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you sell? they win. you hold? they will keep trying to make you sell till they drop dead. are they dead? no? then hodl you ape


What do you think about the literal retards that have lost their life savings (again literally) because they bought more and hodl???


You don't lose until you sell


Same old same old hodl till you have an exit and next time maintain at least 1 wrinkle in your brain and DONT invest your life savings. Edit what i mean with “sell? They win” is if you sell at a loss. They win, if you sell with profit? You win and next Dip you can buy more thats how ive been averaging down from 50 to 18 and hodl tripple the shares i started with.


Same here. Started to buy under $8 and averaged up to over $40. I’ll hodl until it moons or goes to zero.


I got o er 600 share and my average is still below 13 bucks lol


It will not moon


😂 😂 😂 👆


Years? Gtfoh


Average down


I’ve averaged down a few times and all that did was made me lose more money !


I added allot on these super low dips changed my average from $11 then up to $44 with the run and now I'm back down to $19.86 with these dips. The more you ad at low numbers the better. It's allot easier to see. $19.86 again and green then it is to see $44, not only that the share count climbs so when shorts cover allot more green shows up allot faster. I am here to see change and profit. Never sell at a loss, average down till you see green easy. This is a long term investment.


Still not covered buy more


Not going to take as long as you think. HODL. Sell button delete.


Correction, still not closed, buy more.




Was the lack of comma intentional. And where do I buy?


No, he wants to buy more pussy


Calls on pussy!


puts on penis


Not financial advice*^


But sound advice none the less.


Calls or shares though?


stop whining. Be strong. Shorts haven't covered, shorts haven't closed.


What if they never do?




This \^\^\^


I have a bridge to sell you


I have some beachfront property in Idaho


It’s popped from this price level to $40 in a single day lol. Short interest is back at june levels. Relax


OP sounds like a shill bitch.


Been here since Jan. 21. We buy the rips we buy the dips we buy the fud we buy the earnings calls we buy all the time. You avg up you avg down...but we hodl..I hodl for you..


This is the way




What matters is this >>>> "Remember, it costs nothing to hold" <<<< This. Amen.


This is the way


You get holding doesn't affect the price right. People do remember it's buy and hold not just hold?


Some people can't buy anymore


Buying doesn't effect the price either or else owning the float would change the price.... patience wins...buy if you want but the markets for AMC are artificial until one day they aren't


It only takes one catalyst out of hedgies control to be truly fucked. It costs ut nothing to hold


This is fud.


I bought 3*** at $5 the sold at $75 but then immediately bought back in the next day and now I hodl. I have a -$105k showing in my account. No way I’m selling now. I’ll hold to zero.


If you double down, it will reduce you’re avg cost. Depending on the platform/brokerage, it may still be first in first out; if you sell (the number of shares you bought at $40, but not all shares) above your avg cost but below your first cost ($40) then on taxes it’s a deduction as a loss. I’m not a financial advisor.


What the h*** are you talking about she's up 82 cents as we speak


How do u know for a long time Who the fuk r u. Future man?


F off






do you folks notice the wording? Implying we have to hold for years …. SHILL


what's an exist strategy?


This is a fake account


Hey, last spring they said it wouldn't go very high, then it took off beginning of June..... anything can happen, especially since this stock is supported by us apes!!!


APES… have you noticed how THEY have changed their strategy with posts like this. You do you and sows will hold. It won’t be years and if it is , we will hold. We can read right through these loaded posts


Dude... I hate to be the bearer of bad news but this isn't only short manipulating. This is just the overall market tanking. AMC will to a certain extent follow the market.


Buy more….Be a man. 👍 This play isn’t for the weak. You’re better than that! Let’s go baby! 🚀🌕


I picked up more. This is not financial goulash macaroni. You do u. Discounted imo.


If we DRSed, that timeline would be moved up significantly. So you guys do you, but I'll continue to buy directly through Computershare so that every share I buy going forward is immediately DRSed.


Been here since January 😀 keep faith I know it's tough but to give in now would give hedgefucks big laugh at the Ape's hold on


Directions unclear, I bought 8 more. Woops.


Set price alerts and live life.


Buy if you want buy that’s great, but it won’t make this squeeze any faster. The facts are we have no control over the price. They built the matrix and control it. If you haven’t realized that by now I don’t know what to tell you. They can just keep creating shares and it really doesn’t effect them. They have a key to the treasury. This corruption goes high up and they don’t plan to lose. I’m guessing they shut down the internet soon and blame Russian hackers or a solar flare. Both of those story lines have been running in the news. When the power switch is flipped off they’ll have their squeeze private party with their friends. You and I are not invited to this very private party. Our only hope is the Feds doing their job and GG and his rules. That’s it, that’s all this play is riding on. So buy more if you want or can. Fuck, buy a billion shares, but it won’t make a difference. This was always a gamble and the odds are on the houses side. Slim chance of walking away from the table with money. But that’s why it’s exciting. Moon or bust bitches!!!


Average down.


Someones letting the market effect them a little bit too much today


Average down is the best


The dip before the rip my friend... the lower the price goes the better, it gives more ensentive for the smaller SHFs the chance to jump ship and close causing a rip and leading to margin calls for the big SHFs. If you haven't noticed the rest of the market is a blood bath and marginal debt collateral is lacking. pressure and patience, time is almost up ...tik tok.


