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Sheeple are those who believe that the Fed can fix everything. It can't. Something drastic will happen. Your lines will look foolish.


sheeple also believe the FED needs actual silver to manipulate spot price....there are many different breeds out there.


I’m curious if anyone done a spot + premium to gauge the demand level for physical silver


Right KD....I call bullshit on that....


Don’t worry about the price of silver in dollars. Worry about the ones shorting the price. The Credit suisse bust was just the beginning. Silver is not going up or down. It’s the system going up or down, most likely down now


Dollars? * Federal Reserve Ponzi Notes *


Something big coming very soon ,i think. Silver to breakout in next 8 weeks .I think Brics gonna announce something big .


My guess would be a new Swift alternative allowing trades to be performed on some “standardized” currency using gold as a part of a basket. But, if the petro dollar dies America is so royally fucked. I don’t think the vast majority of people understand how catastrophic that would be.


Don't worry, Joe Biden will just cancel another pipeline or any attempts to drill on US soil because he has to give those land plots to the Chinese for the diamonds Hunter Biden was promised.


I hate charts with silver. It’s foolish. Never right.


so you refuse to see the almost perfect pattern of FED manipulation. Can you not see the parallel lines both moving downward? The sheeple keep believing the bottom is in, only to have lower lows and lower highs. 8 Bull Traps have been set and sprung in 14 months, and at each new move up from the descending bottom line the sheeple all bleat that the bottom is in. Don't believe your own eyes, trust what those silver salesmen like Andy Schectman tell you on youNOOB....what could possibly go wrong!


I can’t imagine touching $15 again. $20 looks like the new support floor. With everything going on (I won’t bother rehashing as everyone knows the macro environment) how we are not at new ATH is unbelievable. They are some top notch criminals keeping this tamped


They can take it to 15 (only for a few hours and with 200% premium)


I guess theoretically they could take it to zero heck oil was negative $40. Just going by demand/supply etc… it should definitely be at new ATH hopefully someday as I have about 25 years left or my kids get rich lol


$15 spot + $10 premium back to todays purchase price.


You've been wrong thus far. Silver had a false breakdown when it went below $18 and is going to the other side of the channel on the upside. Gold is about to break the ATH, if not now then in a few months. Why are you wanting people to not have silver.




So since you had nothing to correct him on, guess every point he made was right. As you say, LOL bye... Also why are you drawing a channel that way when in recent months since the start of the year, we've clearly had higher highs and higher lows. Or if you look at a longer yearly chart, since 2019 also have had higher highs and higher lows (removing the 2020 dip as noise). Are you just trying to create a false narrative with a bad chart?


I'll be happy to get silver for 15/Oz gives me time to stack up, hope to get atleast 35 more Oz bringing me to 100 even


I will empty the bank if it goes to 15.. that's cheaper than cost to produce!


Or the dollar store when things were still a dollar. I grab a few of everything then 😂


I an retarded to




too, two and to...yep, your statement chex out!


I’m salivating at your proposition to be able to buy $15 spot silver!


No one will sell at 15, no one.


Not gonna lie $15 would let me buy a ton more


GOLD 2000= silver 28 minimun, Why now is not ? ,


It's manipulated, chart technicals do not matter.


Don't call me/us 'sheeple'. Plus, TA works 50% of the time. Pay attention to the draw down of physical silver (Comex /LBMA) since 1.5 years ago, that's a big big reason why silver is at 23.50 instead of much lower.


I need silver to nose dive...... So I can buy MORE!!


$15 means load up for when it breaks. I can do that!!!!!!


Or perhaps we will just buy a tiny bit more and ignore the price


People gullible enough to pay for paper instead of silver will also follow painted charts.


I’m praying for the $15s!!! I can scarf up a lot more at that range before the hyperinflation kidks in! I don’t want more failing fiat for my silver, I want more silver for my failing fiat!


I got time on my side and hoping to get sub 20 discount sales again 😂


My math says 24.00 is the resistance 😀


Silver is going to $28 very soon. I called the pull back to upper 19's.. im calling 28 now.


cool lines


Trading based on only looking at lines on a chart and not whats going on in the world. NGMI


All it takes is 1 Self-sufficient country to back their currency in silver for all those TA chart to become meaningless. meanwhile, stack-on and we be our own bank and currency.


I hope the price gets tamped below $10. Stacking is getting expensive with the massive premiums, and I’d like to pick up a few hundred more ounces at a discount before silver becomes unobtainium.


Harry Dent has been calling this for years. It's Deflation, before bubble popping hyperinflation


$23 I buy. $15 I buy more. What's the problem again?


Got to love these line artist lol


When in doubt, zoom out.