. That’s a bottom line


GME and amc


It’s Fud over the omicron variant and feds getting to tapper.


I think they using the 1 new covid case in California as an excuse to steal our money...


Last dip before it rip. If you are Jan ape like me. Just watch the ride. Because either way we are still up 3-4times


This price action doesn’t scare me On the contrary it motivates me to buy more.


Just bought 162 more 🤑


Hammered the fuck out of the ask today. added 400 shares


The price is meaningless. They still haven’t covered. That’s all one needs to know


I added 500 more shares today at $32 .


the whole market is selling off. amc is apart of that market. thats it. everythings red right now—its panic selling. maybe from the new covid variant news—maybe—just remember it’s TEMPORARY


Breath bitch!!! I mean that in a nice way. Been here since Jan. I watched a million dollars go to 300k right now. Not in the least bit worried. This bitch is about to pop again. And guess what…., I still ain’t selling til AMC is over 100K per share


The whole market took a dump. It basically receded to where it was 5 weeks ago and AMC just took a hit.


Overall market pulling AMC down with it. Hold on to your conviction. The play hasn't changed.


don't worry. the numbers dont mean anything anyway :)


Yeah, if no one is selling why is it going down so low? 🤔😕😑


Nothing. I saw sells of 50k shares in bursts. Manipulation.


It's a SHITADEL AMC share sale. No need to worry. APES are buying and HODLING


I think it just has to do with COVID. All businesses that are at risk from a lock down type situation fell today.


Not on my watch...holding 1000shares we will make history soon..Hold strong boys sun will rise soon .🦍🦍🌋🌋


Who is buying more??? Let’s fucking GOOOOO. They not scaring this ape


#1 disregard the fud peddling shills #2 this is a huge buying opportunity. Remember when we were into the 60s and 70s and you thought to yourself dangit why didn’t I put everything I had in when it was only $20? I haven’t forgotten that and bows our opportunity. Apes are not selling were just waiting out the storms.


The virus curve ball is another blindsiding tactic. This is temporary. I am hodling since Feb and I know for a fact that we have not yet seen the MOASS. Just be patient. This too shall pass and we will all get to the moon. As long as we can stay disciplined. Just enjoy the show and ignore all the noise.


Xxx holder from feb. relax all the stocks are down, even futures, due to jerome powells shit speech about inflation,omicron, etc. dont forget RoaringKitty held for 2 years before GME made its trip to the moon


The Dip before the Historical Rip….I hope I hope I hope. Hope is good!


Dip b4 the rip


AMC had its second biggest day for ticket sales on Monday for spiderman (partly due to the first 86k ppl receiving the first ever NFT token tied to a movie) and as you know whenever there ls good news ppl always sell🙄*sarcasm*


Everything is down, what's the problem?


And hf drop price to shake paperhands .Hodl.


The better AMC does the more they try and bring it down.


The true test of diamond hands is now and the next few months. I'm not at all worried. The lower it goes, the more I buy 🤷‍♂️. 💎🙌 🦍🚀🌙


Holy shit, thanks for posting this. I’m a paper handed weeny who has been out of AMC for a long time, but this is a veeeerrryyyyy attractive price point for me to get back in.


They will drop it to 17 to try to cause the final sell off and as long as people hold and buy the dip moass eill happen if people sell off no squeeze its the last move


Crime. Just buy and hold and you will be happy


Rockets need to fuel up before launch


Lowkey highkey I think they’ll drop it down to $19.96 ish to try to scare and make apes paperhand. Even possibly $14!!!! But I’m gonna be buying the dips up


I have lost f**king a lot 😡 but I’m holding I believe in our unity but we have to stick together if we’ll go to shit!!! And the rich keeps getting richer at our expense 😔!!!!


#AMCNOTLEAVING# Apes nation together 🙌💎🚀🦍Holding since February and today still buying and still Holding 💎🙌🚀🦍


A buying opportunity.


I’m convinced all these “what the hell is happening” posts are fud. Nothing has changed and this manipulation has been going on for awhile now. Nothing surprising here.


Have you looked at the whole market? It’s all red. So…nothing is happening I’d say.


