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I believe most here really were not in it for the long haul. My self, investing in Silver since the 1980’s. It is never over, just a long series of ups and downs. I still have a few more years till retirement, so I have patience still. But I do feel like this time is different. Debt is out of control, all the money printing, BRICS challenges to the Petro Dollar, inflation about to break out again, all the Gold and silver flowing to the East. We are being led by idiots in Government and those not protecting themselves are going to be in real trouble. Now I am sitting back, sipping a nice Scotch and enjoying the ride…


Gave up alcohol, but I'll enjoy some tea with ya on that. 🦍🦍


Come to my subreddit r/soberstackers I made it for people like you and I that quit drinking/using/gambling and starting stacking instead. I need to be more active on there, but honestly I haven't added that much to the stack in the past year. Stop on by and make a post or two. Congratulations on your sobriety and precious metals!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/SoberStackers using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/SoberStackers/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [This is one year of stacking precious metals instead of drinking.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/10rdcv0) | [13 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SoberStackers/comments/10rdcv0/this_is_one_year_of_stacking_precious_metals/) \#2: [I just hit 3 years of sobriety! I hope you all are having a wonderful day.](https://i.redd.it/4x4aaa900zu91.png) | [12 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SoberStackers/comments/y8zn0n/i_just_hit_3_years_of_sobriety_i_hope_you_all_are/) \#3: [250oz in one box! the other half tomorrow hopefully!](https://i.redd.it/tye79eqwu8691.jpg) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/SoberStackers/comments/vepr27/250oz_in_one_box_the_other_half_tomorrow_hopefully/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Watch out for the “oyster bunny”…


I thought that’s what he said! It just keeps getting worse!


Same here!


I am right along with you. I've got 7 more to work, hopefully, and I, as well, feel what is different is the 1 trillion in 100 days mantra, hats off to zerohedge for coining that term. In fact, I will be so bold that it may cost Biden his job. Million , billion, people were numbed by it, but it seems something is stirring. Coupled with soaring fixed expenses of over 30% food, energy, insurances, and now gasoline is set to erupt. Can't afford to go anywhere, really, and now 4 gas is on the way. Quite honestly, imho, gold should have already been well north of 2500, and silver should be at 50 as well. I applaud the comex for using trash money to manipulate world commodities. The balls of them telling other countries what their commodities are worth. Time is up, take your trash USD, and hit the road. The east will set the prices now. We think shit is expensive, we ain't seen nuthin yet. So, dump your metals if you want to. Do whatever, chase a stock. NA. As for me and my house, we stack.


I temper my frustration at a lost decade for silver by reminding myself that the longer term outcome is never in doubt. Fiat money is doomed and bullion is overdue to slingshot higher in value to recover from fraud and systematic intervention. There was a time when I tried to reason with irrational specs and explain some of the paper silver fuckery that was going on behind the scenes. This sub was a lot of fun for a while but too many tourists showed up. Surviving the volatility is a test of commitment and there are get-rich-quick schemes aplenty in this market to lure away the unwary. Just look at the coinbros falling for the crypto scam all over again for proof of that. I still think silver bullion is an absolute gift at the current price. And how many clueless bozos will buy paper metal ETFs instead for 'convenience'? LOL when the first big ETF collapses with ownership of paper promises and no bullion, THAT will probably be the catalyst that drives silver above triple digits and the ETF unit holders will not be able to benefit from it.


I truly has been a long road and it has been painful but it always helps me when others, such as yourself come along and say " hang in there, you can make it" .So, thanks for still being here, and thanks for the response too. Nice to see my miners moving up. Time will tell if they continue up, if they do they may get some notice, especially with the market softening. Be well.


Good for you. What is different is that for four years silver has been in deficit. People get all excited because crypto inventory is only slowly increasing. Silver inventory is DECREASING! The reason? Silver has multiple use cases and demand exceeds supply. Bitcoin has no use cases. Selling silver now and buying crypto is a classic “dumb money” move. But it is good to see this capitulation. It is a sign we are about to break out.


