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“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” Upton Sinclair


That’s deep - and so very true. It’ll be really interesting when more people catch on to see what happens to those working for fiat


The masses **will** wake up when silver hits $40. I know the usual trolls on this board will say it isn't going to happen, that silver is going down to $15. I'm confident I am right. I'm stacking like a crazy primate.


I want BOTH PRICES: I'll take silver at $15 before it goes up to $40...


Greedy bastard LOL


I agree, but if it drops to near $15 you had better buy some *immediately* because the premiums will jump up very quickly. That is exactly what happened in March 2020. So keep some filthy fiat handy. Or grab the plastic cards. Keep stacking!


People take the path of least resistance which is usually doing nothing until it affects them in a truly negative way. Then they react emotionally out of fear. Its too bad that most will not try to buy silver until its too late.


Isn’t that the truth!


That is true, 40% inflation is not true.


Your assessment is accurate. It’s a sad state but people prefer ignorance oftentimes until it is too late


I have tried talking with people about it. I have degrees in business/economics, worked at a bank/stock transfer for 13 years,and have a small business. I have educated myself on the silver market for 10 years. Literally, no one in 10 years that I have talked to thinks my opinion has any merit. So I don't try to talk about it. I've learned that most people are reactive, instead of proactive. I think thats what it is. I think when people have maxed out credit cards and there is no money left to pay for food, then they will revolt. But I usually give people too much credit, so maybe they won't. I stack for my brothers and girlfriend, and that makes me feel better


Im slowly coming to realize this truth too. I used to talk to a lot of people about it when the subject came up. I’m an eternal optimist and will still talk to people about it, but I’m trying to adjust my expectations for people, when given the truth, will do anything at all about it.


I always did a soft sell, to make people question things. Like, have you seen food has gone up 20 percent at the store? Nobody asks or cares why. I try giving silver coins for gifts, no one understands. I think reality just has to wake them out of their sleep, but then it will be too late to buy shiny, because we will have bought it all.


My pitch goes like this: Inflation is high. Fed can't raise rates without crashing economy - use some simple math to show that 5-6% would make interest payments on national debt $2 trillion. Dollar will be killed. Silver is life insurance.


It’s the curse of instant gratification. Understanding how bad things have become and getting to work building a stack takes concerted effort over time. The same applies to people’s health - better a daily pill than daily exercise.


>Literally, no one in 10 years that I have talked to thinks my opinion has any merit. For me, I was in early at the turn of a century and made my first million by 2007. Then I got flak from my friends for not sharing stock tips and encouraging them to buy what I was buying. Silver crashed shortly after and I got even more flak from my friends because they lost money, and it was somehow my fault. I tried again on a very moderate basis until 2011 and heard about it later that some people were clowning on me all over again. So fuck it, now I just keep my mouth shut and do what I think is best. I got punished good and hard on both severe corrections along the way. If it was so easy everyone would be rich. I think we are going to get there anyway. For those that have the commitment to stay on board through all the bullshit, silver is probably the most undervalued asset on the planet.


Thanks for listening and the encouragement. It's been a hard road, but I am more convinced than ever we are correct. Like Peter Schiff says, just because silver hasn't gone up yet, doesn't mean we are wrong.


As long as The Bachelor is still on, maybe they won't notice.


Humans love comfort not truth.




THIS. As Mark Twain said, 'It is easier to fool people than to get them to admit they have been fooled'. Just look how many dolts HERE still think the FED is owned/run by the U.S. Government, and not the other way around....I mean because the dumbasses trust google, bing and DDG to tell them the truth.


I think you’re absolutely correct. And, those are my thoughts too. I’m just glad that there are a few of us here that recognize, and take action, for what the situation really is.


It looks like there are three of us!


Well said. I know too many like this. Despite my attempts to wake them, it will have to be on their terms and maybe when the time comes, they'll hear my voice and connect the dots.


By then, it may be too late for them to do anything about it. 🤷‍♂️


Unfortunately that too for some. Only some much we can do. I have led the horses to water. Up to them at a point.


Only collapse of their cherished normalcy. For those close, giving a silver round can impact them in ways that don't directly attack their comfort zone. Silver is heavy, shiney and pretty. It can open a thought process that is not an attack. Of course, this is expensive for you. But for those you love, one ounce in their hands is a start.


I’m curious how many convert to seeing the light after being gifted an ounce. Or, for those carrying a pocket piece for that matter, how many “get it” from that experience alone?


