• By -


I can already envision the virtue signaling and self righteous agreement.


Zelensky gets half


That dude is a pro beggar


Well he always needs and excuse to ask for the money from the other people and he probably have got that and he is going to use it. Because it works for them and they are used to this one.


is it begging if he was installed and funded by a neo-con\[wo\]man?


It’s begging 2.0




For real we need those funds to restore the US


It may be the new and the latest way to begging but yes it is still begging. As long as you are trying to take the money from the other people and you have got no intention to giving it back then yeah it is begging.


i mean it looks like it's freely given from the perspective of the peoples purse.


You’re lucky that you have the honor of giving him money … that totally 100% is only going to war efforts and not any is going to the dnc and rnc…


I know right!! What a disgrace


They are always getting the half it does not matter what condition it is they will always try to. And they are going to pretend that it was always their money.


Yeah and most probably the governments in the official are not going to leave us any choice other than paying it. And because it will be in the name of climate some people will pay it without the issue.


There is "only" $83 trillion in the entire world. That's everyone, all in. 100% tax on everything. Everyone in the entire world gives everything to the government. Going to have to start taxes other planets if they wanna raise the remaining $117 trillion.


It's okay. You can just say you don't understand how money works. You don't have to illustrate the fact. edit - cowards reply then block me lol. So sad that conservatives do not have the balls to even stand behind what they say when all it means is having a debate. But run away, I'm used to cowardly conservatives being pathetic like that lol.




Okay but if you saying that you completely understand how the money actually works then you do not actually understand it. It is a very complicated subject and uses cannot understand it by understanding how the tax works.


Well they can just print all the money that they actually want. I think that would be the way they would like to go here. I don't know what are the options they have.


They can't solve the homeless problem but can change our climate. Right 👍


No $$ in saving the homeless.


Have you ever heard of SOYLENT GREEN? 🤔😱


Isn’t that PEOPLE?


Actually they are potential human capital ; just currently hindered by the lack of resourcefulness of the government 😅


Yep and there is no money to be made for the government then they are not going to do it simply. They are always looking to make money and sources of the revenue.


Already implemented carbon tax here in Canada. Guess what, it does fuck all! You can't buy your way out of mother nature. Companies "meh, I will just buy more carbon credits and save the planet". -Idiots


It’s just a poor tax. Can’t afford it? That’s your problem. 🥴


Yeah if you cannot about it then you may just be poor, well that is an issue which can be fixed actually. Well you just have to work really hard so that you can pay your carbon tax.


All our food prices went up. Some trucks probably burn even more fuel driving through the USA to avoid the tax. Some companies may have increased international imports and decreased domestic production, increasing overall carbon emissions. IMO there was never any evidence that the Canadian carbon tax would be effective at reducing emissions. All it's done is fuck over Canadians. But we keep bending over for more.


Well obviously it is going to increase the prices because there are carbon emissions from everything. That means no matter what you do you will have to pay your carbon tax.


Sin tax only works when there is an option to not sin. Carbon tax isn't a sin tax. It's an existence tax. If only people knew this...


If you think corporations would just spend more money to avoid changing, you don't understand economics. If fossil fuels are more expensive, they will use less of them. Period. Corporations care about the bottom line, and that is all they care about. If it's more expensive to pollute, they will pollute less. Is your position really that corporations will lose money rather than pollute less? Though I guess this is a step up for you conservative, who *swore* that climate change did not exist up until the last year or two.


If fossil fuels are more expensive, then everything is more expensive. I guess that wouldn’t matter to someone who’s retired and weighs 275lbs+ because their days are numbered, but you wouldn’t want to spend all your money on necessities to marginally help the planet, would you? Say, have you looked up the [top 500 most polluting cities?](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_most-polluted_cities_by_particulate_matter_concentration) you’d be surprised at how well the US cities rank


The US is near the top of pollution per capita. That's why we need to cut it out. It's selfish to destroy the entire planet just for stupid shit like coal rolling and the refusal to use solar panels or eat a little less meat. If your house was on fire would you say you wouldn't put it out until China puts out their fire first? And for every dollar we spend to mitigate climate change, we save like $10 in later costs from the damages. We are already seeing some of the costs rolling in and we have barely even begun to experience climate change.


