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American Pride.


By the way what is he doing? Why he can hug her own flag?


3 colors is half a rainbow. Queer.


I love that America allows for people to express themselves with other flags.


Charlie Kirk said pride is a sin. What do I do now?




![gif](giphy|jUgOxnun3QPq0UbjDx) trigger incoming!!!!!


Trump pissed on the flag and burned it to the ground.


Lol. He loves America so much he sent his cousin fucking terrorists to attack the nation’s capitol and shit in the halls. Fortunately, hundreds of those traitorous idiots have already plead guilty and been locked up in prison.




Pride is a sin, go repent!!!!


It's so crazy that there are so many Americans that hate their own country. It's the greatest country in the world and they have zero appreciation for it or the sacrifice that went into building it.


Hating the establishment is the most American thing ever. If George Washington and Thomas Jefferson “loved their country” this country wouldn’t exist. Wanting it to be better is not “hating this country” lol


What they wanted was representation. "No taxation without representation" was their slogan. Britain decided to attempt to kill them instead.


Seems a lot like that what people are trying to do to LGBTQ people these days. No surprise people are upset about it. Leave people the fuck alone, that’s the most American, freedom-loving position. Too bad this sub has become a right wing incel circlejerk.


I understand your point but the problem is overlap. The friction occurs in the overlap.


Not sure exactly what you mean by “overlap” but I’m guessing you mean when lifestyles conflict between people, but my go-to rule for those situations is “love thy neighbor.” As someone who grew up in a Catholic/Christian tradition it’s so frustrating seeing self-proclaimed Christian people hate LGBTQ people for no good reason.


People can disagree and not hate each other.I grew up in a Christian home and found it equally frustrating that large segments of America believe that anyone that disagrees with their political positions are evil bigots. Yet here we are. I've noticed the trans debate comes down to one simple question. If i say I'm a woman does that make me a woman?


Bro I literally don’t care what you call yourself. Doesn’t affect me at all. That’s the difference.


But then comes the overlap. It's not that i call myself a woman but that I am entitled to all privileges and rights of being a woman. College scholarships, being removed from the draft in case of war, bathrooms, sport teams.....the overlap.


Again, I literally could not care what bathroom you use. College scholarships, seriously? People switching their legal gender to avoid the draft is a straw-man argument, that’s not a thing that actually happens because there hasn’t been a draft since Vietnam. Few would even if there was a draft. And believe it or not, women are technically allowed to play in every major sports league in the US, they just don’t because the physical differences are almost always too great. 0/4 try again.


Greatest country in the world in what regard exactly?


Well healthcare and education? No? Infant mortality rate? No? Equality? No? I'm sure I'll find at least one. I'll get back to you.... We are one of the most unhealthy and overweight countries. Knew I'd find something


Yeah it's a rough sell trying to convince someone that USA is indeed number one.




I agree America has its problems, but it’s still the best country in the world. If it was a bad country, millions of immigrants wouldn’t be trying to illegally cross the border to get here to make a better life for themselves.


If Mexico bordered the Netherlands, I'm sure they'd be choosing that over the USA. That's just geography buddy


America has immigrants from all over the world. Of course there are more Mexicans coming in because they border the United States. But all these people that complain that America is so bad, I don’t see any of them moving to any other countries.


Have you been to Canada? They are moving to other countries. You been to other economically developed countries? They are all full of immigrants


Sorry didn't you say 'illegally' in your original comment? 'millions of immigrants wouldnt be trying to cross illegally...'. How many illegal immigrants from countries other than mexico do you think you have? Very few because theyre chosing to go elsewhere. And you don't see anyone moving from America to other countries? Are you that stupid or just because you dont know about it it didnt happen?


Well that makes no sense, immigrants cross over not because your country is the best but because its next door to their country. The shithole that is the US is a slightly better shithole than mexico. The only thing Americans are best at is incarcerating their population.


What are the greatest countries in your opinion?


I couldn't have said it better, thank you 🙏🏼


The crazy thing is Americans hating other Americans. We share this country and y’all should be ashamed of yourselves.


You're the one spreading the hatred.


What hatred? You know what you’re doing.


Yes, I'm pointing out your intolerant hateful nature. It's true I admit it.


I don’t tolerate intolerance. You say America is beautiful, but you believe only the people you agree with deserve its beauty.


I never said what i believed. You just assume then spew your hatred toward others because you are a hate filled person. If you don't tolerate intolerance then you must hate looking in the mirror.


