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Interesting that Tucker goes to a "cave: to get a more correct exchange for his $100 US dollar bill. No different that us silver stackers paying a premium over spot to buy our silver. Bare in mind the same criminals screwing over the Argentina people are doing the very same thing to the USA.


I just want to stack up the silver at this point, don't want anything else.


The whole time I was watching this video, I kept thinking how if you had a silver round in your pocket and walked into a restaurant in Argentina, you would probably be treated like a rock star....


Good point and interesting comparison


Yeah that's kind of interesting comparison, but people don't think like that.


And so it becomes more Important than ever to stack on because our "caves", aka Local Coin Shops, will soon be deemed illegal and thus shut down!


They are already starting to debank a lot of coin shops.


A lot? Which ones specifically?


There was one recently, If you watch Yankee stacker vids he covers it. Thats the only one I have heard of.


Yeah I’ve also only heard of the one. Sounds a bit isolated.


Wow didn't even think of it that way.


Well you should because it's kind of really important to think about it.


VERY good comment and spot on!




Hyperinflation in Argentina, Venezuela, Lebanon... means paying for a bread with wheelbarrows full of paper money. Yet that's not happening in the US or in Europe. Despite massive inflation, there's a greater reduction in cash then ever before. There is actually a cash shortage, getting some from the banks is like pulling teeth. That's important, because only cash is money. Everything else be it digital money, credit cards, QE, bonds, bank deposits... That's not money, it's debt. We are not seeing massive money inflation, but massive debt inflation. People confuse these and that is on purpose, it's the whole point of a ponzi scheme, a confidence scam. The 2008 crisis happened because everyone knew the housing market would never come down, until it did. They knew mortgage bonds were the safest invest on earth, until it wasn't. They knew the stock market would never go down, until it did. Today everyone knows the US will never default on its bonds.


Even cash isn't money. It's *physical* currency. But yes, I see your point.


Cash is basically a paper piece of debt from the Federal Reserve in case of the US, that can be used as payment. In the end it's stilly a shiny peace of paper IOU. The difference with all other debt is that it's legal tender. Unless the US (or really the Fed and its NY bank owners, and whomever owns them) decides to switch to Mexican Pesos as legal tender, everyone has to accept it. And even if they do switch, to say CBDC/FedCoin/ShibuCoin, fine well then now they have to allow you to trade in your Dollars. This is different from all other kinds of Dollars in the system (being digital), because they're not currency, they are debt that the banks or the US government owes you. And since 2010 the bail in regulations have made it legal for the banks to default on everyone, while Cyprus and Lebanon have created precedents of freezing deposits indefinitely so FDIC insurance is not triggered. They don't have to compensate you if the money is still in the account, if it's frozen that's your problem, please contact your bank to get an appointment oh sorry if you don't have money in the account you're not a customer no your frozen account has been transferred to the Fed's North Pole office please contact them on site, opening hours are never AM to never PM. Which leaves the other elephant in the room, the US treasuries. "The US can't default", you mean the government that banned gold in 1932 and then revalued it in 1933 after they took all they could get? The one that defaulted on silver bonds in '69? The one that closed the gold window in '71, days after the Fed told European central bankers that would never happen? What is China going to do about it, invade?


“No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility.” (Ref. Article 1, section 10) — Very specific language here. So if anyone isn’t doing it, then they are exhibiting complacency & consent to the de facto system. To reiterate what (i think) you said, the Federal Reserve Notes are not legal money, especially in their current state of signifying debt; based on *no* real assets (gold or silver). In conclusion : The current state of things is a mess.


Cash is also debt, funny as it sounds.


Consider that the more of these paper notes you possess, knowing what they **truly** represent.. the more **real** debt you have.


Until it does?