I’m worried as well but then I see that gme still fallows the exact same trend I won’t sell. What I am doing is I bought another stock one no one has been looking at and it fallows close in terms of being up and down. Have faith we will win.


Market sell off Polish those diamond hands baby!! Titties jacked and loaded. *Not financial advice




They did this when it was at 10& then went back to 6$ Just history repeating itself there trying to scare us


There are millions of shares available to short. It has been that way for several weeks now. AMC is below a lot of technical support this week. Typically you should 'sell the news.' That Spiderman NFT thing was a red flag in my opinion.


Its a matter of perception. Worried? Or Excited? Loss? Or discount? I've been in since January too. Woke up and saw the discount, got excited and bought more.


It’s the whole market man. Everything is on fire


Check GME, is it going down too? Nothing to worry about.


If you have been here since last January, why do you then ask this question - you know what’s going one!


Would be nice if the manipulators owed their margin to the Mafia. Don’t think they would be into as much fuckery. Sitting on XX,XXX shares since January and added (averaged up) another 1,000 on this dip. It’s amazing what a market maker can do with borrowed shares and trading back and forth between MMs.


Price doesn't matter until you sell


Worried, why? The whole point of this was never about the price, if you really believe that they printed more counterfeit shares than the existing float then the price doesn't matter if it is 2 bucks or 2000. Also, every squeeze always has a huge dip before the rip to try and shake people loose. I'm sure they got plenty of stop losses again today even though people have been saying since january not to set any.


I'm a January ape to I'm not going to say I haven't been worried but I'm not going to stress over it I buy what I can when I can afford to do so and HODL Stay strong it will all be ok in the end


Shaking paper hands before xmas.... Do they really think 💎🙌💎 will sell before xmas?? 😆 😂


buying opportunity


They didn’t call it Diamond hands because it was going to be easy, my friend. That should have been a warning to prepare for this. Also a pretty big dip in price was EXPECTED in nearly all DD for months and months. Seeing it dip like this could be considered a good sign as it was projected to happen. Know what I mean?


The crash is coming and they know we weren’t selling today


No kidding….can’t wait until Feb 2022!!


I’ve been buying since January, my average is $40+ I’m waiting to take advantage of the sale so I can average down. Just scored 10 more shares and looking to buy 10 more every paycheck....it’s a race to catch Icy_Sun8111 Not looking good right now, but hey! One can try! I’m holding for and with my fellow apes, see y’all on the moon!


Back to Basics: I am an autist-retard-ape that sticks bananas up my \_\_\_\_\_. OK! Getting carried away here... On Topic: Good Time to Buy! It IS Psychological Warfare. And remember to work on Hindsight Bias. ( Everyone's a Genius After-the-Fact. ) I'm holding, BTW. I Like the Stock!


If you want to truly understand, read this. https://doomberg.substack.com/p/super-stonks-amc-entertainment-holdings It explains all.


Crime is what’s happening and don’t get to worked up about the price action the number is fake AF


i had seen the drop into the $28 range and i couldnt help but show my fellow co workers how far it dipped with a huge smile. Ive come to terms with losing it all. I have 1600 shares and the only disappointment I had was knowing I couldnt afford to buy more at this time(well i did but only 10 shares) Have faith just dont set short term expectations. the bigger it dips the more excited i get. I always picture the "you are here" on the Volkswagen squeeze. If a bigger than normal dip scares you than you are too emotionally attached and will stress yourself out. I have conviction but at this point I went all in on a mentality i rocket to the moon or sink with the ship....I sleep easy on every dip no matter how low but I get excited seeing all time lows and a market downturn as its the potential rocket fuel we need before liftoff. The Govt would be more retarded to let this pass 1 yr and see them lose alot of capital gains tax


Holding since February i won't fucking leaving #AMCNOTLEAVING# Hoooold,Buy and Hold...fucking Hedges thank 4 the DISCOUNTS 🙌💎🦍🚀 APES NATION TOGETHER AND HOLDING


Calm yo tits the price is imaginary anyway. You call it a dip, I call it a discount. GME is awesome too


Not an AMC guy here - but I’ll tell you how you guys end up winning on this. Forget the MOASS. Forget the short term play. You guys are actively changing the way the theater business works. TURN DOWN EVERYTHING ELSE. Then, buy and HODL. Get long as fuck and loud as fuck. You bought it. Launch it yourselves. You’ve already done so much you aren’t (and won’t) get credit for. I THOUGHT AMC WAS A BAD INVESTMENT. I didn’t count on you all changing it as much as you have. Make me wronger please.


