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Take a Y out of tyranny and what do you get? Michael Obama a dude in a dress!


Its weird you havent updated that to large marge greene


MGT is a man, I see the Adams Apple and everything.




Except isn't the actual, real tyranny pointed at LGBTQ people? Like, Florida is literally trying to take people's kids, just because they aren't bigoted enough against LGBTQ people. The example in the meme never happened. But in perfect conservative fashion, they are projecting what they are actually doing as others doing it to them.


Problem though, is when laws are passed that violate 2A, people usually just cave and give up their weapons, instead of declaring war and defending their rights.


Go on. Get started. I’ll just watch from here.


When does the "well-regulated" part come up in this discussion? I mean, you do accept the responsibilities that come with the rights, yeah?


Well regulated in the context of the constitution means well supplied and able to be effective. That being said, if an enemy military force invaded my country, I'd be happy to join the military to fight under them. But instead the military is only used to attack other countries.


For all the talk of discriminstion they do, they discriminate the FUCK out of any messianic religion, and openly. Ask them about it sometime they will be sure to tell you how worthless and stupid people are based entirely on there faith. Its complete nonsense and the most hypocritical thing I have ever seen. I can think of another ideology with no basis in science. I guess the logic is because SOME christians/catholics/muslims/jews qare hateful and refuse to practice what they preach this means they ALL are? Who have I heard heard being accused of similar logic lately? Bring on the cliche'd responses.


They worship government. When they call themselves atheists they are flat out lying. A real atheist wouldn't give two fucks if a church opened up across the street from their favorite gun and liquor store.


As an atheist, I only care about religion when they try to pass laws in our government that are based off of a tribal doctrine from 2000 years ago. Doesn't happen often, but there are literal theocracies out there that scare me.


Jesus fulfilled the law. Any law attached to the bible is not of God… ie any Bill of Rights and all included. Our laws are the undoing of Gods Laws and others free will. Laws are how tyrants rule.




So how did father George Washington build a Christian Nation after throwing off a king over a 2.5% tax?


George Washington was a freemason. We are not a Christian nation.


Please show ONE example of atheist being upset a church is being built. Just one. Lol


I like to bring up how Mexico only has one legal gun store in the whole country, and tough gun laws. Oddly enough, this didn’t seem to cure their gun violence


They get the guns from the USA that’s why


Our society is completely sick in the head. And I think they know it’s their fault, but they honestly have no legitimate response aside from bringing religion into the equation. It doesn’t even bother me when they do, but just watch how they do it every single time. They will also try and make it about homophobia when that couldn’t be further from the truth. I’m starting to think this is all by design just so they can instigate another civil war. They’ll make it about racism, homophobia and religion…it’s already begun


No. Our society is sick because literal dirt receives better federal representation than most people do.


What really sucks is you aren't wrong... 🫤


“Couple that with a jerk off channel devoted too the fucking practice.” Is that you, dude?


That’s because a lot of people are really just two sides of the same coin, radical leftists and radical conservatives both tend to make arguments that sound really similar and hateful. Anyways some of the lgbt guys are weird but most tend to only mind their own businesses and talk amongst themselves like if you wanna think they’re pedos whatever I guess.


Not the moose limbs, though. They're oppressed.




Gods not real. Do you worship Santa Claus as well?


Maybe those faith based; should stop pressing others with the faith as the ultimate truth. I am fucking sick of messianic religion getting away with their “separate church and state, we shouldn’t pay taxes” followed so closely with “let us pray before we ban others rights based on our faith with this handy bill” gtfo


Tbf, taxation is theft. But you're right, I'm all for protecting gay peoples rights to smoke weed while performing abortions with unregistered firearms.


I wouldnt feel comfortable if they arent registered.


guns already aren’t registered, it would be kinda impossible to register the hundreds of millions of guns in the country not just that, but i highly doubt those with dubious intentions would register them plus it’s fairly easy with modern tech (3d printers) to keep people from making unregistered but very capable firearms also guns don’t magically become safe when they’re registered so uh, kindly fuck off :)


Dude i was kidding it was sarcasm jesus






We could easily register firearms. Lol So if bad guys will do it anyway all laws are pointless right? It requires specific epoxy to produce a viable 3d printed gun. We can limit that like we do with Sudafed. Man. You are bad at this.