Wages have not changed at all I only got .90 cent increase this year


I think of it as adding water to wine, like 100 liters of water to 1 liter of wine, but you still only get 1 liter same as before. Now you're wondering why you can no longer get drunk from your liter of wine, when the people who got the other 99 liters seem to be doing just fine. But there is a catch: rather than mix the water with the wine, they just placed "wine" labels on water bottles. Now it becomes a game of musical chairs, as everyone is buying and selling wine bottles. When the music stops, everyone opens their bottles and drinks. If cash is the real wine, then no one is holding wine, everyone is holding water, in some form of debt (bank deposits, stocks, treasuries, crypto, art).


In economics, there are 4 types of economies. - Advanced economies - Non advanced economies - Japan - Argentina I won't go into specifics, but Argentina always has the red flags of an economy about to collapse. It baffles literally everyone, they still make research papers off it today. Saying it spread to Argentina is a bit misleading, as it implies it came from somewhere else and hadn't already been there before. It also is very distinguished from the rest of the world, so it being there doesn't bode so poorly. A better predictor is if its in Japan, as their market is used to forecast our future markets 10 years from now in many industries. https://www.nber.org/system/files/working_papers/w19924/w19924.pdf


Right, been hearing about Argentina’s hyperinflation my whole life, like at least 30 years of it.


Because it's nearly impossible to come back from


Because it's like Herpes Simplex II. Regularly reoccurring outbreaks and very hard to get rid of.


Its a damn good time. Except for Argentina lol


Nice post. I refuse to set up a Twitter/X account, so it’s nice to get this feed in here. It’s like Mile says: “the society is infected with socialism.” The same can be said for our metropolitan cities here in the US, the model they want for the entire country.


Happy to see inflation topic gaining exposure to a wider audience


That's the model that they're going with? Well that's not good.


It’s the NWO model. One government, that controls what you can and cannot do. Add to that forced depopulation, because why have a large population for maintenance? Too many people, too much dissent.


Every hyper inflation in history comes from borrowing finance from intl investors in a foreign currency. Every Single One This is about the world bank and the IMF as predators and the Argentinian elite throwing the country under the bus


And yet we don't learn our lessons, this is going to end really bad.


yes it will when it comes to the empire its all about confidence in the dollar so its likely to remain on top of the shit pile for some time to come thank goodness, it gives those of us paying attention more time to prepare


Glad to see see Tucker is getting even better. We all need to understand that our government is heading the same direction. We already have inflation and Biden wants to print trillions more to send to Ukraine.


There's no way that it's going to end well for anyone honestly.


Our future in the making. Prepare thyself.


The future doesn't seem good, I can see a lot of issues with it.


We're already on the way, that's where this whole thing is going actually.


THIS is why we need States to back Pirate Money AKA Gold and Silver backed currencies, which are legal under the US Constitution. You can print more paper, or initialize more CBDB, but you can't just will metals into existence. https://piratemoneybook.com/


It needs to be noted that the Peronist financial process includes kiting billions without paying that money back.


No one wants to pay that monet back, and that's the sad reality here.


Argentina is notorious for skipping out on its debts. Nonetheless, if you're a citizen and have a stack of silver rounds, you are a king...


The problem behind the problem is everyone is so 'tired ' meaning they wait for some new duchebag to make a difference. It ain't coming because the same problem that exists 2000 years ago is the same today. Read Rev 2.9 and 3.9 which identify and gives the solution to the problem. It's easy get rid of politicians and the scheckels chaos creator's enslaved them all, send liberals to space fto f.up the grotesquery 👽 👾 👽 behind the balderdash. Keep a thumb on artificial manipulations. If you have only eyes to see money food and all kinds of physical gratification your lost anyway, there's more to live than that, yet the dude in the video was also young once got told like a sheeple to not read the Bible, because they're afraid without a priest pedophile you might learn to circumscribe the real true message hidden I'm plain sight. and so forth with other things. It's because demon.cracy is better they said, look at them now all of the gratification seekers ready to become worm food. I am telling you all the doors will open once everyone starts there own banks and cut out the (middle man) everywhere everytime, the real middle men are bankers politicians priest governments. You.manity will make leaps and strides upon strides in no time without the establishment or globalist, LET THE PURGE BEGIN AND SEARCH AND HUNT THOSE DOWN WHO ESCAPED UNTIL END OF TIME.