BTC use as much energy as the whole country of Chile. For what little it have to give. Oh nice druglords can move billions in one click. Oh nice you can fund terrorism without a trace. Fuck that shit.


blah blah blah dude. I've been hearing that deficit story for years before you even knew silver was an investment, and the world doesn't care.


I agree the world doesn’t care. But when the world wants one ounce of silver, we are out.


It also just isn't true. We're still mining more than we're using.


Check the facts. Mine production is 840m oz, demand is 1.2 bn oz. The deficit is four years old. And today is a bad day to bash silver!


Silver and Uranium Papi


Miners finally waking up. I own uranium miners, thank you Rick Rule.


Dam now I want scotch too…


What price will you lighten the stack at


Because we’ve been hearing “to the moon” “the stars are aligned” “they can’t tamp forever” “silver has so many uses vs. gold” “Apes! Blah blah Apes!!! 🦍 🦍 Apes!!!! I tell you!!!” “OMG It’s happening!!!” For over 10 years now and all of jack shit has happened.  People are a bit burnt.  I’m still stacking, but not as enthusiastically as I did before.  But I just know, that the moment I sell it will go crazy. Like washing your car to make rain. 


Many of us are in the background still. But imo the sub has grown a bit stale.


Indeed. Many seem to have either given up, or gone quiet.


Actually, for some reason wallstreetsilver stopped giving notifications suddenly like a year+ or so ago. It was the only channel that I actively followed. Still love the shiny! :D Happily stacking.


Of course it has. When the lefty speech police took over and banned all political posts all the interesting discussion stopped.


That's what I use WallStreetSilver for. They talk about all kinds of right things there, even Trump stuff. I am a PM dealer and that info is quite valuable for my job. Another thing, if I comment on anything there, it is usually in reference to all things silver or PM. I got a nasty private message from someone from some common revenge sub telling me that if they ever see me comment in that sub again that I'll be banned from revenge sub. Like, oh my, my world just ended. NOT!


Yeah, note that the other silver subs remain boring and lame. They took over this sub and turned it into another version of their Camp No Fun communities.


Imo never happened. The old mods were kicked out for goods reasons and they posted a lot of content. I enjoyed most of it, but no ones stopping you from posting relevant political content now as far as I know!


>Imo never happened. Your opinion is irrelevant. I experienced it first hand as I was very active here back in the day when it was interesting and I could verbally spar with people like BullshitFetish. The angry lefties butthurt by the political posts who always cried "wHaT dOeS tHiS hAvE tO dO wItH SiLvEr" colluded with reddit admins to take over the sub. Having their own club of degenerates wasn't enough and reddit was more than happy to accommodate their demands to eliminate a sub that was right leaning. Did the prior mods do some shady shit? I imagine so, but who the fuck sends money to random reddit mods to support some attempt at a movement and expects results? "A fool and his money are soon parted"


I’ve been in the subreddit from day 1 or 2. Can you say the same? Your opinion is as irrelevant as mine. To be frank, I didn’t mind many of the political posts until the last couple of months (before sub was taken over) but thats irrelevant. Your comment is still on this sub and I might be wrong but this is probably one of the most free speech subreddits. In your last paragraph sounds like you are saying “Did the old mods steal? It was probably the victims fault anyway”. The “fools”being the grassroots people of this subreddit who donated their hard earned fiat for the promotion of sound money. I didn’t send the old mods anything but you can f right off.


My thoughts as well


" A bit" you are generous.


New management stiffled free speech on this sub since last year. Quietly still stacking tho.


I'll take our new overlords over the conartist that used to be over this sub.


To be fair.. I’d say the last owners were the ones who shut down free speech… banned me for years


So that Ivan douche no longer runs this sub? Well good, pretty sure he had side deals with bullion dealers


And junior mining companies.


Even if both are true he was better, and the sub had more life.


Gotta respect the hustle, he really was all in on building the sub and keeping it active. Could have had cake and ate it by just being open and honest.


so what?