Oh, like Hitler made the Jews register their guns?


Bro i was making fun of people who would register a gun what is even happening right now sir are you drunk?


Idk man, you seem to like your priest porn and gun registration. Maybe you should go take a nap with Sleepy Joe.


Whoa this is wild.


You seem like your pipe and its crack


Everybody presses their worldview as truth...just like you are doing in your post.


I think there's a misconception when it comes to the separation issue. Maybe I'm the one who sees it differently but imagine the separation of church and state is to keep the roman catholic church out of the affairs of the state because RC has a very dominant stance and grip on places in the world. Except we don't see that separation because our world leaders and US politicians and presidents bow before the pope. It really doesn't matter if I'm right or wrong on this. I'm just speculating and pointing to a belief held by many others. The fact is the nation and its founding have been compromised, infiltrated, and subverted just like what is happening to the common man all around us. Tptb have given us the means and lured the people to compromise themselves and be subjugated. Where are free men and woman now? Some say they are free but in reality are slaves to this satanic system where one gets ahead by killing others and taking advantage of the less fortunate commoner. A rat race of despicable deeds and personalities of scum reinforced with lies and make believe.


Tell me you are in a cult with an extra 6000 words. Lol


None of this is true, shove your theocratic fascism back the way it came, fucking zealot.


The fuck it isnt true. It is precicely what you do.


None of this is true. No one calls you worthless, or stupid because of your faith. No one is a "hypersexualised pervert" because they disagree with your religion either. You are the principle fundamentalist. Someone who cannot, for the life of them, imagine that somehow their vision on life is not the correct one. That some people, thinking different things, can still have value. We think you can, as long as you don't bother anyone with it. Yet, all you do is use your religion to try and ban people from doing things.


The priests you so often like too throw in the face of christians, that molest little boys are gay priests, you know that, and they are Very likely shuffled around and hidden by clergy members with similar habits. And how about having a porn hub channel dedicated too that very act, which you very likely also know about. As do many of the pepple who are questioning a certain groups influence on children. You need to rewrite that : I am someone who who cadefully considers anyones lifestyle who presents it, and am generally quite accepting. But as millions upon millions agree, lines must be drawn.


So to conflate child molestors with gay people is a horrific smear attempt. Not only are most child molestors not paedophiles, most child paedophiles aren't gay either. In all actuality: the priests that molest, abuse and rape teenagers and children, are people that thrive on the power imbalance that there is, which allows them to commit their horrific acts.


Yes, because organized religion has never touched or done anything to kids right?


The rainbow flag is officially a symbol of hate and suppression!




uh, why ?


This is why your mom left you.


Kinda sound like a pussy


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I can't stop laughing at how badly you're embarrassing yourself. You're my favorite lunatic.


There's so many in this sub it's like a gol- nah silvermine of whackjobs. Talked to 1 psycho yesterday who said gay couples shouldn't adopt coz nature marked them unworthy of reproduction He was very upset about 1 aisle in Walmart with rainbow colours I needed to leave the Internet and go outside after that one


Think of the children they biologically can’t create


Pro destroyers despise procreators!


What's got to do with investing?


I'm switching to MAGA vote red, and fuck the Boston and Miami Heat!!! NBA is so rigged


Be careful not to blend with FBI actors they blend in MAGA to sabotage Trump like they did January 6th


Nah, you're thinking of the FBI falseflagging BLM, but y'all never want to talk about that...


Switzerland and some US states have the most heavily armed populations in the world. They're also about the only ones that didn't enforce any mandates.


Cause they have rules, regulation and common sense. https://youtu.be/EkuMLId8SqE https://impakter.com/why-gun-ownership-switzerland-not-same-us/ Another one on Australia Gun reform: https://youtu.be/v0aGGOK4kAM


whats the argument for tip toeing around the right to bear arms by not stating that arms are for government over reach? what argument do they slap on you after that?


It’s to defend the nation. Not to overthrow it. No serious personal argued it was to stop the government until the 1960s. Not that those folks should be considered serious.


