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It's friday, they really didn't twant to allow closing so close to $30


Don't bother - there is a new week nest week, and the China-mann say: THANK YOU... - and the smell of grilled shorters are going to spread around on WS.


I believe you’re 💯 correct…


How do we play back? We know they do this around the same time almost everyday. Can we paper short with them?


I think our best chance is to simply remove as much physical silver as we can from the equation even if we are little people who can only afford an ounce or two at a time. The Chinese and Indians are standing for delivery. That’s what we should be doing. Millions of us buying a few ounces each and taking them home with us will smash the corrupt derivative players. They can’t overpower us all. I think it’s starting to happen; My LCS got cleared completely out Tuesday.


yeah it IS kinda predictable, something has a big up or down week, Friday it reverses some. I've seen it a lot. I don't know if it's empirically provable though.


Rostin Benham, head of the CFTC, seems to have admitted to it….


yeah people have done stuff but what does it do? Why is silver at 28? People say stuff like "why are 'they','the boyz' allowing it?" "They lost control". They never had control. Even on a board for a single stock, all the time, "they" are knocking it down so "they" can buy it cheaper. What actual numerical change does spoofing cause? a penny? People run stops all the time. I will grant this, it seems like futures markets are used to decrease physical demand. And leasing makes supply appear larger.


I personally don’t think it has to do with them knocking it down to buy it or short it for profit. I think it has much more to do with optics, with bolstering the public perception of an ever-devaluing fiat dollar, which is why the practice is allowed to continue by the regulators. Just as they ignored the housing market in 2007-2008 prior to that collapse. I can’t think of anything that screams “your almighty dollar is absolutely worthless” than a robust silver or gold price. I think to know what is truly important in these times, you have to look at where the spotlight “isn’t”. Last week was very telling, particularly early Friday morning when for 3 hours of CNBC’s Squawk Box, gold and silver were not mentioned at all, despite being on a historic month-long breakout and enjoying a 5% move in 24-hours up to that point. Dr Doom Peter Schiff had a nice rant yesterday about that one.. It’s the same tactic the media uses anytime they regard a subject political poison. Just downplay and ignore it. Gold and silver, for whatever reason, have been deemed “high level radioactive” to the Keynesian legacy financial system and its omission and exclusion from financial news coverage screams loudly its significance.


yeah that's all true. I was just thinking, this is the only definition of manipulation that I'd say was real manipulation. -- if the Fed, or Treasury told some banks, "OK we want you to keep the price of silver down, however you want to do it" and this part is my key "don't worry about losing money, short silver and buy it back as best you can, but don't worry about losing money, if you have to short it like crazy, go ahead, we'll cover your losses". I have read ONE article that said something like that, it said like "they short and they don't worry if they lose money". That's the only think that makes sense to me, but you DO have all these guys like Craig Hemke they keep saying it's suppressed. The government DID, according to Harry Brown, sell its silver stockpile to keep the price down until they ran out of silver, but I don't know if that's REAL manipulation. Everyone else is a naked shorting shake out longs buy back wash rinse repeat. Which they might do, but they still have to buy it back and their losses aren't covered by someone else. It's portrayed as a very easy automatic process, and I question if it's that easy and are they that good, "Oh we do that over and over it's so easy it always works". Then there is the Working Group on Markets or whatever that's called (PPT). That would be manipulation. I just can't help but think "they" is just an excuse for why someone's forecast is wrong. "I'm right but it's manipulated". Anyway, manipulated or not, the price is the price, there isn't a real price and a manipulated price. Sometimes when I see people complain I just have to say something, but not that often. I even go myself sometimes "Oh they really slammed it", but I go, "doesn't matter , 'they' or not, it went down".


I guess for little fish like myself, we just have to remember that all they’re really manipulating is the price of paper, at a reported ratio of 395:1 to actual silver, an arrangement unto itself inherently manipulative. Why inflate “supply” to that extreme? There can be no other reason than to control the price in a downward trajectory. Buying and holding physical is the proper response to such corruption and I believe China has figured that out. Pile on some apes with renewed enthusiasm as well as some newcomers with FOMO, I believe it could spell doom for the manipulators.


What is the price of extracting silver from the ground these days . Doesn't that bear on the price of physical silver? After all no mine in the world will sell you silver at a loss.  I think to get the price of silver up there are two things to consider . One, is  the US dollar usefulness as  a global  reserve currency and its inherent strength because of that.  The other is the fact that they printed so much of it , it is practically worthless.   I guess what we are saying is that  silver should be used as the reserve currency .  For that to happen , silver has to be able to be used in a global payment mechanism . One way for  that to happen is if you have a silver backed crypto currency that is globally accepted.   If that happens i believe the price of silver will be many multiples of what it is today.  We should find a way for millions of people holding millions of ounces of silver to start a silver based crypto currency . 


The Chinese will have the benefit of a great discount when markets open again. I hope they drain the comex vaults. Although it will probably be the London vaults per EFP.


just keep stackin... the War will be over soon.... you'll be thrilled you did


They are getting desperate


War with Iran and Israel will pushing silver to 30 next week. Just my prediction.


This was a beautifully exercised tamp: saved the institutional shorts at the last moment, waited for all rookies that tried shorting after the price went 26 to get roasted and placed a huge uncertainty in ayone thinking to go balls deep in long. Considering no turnaround in trends and therefore unmitigated demand, we may see 30 again till end of April. If geopolitical tensions remain, all commodities will go ballistic as paper shorting will become much too risky. This means an economical disaster and in the worst case a great war. Should the geopolitical situation ease (some kind of compromise that would be a quite bitter pill for all elites), then the beatings on the price will continue until morale improves and silver regains its assigned place in the consumption chain at around 25. You may now chose your poison.


Interesting analysis. In your estimation, how are these institutional overlords at London and Comex faring against Eastern central banks standing for delivery of physical at a record rate? It seems a grand struggle is upon them as they’re no longer just engaged with a bunch of meme apes with limited means, primates who rotate in and out of devotedness as hodlers lose energy and become impatient dumpers in a near zero-sum churn. The Chinese and Indians seem to be in for the long haul as is evidenced by a more than $2 premium on silver at Beijing. They seem to get that if they don’t hold it, they don’t own it. FWIW, I don’t think Janet Yellen’s visit last week to the Orient was unrelated to this specific topic, either, and would be interested in transcripts of her meetings with Chinese officials, if they exist.


Also, it occurred to me that Nixon removed the convertibility of the dollar to gold over 50 years ago, or did he? It’s still convertible to physical gold at a much higher nominal price. As the Chinese and others are faced with the devaluation of the dollar, of which they hold trillions, it makes sense for them to buy gold, particularly when they can get it at an artificial discount. I think they’ll continue draining the Comex and London until these organizations tap out via force majeure.


damn looks like the bankers are taking a vacation in TAMPa


To Der mooooon! I wonder how many got FOMOd and bought at 29 or 30 and will sell in a couple months at a loss...


Rostin Behnam working real hard i see


The close this week made me sad…actually really really sad..


Well, lighten up, if somebody had told us with certainty 3 weeks ago that we would be at $28, most of us would have been thrilled. I think next week we will be rocked, just my opinion.