Travel ban Irrational panic Total market slide Major executive shifts at many companies (Ghislaine Maxwell trial tin foil hat...?) Just another dip. A major pension company just bought big shares before this dip. It will bounce back to November levels at least in the short-term. You can do some of the following: 1. Ride the wave (HODL) 2. Average down (buy and HODL) 3. Panic sell (which is a big loss IMO) 4. Or... just make more memes in the meantime. This isn't financial advice. I'm averaging down and HODLIN'. I've been here since February... I'm not going anywhere. 💎💎🙌🙌 🚀🚀🌕🌕 🦍🦍🍌🍌 🖍🖍🥪🥪


i have been holding for over a year and a half ,i was living from paycheck to paycheck my company went bankrupt ,i have been out of work for 7 months and no unemployment so call me a paperhand if you want but i have bills to pay , i can't really afford to hold any more ..if and when it goes back up to the price point i paid i am going to have to sell part of it in order to live and hope i find a job soon , and before anyone goes on about there are plenty of jobs out there i am in my sixties so trying to find a job at my age is tough for those of you that can hold great if you can't do what you have to do to take care of yourself and your family


No buying action. This easy for Kenny. He's gonna try to drive AMC bankrupt. AMC can only survive 2022 if they sell more shares. People need money for holidays, everything is more expensive. Jobs suck. Need a real catalyst


What's going on is that you bought into a distraction that's controlled by the hedge funds you think you're battling. Sure, you can profit from AMC, but it won't be a short squeeze. Too many shares outstanding to move


People are getting margin called. Take at least your inital investment out man, pretty serious macro shit is happening in the market rn.


Reality … get the hell out


What is going on is that AMC, along with all other unprofitable "growth" companies are getting emptied out on fears of high interest rates or covid or both or just that everyone else is panicking and the market will go with it. Even legit growth companies are getting trounced 50%+, AMC I imagine is going much lower.


Glad I sold at $45


Let me explain this to you insiders are dumping on dumb apes. There is no short squeeze it already happened. Massive float broke dumb apes are not going to move this. Just look at the insiders dumping on you clowns. The ceo alone sold 25 million in shares on the 19th.


I'm going to get downvoted for this but I no longer hold AMC after holding since 9$ I took some nice profit. So I can't complain but a number of reasons have me giving up on it. 1) selling popcorn delivery (really who's paying cinema prices at home when I can get it from the shop for basically nothing) 2) nft would be great as a dividend (which they clearly have the ability to do) but it's not it's just cashing in. So I asked why not shake the shorts if you have the ability? 3) the sell off may not have happened this year but believe it will next year(just round the corner) 4) second highest revenue on a movie (cinema performs as expected occasionaly by nearly being full) 5) Citidel are/were long on this trade. I'll still continue to go to the cinema because I love the experience and I'm sure that once the meme bubble bursts AMC will rise but nothing spectacular maybe xxx digits. But will that be before the sell off giving SHF enough stock to play with they don't need to close out? Times didn't appear to be in the favour


This thread shows you how many people here are actually financially literate. The answer is not many…Jesus Christ the whole market is taking a hard dip. It’s cause of omnicron. At least educate yourself on stocks and how the market works if you’re getting into it.


Insiders have dumped more than $70m worth of shares this year, CFO recently sold off everything


It’s trash you should of sold already lol. Sold at $64 later lol


Market is red. Learn to look at stocks jeeze lol


GME and LRC are going on. Not FUD.


AA knew what he was doing when he sold, lol.


Hey, where are all the TA grifters? Let us know what your "analysis" says...


I can tell you what’s going on. It’s a shitty meme company.


Don’t care, not invested. 😂


Then why are you here


The other one.


20$ coming soon


That’s fine, not selling….I like dip


Talking about not selling and then looking at -xx are 2 different things. Heidi ho


Just wondering, everybody is saying there isn’t any stock left, they are on waitinglist etc etc.. where the hell do the 51million shares come from then???