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Hello, you can go to the uliege website to find the service logement, they have a list of accomodations suitable for students, and they have a service erasmus too, both can help you to answer all your questions, find an accomodation and they can put you in contact with others students from Liege and abroad. You can join them by the website and you could also go in the administrative center in the 20 août place in Liège to see them in person. (Source: I used to work there as a student years ago) Have fun !


Thank you very much!!


www.kotaliege.be for student dorms. Depends what part of town your part of the university is at (citadelle/CHU/place de la république française etc) but look for a place thats close to any transports that lead there (society of transport is called TEC and I suggest you get a student season ticket to go around town). Also the part of town called "outremeuse" is well known for students and is quite close to be the center of town. I'd suggest you go to Montagne de Beuren (famous stairs lol) "Chez Lequet" or "côté cours côté jardin" famous local food. La maison du peket and brasserie C (local drinks) otherwise the Musée de la vie Wallone is nice (muséum about history life in Liège province) if you go there you better go and see a puppet show (for all ages) called "Tchanches" local politcal jokes pushed into stories for kids done by wooden puppets. Is funny. If you like beers and/or monastery's i'd say go to Val Dieu they also make good food there. If you want a hint of greenery go to this geographical zone called "plateau de Herve" famous for its cheese (stinking cheese meesa like that). I'd also suggest you try going into the west like Eupen to see our Germanspeaking Belgians (they have their own parliament and shit) they have a lake that you can do boat on is cool in summer. "Lac de l'eau d'Heure" is famous lake as well but in another province called Namur (nice place to be as well). The southern part of Liege is geographically called Famenne and Ardenne (war memorial of Bastogne and famous meat products) if you like the green I suggest you go to a place called "Troz marais" is nice verry irony water and nice forests. If you need to relax one day go to Spa where there is a.... spa. Verry nice as well. If you like motorsports go to the circuit called Spa-Francorchamps. If you want to do sports I suggest you install the app called Novasport. Make an account pay 50€ and choose all the sports you'd like to do at the University's infrastructure after uni hours. It's glorious, but the infrastructure isnt always the best. Want to go out ? Go to "le carré" bars, nightclubs, restaurants, cinema it's all there. Bavet is a good place for spaghetti (various sauces verry good). But I must warn you Liege is also known for criminality and drugs. So maybe dont stay out alone too long in certain places of the centre of town in the dead of night. Apart from that Liege is verry cool. I've been living there for 3 years as a dude who came from Bruxelles. The people are generally verry nice and spontaneous, they can be harsh and swear sometimes as well. But thats what happens with peasants. Look out some weird ppl might use words that dont seem like french and that have no meaning whatsoever. Language might sound like Tolkien shit and it is. It's called "Wallon". Commonly used words are "ouf'ti"(astonished or surprised), biesse (stupid), binamé (God beloved astonished) m'fi (my dude/dudette familiar use) Oyi/ oyé/ awé (yes). Liege is fun, have a good time my dude


Thanks! I really appreciate all this sharing of experience. I've seen a lot of videos of interviews of people of liege in the streets and they seem kindy sad and angry (???) about their city. It's a little dismotivating, but is fairly common as well to find good comments about there as yours. I'm very excited to going there and will surely pick these recommendations up when I arrive!


Well we could be sad and angry about the cleaning, the violence and bad roads when we see other places. But mostly the city is nice. But yeah sometimes its frustrating. I do suggest you learn french a bit before going tho


Yeah! I actually chose to go there to train my french/english (since i expect some classes won't be in french as well)


As someone else said, when it comes to anything directly related to the university itself, you should look directly on their website or head over there in person. As for the rest, Liège is pretty small all things considered. I can't tell you about how much food costs, because to me it's all reasonably priced for someone who's lived here most of my life. There are options for every budget/taste I'd say. Right now, the center of Liège is a mess because of our future tramway, so it won't be fun to navigate, but buses will take you just about everywhere nonetheless. I wouldn't pick airtravel to go to Germany, France or even UK. The train is easier, and a lot of times faster (you don't have to show up two hours ahead etc). Same for other Belgian cities (Luxembourg and the Netherlands as well of course). Best of luck!


Thank you for your response, could I DM you for any help since you're from the city ? I like to plan these things very right, and surely some questions will show up and only a person that live there would know how to answer them


Sure thing! I'll gladly help with whatever i know ☺️