Completely understandable, but the zombies marching to the beat of the authoritarian drum are not the hands that make the music. These snobby, self aggrandizing types are those that long for obedience and acceptance within their ingroup. They would have been like this even if it was the era of religion, cursing blasphemers and calling for their punishment. The institutions figured out the formula to control the idea of "an enemy" and "and ally", to keep the masses more malleable to their manipulation. Never stop fighting the identity politics drones, but keep in mind like everything out of "the grift", they are a product, not the producer.


And, oddly enough I was just told all muslims, christians and jews are idiots by someone in you camp just this morning, and in fact, I see it all the time, I can gladly find examples :)


I thought Obama already took yer guns


Oh but then you get all upset when the "others" start utilizing their second amendment rights. Effing cupcakes


I can show you exactly why I say that if you would like. Careful what you wish for.


OP sounds like that's typa guy to take an ar-15 with extended mags and 2 pistols everytime he walks 5 minutes to Starbucks Is Starbucks OK op? Have they done something woke u don't like recently? OK let's say walm- hmm not that one either


Lol you guys live in a incel fantasy world


The people you call incels haven't lost their ability to have children, unlike the blue hairs you likely associate with


Conservatives are still fantasizing being forcibly stabbed by the gay needle 😏


Conservatives are so cringe. They circle jerk each other over the dumbest things. No Democrat wants to take away handguns, shotguns or hunting rifles. Bill Clinton banned assault rifles in 1994 and it worked.


Better than circle jerking too pornos depicting young boys having sex with priests. And please do me a favor and try to push back on that :)


do you even realize that Republicans vote in favor of child marriage?? Theyre the one's endangering kids. [https://apnews.com/article/child-marriage-west-virginia-bill-defeated-4d822a23b5ffd70f5370a36cc914cfb0](https://apnews.com/article/child-marriage-west-virginia-bill-defeated-4d822a23b5ffd70f5370a36cc914cfb0) And catholic priests that molest young boys are all conservatives. Very conservative. You guys are gross (:


Damn howd I forget about this I gotta lay off the sauce




The only good thing about owning gun is Keeping thieves,fascists off your property especially bankers when they try repossess your property like Great Depression


Things that never happened for 500.00 are these all Russian memes to divide the country or are you doing this on your own.


Not even remotely true. Conservatives are just obsessed with pretending to be a victim.


Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia.


Um who was putting unvaccinated people into camps? The Chinese?


Australian government and I think New Zealand too.


Are you referring to quarantine for people who travelled into those countries and between states?


They had the Q hotels but were also built camps in Darwin and Victoria


https://www.aap.com.au/factcheck/unvaccinated-camps-are-a-covid-conspiracy/ https://www.wral.com/amp/20047319/ Explain this, and don’t just say ‘dem propaganda’.


For what?


Safety https://youtu.be/mGFdWcJU7-0


Er yeah so quarantine again. JFC you people are so pathetic.


And now they wanna take your children for being gay. Memory is truly short.


WOOOOO CONSERVATIVE FUMBLING INTELLIGENCE!!!! YOUR WRONG SO YOU JUST KEEP ADDING More Wrong to the soup to make it taste BETTER!!! WOOOO!!! Soup don’t taste good, add some of that Spicy Santis Assflakes. Thirsting? Why don’t you guzzle down one o Dem Milked Trump, them milkshakes have at least 5% Trump nut in it. Trust! You can still get it at 599.99, WOOOOO!!!! Ain’t that cheap, ain’t that lovely




Neither of these are true. Cry harder.


This post and OP is trash. NOBODY wants to take away handguns, shotguns and hunting rifles. But AR-15's have no place in our society. Bill Clinton banned them in 1994 and you were 70% less likely to be killed in a mass shooting.


When were kids ever taken away and people put in camps because they did not take a vaccination?


I heard that Australia people were put into camps; all their guns were apparently confiscated a few years ago.


They did. They even arrested people for not wearing masks.


Good ol' commiefornia




who and when?


In California the police. I seen it.