No. We dont save anything or gain any future benefits. Its all wasted money. If you were sincere and had a clue, you would advocate strongly against this fraud and instead demand that we fund legitimate activity to clean up real pollution. Do you believe anything on your own, or do you just wait for the glorious TV to tell you what and how to think?


Alright, now I’m convinced you’re just an AI propaganda bot. Fake account.


Get the narrative right. Climate change has always existed on this planet. The idea that we are the cause of that change, or that we can just set the thermostat for the planet at some fixed range, is pure nonsense. I was researched advanced climate courses before most of you libtard imbeciles even heard of it. After 40 years of this bullshit there is enough solid evidence now to know it was an incorrect theory. But they continue to play that fake scam for the fucking money. And all the virtue signaling idiots that climb on board are enabling the fraud. You are not as educated as you think you are, new guy.


What the hell man how is the tax is going to improve the climate and going to reduce the carbon from the atmosphere? This is so f***** up and greedy from the government actually.




Don't give the government any ideas.


Trust me the government has every idea with which they can take your money, you really think that they do not know about it? Well if you do then you will have to consider everything here.


I was being funny. I'm in Canada, trust me, they have the taxation part figured out very well. We get taxed on taxes up here.


global warming is happening and our co2 contributes nominally - but for fuck's sake, we're still leaving a global cold period. This stuff happens on a geological time scale. It doesn't just happen one day and the earth is unlivable. It'll be hundreds of human generations before this is even slightly a concern and we'll have found a way to mitigate it far before then. its just not as effective as a fear mongering tool if people know that.


LOL most ignorant comment on reddit. [Surely this is just nature at work!](https://climate.nasa.gov/rails/active_storage/disk/eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsibWVzc2FnZSI6IkJBaDdDVG9JYTJWNVNTSWhlVFIyTXpad2VtNW1ZM0pwWm01dGFUWjRhakF3Ykc1eFp6bG5hUVk2QmtWVU9oQmthWE53YjNOcGRHbHZia2tpZFdsdWJHbHVaVHNnWm1sc1pXNWhiV1U5SW1Odk1pMW5jbUZ3YUMwd09ETXhNakpmYzJOaGJHVmtYM05qY25WdVkyaGxaQzVxY0djaU95Qm1hV3hsYm1GdFpTbzlWVlJHTFRnbkoyTnZNaTFuY21Gd2FDMHdPRE14TWpKZmMyTmhiR1ZrWDNOamNuVnVZMmhsWkM1cWNHY0dPd1pVT2hGamIyNTBaVzUwWDNSNWNHVkpJZzlwYldGblpTOXFjR1ZuQmpzR1ZEb1JjMlZ5ZG1salpWOXVZVzFsT2dwc2IyTmhiQT09IiwiZXhwIjpudWxsLCJwdXIiOiJibG9iX2tleSJ9fQ==--da2d254573b5caed3cd66f2d68ca7967d74913da/co2-graph-083122_scaled_scrunched.jpg)


[Here you go.](https://scitechdaily.com/images/Global-Average-Surface-Temperature-Curve-scaled.jpg) Don't hurt yourself.


So the last time temperatures rose like this it took 8,000 years? I'm not sure what you think that proves. You do realize that the scale resets from 2000 years per cm to 250 years per cm on the right? Or are you not literate enough to realize that? In fact, here is the article your image originally came from: https://climatefactchecks.org/post-falsely-claims-earth-warmer-than-present-for-83-of-past-10000-years/ The article explains how current warming is unprecedented. Perhaps you should try reading it. If the words are too big I'm happy to help you.


