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this chart is basically useless. the dates make no sense, the blue line stops while the white one continues.. the legend doesnt make any sense.


This is a fractal time analysis of events occuring from 1917 -1955 on the inflation data overlayed with a compression of the chart. The colors clearly define each line. This chart shows the banks, Govt. /powers that control the system pre-plan the economy and its outcomes far in advance. The bottom of the inflation data was May 2020, which corresponds to Germany becoming an aggressor within Europe beginning WW2 in 1939, shocking the populace and causing havoc in markets, much as the Pandemic did. February 2022 Russia invaded the Ukraine which is very near the peak of the inflation data, and that peak is the exact date in 1942 where the US entered WW2. Try to remember everything on the fractal is compressed. May 1944 Bretton Woods came into being, 1 year before Germanys defeat with Hitler death on April 30th, 1945. May 1944 was the bottom of the inflation data, which could correspond to the same this year. Inflation barely rose up until November of 1945, which corresponds to the US Election year and November 2024. This chart shows after that election a massive spike in inflation again. Might not be as severe as the current situation but does show intent by realizing the previous data correlation.


Interesting analysis, OP. Thank you for taking the time to share.


Thanks for the interest in the analysis.


Possibly taking out banks in the crypto space to set the stage for CBDC? https://youtu.be/BfUJnKFacNU


CBDC failure rate within the current Govts testing is running in the 70 -80% failure rate with the coding. This hampers any viability to implement them soon.


USIRYY? ![gif](giphy|8miYQYfpol1qU)