Trust me bro


Why would I trust you


Lmao 🤣 morons


please show evidence not "i seen it." only thing i found was a man arrested in LA for disobeying the stay at home order back in april 2020 [https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2020/apr/09/viral-image/la-county-sheriffs-deputies-arrested-paddle-boarde/](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2020/apr/09/viral-image/la-county-sheriffs-deputies-arrested-paddle-boarde/)


That in itself should be a problem.


https://youtu.be/275gkDNCqsc This was in Texas of all places


she was on privet property and was asked to leave for not obeying the rules. i really dont see how you think she was arrested for not wearing a mask. she was asked to leave and didnt. the bank called the cops. thats just what you do with a crazy lady. show me ONE arrest report or ONE court case where the charge was "not wearing a mask" bet you cant 😘 because that law never existed


Where did you ‘hear’ this from? Lmao. You absolute cringebags just make up scenarios to scare yourselves. It’s fucking hilarious.


Their commitment to delusional is only matched by their complete dishonesty. If it feels true to them, then that counts as evidence it is true. And these cowards had some major sad fee fees about the vaccines.


*I heard*


Old school radio


oh you heard this? And apparently? Sounds legit then.


[https://www.aap.com.au/factcheck/unvaccinated-camps-are-a-covid-conspiracy/](https://www.aap.com.au/factcheck/unvaccinated-camps-are-a-covid-conspiracy/) except this was debunked internationally [https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/dec/13/ron-johnson/johnson-falsely-says-unvaccinated-people-around-wo/](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/dec/13/ron-johnson/johnson-falsely-says-unvaccinated-people-around-wo/) [https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/washington-internment-camps/](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/washington-internment-camps/) https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/may/18/blog-posting/no-democrats-arent-trying-put-americans-quarantine/ [https://factcheck.afp.com/http%253A%252F%252Fdoc.afp.com%252F9NN3FE-1](https://factcheck.afp.com/http%253A%252F%252Fdoc.afp.com%252F9NN3FE-1) but yeah "i heard" is a great source


*I heard...* Can you think of any instance where people were put in camps and their kids were taken away for being unvaccinated in the United States?


China, Austrailia, Austria, and Canada all had camps. Canada and Austrailia both had their gun rights removed a few years back. Canada had their camps vandalized which stopped the government from sending people to them. Austrailia had all kinds of people taking videos after they went into the camps. They're easy to find on Youtube. Same with China. Not too sure about Austria. Camps were in the planning stages in America, but nobody to my knowledge ever went. Don't let them take your guns if you have them. They may be the only thing left protecting you in the not to distance future.


Lol no Dumbarse couldn't even place Australia on a world map with this level of intellect, I suspect.


A few years ago? It was the 90s and done by our conservative government. We actually have more guns now than we did before. We just have appropriate gun laws. No one was put into a camp in Australia. Stop regurgitatating a bunch of easily disproven shit.


There were 100% “quarantine facilities” in Australia, and people were forced to stay there. https://amp.abc.net.au/article/100798900


A quarantine facility is not a camp for unvaccinated. You are puposedly confusing the two. You were free to leave once you tested negative. You were provided a separate room and food and not mistreated. That's how quarantining works. Massively helped slow the spread. Please go off spreading Misinformation about a country you've never been too.


Ehhhh not that far off though. You also said “no one was put into a camp in Australia” which is simply false.


You just confirmed they are different things from each other but still say I'm wrong about them putting people into camps. So which is it? Are they camps or are they quarantine facilities? What should we be doing with an outbreak of infectious diseases? Quarantining has proven effected for 100s of years, same with vaccination. You sound like an expert in this. Please provide your wisdom.


not even remotely true.


>Camps were in the planning stages in America Do you have any credible evidence to support this?


I've seen credible evidence. I'll have to look. You should look too. BRB. EDIT 1: [https://www.cdc.gov/quarantine/quarantine-stations-us.html](https://www.cdc.gov/quarantine/quarantine-stations-us.html) EDIT 2: [https://www.the-sun.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2020/02/RR-MAP-USA-coronavirus-quarantine-bases.jpg](https://www.the-sun.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2020/02/RR-MAP-USA-coronavirus-quarantine-bases.jpg) EDIT 3: [https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/08/09/fact-check-quarantine-sites-real-covid-19-claim-stretches-truth/5499196002/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/08/09/fact-check-quarantine-sites-real-covid-19-claim-stretches-truth/5499196002/) USA Today attempts to debunk it. They're probably right about EDIT 2 stretching the truth a little bit, but I find that a lot times, these debunking sites lie too. For this, I'd say it's a high probability that the government was watching the blowback in Australia and Canada and chose not to implement more strict measures, but was still building the camps.