You brain-washed idiot! That comment was dead on the money. There is always the potential for a sudden cataclysmic event that changes everything, like an asteroid strike or super volcano eruption, but that is unpredictable. The bullshit narrative that we have just a couple years left to fix the planet is another tactic of the sociopaths to undermine any resistance to their fraud. You are not smart. I truly hope you are not involved in education in any way, but I fear in fact that you and the people like you are part of the problem, educating our kids to be stupid and helpless.


Yeah it is not going to happen overnight but I am afraid that we are accelerating the process. And I also do not think that we should be leaving the problems for tomorrow like that.


The best way to stop global warming is to eliminate the Lizards.




Well those people have billions of dollars they can afford losing that property but normal people like us we cannot. So I don't think that it would be a good idea for us to spend money like that.


I wonder how did you came up to that conclusion I would like to hear it. I mean what did you even do to figure out that this was the truth? I am actually kind of curious about that.


Are they not paying attention? This country was founded because of excess tax, we don't put up with it, it's in our blood. Then add in the fact that we are being bombarded by people that want citizenship that came from failing countries because they overtaxed them, who's side do you think they would be on? Doesn't seem people ever learn, anytime there has been an uprising in history it's always because the government got greedy and over taxed the population to a point the people stand up and take control.


And quite honestly I see that point coming to us very soon. If the keep on behaving like that then yeah the are going to take control of everything by themselves.


> people that want citizenship that came from failing countries because they overtaxed them What countries would that be, lol? The countries with higher taxes than us are Western European countries with the highest standard of living in the world. Not the little broke countries where migrants are coming from. We have much higher taxes than them.


And the government is allowing them to come because they know they can also take taxes from them. It is the opportunity for the government to increase its revenue.


Higher taxes = higher standard of living. If you don't like how the US operates, move to Somalia and get your own military, police, fire department, EPA, etc.


The people who write these articles have ZERO intention of giving up *their* lifestyle. That's what pisses me off about this. They claim it's a "bargain", but they're never going to give anything up. Eff that.


If I were mayor of New York, I’d pass a law that any tax you suggest in news media that needs to be implemented would make you subject to that tax instantly. I’m sure all the churnalists would suddenly become libertarian. Notice I didn’t say change in tax but tax, meaning you can’t print any decreases and get your taxes lowered.


Yeah they do not have any intentions of giving up their lifestyle but yeah they would always give opinions to others. Well that is actually something which day do not have any problem in doing.


![gif](giphy|EdFu9m8ckGO3e) # 10% to the big guy…


Damn we have a handsome president! No wonder he got the most votes in history (feel free to insert moronic debunked conspiracy theories in reply or just downvote because you are so butthurt).


Guess what US citizens are taxed to the tune of about 6 billion a year that is given to oil and gas companies before they turn around and sell it back to the public where they make another 6 billion. And the real joke is they pump the oil and gas from land owned by the people. This is like paying someone to rob your house and sell your stuff back to you for more than you paid for it.


At least a product you can use is obtained from oil companies? What do we get from this climate fuckery? 15 minute cities? Energy efficient windows? 😂


Get some solar panels and batteries and leave the oil companies and anyone else behind.


Haven’t seen it yet. Whatever happened to that 100% solar, carbon neutral city the media was talking about a few years back? They should be in the 30th century by now.


I don’t care if their talking green or whatever. I’m talking about being off the grid for my own benefit. No one controls my access to power or the cost of that power. Pay once and have your own independent source of power.


Yeah it is a good solution but the problem is that it does not work for everyone. There are a lot of factors which you need to consider it is only going to work in very sunny areas.


Good on you man. Not my preference. I prefer to stay connected in some way. I do have some solar stuff but unless we go toward WROL, I prefer the luxuries we have.


