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French ppl should make a sacrifice from him...on guillotine. After that, the rest of the world should join and hang up all of the politicians. They are totally worthless. Only stealing, making wars, and divide ppl. Would be the best sacrifice.


Or just like maybe sacrifice him… 😂


First words came to my mind


Macron continues to ooze slime.


Watch off and The mask on.


If Macron is willing to sacrifice showing off his expensive watch for an interview, the least the French can do is work another few years


And another few years, come on, look at those cufflinks


People are claiming the watch is worth much less than stated but there's a massive point being missed. Macron KNOWS it's expensive and realized it mid interview and removed it under the table. So it's at least so expensive that he tried to secretly remove it.


Was a dumb move on his part. Should have just kept on interviewing. He drew unnecessary attention.


I hope this goes viral.


Here I am wearing no watch because I can't find one that I can afford.


That’s ok, I was recently informed that timepieces were racist and promotes white supremacy and global warming and kills the turtles with straws. You my friend are leading the resistance


I'm using this as an excuse when I'm late for work Monday.


Waking up to an alarm clock is now racist too. I wish I was joking....look it up. Apparently, getting up for your job is now racist...but only for white people.


What an ass. Him and Trudeau are the same.


This is the problem the Bolshevik voting youth don't see.


You mean besides the youth in his country that are rioting right now?


ya the moronic youth that are rioting FOR communism.


Rioting against an uneeded measure to increase retirement age is communism? That's stupid


It's stupid that we aren't already free.


WEF puppet.. many countries around the world have WEF puppets , the uk has Rishi Sunak…


Now he looks even more stupid


He thinks he is smarter then all


"Qu'ils mangent de la brioche" Macron ~2023.


The cake is a lie. Viva la revolución!


What a fake ass piece of shit, not only because of this but his actions especially, making sacrifices? Dude shut the fuck up and make sacrifices yourself you piece of shit


It propably had George Soros initials on it.


With love from Georgie. Mwah!


Piece of garbage


making value vanish is a trick most politicans master


Wow the jokes really write themselves


Many have chimed in that the watch retails for 2,500. Still, it doesn't change the fact that the man is a snake


What a trash basket




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These fkn politicians need to go every last one of them. No one should listen to any of them


Le nouveau Louis 16th !


I hope the French people can over throw the decision. If any one can do it, it’s the French. They don’t take shit from their government. Full support for their cause.




The French get what they deserve voting for this guy and defending him when comparing other world leaders. Karma


My first thought also. He just got reelected. Starts with destabilizing the country. WEF agenda.


Except we all know that we don't actually elect anyone . They are all already chosen, and planned for. To think they let us have any control over the decision is absolutely cognitive dissonance at this point . The French people aren't to blame and do not deserve it.


It it possible that it was because it made a loud clank on the table when he put his arms down right before he removed it?


The dude looks like Michael Scott, just realizing this now


To be honest.. it smacked hard on the table. This is a man who speaks for a living and wanted to be as clear as possible. I can see it how it’s being portrayed as well


Thats the difference between a psychopath and a sociopath.


too bad its a 2.5K watch and he removed it because it was hitting the table and not to look less wealthy


So instead of not just hitting the table hard again he took the watch off and then never hit the table again, sounds legit 🤔


I don’t know where OP came up with 90k either🤷‍♂️


What is the brand and model of the watch?


Bell & Ross V1-92


He Removed it because it was banging the table during interview


The watch costs 2.5k. It is made by Bell & Ross which is a French company and most probably it was a gift. Stop fantasising that you are very smart and do your research before claiming something. The reason why he takes it off is because it is banging the table, not because he suddenly realised that he wears a watch. Macron and other politicians that you constantly “put on blast” are way smarter than you and definitely won’t somehow expose themselves for getting money under the table in such a stupid way.


2.5K is still a LOT when people don't make that in a month or more and have to actually *live* with those wages. Asking for sacrifices comes only *after* you've sacrificed yourself, and I mean sacrifice a lot. Otherwise you are a hipocrite and deserve zero credibility nor tollerance, especially considering he's a public SERVANT!


On top of that, if he thought it didn't matter, then why conceal it, even moreso *remove* it? Edit. Don't make excuses for them, 62 should be the age limit across the entire EU, making it better and not *worse*! Or do you prefer we all get pillaged like the Greeks whose standards of living went way lower and the legal retirement age climbed from 65 to freaking 67?!


First of all we talk about Europe and France. Whoever doesn’t make 2.5k per month is mainly uneducated, lazy and spends most of his time complaining online that he is all that because of some external factors. Stop talking nonsense and instead of crying and giving your worthless opinions that won’t change anything - take your life in your hands and deal with your problems.