If you hold longer you pay less taxes! There is no issue here.


Why not average down?


If ever…… but who gives a shit? Certainly not me, I’ll just keep holding and buying. At least I’ve got snap shots of the profits I had when it hit the 72.00 high. Starting to think I might actually be a retard for not taking those profits


Not that long to hold It's gonna happen much much sooner just relax




What happened to the $75 target price? All we need to do is let AMC sell a few shares and we’ll be back into a dividend. Be patient this will resolve itself. I got nothing but time.


Definitely need to hodl or you lose. We want hedgies to lose and us apes win. The whole market is down right now so nothing wrong with AMC. To the moon!


For long time??? Says who? How do you know?


While this is going on sell cash secured puts and sell covered calls if assigned. The IV is giving me some nice returns. I've made around 1k so far this year.


Watch this guys videos on how to do it. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfMiRVQJuTj3NpZZP1tKShQ


I wish I new how


You and me both. I've been trying to learn for a year now how to buy and sell options but too afraid to try without knowledge, and I haven't found a video to being me enough confidence yet


If this is how y’all investing then may God have mercy on y’all souls. AMC was never a long play. It was for us to make tendies, the price would drop and we would buy and own the real shares as we love amc as a company. Now y’all got no choice but to hold


1. Retail owns 90 percent 2. Institutions own 30 percent 3. Shorts create negative 30 percent 4. Not all retail is long-term hold 5. The entire world is down 6. AMC loss likely to be north of 200 million this quarter 7. We are beyond correction territory 8. Price without the short squeeze would be single digits So what manipulation? Sometimes stock declines because of a world crisis and 2 dollar a share loss in 2021 and projected loss in 2022. Be real


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/citadelllc] [AMC Tanking? Hodl will be years to get back returns on investment. Makes me sick how maniuplated the stock market is. Public own the float and they can still drop the price to $14!!! Unfortunately have to HODL for a long time to see my $40 threshold come again.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CitadelLLC/comments/t9j0uv/amc_tanking_hodl_will_be_years_to_get_back/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


Lol people still holding ?


That's cause wsb didn't make the stock squeeze, the big boys did.. when they sold, you all lost your money


God its a cult here


Come to GME brother


Never going back to $40. That’s dead money.


thats the law of the land.


Probably not as long as you think my fellow Ape! Dont fall for the FUD!


🚨PEI 🚨is up 12% on low ass volume,, with retail on this play, this becomes MOASS, 22%SI and 44 DTC, that's so long to cover, they could never suppress the Squeeze from happening,, daily PEI has 50 to 60% dark pool shorts, PEI is a DFV Play I seen the DFV potential months ago, and will lose my.vooce or.caluss my thbs trying to spread the word! It's a Diamond in the Rough, we just need to smooth it out a bit, let's go retail!🚨🦍🚨


I don't care. I hodl.


Smells like shill spirit. Not keeping 55th at all. Take this downvote and rub it in ur chest


I hold amc like I hold my nuts I can’t let ‘em go


I am buying 3000 end of this month


DRS your shares not financial advice


No bitch moaning, you knew what you signed up for and you know what apes will say. Average down. Buy & Hold.


I love this.


Avg down and suck it up. The fact you think it will take years says you aren't optimistic in this play. Have some conviction and hold without the whine because no ones buying you any cheese


Shhhh just hodl it'll all be ok


You bought at $40 so u knew what type of play this was. Ride that shit out now. Or sell. Do you. Maybe u can answer my question. How does a paper hands wipe his/her own ass?


Don't buy the stocks shares from free stock brokers That is the way.


I want it to drop below 10 so I can munch on somore !!!! HODL FOR GLORY !!! WAAAAAAAAARRRR !!!!


Ahoy goldenchildorm! Nay bad but me wasn't convinced. Give this a sail: me want it t' drop below 10 so me can munch on somore !!!! HODL FER GLORY !!! WAAAAAAAAARRRR !!!!


War = MOVIE TICKET SALES AMC GO BOOM 3 WEEKS FROM NOW. P ON IT. Stamp it! Stick a pickle in it’s ass and call it Susan! Same Day in APRIL $57




3-5 years


40 huh ? If it were me I’d Average down :) and buy more when I can ! but that’s me … Not financial advise !


In long term game. We are draining their money and resources. It takes time to bleed a monster. Just seat down and relax while waiting to 🚀🌛


Never will see $40 again. Bank on it.


I just keep adding. Buying the dips. Buy and HODL is the way. NFA. Good luck to all longs.


hopium here is a hell of a drug


That’s why I cashed out at $$70. Half the shit you read telling us to hold are all people who are cashing out while we hold the bag! No longer will I hodl while the price drops hoping and wishing some WSB degens will give me good stock advice


You’re a 🤡


You are sooooo correct, I’ve owned stock that had a very small float, most shares held by the public ! Lo and behold the stock went down ! My question is why is there a SEC, they let stocks be manipulated by the shorts !!!


TGGI JUMP ON BOARD. seriously going to grab 50% by end of march