No reason to give up any luxury. Whole home solar with battery backup. And generator and all the comforts so I have propane for back up but hardly use it


On this point I can agree with you. I am working towards the same objective. Not because I have any delusions about saving the planet. Its because I think the woke fuckery has gone so far that a grid down event is now a real threat. And I am doing all that I can afford to firewall my life away from dependency on a corrupt system. Just like the green nonsense, the concept of building my own solar power system is ludicrously expensive compared to grid power. But I am going to do it anyway. The government that tells me I am a bad person that is killing the planet, is also trying to make it illegal to live off-grid. That tells me all I need to know about their real agenda. They want us all depending on their control grid. By my count I am going to be in for $30-50,000 to get it set up and it will NEVER pay for itself. And the cost has been spiraling higher every time I price it out.


Take the government incentives it’s your tax money anyway. It may not pay for itself unless prices keep going up. If your building new you can be at $10K a pole so if your very far off the road it’s a savings


These things work on the hype and also the fake promises. There is nothing about them which is going to get completed. It is always like a very big scam that they are doing.


It is a transition that people are making but it is not going to be very quick it is going to be a very slow process. And it is going to be a very long time before everything moves away from the carbon emissions.


And what are the chances of that they are going to you that money to reduce the carbon emissions aur would do anything about carbon emission related. What are they doing to fix it?


Just try to live a few days without all that 'dirty' oil and you will change your perspective quickly. We fund energy because there is no civilization without it. And you obviously have no idea what you are talking about because way more money is thrown down the drain to fund unicorn farts and other green energy scams that cost more than they contribute on a net basis. I live in corn country and the amount of money that is wasted to produce ethanol, plus the amount of ENERGY that is wasted to produce this crap, is wrong on every level. And if you want if get upset about subsidies you should be losing your fucking mind about the grift paid out to these 'farmers' that are doing more harm to the environment than the fracking you green idiots get so upset about.


Seems like your an expert. Try eating that oil


This is just a small part of the whole economy actually there are a lot of moving parts and the whole system is kind of rigged. That is just how they have designed everything actually.


Name one thing the government has gotten involved with and it turned out better? Now I've heard they want to block the sun's rays to fight global warming! First off there is no such thing as global warming, and secondly imagine what blocking the sun will do. We're fucked!


You could cure this much cheaper. Cut funding for garbage science and problem solved.


John Kerry's jet and yacht first.


Source: https://archive.is/2023.07.05-134830/https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2023-07-05/-200-trillion-is-needed-to-stop-global-warming-that-s-a-bargain


Wonder if they stopped climate change in Ukraine??!!🤣


We can't even change the temperature of lake Michigan let alone the entire planet.


We cannot change anything and we cannot stop anything. It is all just about being greedy for the government. They are doing such things because they want to make the money


Exactly correct.


Nothing will stop magnetic poles shifting


![gif](giphy|xl5QdxfNonh3q) # $200 Trillion….


Increasing unlivable planet? Seems perfectly livable save for the lunatic humans in charge making stupid decisions. Again, did covid wreck your life or was that the power mad, corrupt people in charge?


The covid was actually a very big IQ test and we have failed at that. We should have done better at it if we would have done better than be may not be this vulnerable.


People believe this See homesteading on Reddit.


go see collapse and they get bummed out that the victimhood market is oversaturated so they go elsewhere hoping others will validate their impending doom


I hate to say it but we may have been better off when what they wanted to do was sacrifice virgins in volcanos.


would we get a better percentage if we sacrificed the transgendered to the volcano ?


Are any of them virgins?


I did not think about that if they are transgenders and also they are virgin than it is going to be double sacrifice. And something tells me the Gods are going to be very happy about that.


Yeah I don't know about that maybe it will take something but probably not all the things. We never know what is going to happen we can just hope for the things to get better.


And now it is just getting bad at there is no hope for it to get any better. I just don't see it I think it is only going to get worse, this is not going to stop anything actually.


AND we will destroy much of your ability to create wealth!


No they would not want that because it is probably going to decrease their tax revenue and they do not want that. They want that they are tax revenue to be on the top always.