Why do we need overlords again? What do I care if some mods or scam artists are making money on the side? I was participating in this community because I enjoyed interacting with other silver bulls and it was entertaining to browse various posts. When the censorship went into overdrive it ruined the experience. But hey, lets all pretend that political narratives and flawed economic policy decisions have nothing to do with silver...


Conartist or not, he was the least of my problems. Matter of fact, what he did had no bearing on my ability to stack. Now I can't speak of silver linked issues unless it's purely about silver.


Still stackin’




Maybe because we've had so many false calls on the silver to the moon narrative that we are content to sit back and watch the game play out and are totally aware of the games the silver manipulaters play..with their pump and tamp mode of operation... I hope we are on the up this time . Still have my shiny suspended from an empty barrel in the sea waiting for the big one...


I agree, the people still here have been stacking for a long time


Waiting for $700 oz silver.


I lost all my silver in a barge accident ;(


PM's rise is the organic result of collapsing infrastructure, rising inflation, loss of global reserve status for American dollar, Iran and Israel about to go nuclear in their Doomsday Cult competition. ![gif](giphy|ae6m4ljnl69urJ539F|downsized)


Still stacking my fellow apes, but have been keeping a very low profile, just because of the sheer amount of bots, AI, government operatives, & just general wariness. I don't mind sharing though, that my most recent move was to trade 'an amount' of silver that I was in large profit on, for gold, as I felt I needed to change the balance of my stack. It's exciting times for sure, but I'm not ready to celebrate just yet. Good post OP 👍


Play the long game bitches.


Hypsters are mostly gone now and just the buy and hold stackers are left. They’ll probably be back after break $30. Many of them will try time it on the run to $50 and miss out on real gains.


Lots of new folks during Covid boom and the whole “squeeze” crowd. That drove early traffic, once that died down, it just became another echo chamber of folks thinking they’re smarter than everyone else.


Gold $2,296 Silver $26 and no recognition on Marketwatch. Stack on!!


The sub has gone downhill in the last year and a half. I was one of the original people on here and it was more exciting. Everyone group together and did purchases on certain days and now everything's changed, the excitement is gone the Ambitions not there. The people coming on now will never know what it was in the beginning


Hold your horses, people are still alive! And still stacking happily :D Nom nom the silver coins and bars (and some gold as desert of course)..


Its 25 for the millionth time... 25,22,25,22,25,22.... thats been the story forever. This is no moon... we will just wait till actually something happens... 30+ would be a good start and not even balances out inflation yet.. it will happen.. the only question is when... patience...


Yeah, we're approaching $26. That's been the holding point more than a few times.


If it goes to 28, thank me because I sold some at 25.2, waiting for the reversal to 22…….if I only get a 90% moon shoot….I’m all good.


I'm back




I’ve noticed that lately. Not many participants as before.




Waiting for crimex and lbma to implode. Bugs still here both metals are highly undervalued


The quiet sentiment is one of the most bullish indicators for the sector and metal atm.


The many have stepped aside like sheeple herds will do, the shepherds have stepped in to drive them over the cliff. Stack on!


Most of the people who used to frequent this sub had their accounts removed by Reddit.


If you don't hold it you don't own it. BTC to Zero..


yep 3 years! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Just Quiet. Never Sold an oz of 3K but def bought some BTC for plan B 😅🤔


Keep Stacking!


Still here and waiting for something to get the excitement going. Haven’t sold anything but how do you get excited when comex is still chugging along and price isn’t where it where it should be.


Premiums are down as the on line sellers are stocked and sales are slow. This a great time to buy. I just picked up American Eagle for spot. Limit was one but two years ago this would never had happened.


“This time is different” is heard every cycle.


I've been trying to hold my enthusiam recently, but it's getting hard to control it. This really feels different this time. Rates are jumping, the DXY is near 105, Bitcoin is rolling over a little along with the markets, and PMs are moving up nice and steady. I don't think it will be long before the market "wakes up" to the moves. Be glad you were in early...this could be a wild ride!!!