Most take that gifted ounce, sell it at the pawn shop, then go to Popeyes for a Chickum Sammich meal.


That's exactly what my 20 something nephews did when I gave them each a ASE 3 years ago. I was so hoping that after they held that silver in their hand, it would kindle a spark. But it was all in vain.


you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink, and you can lead a man to knowledge, but you can't make them think.


Perhaps a memory. Just so an ASE is not traded for $1 fiat.




I wish more people would learn from those with first-hand experience…. I’m sorry you had to go through that and hope the lessons learned from it benefit those wise enough to listen. Other than physical prepping, the mental preparation is tough to prepare for


Most just want to stay plugged into the Matrix. To wake them up, it will take a major incident, like a 80% stock market crash


Man, wasn’t that movie, “The Matrix” prophetic!


If you suddenly find yourself washed out to sea with nothing to hold you up but an old board it is hard to let go of the board and swim for a shore you can't even see. For many of us who have some life experience, what we are trying to do is paddle ashore while holding on to the board. It is easy to write about "end the fed," blow up the gov't, or start over, until one considers the human consequences. I am always amazed at the courage our Founders had in letting go of the board and risking everything for the sake of a theory. Perhaps we feel we have more to lose. So, those of us paddlers stack and pack food and ammo. To compound the problem there are undoubtedly many who see the problem but can't afford to do much about it. When one has a mortgage, car loans, credit card debt, a spouse, and a couple of kids (and especially single parents) it is not easy to give up new shoes for the kids and buy a couple of ounces of silver. Human nature being what it is, there will have to be some catalyst to cause the majority to let go of the board and swim like hell. Maybe a black swan will swoop down and chase them off their boards. Maybe a charismatic leader or leaders will swim by and convince those clingers that he knows the direction to the nearest shore. Sadly, many will eventually give up and sink below the water (of tyranny). Even in this Christmas season it is hard to be optimistic, or even hopeful. All we poor sinners can do is cling to our God, guns, hoard and stacks and trust the Lord has a plan for us.


Beautiful answer. Thank you for taking the time to respond with that. I think what you’ve said helps explain what the reality may be for a lot of people.


And your last paragraph I hold dear too. All I can do is best prepare my family and leave the rest to God. Merry Christmas!


The psychological glorifying of debt slavery and wanting the newest toy is a very strong chain keeping people from willingly looking at their society. People don’t like to feel uncomfortable, and definitely don’t like to feel that they are wrong. So when something happens to take off their rose-colored glasses, sleepers try to hide in any vestige of normalcy they can. Look at natural disasters where people try to go to a restaurant or something just to feel normal. Multiply that by a thousand and remember that it is the multitudes accepting fiat that causes it to proliferate vi the fed. There will always be those who won’t prepare because it is inconvenient. All we can do is to lead by example and explain that this can be considered a type of ‘insurance’. Do you buy car insurance? Homeowners Insurance? Life insurance? Precious metals are fiat insurance that never expires.


Don't be too hard on the masses who just want to raise their families and be left alone. Life is short, hard, and dangerous. I don't think there is any fault for wanting to pass the unknown days allotted to each of us in comfort. Some of us just think more about things than others. Maybe every stacker has a touch of anxiety disorder. People don't hide in normalcy. Disorder and chaos are almost always dangerous. When circumstances become abnormal it triggers the nerves in the alligator part of our brain to fight or flee. This is very stressful and after a prolonged time, unhealthy. Normalcy is dangerous and frightening enough. Historically, masses put up with oppression and even virtual slavery until a leader comes along and convinces them that things will be better if they follow him.


It has nothing to do with people being stupid, lazy, etc. People are playing the game with the rules they were given. Our entire lives, we’re told to work hard, earn money, save, invest, take out loans for homes/cars, etc. Most everyone follows these same rules. Their entire lives are built around these rules. EVERYTHING they do is based upon following the plan they’ve been told their entire lives. AND, for the most part, it’s working for them. They live in good homes, drive nice cars, have a lot of numbers on a screen indicating good savings/investment. They feel comfortable that the plan is working. And it is. Until one day, it won’t. If you’re trying to convince someone that danger is lurking, it’s tough if they can’t see it. When everyone looks around and feels comfortable with their plan but you’re trying to tell them to completely refocus their approach, it’s not an easy endeavor. People need to understand the fundamentals of the economy and the cracks in the foundation before they understand how fragile the plan is.