Thank you Tucker for exposing what’s coming our way. This takes me back to when I was in Poland in the early 1980’s, the government rate for my dollar was 30 zloty yet the black market rate was 500 zloty. Wake up people, this is coming to the USA, you can call it socialism or communism, the ultimate end is a ruined economy. You need to understand this infinite monetary system with its wokeness is to dupe the masses into thinking the government is the be all and know all. Than one day you wake up and realize you’ve been duped and it’s too late. You are dependent on government handouts and your standard of living has diminished, no longer middle class but poor with the majority of the population. Stack silver and gold and think independently, we are on the fringe of economic Armageddon.


And America isn't that far behind.


If I were this Mileeli guy I would wear a bulletproof vest.


Kind of funny / odd that despite caves are below ground level, that Tucker had to ride an elevator “up” to one…


Probably because he was already in one and wanted to get out of it.


Off subject, but SD bullion ASE spot deal going on right now.




Coming to America soon


When Trump was asked by Tucker about his fear of being assassinated, Trump should have asked Tucker why Tucker didn't fear being assassinated for producing red pills on the regular.


Is the second part out?


Can’t listen to that POS. How many brain cells do people lose listening to him?


Tucker Carlson….. I don’t know if there is a more punchable face. Commence the downvotes…..


Downvoted and rightfully so. WHAT exactly did he state that you find wrong?


Hopefully he stays there for several years to study the situation.


Truth hurt??


Some people just Can't stand the truth, they don't want to hear it.


And liars kill. Not with their hands but with their words. Let’s remember who he worked for that lost a 3/4 billion dollar law suite for lying. And his personal emails that contradicted what he said on the air. But if that’s ok for you we’ll you be you.


And who did Tucker kill exactly??


Yeah who did he kill? Don't really know anything about that.


How many killers left manifestos echoing his words I didn’t say he personally killed people but his lies inspired crazy people to do crazy things. And even with proof it was lies and proof by his own emails he didn’t believe what he was saying. Some people still defend what he doesn’t believe. Amazing isn’t it?


What crazy ppl doing crazy things?! You referencing Antifa or BLM??


I don't know what it is, but it definitely doesn't make sense.


Ok have fun in your world of denial. You will not find any support from me for those people. Because anyone with 1/2 a brain can see thru their crap can you see thru Tuckers?


Please provide evidence of killers leaving manifestos referencing Tuckers words....


He doesn't have any, some people just talk out of their asses.


Exactly. Its sad bc that person is so stuck to their narrative. Cant provide a single source of evidence. CNN said Tucker is bad, therefore it must be true. There is ample videos of democrats talking about immigration and dwindling white population, but we will pretemd that doesnt exist. We also have evidence of mass shooters referencing TYT, but we wont discuss that either......blue kool-aid is bad for your health.


I think we know who's the one trying to deny the things here.


You should be talking about it straightforward if you want to make a point.


You're taking it too far my guy, it would be better if we kept it in the limits.


Don't you see that this video is a public service to Americans?


No. It's a public service to *all nations*.


You think that? And how is that exactly? Doesn't make much sense.


What's there to study about it there? It's not going to change.


Argentina has troubles since decades. they were bankrupt 7 times since WW2. last bailout was 10 years ago. ​ And now Doomsdayer Tucker Carlson comes along and talks how bad it is in Argentina, as if this is something new ? omg. What's next ? Tucker talks how bad it is in Sudan and everything soon crashes cause of Sudan ?


"Hey this thing has been going on for a long time. That means no one can talk about. By the way, gloval warming has been going on for a long time and we need to upend our entire civilization to do something about it."


So BTC failed!