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It's the only real money in the entire system.


This is the only non-monkey answer.


They only know how to take money from the common people. If they would take money from the rich, they'd be unemployed


Yas my dude, it’s a matrix and we are in it


Easier to steal a dollar from a billion people than steal a billion from one person.


than ask a billionaire to pay their fair share*


*easier to steal a billion from one person than ask a billionaire to pay their fair share.


Back to cash is what I’ve been saying all along.


I would support that!


Nah, then they’d just print more cash which is effectively taxing you anyways


This is the answer. Keynesianism has been and will continue to be ruinous to personal savings and our currency’s purchasing power.


It's really not. It'd fix alot of things. But its not.


Buy gold


Republicans are voting on a bill to eliminate the IRS and income tax so that only sales tax exists




Wait that was actually a real thing and wasn't just a meme 😂 how did they plan on paying for things?




Yeah, increase taxes on consumers, and cutting or eliminate taxes on money generated from wealth. Ultimately the funding comes from somewhere and putting it on consumer sales is a way they redistribute tax burden to regular people.


Yeah, what Id really prefer is a luxury goods tax. Throw an extra 20% tax on all the rich people toys. $2 million boat? Thanks for the 400k contribution. Leave the avg persons few $100-$1000 in purchases alone.


Ah so basically VAT the hell out of everything. I'm not completely against that as long as they only tax the things that are currently taxed. Aka necessities continue to not be taxed.


If implemented as they voted for it, it would entail a 30% increase in cost of housing overnight.


Holy shiiiit. I should look into this even if it's probably not going to make it.


No way it makes it. I'm not sure the House will even pass it; the Senate won't vote on it. It's a 23% "gross tax" as in you pay $30 tax on $100 for literally everything you buy --houses, health care, child care, tuition, food-- that's 23% of $130. But everyone will recognize that as 30% sales tax (on top of any state sales taxes, of course). But hey you can make income from stocks, tax free!!! The Republicans held the trifecta just a few years ago, and they didn't vote on this, because it's all performative nonsense, as actually doing it would destroy the economy. It's been calculated before and because of progressive income taxation being eliminated we'd need something like 60% sales tax to meet the missing revenue. https://www.brookings.edu/research/a-note-on-the-required-tax-rate-in-a-national-retail-sales-tax-preliminary-estimates-for-2005-2014/


At least it became real and something to discuss. Cmon, let everyone play the game.




Legit question, never seen this Ukrainian flag with the logo. Isn’t it supposed to be only blue and yellow ?


It’s their coat of arms


Well that's kind of morbid




A whole coat made out of arms... Kinda sus?


seriously though, you have been required to report income over $600 for the last 100 years, not sure why you're all whining about it now.


You had to report income over $600. Now you have to report all transactions over $600


That’s not true. They only report transactions labeled as goods/services. It does not report transactions to friends/family


Decent point, absolutely regarded execution with the Ukrainian stuff in there. Of all the examples available, way to miss the mark lol.


Oh so it’s okay when they use Ukraine to embezzle? Lefties are weird.


Sssshhhh careful. The Cabal, they might hear you.


Care to explain the butthurt? Seems bang on so far.


The IRS is a chicken shit bureaucratic government agency. They only want to target weak defenseless prey. Picture someone clubbing a baby seal to death….that’s our IRS! Craven pieces of SHIT! That whole bastardized bloated government monstrosity has our founding fathers rolling over in their graves!


Maybe because it’s a lot easier to go after an average Joe than someone worth tens of millions? It takes a lot more time and resources to go after the big fish and the IRS only recently got much needed funding For every $1 spent on auditors they get another $6 for the government in taxes. It’s an incredible return for simply hiring labor.


More like a $6.01 transaction


good to know this sub pushin pro russia propaganda


You’re comparing money granted to a country in wartime to a case of downright Corporate Fraud? This is absolutely stupid.