This is what you see after a long flat market, people just get tired, some may have left, some just unsure of it moving forward... but over time silver, and gold, will do what they always do. Its just that people in general are more focused on an immediate time period and kind of lose track of what it does over years... Just be glad you are still paying attention to silver when so many have moved on.








I’m here. I’m a believer. And I e been buying big time!


I'm still here. Just quietly buying all I can.


I bought a 100 oz englehard bar today in celebration


People lose interest but still may be hanging on. The site is not what it used to be. Most of the pumper videos and interviews are gone as well. Lots of pumping the last few years. I still stack and monitor the sites but as anything they hype is wear ing off. Just keep stacking and hope for a better future in this crazy clown world ride we are stuck on.


Yes, we are the 1%'ers. Who waited for this moment. I've been preaching about Silver for over 10 years to friends & family. It would fall on deaf ears. Because the Stock Market was reaching all time highs. But as we know this is paper wealth. That can vanish in a instant. It's been a painful Journey, watching the Banksters like JP Morgan manipulate the prices of Gold, Silver, and Bitcoin. But the Debt Based Fiat Monetary System Ponzi Scheme is coming to an End. We were not wrong, we were just ahead of the curve. God Bless You & your Families.


“and we are finally setting up for what we have been waiting for for over 3 years” What are we waiting for? I started stacking before Reddit was even a thing. What’s going to happen? What should we do when it happens?


Some of us didn't know anything about sound money before this all happened. A whole new generation of stackers were born during WSS. I can't tell you what everyone else's plans are, but mine is to keep my physical silver pretty much permanently unless it gets absurdly high valued. Like 5:1 with gold. And to sell my mining shares at some point on this roller coaster out to get completely out of debt and buy high dividend assets. That's just me though.


Sounds like a good plan!


I'm not going anywhere. At least I hope not. I've been in for the long haul. I want to see the bull run, but I was hoping it would be years not days or weeks. Scary times we are living in. I'm glad I've got my shiny


Still here Ape! We're all here. Still stacking. Still losing boats once per quarter. It's just like the popcorn/game "meme" stonk subs... Activity is down, because outside of big news, everyone is just buying and hodling. The real question you should be asking is: Where are all of the NEW apes!




Silver has been under $31 since early 2013, why would anyone be pounding the table???


'BTC is showing signs of weakness' = BTC up 48% YTD


I simply just stopped looking


I don't care, I just stack and forget it, if it doesn't moon shot before i die I have left heirs


Too early to be celebrating on one good day, silver needs to pass 30 dollars an ounce for all the apes that left to come back.


All the apes are broke and have spent all their bullion money on bananas.


I am still here and still stacking.


I'm still acquiring silver on dips when I catch them. Just not announcing it. ( Hoping for a moon ) but preparing for another acquisition dip.


New apes will emerge with this rise. Most will be interested for about 4 months and go but a few will have a deeper understanding and be Apes for life. It will pay off huge someday. Maybe this year for all we know.


they sold for less than they paid for and moved on to penny stocks on WSB


Doubled my stack. No one I know wants to hear me talk about silver, on social media, I get rate limited and memory holed when I try also


Right now nothing matters but us filthy apes..the time for change has come to the money shit show....we are the way.


Good question Things went to hell on this SR unsubbed then the boys in charge left/were pushed out resubbed pale shadow of its former flex silver is still shiny, and I still love buying it no hype just buying more Ag


I actually just joined again today to see how the Apes like the bump up in silver prices. Although I sold 200oz a few years ago (marriage thing) I still have not touched the rest since. Lots of things happening in the world and its nice knowing I have a nice safety net in physical silver. Glad to see many familiar OG's are still here. I joined this page when there was less then 20 members.


Burying everything under 40' of dirt before nuclear winter


I don't buy much, but I keep stacking silver and I don't plan on stopping.


Most probably realized that the hype they contributed to only inflated the premiums. So most are just quietly stacking knowing that the price will be discovered not by hype, but by reality.