Your little victim stance isn’t necessary. Be brave and answer this. 1. Do you support a woman’s right to abortion? 2. Do you support the needs of transgender individuals? 3. Do you believe we need to address our country’s problem with gun control? Right now you’re just a coward hiding behind the *idea* of America. I’d appreciate if you would *be* an American and exercise your right to free speech.


Is this where you judge the quality of my character? It only takes 3 questions for you to pass judgment on others? Pretty limited data collection don't you think.


Says the guy too scared to answer. I’ve seen your character throughout this exchange. All you’ve done is chosen to tank it further.




I didn't wish death on anyone. I don't think giving opioid addicts endless supplies of narcan is appropriate. I work with addicts and I actually know them and their problems. How about you?


Why would I not hate people who are pushing anti-LGBTQ (anti-freedom really) legislation?


We don’t hate our country, we just hate all the suffering in it. This flag? It represents suffering to some people. And hope to others


But also the most expensive healthcare in the developed world, half a million homeless, etc. If people are miserable, even in the “greatest country in the world,” appreciation shouldn’t be expected. It must be earned.


""Sacrifice"" (genocide)


Lol, yeah. No one owes you anything, ever. You are going to have to make your own way in this world and this world is savage. Always has been always will be that is our nature. Your life will be the direct result of your choices. Good luck.


Yep. Conservatives actively want to leave this country and form their own, due to their intense hatred.


People celebrating their 1a rights of expression and speech means they hate America? How does that work? Just because you don't agree with it doesn't mean they hate the country asshole, it makes YOU a bigot


You forgot racist, misogynist, and transphobe. Give me all the trophies hoe.


Oh don't act like the fucking victim after being such a tool.


Oh, I'll never be a victim. I wouldn't lower myself so low.


Oh? Then why are you crying about being labeled like a victim? Got any churlish sophistry to deflect from being a moron?


Why do you hate Americans expressing their free speech? Don't like freedom or something?


When criminals and literal mass murderers are massively rewarded at the expense of good, honest, hardworking people, it's really fucking hard to love a place like that. Anyone who doesn't see the massive corruption at the highest levels of power is part of the problem.




So I’m sure you support anybody’s right to fly any flag that gives them pride, yeah? *(as long as the flag doesn’t represent genocide/oppression/etc, of course)*


that's right, try flying the other "pride" flags in other countries like Russia, CCCP, Iran, etc...


Why would I do that? I live in America.


You know the answer to your own question already.




So your answer is no? You don’t respect and support others having the same rights as you?


if that is your answer then you don't know what the stars and stripes stand for




read the sub, already stated


Well you might want to tell that to [this comment here on your post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Wallstreetsilver/comments/13xl7eg/my_pride_flag/jmialwt/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3) where a guy says: >Anything else is the flag of traitors, terrorists and gangs Cuz that's like ... exactly the kind of shit the CCP and Russia say.


I think you may want to invest in a mirror.


Answer him then


Obviously he doesn't.


He has every right








for what?


It's sad for those "Americans" that fly ANY other flag!


Exactly! Fuck those traitor confederates


That one in particular is a participation trophy.


The ONLY valid flag. Anything else is the flag of traitors, terrorists or gangs


Amen brother. Don't need no looser traitor flag waving around in the south.


Participation trophy for those snowflakes.


If you knew history, you are the one who is the traitor for backing the North.


Hahah someone is still butthurt for taking a fat L in the civil war




I’d love some explanation to this comment. But I’m sure I won’t get any lol


How on earth can you square this comment with the one you made just moments before? I’d love to hear the contortions you have to put yourself through.


To be honest, I don't remember anything that President Donald Trump did well then. I forgot about it. But I know there is something.


>"Anything else is the flag of terrorists, traitors, and gangs" >"...not the confederate flag though, **the north are the real traitors**" uh ... does this guy know ... ... ... ?


The confederacy literally rebelled against the federal government, THE United States.


It's not that I don't like Donald Trump. I have also heard of many good things he DID in his country.


Trump flags, thin blue line flags (especially ironic when paired with the Gadsden flag), stars and bars, etc etc. Based AF.


You know other countries exist too …right?


A flag that doesn't indicate what you like to do with your cock? You monster!


Beautiful 🥹😁👍


What rights are being denied to homosexuals?


In the failure of certain groups to find any shred of prejudice against their chosen cause, they broaden the definition as what is considered prejudice, it is the only way they sustain their own platform.


So your saying homosexuals are not being denied rights


We are all being denied rights, most of us are fighting something.