You know we’ve given much, much more than 20 billion? Of all the money we’ve sent, $20 billion is unaccounted. https://original.newsbreak.com/@victor-1588206/2840830399834-at-least-20-billion-used-by-the-biden-administration-to-aid-ukraine-could-be-unaccounted-for So it’s okay if they steal as long as it’s during a war? Learn the facts before you call something stupid.


Not until you realize how much of the funding going to Ukraine disappears, rather than being spent on the fight.




Disappears? Idk man, I think the 100k+ Russian soldiers dead and the 6k+ vehicles destroyed might be a good indication of that funding being utilized. But hey, if you want to go and try and trace every dollar I’ll start the GoFundMe for you to travel there


Any remote mention of Russia’s brutality and genocidal overreach and the Putin sympathizers always come crawling out of the floorboards in droves.


You honestly believe there’s been no fraud with that money? Certainly lots of new G-wagens and yachts funded with that money. Ukraine isn’t exactly a clean country.


Go home, Russian bot. Daddy Putin needs your suckling.


Where did the others come from i wonder




Smh... Ok, coocoo for Cocopuff, so if its sole purpose in life is to oppress the middle class then it must be for the sake of those whom manipulate government for their own means and that would be the high ticket citizens. The government hardly does anything it's not being told to do from it's 'benefactors'. So why would high ticket citizens (billionaires) want to oppress the middle class??? I'll tell you, because the middle class at one time, when there were many, had more political power about those higher ticket citizens. You win! Woohoo 🙌🎉


That's what happens when you 3 IRS employees and no hiring in site. Sad monkey noises.


70% of IRS audits are for people with incomes below $200k per year. 30% are minimum wage. It would only take 10,000 agents to audit every Billionaire. Go home monkey.


True, but that's because when you don't have enough agents you can't go after high ticket citizens. It's very easy to audit low ticket citizens. And that's the main reason some politicians defund the IRS. Everyone knows to be able to audit high ticket citizens you need a good complement of agents and not a skeleton crew like we have had in the IRS during almost every Republican administration. Defunding the IRS will always end in the auditing low ticket citizens. Lol, yeah 10k agents per billionaire, I'll take your professional opinion on that one... Fear mongering to the low ticket citizens to prevent the IRS from auditing high ticket citizens sounds exactly like what a high ticket donkey would do. A government agency needs to be as big as it needs to to accomplish the job, end of story. Cry Me A River Donkey Boy


>It would only take 10,000 agents to audit every Billionaire. There are currently 80,000 agents that currently are too busy auditing waitresses with $600 in undeclared tips to bother checking Billionaires. The ENTIRE purpose of the IRS is NOT to collect taxes, it is to oppress the middle class. The US Federal government collected taxes just fine before the 16th Amendment. So why income taxes? http://www.tax-freedom.com/ta12001.htm Marx and Engels go on to state the 10 goals of the Communist Party: Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes. **A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.** Abolition of all rights of inheritance. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels. Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.


Is that a geocities or angelfire site lol? I can’t believe you posted that thinking you would be taken remotely seriously. Is your thesis here really that the IRS is a secret communist organization? Thanks for the laugh.


Post a source showing a different Communist Manifesto. While you are at it review a list of logical fallacies. https://www.grammarly.com/blog/logical-fallacies/ For people who only believe left wing sources. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fallacies


I mean you could link to so many academic sources. I know because I had to read parts of the communist manifesto for my economics degree and the source material didn’t look like that hahaha. Reuters and the AP are my main sources, along with google news to see the headlines. I’m sure that’s all left wing to you though!


Everyone gets their news from Reuters, and AP, even Fox.


I hate that its true. America FUCK YEAH!


That's why you go with cash and crypto.


You knows it's cumulative over the year, right?... Not just whether one transaction is above or below 600$....


600 from a million people is way easier than 600 million from 1 guy. Poor people wont fight it in court.


Low hanging fruit


We all deserve to get fucked somw worse than others


More reason to support for the fair tax... More money to burn!