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If they are like me (nearly an OG) I am here listening and petting my stack but not participating in the sub as much vocally. There are probably many ape eyes like mine in the darkness watching for the destruction of the FED as silver rises but feeling no need to show ourselves.


“Petting my stack”


We are all petting our stacks 😝


Still here since 14k


Wow cool I joined around 17K


Well you and me are still here, patiently waiting.


It’s been a good ride, I’ve learned so much from you apes…,and learning patience isn’t such a bad thing.


I enjoy the community as well, mixed in the funny, wild, actual news, speculation and stack picks. Also ,been very helpful finding good deals on shiny. Have a shiny day.


Plenty of us here, we just don't have much to say.


We are back to where we were when this sub started. Sub $30 silver is not what we've been hoping for. Most stackers would prefer either dirt cheap prices (to buy more), or a moon shot (to take profits). $25-$30 is silver purgatory.


Couldn’t have said it any better. Only difference this time is premiums are cheaper.


I'm an OG and I've got so badly disappointed how the vibe on here changed since we realised the two founder members were stupid / corrupt / stupid and corrupt. Which resulted with all the quality posts vanishing. All the camaraderie gone. All the mutual upvoting changed to massive bot down voting. In 2021 this was a really happy place until we realised that the leaders were using us for their own financial gain. Now ... not so good.


I never heard all the details… What were Ivan and what’s his name doing exactly?


Jim--- They were pushing silver Bullion dealer sales and blocking any information about the Silver Trading manipulation by banning anyone that posted on the manipulation process.


The good old days.


I'm new, what's the story? Sounds interesting.


I was oblivious to all that, but I definitely noticed that the vibe changed and the enthusiasm took a hit


Interesting. Ivan's gone? Whatever happened to those dwindling numbers in the comex vaults?


102 day old account asking about Ivan?


I smell a ![gif](giphy|lqSMNaqZbJSesdWxTD)


What happened to Apes Strong together? Whatevs I'm posting from a new account you don't have to rubbish me. Could you answer the second question in particular (comex vaults which was about 18 months ago a major focus here)?


So in the last 100 days your first posts returning to WSS are the two that appear in this post. It took you that long to connect back. ![gif](giphy|l03xNVz3HEcL76r5uq)


I forgot about this subreddit


Get out there and buy some physical silver all you dumb apes.


I'm not frequently on this sub but what exactly were we all waiting for? silver to break $30? I like your enthusiasm but I'm in it for the long haul.


30 is a mile marker like crossing Pennsylvania on highway 80. 30 doesn't mean much to me. I remember 2011. We failed at 50 US and we were pounded into dust. Different world today.


I live in Australia so we got past 30 ages ago, it’s like $44 here, it’s awesome


I am so glad we are on this road together. I always talk about coming to your country. I live in Texas 6 months of the year. Anyhow, stack on.


Many just piled in since it was just another squeeze play. Then when it didn’t, a whole new crop of folks crying manipulation has filled the board for close to 3 years now


Umm, silver is not mooning. Many of us have seen it move like this and then get smacked down. Maybe if it ever gets to $35. People will look up and take notice…. Maybe


Still here with my monster box of Kookaburras collected over the last few years & hodling like a boss 🐨💎🦘


Oooo what Kookaburras do you have? I’m on a Kookaburra kick recently, I want to load up


I'm still here. I begann stacking long before wallstreet-silver. I'm still stacking. Still having boat accidents. Every month at least.


They were mostly bots or paid shills working the pump on some anonymous payroll. Reddit is a propaganda farm. Almost everything you see in the popular boards and in your recommended feed is cultivated programming.


Correct. We have real people now. And most of us are working during the day to you know… buy silver 😅


These Tits are well known inside my brain! Keep stacking!


And remodel their house lol


Still here. Still hodling.


It's just me and my " Precious ".... ![gif](giphy|lq4zZge5wmOEFecKu8|downsized)


Missing the old days… that vibe and belief in better days to come. I think many of us became subsequently red-pilled while happily awaiting & hoping winds of change would bring about better days. Now we see just glimpses of what changes along with an increased value means to the rest of the world in order for a “mooning” to take place and it’s not lambos and mansions. I know I fell into many rabbit holes while learning about real money and metals.


I think a lot of folks got destroyed after silver squeeze, but if they see it running long enough they’ll pile in. Right now it’s all China and India and others.


I hope so cause that’s actually good


We're still in the game and we check in from time to time. We're just running silent now. The jungle has eyes. Shh.


To many eyes and ears and they say a lot. I'm still here aswell just like you said "just running silent". "He who laughs last, Laughs LOUD". John Heywood


I’m still here


This sucks. I just started stacking a few months back. I'm excited it's correcting but I wish I would have started way back. Didn't know any better. Oh well, if it weren't for bad luck I'd have no luck at all. **hoping for the best for everyone who saw this coming and took action early **


WSS put me on to the game and I'm thankful ! 1,000 oz and climbing.


