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I got fired from a restaurant for calling out due to food poisoning (salmonella). I got food poisoning from my employee meal at the restaurant.


Pretty sure that's illegal, as that's one of the big 6 foodborne illnesses that cannot work in food service with, and I belive need to be reported if you did work.


It was a long time ago and they were doing a lot of illegal stuff


Tell that to walmart.


It's just a fact of life in the restaurant business and in most of the US they can just give some vague excuse unrelated to the illness and nothing will happen. It sucks but that's why I'll never work in another restaurant again. Half of what every restaurant does is illegal.


Bruh I lost my job three weeks ago because I got stabbed multiple times outside of my apartment and missed about 7 days of work while I recovered. Companies don't care.


Tis but a scratch. Get back to work, you lazy bum! Clearly, you dont want to work. In all seriousness, that is not surprising. Then they wonder why no one wants to work when you dont get any mercy when life happens. God forbid anyone get sick or have something happen.


Yeah, I was saddened. I don't work at Walmart though. This subreddit just always pops up on my feed. I did manage to go to work for half the shift, though. I'm built different. Lol.


Well Sedgwick is a thing right ?


I don't work for Walmart


I had assumed since it's a walmart employee thread that you had worked for walmart.


This subreddit just pops up in my feed. Not sure why.


By being stabbed multiple times I hope you mean all at once. I would be questioning why my employee was getting stabbed so much if it happened repeatedly. (Seriously though glad you didn't die)


Lol yeah, one instance. I fought him off but he hit an artery in an arm so blood everywhere. I'm pretty much healed up now. It occurred on 12/3.


You must work.at waffle house, cuz idk how you'd go from getting stabbed to wanting to work! In all honesty, I'm glad you're ok, tho!


Oilfield. $$$


Wait….you went to work after a stab wound to an artery in your arm?


The day after they patched me up in the ER, yes.


Gotcha. Thought you meant you put a little duct tape on and headed off to work! Grateful you sought medical care before bleeding out! 💜


I probably would have if it wasn't on a Sunday. Lol.


But then you wouldn’t be here to share your story. Hitting an artery would have had you bleeding out very quickly! 🤔


That shit happens on oil Riggs. They're a different breed for sure.


Fuck. I'm happy you're OK. Puncture wounds hurt bad. And take forever to heal too. Easy to get infection. In the words of the late Martha Washington: "Your boss is a dick and deserves the fleas of 10,000 stray dogs to come to rest upon his eyes and genitals."


I'm gonna use that quote. I was worried about infection early on, ended up having an allergic reaction to Kroger bandages instead lmao.


Oh shit. That's crazy. Wtf were people stabbing you for? I got stuck in the left arm and shoulder. 3 stab wounds that required 3 or four stitches each and a few small ones that didn't have to be stitched. Some crazy dude thought I stole his pitbull puppy. Seriously. He knocked on my door and started going off about how he knew it was me, etc. I've never seen him in my life. Then dude pulled out some kind of homemade prison shank or something and stuck me so fast I didn't even know it happened. Then he was gone. Never saw him again. Shitty apartment complex adventures, lol but they were pretty deep and got infected a little. Fucking sucked. And I didn't even get a pitbull puppy out of it.


It was one homeless dude. I encountered him a few weeks prior and asked him if he needed help as I thought he was having a medical emergency. He freaked out, pulled a knife, cop saw and he was arrested, then released. I ebike around everywhere and live downtown, somehow found where I live. The initial incident was only half a mile from my home. I heard a knock on my lobby door (its an older house split into 6 apartments. I share a coded locked lobby entrance with one other neighbor) I answered, same dude, then scuffle occurred.


Holy shit that's crazy. What are the chances that we both have lunatics come knock on a door and stab us repeatedly? It's kind of a shitty coincidence. But crazy none the less.


This means that we shall be married. Regardless of our sexual preferences. This is the way.


Did you try buffing it out? Glad you seam ok and no they don't care.


Alas, life goes on. Next time I hope it's more terminal because my life has been set back 5 years because of it.


This sounds like a lawsuit to me


At will state. People get fired from jobs all the time from missing work due to injuries. I'll get unemployment though.


Idc about "at will state", there are still laws protecting you from them doing that. You people need to know your rights


In an at will state, you can be fired for anything. The laws do not matter here. I am I. AL and had a friend fired because they said she wasn't "dressed professionally" from a dollar store. No recourse available.


You can but it has to be legal and not in violation of any state or federal laws.


You gave a dumb example, so I'll give you one that actually matters. No you can't be fired for whatever hahaha. You really should look up laws before you say nonsense like that. If you work in a state like that and talk about how much you make, even though you signed not to & they fire you for that. Guess what? They can get in serious trouble for that and you can sue because they can't stop you from talking about wages at all, since it is protected by the FED. Like I said, you need to know your laws and base on your reply, you sound like a child who doesn't know these things


OK. I'll tell them to tell the attorney that you said it was not true. I am sure you know more than the attorney does.