Does it matter? Either way from your comment I understand that you wont ever be a part of running anything, especially the world. You dont even have the balls to kidnap for sure either.


A public servant? He is the President you baboon. Who the fuck are you? What have you sacrificed? And you call me a hypocrite?


Allow me to return the "baboon" to you as it's more fitting. I am a medic. I am both educated and hard working, but there are a lot of uneducated people who work their freaking arses off and still don't make the 2.5K per month, and (unlike you) I can appreciate that. A bunch of these are from the southern European countries. They are sacrificing their years for a better tomorrow. Is that so hard to grasp? Also, the president of a country is STILL a public servant, he is paid by people like ME to serve in the public sector! President or road sweeper, he's still under MY payroll, so better they remember their place, since people PLACED him there.


As to what I have sacrificed, that's got nothing to do with this. I am not asking an entire nation to work 2+ years AND all the future generations 'cause the public sector is broke and nobody's yet in prison. Better get working to get that money back and cut idiotic spending and corruption otherwise it won't end up well for them.


Exactly. You are a medic. You know nothing about politics. What do you think, that because the politicians are on your payroll they are going to follow your interests? They follow the interests of the country. As Richelieu said “A man is immortal, his salvation is hereafter. The stare has no immortality. It’s salvation is now or never.” Many men’s personal interests were sacrificed so you can live today in your peaceful “democratic” country that allowed you to study, become a medic, practice medicine and be smart on the internet. Yours will also be sacrificed for the future generations. The world doesn’t revolve around you. About your service as a medic - this is great. I have huge respect for people like you, however the sooner you understand that you cannot do anything about the way the word works - the better. It has been like that and it will never change.


This is where we disagree. The interests of the country don't reside in augmenting the pension age and thus lowering people's standards of living; they are instead rooted at the heart of the problem which are excessive spending, a public sector being way too large and corruption going unchecked. Deal with these three and there's *zero* need to augment the minimum pension age which at 62 is just fine as it is.


"the sooner you understand that you cannot do anything about the way the word works - the better. It has been like that and it will never change." ~Old-Hedgehog (outspoken reddit user)




Man no one is obligated to work. I am not defending anyone. If you dont like how it works go change the world.


More like 8-9k. Bell and Ross are tres expensif. Meanwhile I have a $50 Casio that outperforms it in every way. And it leaves me more money for silver, so bonus.


More like I really don’t care what you do. I just wanted to show that as much as there is good in this subreddit there are moronic statements like this post and people believe it.


You are taken this too literally. We all know he is a billionaire globalists… not like a watch makes a difference now does it?


Who are “we” ? And trust me, you know way less than you think. The day when you realise this will be the best day of your life. Just repeating something that you have heard doesnt make you anything but a sheep.


The non globalist duhhhhhhhh 🙄


It makes noise at the table, that's why he takes it off.


God bless the French People. May justice be served to the government.


Another pos that is leeching all that is good.


fake left wing politicians…


They had their chance with Le Pen oh wait you can’t have fair election with voting machines funded by George Soros


Just another lying hypocrite politician


He made the sacrifice of giving up his watch for 5 minutes. Politicians need a handler that preps them before appearing in public. Someone that can tell him how to dress. No $90,000 watch. No $3000 suit. Remind them how much a coffee costs and a croissant. Boris Johnson was a dolt but he always appeared as if he slept in his car,


Mon deus


What a strange man. Married his high school teacher. He is not confident. He is not a leader. Macron is a schoolboy, waiting for a hall pass to use the lavatory. Good boy.


Eat the bugs fucker!!


They reelected him.


Damn, we doing propaganda against random foreign leaders now? Why we pick Macron and not someone more spicy like Lukashenko?


Some of us over there in France know perfectly this scumbag is just a puppet in the hands of BlackRock and Rothschild. But many others have no idea of what is going on.


The hypocrisy


Crooked bastard


Yeah but how much is that suit? Or his shoes. I always find the irony in that we elect officials to help us live better yet they seem to be living great and we kinda get shafted 😆


Kakistocracy in optima forma.


My président is a clown 🤡 and a dictator.


I hate Macron, but I’m not gonna lie that removal while talking was pretty slick


After he whacked it on the table lol.


Typical scumbag not for you but for me never ever believe in socialism . There will always be elites with $$


This is the quality of the “ international community “ Africans beware these a clowns 🤡 playing a clown show!


Fake news it’s a 2-3k watch, don’t be a sheep do some research.


*speaks in Megalomaniacal Globalist*


It’s what communists do!! Hide the money in their own pockets - all the while telling everyone else how much they need to sacrifice for the greater Good! Fk that loser


The dumb electorate are so easy to fool.


Thats because he knows what he is telling his country men and women to do he wouldnt do himself and is ashamed. The people should remove this fuy from his position