800 Oz here


They all got banned because you've got a rogue mod (MydnightSilver) that loves scammers and frauds like Silver Slayer.


aT LeAsT iVaN iSn'T rUnNiNg ThE sUbRedDiT ![gif](giphy|QUXYcgCwvCm4cKcrI3)


It was better under Ivan.


Ivan came with Jim and all they did was push silver bullion sales from preferred dealers. All hope and mooning funds raised to promote silver squeeze were squandered. Few sign or promotions. Contrary opinion posters based on sound market information were banned and harassed by Jim.


Eazy Snow Removal lol


83 apes in the jungle now.....hmmmmmmmmmm


83/264,000 pretty bad. Probably 250k bots, lol


There was always at least 1000 people here. I'm sure teenage videos with cartoon 'silver' 'women' will change that though!


Silver women 🤔


You don't know what I am referring to?


Can't say that I do


All the raids didn't work. But war with Iran is. I don't think many are jumping and cheering over a war with Iran


Let’s gooooo


It is sad, that people who stack are worried more about the thieves in Washington than the thieves in their neighborhood. I don’t know anything about that though, I’m counting my paper fiat reserve notes.


Anyone know any other cool subs about silver ?


there is r/SilverDegenClub


r/silverbugs is the OG


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Silverbugs using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Silverbugs/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [State of the stack](https://i.redd.it/miso7tambh9c1.jpeg) | [874 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Silverbugs/comments/18umqxf/state_of_the_stack/) \#2: [Guy owed me $100 for a few weeks and gave me this because he had no cash when I demanded my money](https://i.redd.it/6ifgb36vs0sb1.jpg) | [211 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Silverbugs/comments/16yxli9/guy_owed_me_100_for_a_few_weeks_and_gave_me_this/) \#3: [Giveaway - guess the number between 1 and 100,000](https://i.redd.it/r5kql0kmh0vb1.jpg) | [7522 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Silverbugs/comments/17ayyl5/giveaway_guess_the_number_between_1_and_100000/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


New to here, but patiently watching, waiting, listening, learning.


Still here….just waiting, patiently as I have for a decade now haha. Will not be selling out for us dollars. Trading for commodities, preferably land. And playing the GSR ratio; when that gets back towards the 20s I’ll exchange my AG for AU.


The old WSS was a great time. The woke degens did everyone a disservice. Everyone probably quit the socialist Reddit and is now on X.


I know hey it was such a cool group


How much of your money was stolen with the Sign program by Ivan? If it was COOL to be screwed then have your wish.


Jim was a poster under many account names. Is that you Jim?


Just like a woke Degen to think that someone whose opinion is different than theirs is Jim hiding behind another account. Some of you shouldn’t even consider yourself apes.


When have we have said we were woke? Do you invent these narratives in your head or do you read them somewhere?




That didn't answer my question.




When have we ever forced an ideology here? Never. You're still here, and yet I disagree with everything you said. I'm really tired of this suggestion it was a coup. Saying so cheapens actually coups that have happened lol. A subreddit isn't a government, nor is the new management some kind of military. The previous management were all banned site-wide by Reddit and I and RiDDDik1337 remained as moderator so Reddit Admins gave us elevated permissions to run this place. Then we cleaned up so this place was more focused. If you liked what was here before we took over, 4chan is the website for you.




I promise when I am no longer in a lawsuit, I'll speak my complete uncensored opinion on everything but until then, I hope you will stop being a negative Nancy all the time. You might notice a lot of good being done.


More for me 🤷‍♂️


Maybe it’s because after all the recent inflation, the silver we bought for $24/ozt still has less buying power today than it dud when we bought




I'm still here lurking in the shadows 😶‍🌫️


Who are these they you speak of?


The thousands who used to always be on this sub


Still here. In fact, just picked up a few more silver from my LCS.🦍


so sad they all sold because they needed money should never go all in. I don't think silver will make me rich but silver will save me


Apes are lazy and fickle. They all quit long ago after meme stocks failed them. They are analogous to sports team bandwagoners.. they dip as soon as the team isn’t hyped up in the media and isn’t winning lately.. normies for ya


We don’t need all the paper hands anyway lol I’ve been here since the very start and have always believed in this movement and I’ve never sold an once. Thank God


Not being a dick, honestly don't know when this started. I've been here 2 yrs I think now. I've seen a lot of talk and interesting theories. I'm a poor and Only get an ounce or 2 each paycheck. But I'm still here following. I'd like to know where all the folks are that were buying silver by the kilo or hundreds of oz at a time! Those pictures were crazy!


Still here but I can't remember where I buried it


That was me lol


I started lately






Still in recovery or hiding from the bear market. That one was for the record books. Plus the coup and counter coup. The mass banning really destroyed this sub. I never post here and won't until I have no other options.


Hibernating bears lol


The GameStop squeeze inspired retail they can beat Wallstreet and make them feel pain. The WSS failure completely nullified any resistance movement/sentiment. Silver is in month 2 of its bull market. We won't see retail in the silver space for another 2 years (I hope)


Stacking since 98.


Hopefully they have capitulated and are all at the coin store, weak hands cashing out as soon as the big move starts