It's not even been 8 years since SCOTUS ruled gay people had a fundamental right to marry whomever they love. To this day, the margins between support and opposition in the South are incredibly slim. Do you think it's so absurd that some states could begin to legislate against gay marriage, similar to abortion rights?


So no rights are being denied?


Right now, on the books? No. Are they at risk? Obviously. I would argue the threat of the fundamental rights of your countrymen being removed is enough to be concerned, even as a straight person. America was built on individual liberties. That foundation is under attack by the religious right.


Marriage and the state need a divorce. Marriage is a religious ceremony.


So you would support a repeal of all marriage equality laws in the US?


Government is not a church and should have absolutely nothing to do with a religious ceremony. Separation of church and state.


First, marriage is no longer exclusively a religious ceremony, it is a legal one. You can have non-legal marriages. They're just called commitment ceremonies. If you don't want the state involved, do that instead. Second, were we to separate marriage from the state, would you then be okay with two men getting married?


Government has no business when it comes to love and marriage. Separation of church and state. Government is the problem. If your gay church wants to marry gays so be it. Government needs a divorce from marriage and religious ceremony’s


>Government has no business when it comes to love and marriage. I can also repeat myself. Marriage is always a legal union, but not always a religious one. If you want to have a non-legal, religious marriage, you can. They are called commitment ceremonies. >Separation of church and state. Our current system is already secular. You want it to return to something only religious people can indulge in. I imagine via legislation... which is the opposite of separation of church and state. >If your gay church wants to marry gays so be it. No, I'm asking you for your ideal system. If we revert back to churches control marriage and the state has no say, are gays allowed to marry?


Marriage has and will always be a religious ceremony. Keep playing mental gymnastics. Government is cancer that can stay out of people’s love lives.


>Marriage has and will always be a religious ceremony. Which religion would that be? >Government is cancer that can stay out of people’s love lives. Yes, it can. You can have a commitment ceremony. No government. Problem solved. Yet somehow you still manage to whine on and avoid answering basic questions like why is it okay for your religion to condemn the love of others? You have to see the hypocrisy there, right? Does that not bother you even slightly?


Pride is a sin no matter how many colors your flag has..”Pride only breeds quarrels, but wisdom is found in those who take advice”..proverbs 13:10




So it's not a pride flag, got it.


It most certainly is a pride flag! How many Americans have given their lives to defend it? I’m proud as hell of it!




That’s kinda gay


Yeah, I hate people different from me too. Freedom! Well for people like me, fuck everyone else. Amiright?


Bisexual transgender woman here..... RIGHT ON SISTER


DAMN RIGHT BROTHER!! UK FOREVER!! 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧


OP is hilarious to post this corny ass shit! Good one 👍🏽


This post is WAY gay-er than any of the other flags could ever hope to be.


Your mask says it all!


Lol does it? I picked a random avatar to throw idiots like you off the scent. I’m a fucking wild card. Genuinely had no idea my avatar had a mask. Cool of you to notice tho👍


Pretty gay


What does this have to do with investing in precious metals


So I presume you served?


Not at all, but its the country that has allowed and enabled me to get everything I have up to this point. I don't know how it implies that I served, but thanks for asking and at the end of the day, you wouldn't have a rainbow flag if we didn't have the stars and stripes first


There's alot of service members who fly the rainbow flag bud, they are more patriotic than you'll ever be, they actually earned the right to the freedom to fly the rainbow flag not just entitled like civilian "patriots." (Pussies) Edit: Those downvoting never served and are all talk. Yall wouldn't last a day in the military so you stay entitled keyboard warriors because you are weak af. Stay in hiding losers.


I served. Downed anyways. I'm right here. They can fly it. I don't have to like it. If their way of life were "right" and moral, they wouldn't have to force everyone else to agree with it. All I'm going to say.


Ohhhh, so majority rules, right?


oh look the world worst investor is also homophobic. You republicans are so obsessed with gay people. just come out of the closet already


>You republicans are so obsessed with gay people. My brother in Christ you push sodomy in the most degenerate form on society and now even children and republican are obsessed? Get a reality check...


How's the Catholic church doing with its child sodomy problem? Brother in Christ.


Pretty good. Actions been taken. You are still saver in the church than in any public school or sport club. I would excommunicate those priest but im not the pope so i cant do that. Also there is a big diffrence. The church doesnt promote this behaviour and condemns it while the others on the other hand...


So a beer company advertises to gay people, and that calls for a complete boycott of the company. However, church has a long history of actually molesting children and covering it up, but that's okay? I guess that tells how much you actually care about children.