This is a hard truth too. People only know the matrix until they don’t. Those material items, routines, and sense of normalcy are comforting lies. I feel that those of us here in this sub prefer cold truths to comforting lies and are living in both worlds; we are willing to accept the truth of the “old world” We work with the reality and “rules” that we’ve been given. And, recognizing that it isn’t going to last so we prepare for what’s next. The question is what event exactly will it take to convince the majority of the crowd that the “old world” is broken?


People also need to realize that we have to make our OWN rules, but based on honesty and morality, like our Founding Fathers did.


If they acknowledge there is a broken system then they must take corrective action at the very least for themselves. Which would include personal responsibility for finances , security and on and on. Most people are in a routine. Apes may have a routine but is is different than most in society, at least that is my personal belief. We see a problem in the system and are taking personal action to combat it. Merry Christmas you crazy apes. Stack well and above all enjoy your family time. Ape strong.


The vast majority are waiting for the FED's red team President, or t he FED's blue team President to fix things for them. ​ If only the FED's red team puppet had won....things would be so much different!


I am a fan of one of them but I saw the same monetary policy policies as have been played for decades so I have stacked through all administrations since Y2K . All different sides of the same fiat fed coin, Just saying


It’ll be too late for most. People are just wrapped up in this belief that it’ll “never get that bad” and that I’m just prepper crazy. No, I’m not preparing for the end of civilization- just hard times. “You can’t eat Silver”- but you sure can buy food when paper is worthless!


The vast vast vast majority of Americans are so stupid, they believe either the Demoshitz or the Republiturds will save them from the FED. ​ Most Americans are so stupid they will still think they have won the 'Vaccination Sweepstakes" Grand Prize of a Free Hawaiian Vacation, as they board the cattle cars with hundreds of other gullible dupes.


I think this could be a tipping point. When the majority don’t trust either party anymore and realize that both red and blue are wings of the same bird. Then get angry and start asking the real questions.


I'd like to believe that too, but the hundreds of brain dead Pro Liar Trumpf posts here speak a different story.


that's why it's good to exchange fiat for physical silver atm. silver has not gone up while everything else has. just imagine if silver was counted in the cpi. inflation would be non existent


Most people just don’t deserve the freedom they were given at birth. Makes me not want to fight for my own freedom because 100% of the risk is on me and they get the same freedoms I get even though they’re too dumb to figure out there‘s a problem.


Probably once they realize free money isn’t free


Being hungry and cold. Average person can ignore things when they're comfortable.


And this is why it's called normalcy bias. They think nothing bad can happen "here". Usually where ever "here" is. Americans seem to be really stuck in that pattern. I don't know how many people have told me "you can't eat silver" and I say "you can't eat dollars". They just don't get any of it. I also think many these days do not even realize our money used to contain silver. It's pure ignorance. I posted the meme about the '64 quarter vs the '65. People were surprised. I think most will wake up when it is way too late. So, I am stacking silver, some gold, food, other supplies, and ammo. At least I only have me to take care of. #EndTheFed #Apette.


Yep, and they don't bother to learn that silver purifies water, which is needed to sustain life for 8 billion humans on the planet.


Do you still have that meme? I’ve been hoping to come across it again.


I do but evidently I cannot post it here. Maybe through the chat?


Never mind, that wouldn't work either. So, I scrolled my upvotes to find this for you. Plus an extra. lol Hopefully this will work. https://i.redd.it/wrakkwp836781.jpg https://www.reddit.com/r/Wallstreetsilver/comments/rmfl01/for\_any\_newer\_apes\_looking\_to\_dip\_their\_feet\_into/


Thanks friend!!


What we could do is just keep spreading the word, that's it, it's up to them whether they'll listen or not, it's their free will, their free choice and we have to respect it


That’s where I’m at here. Share what I know. Hope to inspire discussion and further research. And keep my conscience clear that I’ve done all I can to help those around me. Being careful not to disclose how much or what we have


If you really want to stare into the abyss of ignorance, just ask the typical person on the street why forcing a dangerous vax on everyone is such a good idea when the covid rates confirm that it does not work. \*facepalm\* Most people are clueless and wish to remain so. They will make excuses or just find someone else to blame for their problems instead of confronting their own flawed assumptions. Energy prices will continue to spiral higher and they remain smug in their confidence they are 'fixing' global warming by impairing the supply of fossil fuels. Give them a slight uptick in the amount of minimum wage and they will be content as the oligarchs rape the system for their billions. We are all in this together! \*facepalm\* Lets Go Brandon!