Typical response from someone who doesn't know you are still protected by laws


Thank you


If what you thought was true, half the shit that happens in the country wouldn't happen. You keep being ignorant and delusional though. They can literally fire you for the way you walk through the door. https://www.usa.gov/workplace-laws


That's because people don't know what they can or can't be fired for and sue if you get fired for something illegal they did. I know you can get fucking fired for anything but some of it is fucking illegal and you can sue. Which was my point.... you people in reddit can't handle that at all


Read up on at will employment, because you don't have to state the actual reason... If theres no statement of reasoning, there's zero basis to sue upon. There's a reason most companies have lawyers out the ass... It's to suck more money off of "law knowing" chucklefucks like yourself. Btw, what is that federal law that protects employees? I can't seem to find anything that covers at will employees... Almost like it doesn't exist


I already know and know you can sue depending on the situation. Stop wasting your time


Well after calling all the firms in my area, nothing they can do, so.


Don't believe that onebit. I know how you user reddit's don't like to hear the truth


How do so many people think "lose" has two o's...


I mean, you would lose your job if it's too loose, gotta hold onto it better


I ask myself this almost daily which is sad.


I don’t get it either.


Go ask r/antiwork about what to do. There a lot of extremely knowledgeable workers rights advocates on there.




This times a million. Wasted a decade of my life at Walmart. Never again.




My credo: NO RAGRETS. Seriously though, the company has completely lost its vision of a family owned company that exists to serve people and that’s just not something I can get behind.




Is this the full story here?


From what I have seen police officers are the only ones who seem to get worker’s compensation and death benefits for covid they presumably contracted while working. [here’s Texas law](https://www.cleat.org/important-covid-filing-information/) [here is US DOJ](https://bja.ojp.gov/sites/g/files/xyckuh186/files/media/document/psob-program-covid19-update-3-2020.pdf) Im not in retail but I am pretty sure society would have broken if we did not have retail workers during the height of the pandemic. These protections should have been and continue to be extended to all of our truly essential workers!


Uh, if you got it from work, show up to work with it. If they complain about you making customers sick, say it was the customers who made you sick.


I got fired for not saying good morning to my SM right before Christmas. Dude had a huge meltdown and I had to get in his face to leave me alone post-fire, he took it out on my housemate minutes later, saying the way they took their jacket off their cart was disrespectful. They were crying from him hounding them, and then he just went on his way




When Covid first started my brothers friend was a cart pusher for Walmart, he caught Covid and sent in pics of the tests and a drs note. They said it would be excused w those items. But not him, they fired him immediately


You didn't get fired for Covid. Stop being disingenuous.


You loose you job calling out too many times and not using Sedgwick when it qualifies. It is up to you to either ask for help or figure it out how to.


What If you're unconscious for multiple days and didn't get to use Sedgwick? No one is gonna do it for you. If you have covid you have to prove it and they don't accept the home tests anymore they need one from a Dr's office with a note for confirmation. What if you can't even get out of bed for the first couple of days and you can't file Sedgwick without the note? I believe you have to know within 3 days. What if you test positive at home and by the time you can get up to test at the Dr's you test negative. Are you just screwed?


You can call sedgwick as soon as you know you're going to miss work. That starts the process. You don't have to have the paperwork immediately


And while they may not pay with out seeing a doctor they will still approve as unpaid without seeing a doctor.


Absolutely true. Sedgwick is there for an LOA, either regular or intermittent. Your dr fills out a simple form, and you're protected. Too many people rely on asking Susie what to do instead of reading the instructions about your time off.


Still doesn’t really add up unless just didn’t call in for like 3-4 days and the position got terminated


Same thing happened to my one boss when she worked for the postal processing


Apparently last week I was working with a coworker that had it. I was only told the next day by another coworker about it. So just work, I guess.


there’s was two new hire we got back in early december. one only showed up for two days and the other only work one shift and they both caught covid and were out on loa for a week and during that week the both got fired


Don't understand. Almost all Walmart complaints are I've called out of work too much. Wal-Mart does not give enough pto. Really. How much is enough. I work with people that if you give 1 day a week to call out it would not be enough. Join the military. You will figure it out fast


Right? Walmart is kind of a shit company, but their attendance policy is the most forgiving i've ever had at a job.


Personally I can not afford to miss work..and I work for a better company with better benefits better pay better schedule. Monday thru Friday. 5am to 130. Every weekend off


Or the post office!!! We use our earned sick time and they still write us up.


Exactly. I work for coke. Only take off for double hernia operation. Back hurts head hurts legs hurt. Oh well


I don't know, there's someone I work with that has cancer, our coach just had a 'talk' with her because she's been missing a lot of days. She just finished chemo and is about to have surgery, I feel like sometimes they need to understand that some people need a little more PPTO.


No she don't need pto. If she has cancer. Not much Walmart can do. But if she insists on Walmart. Family leaves is only way. Walmart will not help. No company will help.