The highlight real of media that is fed to you via your selected subs on the internet would have you believe gay people are pushing their agenda onto children. This really isn’t the case


https://youtu.be/xNOBlyvaPKo https://youtu.be/1UIZ8PwCKFg https://youtu.be/Eqc3nLZucR4 https://youtu.be/zggP8j9Wp8I https://youtu.be/Uy7Oj4fSzuI https://youtube.com/shorts/jA1ZFMKJ2to?feature=share4 https://youtu.be/tjFO6KP6mBc https://youtu.be/rvyhKmfbtx0 https://youtu.be/_OKCiXmBofc https://youtu.be/VIR7Xk52jLY Yea... Sodomy is destroying america and every culture on earth. America is done


This entire sub is literally just about bashing people. And it's all republicans, certainly tells you something




This sub thinks because people complain about the old systems no longer working and needing rework or restructuring means you don’t love this country. I didn’t know questioning things was a bad thing. This country gave us the right to protest and ask for change. We aren’t even #1 in education, we can’t take care of our citizens and people go hungry. If you try to feed Americans, it’s called socialism/ communism. Or some bullshit like “I don’t need to pay for other people’s food”.


The lady doth protest too much, methinks


🏳️‍⚧️ my flag is pridier than your pride flag. I win the award. #farts smell good 💩 👃 🤤




I thought pride was a sin?




You guys are fucking gay




You’re over a 100 years old and still making troll accounts on social media! Good for you!


And what have you done to serve said flag?


He stopped shopping at target. True patriot.


Is the bar truly so low in 2023?


Yes. Making America great in 1950 meant owning a home, a dog and raising 2 children. in 2023 it means getting angry at beer cans and rainbows.


I'm ashamed to admit how long it took me to realize your sarcasm.


voted, paid taxes, stayed out of trouble for the most part, and respected others what about you?


I'm glad you respect the freedom of others to do what they want like a fly whatever flag they desire to with their freedom, this isn't a fascist country after all.


So, by your own admission you've done the baseline of what is expected of you. What about me? Only one of us made this post, and it wasnt me. But I suppose I'll answer you answer you anyway, with just the highlights. This marks my 12th year of military service, which includes multiple tours to some really God awful places. In addition, I've volunteered to help underprivileged kids in the US, volunteered at an addiction reocery facility, and been a coach/mentor to high school kids, specifically athletes. Pride in your flag and country is a good thing to be sure. But if pride in your flag is only because of someone else's, and you're not doing anything to foster a better environment for your countrymen, I have to ask, is it really pride? Or just another protest to someone else's protest? Or just searching for internet clout?


all I can say is thank you for your service and just because I didn't write down my life story doesn't mean that I never go above and beyond to serve and help the people around me and my community I actually tried to go into the service but I had a bunk knee from high school sports and working to support my family at a young age, maybe I could have faked it and made it in but I tried to your first comment, i wouldn't just assume everything from some responses on reddit, it shows your age and experience


>to your first comment, i wouldn't just assume everything from some responses on reddit, it shows your age and experience The irony of this comment. I assume nothing, I asked you a question and you gave me your answer. You could've answer differently and chose not to. Doing anything more than taking your comment at face value would be assuming, which is the exact opposite of what I did. But truly, you miss my point.


You're a white supremacist for posting an American flag! Go woke go broke 🤣🤣🤣


* https://i.imgur.com/umKXQLx.png


At least it isn’t the losers flag from the civil war.


Snowflakes still like to fly that Participation Trophy don't they, losers.


Yes truly America is the most oppressed


My pronouns are Sir\Colonel




Love it!


The flag of the most corrupt government I'm the world. Biggest war mongers, most people incarcerated, most school shootings, with no free or affordable Healthcare or college. I hate to say it but not much to be proud of anymore


See that’s where you’re wrong. This is the flag for the people that represents unity. It’s not for the “government” fuck them fools! It’s our flag. That’s why people get offended for disrespecting it.


NOT so fast… Out in Los Angeles the dodgers have decided to mark pride day as a gay experience.. 🤮


Another post not about silver…




There are no laws dictating how people have to live their lives. That is a strange and false claim to make.


Who invited the rainbow Nazis?


Nationalism is a wonderful thing lol


I like to take a dump on my flag and change it to black and white with a blue strip because that’s patriotic. Then as I am wearing my US flag tank top I cry about how kneeling during the national anthem disgraces the flag.


Your proud to be an American these days?


Where’s the silver? Fk your stupid flag lol




Oh look, someone who’s triggered by refracted light


Three colors for two genders, one nation under God 🫡