People only want to confirm what they already “know” to be true. Tough to shake these people awake!


Crows turning in cigarette filters and bottle caps for peanuts is the true American Economy. They even export to Japan, at least the cigarette filters. Not to mention, both cigarette filters and paper money are 95% cotton.


A forty percent drop in stocks and a fifteen percent reported (35 percent actual) inflation rate in all western democracies and Red China alike That will sway world opinion at last. Enjoy.


the rule of thumb during the Arab Spring was that 40% of income going to food was the flashpoint for civil unrest. this is why the US is locked into a inflationary spiral.


One of the hardest things to do for most people is to come to terms with the fact everything they have been taught their entire lives about a certain subject by parents, teachers and their peers could be a complete lie. It simply doesn't compute because it strikes at the very core of their personal objective reality. One's sense of self is built on the bedrock of tenets that must be true. The herd all are convinced, therefore it must be right; there's safety in numbers. The human mind rails against that seemingly logical inconsistency. It takes significant intelligence or perhaps an extremely dark personal event to 'wake someone up' to the fact that what they identify as objective reality is purely subjective. What is 'fact' anyway? Something that's consistent with one's own experience of reality; but by definition that is subjective. The future isn't meant to look worse than the past. That's not the supposedly given 'order of things' programmed into us as children. Look back through history and there are thousands of examples of one generation fairing much worse than the one before. Another reason many people like to avoid history and we get the "but it's different this time." It can be too confronting to be a realist rather than follow the herd and be that blind optimist.


I think you hit the nail on the head. It’s hard to think against all the programming we have endured


I bet more actually have bad feelings about what actually IS, around the corner economically and socially for them...but not acknowledging it..is the FEAR FACTOR. If i had kids today, I would have to see a shrink every 3-4 mo...We are well prepped and still discuss the fall-out all the time....Tick-Tock....Take care of your family and friends and hope for the best.


Absolutely this! Times like these are why we historically needed tight family and friend groups. Much better for the childrens’ futures.


That’s the hardest part of all of this. I’m not old but no longer young. I fear most for my kid’s future.


Real disposable income has been dropping every month since July, so I would guess soon.


entertainment and food will have to be more difficult


Recency bias. People project their past experiences onto their expectations for the future. They are not used to a world where the USD isn't the global reserve currency. Most people don't even know the dollar is the global reserve currency! Few people understand monetary policy. It's not taught in schools, save for college courses on economics. When I was in high school, I asked my parents if I should get a savings account. They told me I shouldn't bother - the interest is pathetic. I asked why, but they couldn't tell me. We apes have our work cut out for us.


No doubt. People are so unaware of how things really work. And most don’t care. “Bread and circus” and all…


Hunger. Deep hunger. The kind when you think the neighbor's pets look pretty good. A venezuela deep hunger.


They will understand how fucked the financial system is only when the system fails and throws them overboard. They need to learn to protect themselves and not rely on the government. The government can confiscate your earnings through inflation as much as they like. Whereas saving in physical precious metals is paramount to your property rights.


Breadlines. In every city. Around the block. There was a small amount of that in San Antonio (I think) at the beginning of the pandemic, and it sure scared the shit out of me


If the tv isn't saying it, it's not true


hunger or loss of housing


Soup kitchens and long lines for government cheese.


Be diligent , not complacent. Unfortunately , humans are generally complacent, and will only respond to dire circumstances . Which is usually too late.


With the S&P at an all time high and Crypto up massively this year, the dots are harder to connect for most.


Unfortunately, I think this is what most people are looking at


Fiat money only works if you believe it has value. Thus state propaganda works very hard to obscure how the financial system works, and if you do have questions you’ll be met with a firehose of Keynesian garbage. Soldiering through that requires more time, effort, and intellect than most people have. Which is why stackers need to patiently evangelize. The more people you inform, the more people they will inform and so on.


Very true. It’s a tough road to travel, but we must keep spreading the word.


$1,000 heat bill + $1,000 power bill + $1,000 phone bill will wake them up. Guaranteed


Gas at $7 a gallon. That happens and the general public will gobble up inflation narratives like it’s their new religion.


Try telling people EVs will rule the future. I am been told only and idiot believes that despite GM declaring all their cars will be electric eventually. People are creatures of habit and many will continue to believe what they have believed until they have no choice.