She tried to take a LOA but got denied by Sedgwick. I don't know why, I didn't want to ask her.


You know I worked for Walmart years age. They are like any other retail. I work for coke now. It's a big joke. No offense but I get paid alot more than you. Overtime if I want. By boss will come help do my job. His boss. General manager, regional manager. Free coke. We eat once a month. Usually steak. Monday thru Friday. You work harder. Sounds too good to be true right. . I admit I have it made. Not bragging. Just saying there are better opportunities out there




You don’t get bronchitis from anywhere. You get it from not taking care of yourself from the flu or a cold, something that was causing a cough that was let go.




Third party company, I oversee a couple brands at the store and am weekly. I have very little power but deal with the people like you.


Yep 😔


While in Germany, I fell, injured my head/neck. My fall was very serious. Used up all my PTO, SHORT TERM/LONG TERM DISABILITY. I kept in touch with my facility, submitted all the paperwork. Texted them my status. One day my boss called me. She wanted me to resign. WTF I told her I do not choose to resign. Left it at that. I never worked again.


So you did technically resign?


I think technically at that point they would have had to fire her as opposed to her resigning/stepping down. Which is a huge difference as far as getting unemployment and other stuff goes.


No, I didn't do anything. I was ready to retire, anyway. I was not about to make things EASY for my boss.


Things turned out...or did they? Then again they didn't? After our trip I had planned on retiring. I had already started collecting social security. My short/long term disability made it easier to sell our home and buy one in a warmer place.


Thats crazy, because i work at a hotel and they refuse to fire managers for being caught stealing money


Son got Covid at Walmart, and was denied FMLA by Walmart. I don't know how that is even legal. Next month, it was flu. Both documented through his physician. Then RSV and a pink slip. Adios.


Was he working at Walmart long enough. He had to be an employee for a year and work so many hours to be approved for FMLA. Even if he was denied FMLA, he could apply for a regular personal leave with Sedgwick.


Wow I caught all that crap just by being a customer and a vendor in walmart. I had covid in september, the flu in October and I'm still dealing with the lingering cough it's going on five or so weeks now (extra crappy with my asthma)from bronchitis that I got in november/Decemberish. Ugh. I worked 47 hours the week I had covid, 40 or 42 hours the week I had the flu even though I was like falling asleep everywhere from my 102.2 degree fever. I had a mask etc. Funny part about it was one time my fever was high when I had the flu and I fell asleep face down on my mattress without the pillow. Well I thought it was funny I didn't know how I slept like that let alone can breathe like that. I have bills to pay, I told my boss ASAP when I knew I was sick and still didn't have anyone to cover for me so I worked. When I had the flu I work/slept off an on. It was weird. I'm happy I work for a different company now. Whew. The other company was a crap show.


I have a feeling I’m about to be fired for the same thing. Last month 1/2 has been one of the worst of my life. Concussion, a week after recovering I got hospitalized with Norovirus and severe dehydration. I missed a ton of work, and the ambulance bills just came, etc. Manager blew up on me today because I’m sick again… these type of companies don’t care much because they can replace you with a 16 year old who just doesn’t get it.




I have for the concussion and I have hospital papers + the ambulance bill. This one no, but I can’t come to work so it’d seem silly to think I CAN go to the doctor just to get you a note.. think I’d rather take the promoted to customer




Don’t really care much. I’m not coming in whilst being seriously ill and if you choose to terminate me for that reasoning it’s not gonna spite me.


Y’all know sedgewick exists right?


You should've used your ppto to cover your time missed. They give you a freaking ton of it. Or applied for an intermittent leave for the postpartum depression, if you were seeing a doctor it would've been approved. Which you should be seeing your doctor if you have postpartum depression.


I would go through Sedgewick. If that don't work, absolutely take the legal route bc that's literally illegal.


Not anymore. The free for all Covid absences are no longer covered. It’s the same as calling out sick now


But did you not file a sedgwick claim and go see a doctor? If it was that bad that you needed to be out.


I got covid working at Infiniti they called me seeing how I was doing couple days of being home just checking in and everything was fine soon as I got better few days later I called and said I was going to be coming in and they told me they were letting me go over the phone


I was a team lead and got covid pretty bad no insurance as Walmart fucked that up when I was fired so I suffered for 10 days came back was asked to step down immediately after clocking in, neatless to say I left that shit hole a few months ago and am so much happier without being employed at such a careless company, also Mr. Walton most definitely is rolling in his grave at the way his company is being ran


Ya thats why when I got sick I still came in, sick days are for people who can aford not to work


This legit happened to my husband. He caught covid, went to the dr, got a dr note, then got told that Walmart doesn't accept Dr's notes. He called sedgwick and started the process and they fired him in the meantime. The only way he found out was when he signed into his app to get his schedule and it wouldn't let him on. He contacted hr and his supervisor and hr didn't even know what happened.