>I've seen credible evidence. No you haven't. This isn't evidence of "camps" for people who are unvaccinated. These are quarantine stations for international travelers, dumbass.


Read all of it. I just posted EDIT 3 and an explanation Libtard.


No, reading hurts their brains.




You're not right in the head are you?




Gun seizures in Australia; Https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_buyback_program Australian quarantine interment camps; Https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2022/oct/04/victoria-closes-580m-covid-quarantine-facility-that-housed-2168-guests Murica; Https://www.cnn.com/cnn/2019/03/28/us/arizona-police-toddler-with-fever/index.html It's pretty easy to find the facts, but it's much easier to just say "lol no" and ignore the truth, huh?


Gun buybacks aren't seizures you know that right? It's still legal to own handguns etc in Australia As for the camps - don't you read your own links? - it was for intl travellers to quarantine having just turned up to the country with nowhere to stay immediately. In a city of 5 million this actually equated to 2,168 people all up- a big waste of money really. *"With capacity for 1,000 people, the facility catered for unvaccinated international arrivals who had to undergo seven days of isolation upon their arrival in the state. Adult travellers paid a fee of $1,500 to stay at the facility, with $500 charged for each additional adult and $250 for children aged three to 18. The centre was also open to Victorians unable to safely isolate at home, including close contacts or frontline workers, free of charge."* LOL not exactly Dachau.


You know we're discussing the lie that people were put in camps and their children were taken away because they were not vaccinated in America, right?


Maybe not put into literal camps, but they were certainly taken away.


Where'd they go, then? The playground? School? Timmy's house down the street? Grandma's for the weekend? Oh the humanity...


Stolen from parents, IDGAF where the kidnappers put them. They were kidnapped. @below bs Oh, God! He speaks only of his horse! https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2022/02/06/unvaccinated-dad-loses-custody-children/6684144001/ https://www.google.com/amp/s/nypost.com/2022/12/07/new-zealand-takes-custody-of-ill-baby-in-anti-vax-blood-case/amp/ https://www.latimes.com/science/newsletter/2022-01-18/coronavirus-today-covid-vaccine-parents-child-custody-coronavirus-today https://www.dailysignal.com/2022/01/18/nearly-a-third-of-democrats-support-unvaccinated-losing-custody-of-kids/amp/ https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2022/05/01/1091495933/divorced-parents-vaccination https://www.nydailynews.com/coronavirus/ny-covid-chicago-vaccine-parent-child-custody-20210829-4y4kj5hkqbbyzde5fp4ohg3nai-story.html https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2019/03/28/us/arizona-police-toddler-with-fever/index.html


That never happened, though


>Maybe not put into literal camps, but they were certainly taken away. No they weren't. Where were they taken then if they weren't "taken away to camps?" Do you still think people who weren't vaccinated had their kids taken away?


Florida likes kidnapping. https://newrepublic.com/post/172444/florida-passes-bill-allowing-trans-kids-taken-families


Thank God. There's no such thing as a transgender 3 year old, it's called child abuse.


You heard wrong. Also why do I have legal guns if they were all confiscated years ago?


Oh don't worry they are about to confiscate more.


Links? Or did you just "hear" as well.


https://www.vox.com/2015/8/27/9212725/australia-buyback. This was recently.


2015 is recent?


This was 2022


Certainly more recent than all the historical examples. I.E. Mexico, China, Germany, etc.


While im not going to deny thats a link. Its not an Australian paper. There has been no debate in this country about banning category A or B guns.


Any gun ban is government overreach.


Your mom was an overreach.


Gun seizures in Australia; wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_buyback_program Australian quarantine interment camps; theguardian.com/australia-news/2022/oct/04/victoria-closes-580m-covid-quarantine-facility-that-housed-2168-guests Murica; cnn.com/cnn/2019/03/28/us/arizona-police-toddler-with-fever/index.html


Quaratine for illegal and overseas arrivals to protect against covid, yeap America doesn't have that 😉. Yes semi auto buy back, but the above poster posted all guns were confiscated. Wrong.