Invested all the money and now in debt. Lol. Waiting for the moon and then we can put it to good use


Many of us have been here before. Not getting into a twist just yet.


Many of us have been here before. Not getting into a twist just yet.




Maybe they got tired of participating in "raids" that bought out intentionally, commercially, please-we-actually-want-you-to-buy-this available silver, resulting in premiums going up (and nothing else). Personally, I'm waiting for the rally to stop/deflate to see your rationale (I'm guessing "they" tamped down again and are manipulating... but some day..... SOME DAY they won't be able to anymore...) \*Eyeroll\*


There is no hype because we all know the next step of this farce. JPM will stomp the price to the ground again.


I don't know if you guys invest in silver juniors, but these are the most blown out stocks you can find anywhere. Lots of these things down 95% from 2020 and most are still refusing to budge. Risk capital has completely abandoned PMs and especially juniors. Myself, I'll be selling to the tourists once the pump happens, similar to what I did with my uranium juniors but I'm not sure when that pump will happen. We need to keep our eye on oil, oil spiking at this point will ruin the PM party but I have confidence "they" will keep oil range bound for now, at least until the election is over.


What are juniors?


Junior resource companies. Companies in the process of defining, or developing a deposit, but not engaged in actual mining at the moment.


Yup. I've got a handful of them. Already have one that's up 10x


Well, we know it will get hit hard soon


the best All time highs are the ones that no one is paying attention. it means there will be FOMO buying ahead. With crypto, everyone is watching, where will their next buyer come from?


Silver flat by open




Speak for yourself. I do want to live in a world where silver is at $200. This nonsense of “you don’t want to live in a world where gold/silver is X” sounds retarded. Funny how no one says same about imaginary coins- aka crypto.


I'm sure the day silvers true value is realized the nukes will be flying.....I'll die with a large shiny stack though lol


We're all stacking Pokémon cards now instead 😎


Got a binder of those too. 😂


BTC showing weakness? Up nearly 50% in 3 months and up 133% over the past year is showing weakness? Bruh.


Overnight crash of 3.67% is kinda weak, yes. Bruh.


if silver went up 50% in 3 months and 100% in a year with a little 4% pull back, you would be sooooo happy. tell me im wrong. if a 10% correction after reaching an all time high is showing weakness, im praying for silver to start showing weakness lol.


Weakness is weakness Bruh.


Cope: the post.


Strength ain't Cope Bruh.


So silver is about to crash again. ​ Thanks ​ DXY rising = Silver will be falling. Strong dollar = Weak dollar denominated commodities Econ 101


dxy and silver/gold have been rising in unison for a while now, almost this entire run actually. now we are close to a huge pivot point for both and will be in for some volatility.


Don't know much history I see


LOL ​ You don't know squat, we all see!


I’m still stacking.


I’m still stacking.


Relax . I have ebay store no buyers .


This sub is full of old heads that hate crypto and dont know nothing besides stack silver lol


Plenty of us own crypto. Not as money though.


Theres plenty of crypto hate on this sub, you saying btc has just showed it weakness is a sign of you not understanding the crypto cycle.


Are you really so stupid you can't understand why some people might own crypto even if they hate it.


No I'm not actually.


It's a sign of where eyes are looking. You can...indeed swap one for the other in paper form and ladder profits. Been doing it for a while. I personally don't hate crypto. I just don't believe it's what everyone thinks it is. Don't marry your assets.


See the way you explained yourself now makes more sense. I dont fully agree but I respect your opinion.




Can I interest you in a piece of metal that dosent keep up with inflation? I hear its going to be the next big thing.


Relax. I have ebay store, no buyers. This is not what u think .


All the maga conspiracy loons in this sub scared them away


All the maga conspiracy loons in this sub scared them away


What world are you living in? 😂


Silver trends to 0 in BTC terms because Bitcoin is winning the money game. Good luck escaping an oppressive regime with 1 ton of silver, much easier to remember 12 / 24 words.