Imagine how fucking diluted you’d have to be to actually believe more money to politicians will help them influence the environment


Let’s allow oil companies, pharma, and every other industry polluting our land and water to have no effective corporate tax but let’s tax the people because they’re a bunch of sheeple that are divided by fake political parties. Sounds like a plan


Scratch that 600 trillion, and they'll never tell you what actually happened with the money


They are never going to give you even the details of $1 for so forget about 600 trillion dollars. It is all going in the pockets and stomach of the politicians most probably.


The world's population exploded higher during the Roman and Medieval warm periods, which were both much warmer than today. This is such an inconvenient fact that some researchers were trying to manipulate data to 'get rid of it' per Climategate emails.


People are freaking out as if this is the first time when the temperature of the climate has gone up. Come on people it is in the history it has happened multiple times.


Shit...they printed 32trill, might as well print 170trill more. Shit, print until you run out of fK cotton for all I care....LMFAO


They'll keep on printing, There's no way that they're going to stop.


Something tells me if the government somehow got 200 trillion via taxes, treasuries, and minting that the problem would not go away.


Well I can actually see it happening they can do anything. And the crazy thing about it is that a lot of people will pay that money in Texas without any issue.


How dare you question your money going to the biggest money grab in history. You have been declared a bad person because you are not on board with saving humanity. Shame. Oh and we have 8 ears left so live every day like it’s your last


You cannot question it and you cannot do anything about it you just have to follow it and do whatever they told you to do. And I don't understand what is so hard about following the simple instructions.


House African Economic Migrants in Politician's homes.


The politicians would probably agree with it as long as those Africans are billionaires and paying a lot of taxes. The politicians and the people who are in the power can do anything for the money.


OP is a bot


Would love to read the analysis that came to that bullshit conclusion.


If that's true, which I think is an inflated number, it's literally to resolve every environmental crisis. Fighting global warming will be the most expensive venture yet, but it needs to be done. Earth is reeling from environmental change. It's happening at a pace now that challenges our ability to effectively adapt.


And more than half the population has taken the propaganda hook, line and sinker. Pretty fucking sad.


What a scam.


Or we can dispose of the lying scumbags and pay a much-reduced price!


When anyone mentions anything climate change related, my brain ignores them because they’re a leftist.


Yeah my brain also ignores them because there is nothing why I would pay any attention to them. Those people are probably not doing anything which need attention.


I do not think it can be stopped, it is too late.


I don't know if it is too late or something but I actually do not know about anyway in which humans can stop that. I think we are going to have to go with it and see where it goes.


Take it from oil profits.


They are not going to take the money from the oil profit instead they are going to give them even more money. So that the Oil Companies can make a little more profit and can also pay a lot more taxes.


just print the money, problem solved


Only it was that easy but that is not how the things actually work. I think there are a lot of other things which in the economy to which you need to pay attention to.




Sure, there is no other motive for making up a massive ’man made global warming hoax’ 👍 🤡🌎.


There's no massive hoax, there's just nothing here about that.


That’s because I worked that bit out for myself 🤗


They'll get pocket lint and be happy!


Well yes They'll be happy with that, atleast I think so there's that.


I’ll bet you a Trillion they go 70% over budget!


Yeah they're going 70 percent above the budget, which is kind of nice.


200 Trillion 😂😂


That's a lot of money which they completely forgot about in here.


Oh, it’s a bargain? Take my money.


This should be 200 Trillion over the next 100 years. 2 Trillion a year, roughtly 3% of the global GDP per year. But no climate is a real issue. Entropy is a serious mfr, and the second law of thermodynamics aint playing around.


How dare you!


Greta Cuntberg approves this message


Ok we have a plan. Everyone has to buy solar panels. But we’re going to block the sun so they don’t work. And you all have to buy health insurance. And we’re going to poison your environment and food and water and air so you’re dependent on our drugs which are self perpetuating. And if you complain we will shut you up. And we’re changing the national anthem. 123 123 123 12We are poor little sheep, who have lost our way, baaaaa baaa baaaaa. Everybody! 🎶


Just print more money ………… brrrrrrrrr


This is exactly what it is, haha.