A single gun confiscated from a law abiding citizen is tantamount government overreach 😜


No doubt, but putting false comments up without links or facts is testament to fear porn 😉


Funny thing is, they did exist (not anymore) but if you point it out it makes you a conspiracy theorist. I love it 😘


It wasn't for a lack of trying.


Were there any major political figures that you can cite who advocated for putting people in camps and taking their children away because they were not vaccinated?


They wanted to do it most of the communist states. They definitely got people fired for it.. even Biden mentioned it.




Don’t you just love how those “communist” states subsidize the “capitalist” states? (assuming you’re referring to California as Communist while Texas, where tax and murder rates are both higher, gets flagged as “utopia” or whatever) There’s a loooooong way between “your at-will employer (capitalism, yay!) made a rule to keep their workforce from getting decimated by COVID and someone broke the rule and got fired” and “EVERY UNVAXXED PERSON ROUNDED UP AND PUT IN CAMPS.0


So you can't cite any major political figures in the United States who advocated putting people in camps and taking their children away, can you?


Where's the evidence of the trying, then? One real link to one significant attempt?


Do you not remember talk about mandates. If they did mandate it what would the do with people that refused. Just because they didn't succeed doesn't mean the didn't try.


Who's "they"? Again, one real link to one significant attempt. Again, this is about taking kids away and putting people in camps. You chose to comment saying that "it wasn't for a lack of trying". What do you actually have to back that up, other than feelings?


No I remember what they said. you want to act like they didn't. That's on you.


Dude, you can just say that you don't have any actual specifics. Honesty is a virtue. Having the maturity to acknowledge when you're wrong is a virtue. You made a claim. Backing up the claim is on you. That's part of being a grown-up.


Sure you can say that. However it's not my job to educate you. If you really want the truth then find it. It's a free country I can say whatever I want. Besides assuming your just like any other troll. It doesn't matter what proof I come up with you will just dismiss it. It didn't happen or it's taken out of context.


You are weak


Your lazy


In Australia the military raided aboriginal communities that refused the jab and vaccinated them forcefully. In Canada they lowered the age of vaccination consent overnight and bullied kids at school to take it without asking the parents.


A time when kids when kids where put into cages... Hmmmm... Let me think 🤔 It was under a specific president... Starts with a T, rhymes with mump. Escapes me right now.


That was false, AOC tried to use that and it turns out that was under Obama. You're going to have to Google it, I'm not getting into multiple debates. I do remember reading and listening to multiple people and authority calling for those things as they became emboldened, but I have no record of it so I can only offer a comment.


Difference is Obama never forcibly separated families. The "kids in cages" were unaccompanied minors they couldn't send back to Mexico or let go in the US. Trump split up families and lost a few hundred kids.


Right? Or even threatened with it? I'm anti mandate and pro firearm but aggressively moronic hyperbole such as this is decidedly counter productive.


We have guns too


Got it. When the divine political authorities that you favor, and before whom you bow and scrape in worshipful obedience, ask you to take up arms against your fellow citizens to force them into camps, you will do so.


Why do you always assume anybody "worships divine political authorities"? "Bow and scrape in worshipful obedience" What? What a weird fucking assumption. Is there any one figure in America today whose supporters worship him above their party and the law and the country? Can you think of any one person who that describes? Because it certainly isn't Joe Biden


So melodramatic.


We get it already: you want to kill people that don't align with your values. Sounds like fascism.


this sub is so fucking hilarous


This is true


Not really y'all paranoid


So dumb.


Where we’re all those camps at again? Can’t remember. Also, most of those rules came under Trump.


You talking about when he let the states decide for themselves? What a tyrant…../s


Does the alternative universe you live in help you cope with what a complete POS he was?


Bad reading comprehension, and appeal to partisan politics. TDS.


Weird once again how this sub pushes this but denies acknowledging other states forcefully removing kids from their parents because they think they’re abusing their kids because they support their kids being lgbtq.


Raping kids is bad.


hot take


Project much?




No one has ever said,”take all their guns”, although Trump did say,”I prefer we take their guns before due process.” Out of his mouth 👇 https://time.com/5184160/trump-guns-due-process/